Shinobi Legends Forum

Roleplay => All That Is Bijuu => Bijuu Arena => Topic started by: Hitler-Chan on October 27, 2015, 07:37:12 PM

Title: Another Kiri Strip; Featuring Eiko!
Post by: Hitler-Chan on October 27, 2015, 07:37:12 PM
So, as you all probably know, I have been going after the Sanbi since my return in JULY, some 4 months ago. Since the stripping of Isaribi, till the waiting game of Kiri taking their time to seal the beasty, and then the 3.5 round fight between Eiko/Death that lasted longer than a month. Since the fight between Eiko and Death began I quieted down, and allowed them their fight until Death eventually quit, 10 days ago. I message Eiko the next day, so October 18th, saying this,

To: Kaguya Eiko
Sent: 2015-10-18 03:47:50
< Previous Next >

I do believe I am next.

We can begin discussion as soon as you are ready. I will wait no longer than 1 week for you to gather yourself and take a break (This is my attempt at civility), when you have done so, please contact me.

Hope this can be as painless as possible, cheers~

To which I got no reply, 9 days later, I will say, she did at least open the message, so it's not as if she did not receive the message, she just chose to ignore it. Now, I go searching around SL to find that her last public RP was some 14 days 16 hours ago, well past her rightful time to get on and post for activity, and frankly if we are deeming a post like this acceptable, then another post will made to discuss that,

(14d16h) <霧隠> Kaguya Eiko presumably walked along the street at some point in her wonderful life, just to theoretically show that she was, well, still around. But, to most, she was a shadow, dispersing amongst the crowd. Must have been after the events of certain things.

If I am the only one reading, "This is my obligatory post so I don't get stripped for the next 14 days..." Then I don't know what to think anymore.

I am now, again, pushing for the immediate strip of Eiko of the Sanbi, on these two counts: One, Blatantly ignoring the obligation to her challenge list, without any prior warning or even the attempt at contacting me, and of course the 14 day activity rule. And after more hosts than any village during my time on SL have been stripped from there I am not pushing for a strip for the beast to be returned back into their possession as they have time and time again proven themselves to be unfit to host beasts, with Dart going inactive during his fight with Trev, to the multiple Isaribi posts, and now Eiko, I am pushing for the beast to be placed in the possession of Eiko's next challenger, Me, of course.

If any of you wish to see screen shots of any of the above, I can provide them to you, but I think at this point we all know what the deal is.
Title: Re: Another Kiri Strip; Featuring Eiko!
Post by: Raifudo Oppa on October 27, 2015, 08:10:57 PM
Don't you have to hunt her IC to commence the OOC fight?

I mean, we do have a place to post how people's challenges work. There is no reason to pm someone for this and wait around when you know you have to find them.

[Posting this for Gitsune]

Jinchūriki: Hagoromo Gitsune

Affiliation: Kirigakure

Battle Method: 1v1 OOC (with IC hunt)

Preferred Outlet: Plains, Dwellings with specific environment

Judge(s): PMs will be used to determine an agreed-upon judge

Special Rules:

-The match will be OOC for the benefit of both participating characters. This is essentially to prevent either playing from having to deal with the hassle of dying IC if they are killed during the match, and additionally leaves both participants free for IC RP during the match. Thus, though the match will be OOC, participants must still RP as their character, exactly as if they were IC, with the addition of following any decided voids, nerfs, etc.

-The match will strictly be 1v1, to prevent any complications arising from extra participants. The player remaining alive/active retains Matatabi (The Two Tails). The player that is killed/has lost will neither gain nor lose anything else. Essentially, this means the match is strictly about the Nibi and thus nothing else will be changed as a result.

-If desired, a logical RP can be worked out for a reasonable and plausible IC transfer of Matatabi to the next host.

-Despite the match being OOC, you need to learn of Gitsune’s possession of Matatabi before you may challenge for the Nibi. Thus, you may not challenge for Matatabi without solid proof of how your character learned of Gitsune’s possession of the beast; you should roleplay how you have come to know of the Nibi being sealed within Gitsune. Once that is confirmed, a match is then reasonable and you will be put on the challenge list.

