Shinobi Legends Forum

Roleplay => Village Square => Topic started by: Dart Terumī on June 02, 2015, 11:32:34 PM

Title: Dāto Terumī vs. Trev
Post by: Dart Terumī on June 02, 2015, 11:32:34 PM
Jinchūriki: Dāto Terumī

Affiliation: Kirigakure

Preferred Method: OOC 1v1; exceptions apply

Preferred Zone: Wetlands

Preferred Judges: Eric, Warren, Kamui, Kage; exceptions apply

Preferred Outlet: SL Forum

Special rules

-The match is to be 1v1.

-Victory for the challenger is the defeat of the host through any means necessary, and vice versa. Death in the fight does NOT equate to death IC.

-Skills acquired during an OOC match are not carried over IC. Similarly, knowledge of participants' abilities do NOT carry over to IC RP.

-If, by some chance, the match should reach a point of true stalemate after a minimum of 30 days then a judge may be called in to determine a winner based on how the fight has progressed up to this point. Both participants must request this of the judge in person (I.E. Both fighters MUST send a PM for this option.] If this is chosen, then the judge may declare a  winner based on these criteria:

     •Who effectively manipulated the flow of the battle the best? The strategy employed (based on the posts) may have been defensive and attrition-based, but was it effective in the long run in wearing down the opponent?

     •What caused the stalemate? The challenger being unable to defeat the challenged, or vice versa? Is it constant cancellation of jutsu and techniques by both sides, or merely one side taking refuge in a relatively inaccessible area (such as pocket dimension) in order to avoid defeat entirely?

     •Who showed the greatest skill in the fight? This is completely and utterly at the discretion of the judge. His(her) decision is final on the matter, regardless of accusations of cheating or bribery or otherwise. This should be kept in mind when deciding on a judge for the fight.

If neither side can be conclusively declared the winner, then the fight either proceeds or a draw is declared. In the case of a draw, the challenger may rejoin the queue of challengers after the latest challenger without having to wait for cooldown (this circumvention for the benefit of the challenger for not technically being declared the loser, though by not succeeding the host can be considered a winner in this situation). Note, this is a technical victory for the host, so unless the challenger truly believes that a restart is necessary to increase victory chances, then it is not recommended to settle for a draw without reviewing this process a second time.

-Prefers SL forum, as it is most useful for fights where long periods of time may pass between postings, serves as a record of the fight's progress for other challengers, and for that damned time-out option.

-Must post at least once (1) a week. Though if a pattern of postings persists (I.E. If either player stretches their posting to the full week, each and every post without prior notification to the other), then the challenge will be voided. The cooldown will be initiated to challenger (if challenger is problem) and the host will be stripped (if host's activity is problem).

-Decided judge will remain judge throughout. No boots.

-Reposts are allowed, within reason. (I.E. If either participant has to repeatedly repost, the match will be concluded. See inactivity clause.) Reposts are only to fix the issue brought up by the judge. Modifying the entire post to save yourself or completely change up strategy is an automatic disqualification from the match. (See inactive clause for consequences.) Edits are NOT allowed. An edited post is an automatic disqualifaction. A brand new "Reply" must be made so there is a full history of the entire fight for judge and other readers.

-Can only use skills that are known IC at the official start of the match. No borrowing from others. No immediate power ups within the match.

-Discussion of non-allowed techniques will vary by challenger and discussed via PM, only.

-Inflammatory, racial, harassing, or abusive language aimed at each other either in the match or in PM will result in an immediate void of the challenge. If challenger, (s)he loses all rights to ever challenge the current jinchūriki. If host, he loses the match and bijū given to the challenger.

-In the event that a host is defeated, the new host has the cooldown challenge period timeframe to either accept the special regulations for the tailed beast or completely re-write or alter the special rules. If they do not post their own variant by the beginning of the next challenge, then it is to be assumed that they comply with the previous special regulations.

-If host defeated, allow host to finish up any roleplay that may involve having the beast. Then a reasonable RP will be concluded as to how the beast transferred hands.

-All measurement units to be used in U.S. Customary Units. (I.E. No meters, grams, etc. Use feet, pounds, Fahrenheit, etc.)

Any questions, PM me please.

Method: OOC 1v1

Zone: Wetlands

Judge: Eric

Outlet: Forum

-Due to the combatant being an Edo Tensei, it was agreed that the Yin Seal (and its techniques) and the Body Revival Technique are not to be used by him.

-No attacking on entry post.

With Trev posting approval of the above preferences, rules, and stipulations, I, as the jinchūriki, will make the first post.
Title: Re: Dāto Terumī vs. Trev
Post by: Trev on June 02, 2015, 11:51:30 PM
I accept
Title: Re: Dāto Terumī vs. Trev
Post by: Dart Terumī on June 03, 2015, 10:00:56 PM
 The scenery begins with the camera panning from the main island of the Land of Water to one of the smaller, uninhabited, and relatively flat islands just off the north shore. It was roughly circular in nature with a small mountain upheaval on the most eastern point. It was about one mile in total surface area. The upheaval was more a glorified hill with a peak. The formation was littered with a couple of caves. A steady, pleasant rain fell upon the island. The ocean was relatively quiet this midday. It would be in one of the crags that Dāto Terumī sat cross legged as he awaited for his opponent to arrive. His vantage point allowed for him to perceive the entirety of the island without hindrance to his vision despite the steady rain. The rain wouldn't interfere in seeing a person as a whole or their attire but minute details such as the facial features would be indistinguishable at such distance. Still, he would be able to physically see if his challenger were to arrive by any natural means besides a space-time technique. Even then, his mind was focused on sensing any rippling chakra signatures that manifested.

The Terumī's wet auburn hair was pulled into a man bun on the back of his head. This allowed for him to see unimpeded through his open left emerald ocular. His right remained closed for the moment. Centered on his forehead would be a teal diamond seal. His mouth was closed though that didn't prevent his right incisor from poking through his pressed lips. He was adorned in his gray flak jacket with matching greaves strapped to his shins. His Kiri headband was strapped to his left bicep. The pouches on his flak jacket were filled with their respective items as were his knee pouches. Typically strapped to his right hip but now laid across his lap was an an obsidian saya and tsuka. His hands rested upon the saya lightly. Strapped diagonally on his back was another blade. The tsuka, which rested over his left shoulder, resembled a Kumogakure style katana sheathed in a plain gray saya. The scrolls on his left hip were shifted to accommodate for his sitting position.

