Shinobi Legends Forum

Roleplay => All That Is Bijuu => Bijuu Arena => Topic started by: Deathstroke on September 03, 2015, 02:33:30 AM

Title: What counts as able to be hunted?
Post by: Deathstroke on September 03, 2015, 02:33:30 AM
I'm just posting this because I was going to post in the other topic where I mentioned it about Warren, but it got locked.

I'm really not trying to bash Warren or anything, he seems like a nice guy, I'm just curious as to what the limitations of this are and how it works.

I was confused when Warren explained it to me because the rules say, "...This means that if an IC Challenge is chosen, the challenger has to RP learning the host’s identity and location and maneuvers him into a Match. This does not mean that the RP is used as a means for the Host to forever avoid having to face his challenger. The host must make it possible for the challenger to complete the terms of the RP event. This is not the battle part. You are going to face off with each other. You are just being creative about it..."

So let's make a hypothetical scenario where I, someone who knows nothing, is trying to hunt the one tails. This is operating under the assumption that the fact that the bijuu exist and the general info about each are common knowledge.

Warren said something like 4-5 people know he is the host, but of course I don't know that. So I want the Ichibi. It has a history with Sunagakure, I don't know if it is still there, but that seems like as good a place as any to begin my search.

Now this is where it kinda gets troubling to me. If any of those people who know he is the host are in Sunagakure, then they aren't Jinchuriki (Well I assume not anyway) and they don't have to follow the bijuu rules. They aren't applicable to them. So if those people don't feel like rping with me then I can't ever find the Ichibi. Correct?

Can a Jinchuriki be outed as such by a sensor or something? Because from what I know it seems like it would be very easy to make it very near impossible to be found. I can understand why, Masane had her topic about Matabi going when I joined the forum, I had my thing with Yujo, and then there was yet more 2 tails stuff, so it seems like a lot of crap flies around these things. Is it fair to be able to will someone unable to hunt a bijuu though?

At the point I got to in my hypothetical scenario what would one do? Obtain the Rinnegan and just start using the Human Path on everyone till you find the information?
Title: Re: What counts as able to be hunted?
Post by: Rusaku on September 03, 2015, 02:52:55 AM
I'm also curious about Warren. I have messaged him a number of times asking for a fight and I always get No as an answer. I think I have done it two or three times now. Though much like Deathstroke said, I don't want to bash warren at all, so I won't go any farther than that.   

Unfortunately I have no answers to give you Deathstoke, but I would love to hear what others have to say about this topic.
Title: Re: What counts as able to be hunted?
Post by: Eric on September 03, 2015, 03:00:35 AM

... At the point I got to in my hypothetical scenario what would one do? Obtain the Rinnegan and just start using the Human Path on everyone till you find the information?

The 1st thing you would want to do in that scenario is ask the host if there is a way they might can, dare I say it, edge you in the right direction. If said host refuses to help in any way then it becomes a matter of "should I take it to the forum or not". And then it's a matter of "is there a way I can circumvent this?", in which case you should find some other reason to engage the host (bear in mind challenge rules won't apply, so it's strictly RP rules. Ur on your own if you get gangbanged basically).

The last thing you want to do, when exhausted with that previous option, is bring it here to the forum and figuratively speaking, file a complaint. All the while, try to keep in mind that the more bitter things get the less amiable the environment for fighting will be, sometimes making the judge the only way a fight has a feasible chance of finishing with a winner.
Title: Re: What counts as able to be hunted?
Post by: Warren on September 03, 2015, 03:16:12 AM
Getting a major fucking headache out of all of this anyway -___- but since you're not doing it on purpose I'll answer this once.

Suna being target village is irrelevant, it'd be just the same if you went to kiri or konoha for example. People don't know or don't want to tell you? Nothing new about it, you would either have to just go search elsewhere, or then try picking people you suspect off one by one and trying to force it out of them, be it blackmail, torture, human path or whatever. Obviously trying to avoid being prosecuted a murdering criminal and taken down hard by authorities while you're at it of course. Survive and succeed, then you just have to find the target after.