His gaze slowly shifted from side to side of the island as he awaited for his challenger to arrive. This "request" was sent from Kirigakure's ally, Otogakure. Dāto was to meet one of their Otokages. The one known as Trev. The name was familiar to the adolescent as Isaribi had previously encountered him in the village for a secret meeting. As such, he had ensured that he received some information on the male though not as much as he would have liked. A sigh parted his lips as he opened his right eye to reveal the crimson hue of his Sharingan. For now, it whirled in its three tomoe state. “Well then, let us see what is in store this time,” he said to no one in particular though he knew Gyūki was listening.

(Let me know if the color is too hard to read.)
Title: Re: Dāto Terumī vs. Trev
Post by: Trev on June 04, 2015, 12:12:10 AM
Would be arriving on the western most side of the island, though not through trickery or any chakra enhanced method. No, the Yondaime was arriving in a more traditional way, by ship!!!  The galleon manned by twenty something hired crew members would dock as close to land as possible, before the Yondaime promptly hoped out of the large vessel and waved off the crew. As quickly as they boat came, it soon left, sailing away into the rain and soon gone from sight.

The Yondaime had traveled quite the distance, departing from Otogakure's territory of the Land of Hot Water, which had direct access to the sea. Luckily for him, he was an Edo Tensei as seen by the cracks adorning his face and blackened eyes, requiring no sleep or nourishment to fuel him. Thus he was fresh as ever and not weary from traveling.

Once upon land, the Yondaime's eyes swirled to a blood red as the three tomoe sharingan took place, with the blackened sclerae in the background. This ensured he wouldn't be outright speed blitzed by any foe in the general vicinity. This also allowed him to see the chakra of anyone else on the island, though not very far. The Yondaime made extra sure to check out the rain to make sure it was natural.

Once he had properly tightened the Melody Gauntlet on his left arm, and made sure his various kunai were well adjusted to his belt. The Yondaime set off eastward towards the middle of the island, for it was evident his objective was not where he currently was. As a side note for anyone who had learned the arts of Sage Mode, the Yondaime could be felt to constantly collect natural energy even while moving, as a result of his Yasei Clan (Jugo Clan) heritage. Quite the unique and deadly trait
Title: Re: Dāto Terumī vs. Trev
Post by: Dart Terumī on June 04, 2015, 01:43:08 AM
Despite the vast distance, Dāto would still be able to spot the large galleon on its trip here. “So, that's how you will make your appearance then?”  the adolescent asked himself. He stood up as the ship came to halt and a lone figured hopped off it. Dāto narrowed his eyes to keep an eye on the man's general movements though anything specific would be indiscernible at this distance. He strapped his weapon in hand to the brown leather belt that hung from his waist. After ensuring all his attachments were secured, he would then stretch out his extremities before leaping from crevice to crevice in the mountain until he landed at the base of the glorified hill. He held his left hand up in a reverse confrontation seal to activate a technique. One that would benefit him though he was certain his opponent would recognize that something was about to happen, thus he had to act quick before it could be countered. That is if his opponent knew how to counter it.

Dāto's sea foam green chakra color would begin to rain down from the sky though it wouldn't reach Trev any time soon. In fact, the rain seemed to drastically increase upon the eastern half of the island whereas the rain on the western side would remain the same steady pace. The Terumī's technique would completely saturate the clouds above with his chakra and would filter through at a pace of 50 yards per minute. Its initial spread started in a circular radius of 500 yards. The line of rain would end 300 yards short of the rough midline of the island. In other words, it wouldn't affect the Yondaime Otokage unless he entered it. Making this a defensive smokescreen and protectant from an early cast ninjutsu.

Dāto walked through the rain and approached the midpoint of the island. He was able to discern Trev's whereabouts by his chakra color since an actual visual on him would be more distorted due to the increase rainfall. He assumed his visage would also be distorted due to the rain. As such, he would also hardened his skin to the hardness of diamond which darkened his skin to a deep brown. His right hand rested upon the tsuka of the weapon on his left hip and his left hand rested on the water-tight, sealed scrolls that hung off his right hip. “I assume you are Trev?” he would ask loudly though the rain would drown that out to a normal shinobi. To the Otokage, the adolescent assumed he would hear the question no problem.

(Hijutsu: Kirisame; Secret Technique: Mist Rain)
(Doton: Domu; Earth Release: Earth Spear)

(Changed color and opted to only colorize important aspects to the battle for judge and combatants. Sorry for the confusion.)
Title: Re: Dāto Terumī vs. Trev
Post by: Trev on June 04, 2015, 03:41:38 AM
As the Yondaime slowly made his way towards the middle section of the island, he couldn't help but notice the green rain starting to fall upon the eastern side of the island. Noticing the chakra within the rain, he made a loud grunt at the thought. The rain already somewhat hid the visage of Dart, combined with his chakra would make him virtually invisible to the Sharingan.

The Yondaime would come to a stop 100 yards before the midway point, and by extension 400 yards from the green rain. Through his time as a sound shinobi, the Yondaime had gain the ability to have superior hearing1 without using a technique and did indeed hear Dart. This hearing would also aid him in figuring out Dart's location when he made aprupt noises such as talking. However, the Yondaime was not very talkative at this point. Instead he responded by slamming his hand to the ground, causing a just ploom of smoke to cover his vicinity. Though it was quickly washed away by the natural rain, and in it's place would be a Giant Clam2.

Once summoned to the fray the Giant Clam would immediately start dispersing a mist3 covered with it's chakra. The mist would soon start to spread at a rapid rate, soon covering the western half of the island. However, when it met the green rain of the eastern side, it's safe to say, the mist rain would absorb the mist. However, the Yondaime would notice the clam's chakra mist be halted by Dart's. This gave him a huge clue to the technique being used, seeing as he was also a user.

The mist produced would have two effects. One it would cast a genjutsu onto anyone in the area, casting realistic images of the duo. However, Dart was not in this mist, thus the genjutsu would not effect him as long as he did not enter it. Two, the mist either way would hide the location of the clam, through pure density of mist and the fact that the it was the clam's chakra making it nearly invisible, similar to how Dart would be to Trev.

Trev would still be visible being of a different signature, and he hastily moved away from the clam to not give away it's position, since the clam's last known location was next to him. The clam would also slowly but surely move from it's original position to the western side where Trev came from, retreating while still producing the mist.