There's literally nothing preventing this from working in my case in theory, its the exact same thing if you go after Gitsune or Eiko for example. Only difference is I've kept number of people who know I even exist to minimal numbers, because honestly that's how my character is, he doesn't give a flying fuck of being famous, doesn't trust people easily, and enjoys his peace. Difficult, but not impossible, and not to intentionally insult anyone but I don't consider myself particularly intelligent by any means, so if even I can figure shit like this out then its not impossible for others either.

As for sensing, exact methods vary depending on who you ask, but to give a general answer then yes, if you fill out two conditions its possible to sense a host.

1, you need a sufficiently advanced sensing technique such as mind's eye of the kagura, or wtf it was called, and you have to be actually proficient at the technique/sensing in general.

2, you have to know what you're actually looking for.

Neither of those however matters if the host in question is masking either the beasts chakra or their own chakra as a whole, be it through a kekkai, seal, jutsu or whatever else I can't think of on the fly.
Title: Re: What counts as able to be hunted?
Post by: Eric on September 03, 2015, 03:21:45 AM

... Suna being target village is irrelevant, it'd be just the same if you went to kiri or konoha for example. People don't know or don't want to tell you? Nothing new about it, you would either have to just go search elsewhere, or then try picking people you suspect off one by one and trying to force it out of them, be it blackmail, torture, human path or whatever. Obviously trying to avoid being prosecuted a murdering criminal and taken down hard by authorities while you're at it of course. Survive and succeed, then you just have to find the target after.

There's literally nothing preventing this from working in my case in theory, its the exact same thing if you go after Gitsune or Eiko for example. Only difference is I've kept number of people who know I even exist to minimal numbers, because honestly that's how my character is, he doesn't give a flying fuck of being famous, doesn't trust people easily, and enjoys his peace. Difficult, but not impossible, and not to intentionally insult anyone but I don't consider myself particularly intelligent by any means, so if even I can figure shit like this out then its not impossible for others either...

Well that kind of sounds like a normal biju hunt, no challenge needed nor even necessary.
Title: Re: What counts as able to be hunted?
Post by: Mei on September 03, 2015, 03:22:51 AM

The 1st thing you would want to do in that scenario is ask the host if there is a way they might can, dare I say it, edge you in the right direction. If said host refuses to help in any way then it becomes a matter of "should I take it to the forum or not". And then it's a matter of "is there a way I can circumvent this?", in which case you should find some other reason to engage the host (bear in mind challenge rules won't apply, so it's strictly RP rules. Ur on your own if you get gangbanged basically).

The last thing you want to do, when exhausted with that previous option, is bring it here to the forum and figuratively speaking, file a complaint. All the while, try to keep in mind that the more bitter things get the less amiable the environment for fighting will be, sometimes making the judge the only way a fight has a feasible chance of finishing with a winner.

That's actually a good idea and probably should make it required & included in the rules.
It would even be easier if all the jink's IC hunt have the same/similar format too.
Like speak to A, which leads to place B to speak to person C who leads you to place D -> found jink
Something simiiar to how Sasuke's team did it, but less violent. >.>

It can turn 'RP mission' where the person (jink, future judge, someone close to the jink, or someone who is unbiased & active) can GM the RP hunt that will lead them to the jink.

At least this way, it actually DOES promote RP activity. Just my opinion. >.>
Title: Re: What counts as able to be hunted?
Post by: Deathstroke on September 03, 2015, 03:32:07 AM
I'm not denying that torturing every person I come across till I find someone who knows is possible, just that it would be a pretty silly rp. Let me take it one step further than you though.