In essence, the western side of the island would be covered in the clam's genjutsu mist which traveled to the eastern side, where progress would be halted by Dart's green rain. This would allow the Yondaime to see the effects of it by watching the clam's chakra mist be halted as soon as it reached Dart's. The visage of Trev would be hidden by both rain and mist, making physically seeing him a pain. Even though the Yondaime too would have trouble seeing, his hearing would keep him from being surprised. The clam would be in even better state from sensing, as the mist surrounding the field was made up of it's own chakra.

1Auditory Comprehension

2Summoning Technique: Giant Clam

3Demonic Illusion: Steaming Multistoried Building
Title: Re: Dāto Terumī vs. Trev
Post by: Dart Terumī on June 04, 2015, 07:24:48 AM
Dāto perceived the summoning of the Giant Clam by the sudden appearance of a large chakra presence next to the Yondaime Otokage. He tilted his head at the appearance, gripped the tsuka of the blade on his hip, and crouched slightly in preparation for an assault. However, the chakra mass would flood over the western half of the island instead of assaulting him head-on. Trev's signature would end up moving deeper in the mass of chakra and became enveloped by it. As it approached his rain, he would notice it wasn't entirely fluid in its make-up. Dāto assumed the technique was being employed to hide his opponent's movements and with it being a mixture between a gaseous and liquid state, he naturally assumed his opponent used a misty technique. He then grinned for he knew his technique would keep encroaching towards the western half though only at a 50 yard pace. Thus Kirisame's range would extend to 550 yards in all directions from the mountain.

The adolescent would remain within the rain but the 50 yard gain would give him more space between the mist and himself. Assuming the mist wasn't special beyond being a smokescreen, he would add his own flair to it. He formed the horse seal then stomped his right foot to the ground. This would send a surge of his chakra into the ground that raced beneath the surface of the earth over to the western side of the island. As it reached random intervals within the earth, his chakra would surge to the surface in the forms of seven geysers dispersed on the western half of the island. From forth the geyser mouth's would a superheated steam rush through the mist and launch into the air. If the sudden change in temperature didn't outright disperse the mist, then the steam would simply intermingle with it thus adding his sea foam green chakra into the mist. Any organic material that was directly above one of the geysers would be violently and swiftly melted. The fog that would settle from the initial eruption was hot enough to inflict third-degree burns and it sought to overtake Trev's mist.

(Futton: Gaizā no Jutsu; Boil Release: Geyser Technique)

His previous chakra flow technique, Doton: Domu, would remain active and after activating the Futton technique, he would reach over his left shoulder with his right hand to take a hold of the tsuka of the Kumo-Style katana. He unsheathed the blade swiftly and brought it in front of his chest. His left hand formed into a reverse seal of confrontation. He stood poised, ready to react to any counterattack that may come his way.
Title: Re: Dāto Terumī vs. Trev
Post by: Trev on June 05, 2015, 12:36:43 AM
It would seem the Yondaime was in a pickle as random geysers sprouted up and started to disperse the mist created by the Giant Clam. Seeing the different chakra form in his area, the Yondaime was able to dodge any direct hit from the seemingly random technique, as he didn't quite get the points of attack, as none were overly near him or his clam. However, upon seeing the mist disperse and being encroached upon by the rain, he knew he had to act quickly.

Acting quickly, the Yondaime decided to get serious. A red glow1 would encompass his whole body, before fading almost as soon as it activated. This left the Yondaime's skin blackened, with numerous jet like appendages sticking out of his back. Due to his unique clan heritage, he had been able to gather natural energy constantly and able to mix it with his chakra at will. This created senjutsu chakra, empowering the Otokage past his normal limits. Dart if he was trained in sage arts would be able to feel the creation of a Sage. Depending on his sensing capabilities, he might discover a very bad sign. The Sage Transformations's power was not dwindling. Due to his unique gift to constantly collect natural energy and his infinite chakra as an Edo, he could maintain this form indefinitely. Unless Dart knew of his Edo and Yasei clan status, this would totally perplex him. That is if he could even sense the transformation.

Feeling the heat turn up as the steam ravaged his mist and spread, the Yondaime opted to flee. His jet like appendages2 would flare up, as the Yondaime zoomed at a fast rate, being a blur to those without special eyes. The Yondaime opted to fly in a random pattern, and not straight, this combined with the natural rain would make him difficult to strike in the air.

That wasn't all, the Yondaime while within the air, would shift his eyes to their eternal state. Holding out his left hand during flight. A small black orb of chakra 3would form in his hand. Once enough chakra had been loaded up he whipped the orb towards the green rain, as it would fly through the air almost on it's own accord. The orb would halt 150 yards before hitting the rain, not wanting it to be absorbed.

The orb would suddenly expand vastly in size and start to absorb the contents of the island through a strong surge of wind. This included the debris of the island, and mountain, natural rain, the steam, the mist, the Giant Clam, Dart, and more importantly the green rain. Considering the green rain mist would be broken up and sucked into a void, it wouldn't be able to absorb the chakra within it, since it no longer held the advantage and being all encompassing, instead the orb's wind tunnel would break up the rain and mist. But the orb also threatened to suck up Dart from the mainland as well.

This wouldn't be a death sentence, unless Dart was struck by debris during the ascent up which was a heavy possibility that he would have to avoid while trying to not be swallowed whole. If he was sucked up, Dart would simply be transported to the Yondaime's Kamui realm. The Yondaime had forsaken his clam, but he was sure the durable hard shell could survive the heat of the steam for a few moments and the flight towards the Kamui realm, as it would be sucked up. The Yondaime in the safety of the sky would watch the events unfold, as the technique would not suck him up.

The technique would either transport Dart to the Kamui realm, or at the very least clear up the battlefield of the mist, steam, green rain, and perhaps even the natural rain depending on how much the clouds had in them, as the water from them would too be eventually dried out, making them not usable by him or Dart for the remainder of the fight. The technique also might fool Dart into thinking the Yondaime possessed the Rinnegan, from which this technique is modeled after.