I'm Orochimaru or some other equally villainous person. I find a Jinchuriki, alone, kill them and abscond with the bijuu, unknown by anyone else. I then either seal it in myself or have someone else seal it in me, and then kill them. I put a Fuinjutsu on myself completely masking the presences of the bijuu's chakra to sensory techniques. I then get on a boat and sail to the new Eastern continent the gang is exploring. I make landfall there and then keep walking east across the continent until I hit ocean again, and build a house there to live the rest of my days in solitude.

Very possible to do I would think. Would that be allowed?

Title: Re: What counts as able to be hunted?
Post by: Warren on September 03, 2015, 03:37:39 AM
Outside of possible goodwill from host in question, I see no reason whatsoever why they should have to drop hints against their will. Hoarding and whatever is already impossible because if someone really is so inactive or horrible otherwise they're going to be fucked by the community and stripped anyway, so there is no justification for a forced obligation for hosts to have to risk ruining their entire lives just because someone wants to kill them anyway. At all.

And in theory you could do that, yes. Contrary to likely initial belief you could still be found, it would just take super fucking special means to get at you, such as bijuu telepathy at deeper level or some such.
Title: Re: What counts as able to be hunted?
Post by: Eric on September 03, 2015, 03:40:52 AM
Outside of possible goodwill from host in question, I see no reason whatsoever why they should have to drop hints against their will...

Um, the rules that all jinchurikii are obligated to follow? The particular rule that I keep quoting that the host has to make it possible for the challenger to complete the RP, implying very strongely that letting the challenger get killed in the process is against that very rule?

The force obligation is the contract that comes with a tailed beast, the baggage if you will. If hosts don't like it they can either get the rules changed or stop being hosts.
Title: Re: What counts as able to be hunted?
Post by: Eric on September 03, 2015, 03:53:25 AM
challenger death is against the rules?

so the hunt can't be dangerous? only the match?


Challenger death in the hunt (before the fight) is against the rules with exceptions. If the challenger dies, is revived to find the jinch standing over them (completing the hunt obligations) then the death was totally legit. But I"m sure most people who make dangerous hunts don't bother thinking of such scenarios to mix it up a little.

Giggle all ya want though, it's the way it is at the moment.
Title: Re: What counts as able to be hunted?
Post by: Warren on September 03, 2015, 03:54:34 AM
You got one helluva distorted understanding of what's actually written then. An RP being possible to complete is not the same thing as having to have to go against all both IC and OOC logic and reason to ensure it will be completed successfully no matter what. Its not the same. At. All.

And if you seriously think you have the right to tell people they have to shit on all their RP work and completely break character if need be, just so a would-be-challenger can have a 100% guaranteed chance at killing you, you need a reality check, badly.
Title: Re: What counts as able to be hunted?
Post by: Deathstroke on September 03, 2015, 04:05:44 AM
I have to agree with warren. Making it possible should not imply it is a sure thing.
Title: Re: What counts as able to be hunted?
Post by: Mei on September 03, 2015, 04:08:15 AM
Outside of possible goodwill from host in question, I see no reason whatsoever why they should have to drop hints against their will. Hoarding and whatever is already impossible because if someone really is so inactive or horrible otherwise they're going to be fucked by the community and stripped anyway, so there is no justification for a forced obligation for hosts to have to risk ruining their entire lives just because someone wants to kill them anyway. At all.

And in theory you could do that, yes. Contrary to likely initial belief you could still be found, it would just take super fucking special means to get at you, such as bijuu telepathy at deeper level or some such.