1Sage Transformation

2Jet Booster Jump

3Dark Release: Black Hole

Title: Re: Dāto Terumī vs. Trev
Post by: Dart Terumī on June 08, 2015, 01:21:09 AM
Dāto saw the sudden flare of chakra which would allow him to pinpoint the Otokage's position and he could tell that the male had gained a tremendous boost in power. Although this adolescent was not yet trained in all of the Sage Arts, he would be familiar enough with the ability to detect that Trev now teemed with senjutsu chakra. What actually perplexed him was when Trev had been able to remain still to collect natural energy. Perhaps he had clones hidden away that dispersed and filled him? Or he was able to collect it passively? Either way, losing himself to thought would be asinine in this fight as the Yondaime Otokage's chakra signature, now more easily discernible by the senjutsu chakra flowing through his system, darted away from the island via the sky. Dāto may very well had missed the flight if the mist hadn't been dispersed by his steaming fog. As he traced the flight by the chakra difference, that's when he also noticed that Trev's chakra signature would split. Something was heading back towards his direction.

The Terumī flipped his wrist so he could stab the Kumo-Style katana into the softened earth at his feet. He was uncertain as to what exactly was coming his way due to the distance. His sight would not be able to discern exactly what the entity was, all he could tell was the chakra was in the form of a large sphere. Despite not knowing what was headed his way, he was determine to deter it from achieving fruition. The rain from Kirisame would have advanced its 50 yards and this would assist in his next technique. Considering the orb was thrown from the other side of the island and then some, making the distance roughly 1,000 yards from reaching its designated locale, the Dai-Gensui of the Mist would have more than enough time to react to its approach. He would form the Bird hand seal as his sight remained fixated on the incoming sphere.

The water that had collected from the ocean spray, the natural rain, and his own Kirisame rain would congeal together into a massive pool in the air above his head. From forth this tremendous pool, a giant, powerful, Kirisame-filled water dragon shot forth with a loud and echoing roar. It raced through the falling rain with a ferocious speed easily able to surpass the orb's despite its large size. Passing through the rain would cause it to collect more water which would further augment its already impressive size and strength. It roared quite loudly again as it raced to intercept Trev's orb. It's gaping mouth would be able to easily envelope and swallow the initial size of the orb before it would be able to reach its designation and explode.

Of course, Dāto wouldn't know the intentions nor designation of the orb in any fashion. He was simply acting to prevent Trev from casting a technique that held the potential in giving him the upper hand. The Kirisame that made up the dragon's structure would break down the orb by draining it of its chakra entirely. If the orb contained any natural energy, then it would be released because the chakra that maintained the tech's shape would be drained. This release of energy would disperse the water dragon for a brief moment.

After its initial dispersal or if it didn't disperse at all, Dāto would clutch his hand to bring the moisture in the air to reform (or strengthen and grow) into the dragon. As if his hand were steering the dragon, he would cause it to snake back back around to hanging in the sky above his head. This would cause it float directly in the Kirisame rain to collect its strength further, cause its size to increase more dramatically, and become full with more chakra-draining potential for future need of nullifying any of Trev's ninjutsu.

(Suiton: Suiryūdan no Jutsu; Water Release: Water Dragon Bullet Technique)

(Suiton: Suiten Hōfutsu; Water Release: Water-Heaven's Convergence)

Dāto's Doton: Domu defense would retract as he mentally canceled the chakra flow to it. Considering Trev was fleeing from Dāto's control of the field, he thought he wouldn't immediately need a close range defense. His dragon hung above him like an elemental God as it continue to grow in size and strength. It was becoming a real leviathan.
Title: Re: Dāto Terumī vs. Trev
Post by: Trev on June 08, 2015, 07:02:58 AM
While the whole dilemma on the island unfolded, the Yondaime had flown down and made a descent onto the ocean, utilizing chakra to stay above the water. He was roughly 60 yards away from the nearest slither of land that the island possessed. Feeling that the orb had been eliminated, the Yondaime gave a small sigh, before grabbing a kunai from his belt. The kunai would be marked with sealing formula1 before being thrown another 15 yards behind him. The kunai would fall into the water, and float to the top and remain that way, slowly moving around with the current.

Going to his back up plan, the Yondaime formed a single kata, the ram one to be specific, and allowed his senjutsu chakra to flow around the ocean. Within a few moments, the Yondaime was ready to begin the next phase of his attack. A giant wave, one might actually say tsunami would form in front of the Yondaime and make it's towards the island, specifically targeting where Dart was last. Though with the scale of the technique, where he pointed it hardly mattered. The wave would attempt to both crush and drown the current biju host once it hit the island. This was a variation of Water Release: Great Exploding Water Colliding Wave2, albeit on a much higher scale due to the Sage Chakra.

He highly doubted that kirisame would be able to put a dent into this technique and nerf it out (See reference at bottom). However, even if it did, seeing as the technique was formed from natural water, all kirisame could do is remove the Yondaime's control over the water, from momentum alone, the giant wave of natural ocean water would still crash upon his foe as intended, quite the cunning technique to deal with the annoying rain. The water would not form a dome after, as the Yondiame was only using the wave variation of the technique. However, if it had settled, the dome would have been 180x160x150 ft which would have given it 32,317,920 gallons of water under it's belt. Seeing as a gallon weighed 8.34 pounds, this meant 269,531,452.8 pounds of water would threaten Dart and the island. What did all these fancy numbers mean? Dart would have to move very quickly to avoid or provide a stellar defense.

Considering the technique only required one seal, was empowered by Senjutsu, and the Yondaime didn't have to create his own water source, the giant wave would be about to strike the island and Dart very imminently. The wave would be fully formed by the end of his foe's post, and moving towards it's target at an astonishing rate, giving him precious seconds to devise a way out.

The Yondaime would sit there and watch the waves go to work, the space in front of him significantly lower, as the ocean tried to replenish lost water. The Yondimae would be enveloped by a pair of black chakra ribs, as he started to form his ethereal warrior3.

1 Hiraishin

2Water Release: Great Exploding Water Colliding Wave


Kirisame Reference:
Time: 1:56-2:23
You'll notice it takes about 10 seconds to get rid of a rasengan and in almost 30 seconds never gets rid of Sai's ink beast. It distorts them, but does not eat away their chakra in time. This leads me to believe the bigger the technique, the longer it takes for Kirisame to work. Meaning it would take several minutes for it to take the chakra out of the wave, not that it particularity matters as explained above.
Title: Re: Dāto Terumī vs. Trev
Post by: Dart Terumī on June 12, 2015, 05:50:15 AM
Due to the distance between the two combatants, Trev's figure signature would be drowned out by the senjutsu signature that surged into the ocean water and the Dai-Gensui would easily miss the marked kunai. Dāto actually laughed as the Otokage thought to use a Water Release technique against a Mist denizen. A Dai-Gensui of Kirigakure specifically at that. It is true, despite Kirisame falling from the sky above and being the main component of his leviathan floating above his head, there would be no feasible way to halt such a large wave so easily. Especially one that was influenced by senjutsu. However, the tsunami would indeed need time to build up before becoming a threat. It would be in this time that the Terumī would ready his defense and counter.

Placing his left hand to his chest, the adolescent would apply a rather specific technique that would lighten gravity's hold on his being. Now, being lighter, the Mist denizen would surge chakra to his legs as he crouched, he grasped the embedded katana with his left hand, then jumped into the air with a strong leap, taking the weapon with him. With a simple flick of his wrist, he would sheathe the blade into its saya on his back during his upwards flight. Because he shared the same seafoam green chakra signature as the Kirisame and the dragon, his flight should be indiscernible. But then again, his opponent was in a Sage Mode state and Dāto knew that increased one's sensory abilities. He weaved through the rain and around his giant leviathan until he settled atop its head. A grin would erupt upon his lips as he spoke, "Now, this is a fight!" Due to his position now being in the sky and well above the island, the Mist denizen would not be affected by the wave in any shape. It also should be noted that the Kirisame did NOT advance any further but remained steady in its already established area of a 600 yard spread.

(Doton: Keijūgan no Jutsu; Earth Release: Light-Weight Rock Technique)

Dāto stood atop his leviathan's head and stayed above the water via chakra. The dragon was now 100 yards in length with its serpentine form and a width of 75 yards. With a mental command, the Kirisame dragon would surge forward rapidly towards the Yondaime Otokage's position, ensuring to stay well clear of the tsunami below. He would rapidly form five handseals during this flight and end with the Dragon handseal. As they burst through the Kirisame rain sheet, his hands would crackle with electricity. It would be one of the few Raiton techniques he had copied with his Sharingan. He would then crouch to place his crackling palms onto the dragon's head. With a strong surge of chakra to spread the electricity, the leviathan would erupt with lightning coursing around and through its body. This antic would illuminate the darkened sky and almost be blinding if stared at for too long.

(Raiton: Jibashi; Lightning Release: Electromagnetic Murder)

When Dāto and his now Kirisame fueled Lightning Water Dragon Bullet would arrive above the humanoid shape of Trev's chakra signature behind the tsunami wave, he would command it to dive straight down atop the humanoid chakra signature. It roared with a great ferocity as it barreled towards its target with an exemplary speed. Its gaping maw threatened to swallow the Otokage whole with ease. Due to its Kirisame makeup, it would be able to sap the chakra from the ethereal rib cage as Trev would be completely immersed within the water density. He would find himself unable to move due to the sheer volume of water that enveloped him and forced him deeper into the ocean's depths. The natural ocean water would be repulsed by the electricity surrounding the leviathan at first. However, once the dragon became fully immersed in the water, is when it would disperse, electrifying a 100 yard circular area with the electricity reaching a depth of 75 yards. Of course, it needs to be mentioned that once the Susanoo defense was eventually drained, the lightning that flowed through the leviathan would be able to easily override Trev's entire electrical system, namely his nervous system and muscle synapses.

Despite him being in an Edo Tensei state and in a Sage Mode state, his body would still operate as a normal human. Once his electrical impulses were short circuited, his body would be unable to move. Couple that factor with the Edo Tensei being a ninjutsu, Kirisame would start draining the chakra from the technique which gave him life thus threatening to completely unravel the entire kinjutsu, interfere with his ability to regenerate, and overall cause malfunction of Trev's "eternal" status. Should his combatant attempt to flee, the leviathan would simply follow in its pursuit. Trev had precious seconds to react to Dāto's counter. He watched the action below while he floated in the sky above. His right eye whirled clockwise rapidly as it shifted from its three tomoe state to its eternal state. The tomoe would bleed into one another and into the ring that erupted from the pupil. The middle ring would pulsate out from the pupil as the tomoe merged with the innermost ring.
Title: Re: Dāto Terumī vs. Trev
Post by: Trev on June 12, 2015, 09:00:21 PM
Might have missed Dart and his giant sea snake if not for two facts. One if his sensory prowess wasn't taken to the extreme due to his Sage Transformation. Two his leviathan was 300 feet in length and 225 feet wide. Even in his mist rain, this was a notable physical blemish in the world something that size would be most hard to hide. Plus the Yondaime would assume the Jinch to go up to avoid his wave, for it would be much harder to go to the side, so his eyes and sage sensing were already looking around the area. If the man had been a bit more creative and found another way out, perhaps he would have caught the Yondaime off guard this day. Though the Yondaime couldn't blame him, he too have escaped via the sky, it was convenient if predictable.

The Yondaime who would still have chakra influence in the water would begin to prep a defense by swirling the water around with his chakra, ready to form it at a moment's notice. While Dart was a Kiri nin and a well known one at that, the Yondaime had trained with water release in the body of water north of Otogakure, he should not be scoffed at as child's play. Seeing the the leviathan turn yellowish with lightning, the Yondaime had a fair idea of the imminent strike to come.

Utilizing the water near him, he acted with haste. Luckily his next move required no kata and he already had a water source Combined with Senjutsu and natural mastery of Water Release lead to a quick defense. After flowing his hands in a motion to control the water, a large mirror would appear1 in front of the Yondaime made of water. As Dart's beast descended upon him the mirror would tip back and release the same technique to be shot from the mirror aimed to counter Dart's beast. Except this was empowered by Senjusu. Meaning it would overpower and destroy Dart's while whatever remnants remained would aim to hit the floating Dart and provide the same damage he had attempted on him.

While the beast would clash, the Susanoo around Trev would get even larger, it now encompassing his whole body and growing, as the ribcage shifted to a large skeletal warrior.2 With each passing seconds his ethereal warrior would be getting stronger. Simultaneously, the ocean underneath the Yondaime would start to turn into a dark purple3, spreading all around him polluting the water. Many fish and other creatures would float to the surface dead. The Yondaime was preparing it seemed, while also being prepared to hiraishin away at a moment's notice, as the kunai was now 20 yards away and still moving with the current.