Considering that most bijuu matches (that involves an IC hunt) are OOC matches, there's really no such thing as 'kill' anyway. Your character is still alive afterwards. >.>

Matter of fact, I went through the "Bijuu Challenge Preferences and Challenge listings " thread and all the jinks that posted there had their battle method as OOC death match or the option to be such. The only exception is Trev (prefers IC match) but then again he is an Edo Tensei zombie, so he has nothing to lose IC. >.>

So what would be wrong for jinks to drop hints to their identity/location? I mean, I assume every jink have the mindset that they won't have ownership of the bijuu forever and know they are subject to fight other challengers for as long as they own the beast anyway. >.>

Imo, the hardest part about getting the bijuu shouldn't be the IC hunt, but rather the fight. Not the other way around. >.>
Title: Re: What counts as able to be hunted?
Post by: Eric on September 03, 2015, 04:12:26 AM
You got one helluva distorted understanding of what's actually written then. An RP being possible to complete is not the same thing as having to have to go against all both IC and OOC logic and reason to ensure it will be completed successfully no matter what. Its not the same. At. All.

And if you seriously think you have the right to tell people they have to shit on all their RP work and completely break character if need be, just so a would-be-challenger can have a 100% guaranteed chance at killing you, you need a reality check, badly.,8016.0.html

2] ºDetermine the Nature of the Challengeº
The host and the challenger, and ONLY the host and challenger, determine the nature of the challenge. BOTH decide if the match will be an IC Challenge or an OOC Challenge. This means that if an IC Challenge is chosen, the challenger has to RP learning the host’s identity and location and maneuvers him into a Match. This does not mean that the RP is used as a means for the Host to forever avoid having to face his challenger. The host must make it possible for the challenger to complete the terms of the RP event. This is not the battle part. You are going to face off with each other. You are just being creative about it.
If the OOC Challenge is chosen, then no RP concerning the challenge is performed. The details are agreed upon and the Match takes place.

The rules, as written and bolded for clarity, don't care that you do not have the creativity to follow the rules and not shit over your own RP. The challenger has to, 100%, be able to complete the RP event and have that battle. How in the hell are you going to face off with a dead character if jinchurikii have yet to go to the land of shades and have a tailed beast fight there of all places?

Completion of the RP event is finding out who the host is and proceeding to the battle. If that cannot be done (or is not done rather) then the event is not completed. If the challenger is unable to complete it with what they have, then it is the host's obligation to make it possible for them to complete it with what they have.

If that were not the case, what would be the point in waiting in a challenge line to fight an IC host when you could just do everything the IC route, outside of the guidelines, and "accidently" take their tailed beast as a prize upon stumbling upon it. You might have to fight an entire village for it, but at least then you are only subject to the general SL zoning rules (which are nigh non-existent at times it seems) and not the host's ridiculous set of voids and hoops.

Title: Re: What counts as able to be hunted?
Post by: Mei on September 03, 2015, 04:19:36 AM,8016.0.html

2] ºDetermine the Nature of the Challengeº
The host and the challenger, and ONLY the host and challenger, determine the nature of the challenge. BOTH decide if the match will be an IC Challenge or an OOC Challenge. This means that if an IC Challenge is chosen, the challenger has to RP learning the host’s identity and location and maneuvers him into a Match. This does not mean that the RP is used as a means for the Host to forever avoid having to face his challenger. The host must make it possible for the challenger to complete the terms of the RP event. This is not the battle part. You are going to face off with each other. You are just being creative about it.
If the OOC Challenge is chosen, then no RP concerning the challenge is performed. The details are agreed upon and the Match takes place.

I'm surprised no one mentioned the fact that it CLEARLY states that if the challenge (I assuming the fight) is OOC, then there is no RP needed to learn the host's identity/location. So....WHY IN THE BLUE MOON are these jinks having IC hunts, but OOC matches? Like wtf?! o.o

EDIT: I always thought it was weird that there were IC hunts but OOC matches. >.>
Title: Re: What counts as able to be hunted?
Post by: Warren on September 03, 2015, 04:25:32 AM
As much as I despise you right now, I will commend you for having had the brains to bring up the question should the rules just be removed altogether at least.

Because in all honesty, after all the threads full of bullshit over people hunting kiri hosts, the ame debacle of shadow and ichirou, not even to speak of the countless other cases before that, if you STILL think people actually give a damn of those pretty much fascist rules much less follow them?