1Water Release: Water Mirror Technique
(By copying Dart it contains a water leviathan composed of Kirisame, and Electromagnetic Murder, all Senjutsu enhanced)

2Ribcage Turn to full skeletal Susanoo

3Doktuon spreading in water
Title: Re: Dāto Terumī vs. Trev
Post by: Dart Terumī on June 17, 2015, 07:01:45 PM
It amused the Dai-Gensui that the Otokage was well versed in the water release techniques. The man's tsunami would wash across the island and bury it beneath a blanket of water. Over time, though, the chakra control would be whisked away from him as the wave rolled through the Kirisame rain sheet, remained within the constant downpour, and ran off into the ocean that also carried his Kirisame technique. Unfortunately, such a save would not be able to assist Dāto in the next few moments to happen.

His opponent had countered his, admittedly, weak attempt to catch his foe off-guard by countering with yet another familiar water release technique. “Ahh, the Water Mirror Technique. Always a pleasure to see..,” the Mist denizen sarcastically mumbled to himself. Being previously exposed to the technique, he knew that he had but seconds before his own attack would be converted against him. Due to the makeup of his attempt, he knew that he wouldn't be able to dodge so readily through speed or strength alone, especially since Trev's counter would be fueled by senjutsu. This meant that the Terumī would have to unveil one of his trump cards.

His Eien no Mangekyō Sharingan whirled clockwise swiftly as his foe's dragon roared to life from the mirror and began barreling through his own. His body became distorted and pulled into the spiral of the jikūkan technique. For all intensive purposes, he timed the final warping of his body, his escape, at just the precise moment that the dragon would appear to swallow him whole, making it look as if the dragon had completed its duty. He had doubts but the Terumī hoped that the Otokage would feel momentarily victorious and lower his guard. In reality, he had warped himself into his own ethereal plane in order to launch his next move.


He would appear in one of his aquatic biomes, the coral reef one specifically, that floated in his dimension. He stood atop the head of the reef just below the water's surface and rubbed his temples as he began to mentally communicate with the beast within his psyche. ‘Gyūki, we will need to cooperate for my next move. Cooperate with me here and I'll give you control for a week. Deal?’ he asked the tailed beast. The giant oxtopus stared down at the human with distrust. Finally a low rumble echoed in response, 'Extend the duration for two weeks.' ‘Fine,’ he said reluctantly as he held up a fist. The Hachibi lifted a giant hand and formed it into a fist as well. He offered it to the male. Dāto placed his fist to the beast's and he felt the immense chakra flow surge through him.

In the physical world, his body would be cloaked in a shroud containing eight flapping tails the moment they bumped fists. Dāto opened his eyes and flexed his arms as he felt the power coursing through his system once more. He wouldn't waste much time before creating five shadow clones from five of his tails. This would drop the Mist denizen's shroud down to three tails. Each of the bunshins would also possess a three tail bijū shroud like his current state. This would give a total of six Dāto's present within the ethereal dimension.

(Version One Jinchūriki Form)
(Kage Bunshin no Jutsu; Shadow Clone Technique)

“Alright boys, you know the drill,” he stated bluntly. Three of the clones would nod and slip into the V2 state while the other two hopped back with Dāto. The transformed would drop to all fours, extend their mouths, tilt their heads back, curve their three tails inwards and above their mouth, and begin to charge up a bijūdama each. The two remaining clones would each extend a hand out to Dāto's shoulders and begin transferring two of their tails back to the original's shroud. Because both procedures would require time, they would all stay within the dimension.

(Version Two Jinchūriki Form)
(Bijūdama; Tailed Beast Ball: Charging)
(Chakra Transfer Technique
Title: Re: Dāto Terumī vs. Trev
Post by: Trev on June 18, 2015, 05:10:33 AM
Would be confused for a mere few seconds upon the disappearance of Dato's signature. The Yondaime would not clamor for victory just yet, he knew that his last shot while powerful was not a kill shot. Dato should have been severely wounded and still sensible, a biju host would not be so brittle to die that easy. "Great he disappeared." The Yondaime muttered to himself quite disappointed in the slowed pace of the battle now. With nothing left to do the Yondaime would prep himself for the man's return, whenever that was.

The skeletal warrior that was his susanoo would be constantly getting bigger, first getting encompassed with muscle to layer it's skeletal form then finally spawning armor around itself. Once complete, the Yondaime would allow his Senjutsu to overtake his ethereal warrior. Lines similar to a Curse Seal v1 would move onto his susanoo's body, bolstering it's offensive and defensive power.

Once in the water system his Dokuton would start spread around the island and ocean on it's own accord, the Yondaime need not focus on it anymore. It was similar to poisoning a well, it would spread and taint the whole thing. Soon the island would be surrounded by a sea of purple.

Reaching to his belt once more the Yondaime with his last prep move this moment, would grab another kunai and mark it with hiraishin. The Kunai would then be covered in wind chakra and using his Sage enhanced strength flung to the Yondaime's original location and by extension not in the rain where he first stepped foot on the island. The kunai would embed itself into the land, ready for use.

1Susanoo formed and enhanced with senjutsu
(Pretty sure Perfect Susanoo is banned, so for reference on size think of when Sasuke killed the white zetsus)
2Dokuton surrounds island
3Hiraishin kunai
Title: Re: Dāto Terumī vs. Trev
Post by: Dart Terumī on June 20, 2015, 01:25:05 AM
As the tsunami cleared from the island, it is important to note that the geysers created earlier would double over with steam as the Otokage's water flooded their chasms. Instead of remaining flooded, the superheated steam would cause the water in its belly to disperse and add to the density of the fog that continued to spew forth from their collected mouths. It rolled over the western half of the island like an incoming tide. Of course, it couldn't build to a sizable mist that would dampen or affect Trev in any fatal manner unless he were to step within it. The fog would resemble a land hugging cloud that hovered over the western half of the island, teeming with the chakra residue of Dāto. Once it encroached upon the kunai his foe had thrown on there, the exposure to its Futton nature would naturally cause it to dissolve. The first item to be affected would be the special seal marked on its being due to its chakra makeup.

In Dāto's dimension, the two that had been transferring their chakra would have finished the procedure. The original's shroud would be replenished to five tails in total whereas they held only one tail. The three who were charging would continue to do so for a bit longer. To ensure this plan would work more succinctly, Dāto decided to make another shadow clone. This one would only have a one tail shroud as he would be able to appropriate the exact chakra needed for it to carry. “On my signal, you three know what to do?” he asked the now untransformed three bunshins. They nodded in reply and walked over and behind the chargers. The original nodded again and decided to pay a visit back to the real world. He needed to see how he would be able to incorporate this new assault.