Then they are effectively worthless, and should be gotten rid of, because geezus fracking craist this just such a whole new level of stupid even I'm impressed.
Title: Re: What counts as able to be hunted?
Post by: Eric on September 03, 2015, 04:37:57 AM

When we came back to the dicussion of doing challenges instead of doing whatever we were doing before (IC hunts just regular) I made the case that only OOC matches should be the norm for jinch matches. Had I made the case that it would make no sense for IC to exist because it makes no sense for it to have challenge lists, I wonder if we could have avoided some of the bullshit...

Nah, too many people were adamant about having IC hunts for the biju, it would have never gotten through because of the preciousness of the hardly existent boost to RP that the biju have brought.

For Neji's sake guys, I am starting to think this is the first time some of you have actually read the rules. They have been up for at least a year now, maybe more, and we have been quoting them back to back in almost every biju topic since.

Before I digress into a rant though, the point of the topic is to discus what is considered "able to be hunted". The truth is,  all of the jinchs are supposed to be "able" to be hunted IC. The difference is whether you challenge for it or just do it on your own independent of the rules.
Title: Re: What counts as able to be hunted?
Post by: Mei on September 03, 2015, 04:51:00 AM

So that rule should have been changed then. >.>
In all honesty, the bijuus accounts for like...1% ~ 5% of the RP that goes around here (directly) imo.
It's fun that it brought groups like Akatsuki (indirectly) but beyond that, it's not really promoting much RP and causes more problems than solutions. >.>

Plus for people who want to stop Akatsuki that means you have to risk IC deaths.
Do you really want to risk your character in stopping a fictional group over fictional bijuus? >.>
It's like those tv shows where the good guys and bad guys always fight but there's never a clear winner, just an endless cycle of fighting. It doesn't mount to anything and do you really want SL History to be mostly filled with that? =/
Title: Re: What counts as able to be hunted?
Post by: Warren on September 03, 2015, 04:53:14 AM
Majority of that 1-5% with great likelihood being done by me. Only more reason to get rid of the rules.
Title: Re: What counts as able to be hunted?
Post by: Mei on September 03, 2015, 05:04:27 AM
Majority of that 1-5% with great likelihood being done by me. Only more reason to get rid of the rules.

Actually I would consider that a reason to get rid of the bijuus all together.
Was it not their purpose to promote RP activity? If they're not doing their job, then fire them. >.>
Title: Re: What counts as able to be hunted?
Post by: Eric on September 03, 2015, 06:16:28 AM
Majority of that 1-5% with great likelihood being done by me. Only more reason to get rid of the rules.

Actually I would consider that a reason to get rid of the bijuus all together.
Was it not their purpose to promote RP activity? If they're not doing their job, then fire them. >.>

Or condemn them, since Raifudo's house analogy comes to mind.  :o
Title: Re: What counts as able to be hunted?
Post by: Kage on September 03, 2015, 06:31:23 AM
I do believe that a host is obligated to disclose their location OOCly if they choose the IC-hunt option. It's basic RP etiquette to have your current location known, because otherwise, anybody could say that they're suddenly in this or that certain place. It really should be something that should cause a host to be stripped if they can never be tracked down or reached at all. As a host, you are committing yourself to spur on RP activity, not prevent it.

There are very few places that are only reachable by very specific methods, such as Kamui's Dimension or the Moon. But we have plenty of Kamui users, and I can just blow up the moon anytime. Custom time-spaces can be an issue here if a host chooses to dwell there all the time.

As for the hunter's perspective, you should have sensible ways to track down a host if you really do plan to go after one of these pure beasts of chakra. Regular chakra sensing can suffice. Using Sage Mode's passive chakra-sensing abilities can really help too. Mind's Eye of the Kagura is the best technique to use though. Doujutsu can help too, especially the Byakugan. But remember, ultimately you gotta be ninja about it. Hunting a Tailed Beast is the ultimate test of all your ninja abilities.