(Kage Bunshin no Jutsu; Shadow Clone Technique)

Placing a hand to his chest, he would once again apply the light weight technique to his person which would cause him to hover above the coral reef now. His right eye would whirl clockwise and emit the same jikūkan as before, his body being absorbed into the eye. His being, shrouded in a V1 shroud with five tails, would manifest over the island but above the land, water, and fog and with his Kirisame rain sheet behind him. Which meant that he was a good 700-800 yards away or so from Trev's position. A fairly sizable distance not easily achieved by pure movement alone. However, such a distance would not inhibit him from seeing the giant ethereal warrior that surrounded the Otokage. Seeing the gargantuan meant multiple items of interest. A) Trev was in possession of a Sharingan, B) His being able to evolve it meant he held two instead of one, C) Being in Sage Mode would influence and strengthen the ethereal warrior at least threefold, D) Dāto would need a different route in procuring an opening for his prepped assault, E) Trev would be straining his chakra immensely to keep it sustained.*, and F) Evolving it to this form meant he was skilled in its usage. He also noticed that the water's surface seemed to have changed hues and a betting man would state it was poison due to the wildlife that littered the surface. Seeing their lifeless and innocent forms floating in the gentle waves served to anger him greatly. A new mindset was being born into the game, one Dāto didn't wish to succumb to. He rose higher into the sky to separate himself from the poisoned water and any residual chakra that hadn't yet been eliminated from Kirisame. He would need a higher position for his next move.

(Doton: Keijūgan no Jutsu; Earth Release: Light-Weight Rock Technique)

*Despite Trev being an ET, his chakra isn't truly limitless. Key examples would be from the later chapters when Second Mizukage seemed pressured and "tired" from using Jokey Boy, Minato and Tobirama needing a small break from transporting the entire allied forces, Hashirama using and dispelling his limited number of wood clones, and even Madara needing to become alive once more to become the jinc of the 10 tails. ET simply recover chakra quicker when not in active usage and they do not tire or feel the normal impulses to eat, drink, and sleep.
Title: Re: Dāto Terumī vs. Trev
Post by: Trev on June 22, 2015, 03:39:06 AM
Kunai marked with hiraishin would indeed be destroyed on the island, however he still had the one he had tossed behind him. With the currents picking up, the marked kunai was at least 30 yards away and still going.

Feeling the destruction of one of his seals and the appearance of Dato back into the realm with his Sage Sensing, the Yondaime was disappointed. However, the fog that destroyed his kunai gave him a malicious idea. Weaving through a set of kata, the Yondaime would manipulated the Dokuton water on the western side. The effect? A simple rise in sea level. The purple water would spill onto the western side of the island, flooding the chasms with their poison. This again would create a superheated steam and add to the density of the fog. Dato's fog would turn purple and due to the sheer volume of water being put into the chasm, grow much bigger.

The Yondaime had effectively turned his poison airborn. The evaporation of the water would cause the Dokuton to turn to the only other form available, basically a gas. Now both the sea and air would be infected with the Yondaime's poisonous chakra. The fog, or essentially a smog would float in the air, covering the island. Of course some of it would get in contact with the kirisame as it reached the eastern side, but with how slow kirisame is at absorbing chakra and how there was a vast amount of Dokuton water being converted to smog, it would be a long time before it could effectively clear it. Dato would be momentarily safe due to height in the air, but within a matter of minutes the purple smog would reach him. Now with some of the ocean and air polluted Dato's world was very purple at the moment. If the smog touched him, his chakra network would be infected and eaten away.

Once done with that, the Yondaime would have his ethereal warrior spawn both a longsword and shield to further his prowess. However there was something more to this shield than meets the eye, something Dato wouldn't be able to note unless he had encountered the item before. The Yondaime would stare at the island, watching the smog and kirisame, as he awaited the power play by Dato. The Yondaime would think that even for a jinch a 1800 ft radius of Kirisame would be pretty chakra taxing.

1Rose sea level of western side
   Dokuton Smog created due to it
2Spawned Susanoo accessories

(Note while his chakra isn't limitless, which best example is Mu. This isn't perfect Susanoo, but much smaller, as an alive Sasuke can keep it sustained for awhile. For a better example, a ninja with low chakra when alive like Itachi, was not strained when an Edo Tensei. Thus it will be quite sometime before severe ability dampening strain is felt )
Title: Re: Dāto Terumī vs. Trev
Post by: Dart Terumī on June 26, 2015, 08:13:14 PM
On hold whilst we discuss.
Title: Re: Dāto Terumī vs. Trev
Post by: Dart Terumī on June 28, 2015, 11:36:08 PM
Dāto took note of the Yondaime taking advantage of his previous attack. He frowned slightly from his position in the air as the fog would begin to take on a very weak purple hue. “You aim to make your poison airborne then, huh?” He asked himself quietly. If he didn't act carefully, the Mist Denizen might find himself in quite the predicament. Seeing as how the western half and the ocean outside of the Kirisame blanket were swiftly becoming under Trev's control, Dāto didn't have the advantage to launch his prepared move. He also knew that by diffusing the poison into an ever in motion body of water, especially with splashback and current undertow caused from the rain, the Dokuton would have to be rather diluted. Coupling this fact with introducing it to the superheated fog would weaken it further. Still, Dāto didn't know what type of poison it would be to counter with the antidotes he has with him nor what effects it would take on his body. He wasn't going to risk exposure.

He flew up higher, even though the increasing poisoned-infused fog would take some time to even threaten him immediately, so he could act near the lower lying clouds. This next move would require more contact and concentration than his first move. He formed the Horse handseal and closed his eyes. His five tails would wave in the air before chakra was pulled from them and infiltrated the clouds causing them to become  fully saturated with his signature. The moisture could not be contained as it fell to the ground. Trev might believe it to be Kirisame once more to try and give the Terumī back advantage. But he would most certainly be wrong in assuming so.

As the rain fell from the sky and made contact with any foreign entity, be it even as small as a droplet of vapor, a faint hissing sound would emit to denote that it would be dissolved instantly by the highly concentrated acid. This rain was no laughing matter and shouldn't be taken lightly. The only items not affected by the rain would be the ones attached to the Terumī, the Terumī himself, and techniques that contained his chakra. It fell to the increased water level on the western half of the island and through the fog, dissolving everything it touched along the way. Even the Dokuton on the surface of the water would dissolve away as the Mist denizen's acidic rain fell. It fell in a much more heavy torrent than the rain on the eastern half of the island. Its initial circular spread would begin with an astonishing 1000 yard stretch, easily overlapping into the Kirisame on the eastern half of the island. This would ensure that Trev and his ethereal warrior would not be able to easily flee before the Susanoo was completely dissolved despite its Sage enhancement. Also, the marked kunai would just so happen to be within the spread and therefore it too would face dissolution, especially the seal. Due to the large size of this technique, his shroud would lose three tails leaving him with a two tail shroud.

(Futton: Sansei Ame no Jutsu; Boil Release: Acid Rain Technique)

Trev could, theoretically, maintain the Susanoo though he would find he'd have to focus most if not all his chakra and attention into maintaining its large form due to the constant barrage that was beset upon him. Assuming this would be the case and that his new rain would dissolve the already weakened Dokuton, Dāto would fly just a bit down from the clouds in order to observe his handiwork. He held a single kata, waiting for his opponent's next move.

ONLY IF the Susanoo shows any opening in its defense, then a jikūkan would erupt rapidly in the opening and two of his clones would pop out. An untransformed (V1, one-tail shroud) clone would be carrying a transformed (V2, three tail shroud) clone which would let loose its bijūdama point blank at Trev. It would carry enough strength to blast through his Sage enhanced form to cause some serious, if not fatal, damage that would prevent his Edo Tensei body from reforming immediately and allowing the Mist denizen time to seal up his remains. Both clones would be sacrificed in the explosion, granting the Mist denizen back his chakra.

IF NO OPENING OPENS, then nothing else happens.
Title: Re: Dāto Terumī vs. Trev
Post by: Trev on July 03, 2015, 01:46:08 AM
Ethereal warrior would eventually start to get drenched by the acid rain. The sizzling could be heard quite clearly as the the figure would be burning from the acid. However, the warrior possessed a sturdy defense, enhanced by the Senjutsu chakra running through it. This allowed the Yondaime time to react as his figure slowly started to get smaller and smaller. Though the figure's shield would not be damaged at all, a most perplexing thing if Dato was close enough to see it.

Using both his Sharingan for visual purposes and Sage sensing, the Yondaime got a feel for the eventual radius that the technique would encompass. Figuring out the safe haven from this bombardment, the Yondaime would start his escape. A fair amount of chakra would be focused to his Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan as the susanoo was growing weaker, egged on by the Yondaime not focusing on maintaining it and straining himself.

As the susanoo was about to leave him open, a swirl in the space-time dimension would erupt over the Yondaime as he utilized Kamui to escape. To his surprise, a biju bomb would be launched at the opening in the susanoo just as he was leaving, what a lucky break. The Kamui would swallow him whole as his susanoo dispersed, from the lack of chakra and rain, moments before the biju bomb struck it.

The Yondaime would not stay in his pocket dimension for long however, reappearing closer to his starting point of the island, but still in the ocean and outside the acid rain by a considerable distance.   The Yondaime would pull out a paper seal that could receive the his chakra signature and attach it to a kunai. The kunai would then proceed to float in the air, remaining at a standstill. The Yondaime would utilize Kamui many times more, doing the same thing by the north, south, and eastern parts. Being very careful to not go into any kirisame or acid rain. By the end of it, four kunai with tags would be floating around the island, not exactly the easiest thing to spot.

Due to the multiple uses of Kamui, Dato would have trouble pinpointing the exact location of the Yondaime, as he did not stay in one spot for more than a few seconds.

2Manipulating Attack Blades
Title: Re: Dāto Terumī vs. Trev
Post by: Dart Terumī on July 08, 2015, 04:43:58 AM
For a brief moment, Dāto had thought he had eliminated the Otokage once his signature faded away after the bijū bomb went off in the area. However, once Trev reappeared, this gave Dāto the insight that his opponent possessed the same dōjutsu ability as he. “Lovely,” he mumbled to himself as he floated within his rain. By now, said rain would have eliminated the Dokuton within the spread completely and caused the increased water level to diminish back to normal, exposing the earth of the island beneath it. However, this would be no respite as even the island began to erode under the torrential downpour. Along with the island being dissolved, so too would the fish bodies that floated on the surface. A layer of acidic rain would begin to collect on top of the water as it keep pushing further and further into the ocean during the downpour. There would be some serious ecosystem problems after this battle was finished and the fisherman were gonna be quite angry with the Mist denizen.

Just as soon as Dāto felt his adversary's chakra back within this realm, it would wink out of existence again only for it to reappear in an altogether differing location. He scratched his head as the signature would linger in place for a spell then disappear once more only to reappear in another differing position. All of said positions would be out of range of the spread, which as previously stated was 1000 yards (3000 feet), so whatever technique Trev was setting up, it wouldn't be able to directly affect the Terumī unless.... “He's setting up for a fūinjutsu or kekkai!” the adolescent would exclaim aloud. So, in order to prevent such a setup, he would exert his control over the water below that contained his chakra.

By raising both his hands and using very minimal chakra, he would manipulate this control of the water and caused multiple spiraling pillars to erupt forth from the ocean and surge in the directions of which Trev appeared and disappeared. If anything would be in their path, they would most certainly face certain destruction, especially the ones that surged from the acidic layer this carrying those properties. The one on the eastern side would carry the Kirisame properties, thus anything carrying his signature would be wiped out but the kunai would actually remain fine, just drowned. Of course, this was just a shot in the dark as he couldn't see that distance. Hopefully, this widespread assault would also intercept and pierce through the Otokage as well.

(Suiton: Suigadan; Water Release: Water Fang Bullet)
Title: Re: Dāto Terumī vs. Trev
Post by: Trev on July 13, 2015, 11:46:04 PM
Title: Re: Dāto Terumī vs. Trev
Post by: Trev on July 21, 2015, 01:55:26 AM
My last post was July 13th 11:46 pm according to the forum time, it is now July 21, 2015, 01:52:17 am. The host has not posted in the week time frame included in their rules, and thus the Hachibi will be stripped and given to me. Dato has not given me prior notification he would be absent.

Thus I request a mod lock this thread. If Dato returns soon and gives valid reason to me, I may choose  to reengage in the fight, but as of right now consider it over.
Title: Re: Dāto Terumī vs. Trev
Post by: Camel on July 24, 2015, 12:14:40 AM
At the request of the host, I am hereby unlocking this thread and moving it from it's respective place on the grounds that the match will continue in all good fun. :)