-No match will begin without a judge agreed upon beforehand.

-Detail of measurements will be in Metric Units (meters, kilometers, square kilometers, grams, kilograms, liters, etc.). No exceptions.

-For anyone, including myself, participants will be allowed any common, general, and basic skills that their character possesses as long as those skills are backed by reasonable explanations (they have an existing explanation in the character’s RP history) and have a profile where those skills are listed (e.g. Naruto Profile Wikia).

-Participants will have fourteen days to post. If they wait longer than that period of time to respond to the other participant, the last posting participant will win by default. In the case of an emergency, this may be reviewed and extended by a week, thus totaling to an allotted response time of twenty one days. However, if any post is discredited for rule-breaking and a repost is required, then that post does not count and the repost must be posted within the original timeframe.

-If, by some chance, the match should reach a point of true stalemate after a minimum of 30 days then a judge may be called in to determine a winner based on how the fight has progressed up to this point. Both participants must request this of the judge in person (I.E. Both fighters MUST send a PM for this option.) If this is chosen, then the judge may declare a winner based on these criteria:

•Who effectively manipulated the flow of the battle the best? The strategy employed (based on the posts) may have been defensive and attrition-based, but was it effective in the long run in wearing down the opponent?

•What caused the stalemate? The challenger being unable to defeat the challenged, or vice versa? Is it constant cancellation of jutsu and techniques by both sides, or merely one side taking refuge in a relatively inaccessible area (such as pocket dimension) in order to avoid defeat entirely?

•Who showed the greatest skill in the fight? This is completely and utterly at the discretion of the judge. His/Her decision is final on the matter, regardless of accusations of cheating or bribery or otherwise. This should be kept in mind when deciding on a judge for the fight.

If neither side can be conclusively declared the winner, then the fight continues until a clear winner has been decided.

-If any of the rules set forward are broken, I reserve the right to cancel the match. This will not prevent you from re-challenging.

-Arguing is discouraged. I will talk over any concerns regarding the match with you if the conversation remains calm and logical. If it steps outside of that, then the judge will be asked to make a decision. Pointlessly bickering is not fun or useful for anyone.

-A challenger may be banned from challenging the host ever again if he/she displays unreasonable/immature/explosive behavior against the host before or during the fight. Things can be discussed in a calm, civil manner without resorting to long, pointless arguing, insults and childish complaining. This will save ourselves the headache of exchanging statements back and forth that will go nowhere.

-A good old-fashioned fight would be preferred wherein only the basics are allowed.
- The basic elemental jutsus - Katon, Suiton, Doton, Fuuton and Raiton (given that the claimed jutsus are within both parties' abilities [within their affinity]).
- One advanced elemental KG (Mokuton, Yoton, etc. with agreed nerfs)
- Kenjutsu (only ordinary swords are allowed)
- Pure Taijutsu (no Gates enhanced techs)
- No Sage-related abilities (Sage Mode, Rinnegan, Tenseigan)
- Basic Dojutsu abilities (For Sharingan, you either get just Kamui or the Amaterasu, Tsukuyomi, Susanno combo; for Byakugan, Gentle Fist, Kaiten and those other 'basic' stuff)
- None of the special jutsus (FTG, other space-time, etc.)

~ All information stated here subject to change
~ Mail me with any questions
Title: Re: Another Kiri Strip; Featuring Eiko!
Post by: Hitler-Chan on October 27, 2015, 08:22:28 PM
For one, I don't remember Deathstroke having to find her IC, as a matter of fact, he was RP locked in Iwa when their fight began. He had ZERO knowledge of Eiko's existence, let alone where the beast might be. So that argument is null, unless you are saying her 'Preferences' can accommodate her as she pleases.
Title: Re: Another Kiri Strip; Featuring Eiko!
Post by: Bocchiere on October 27, 2015, 08:31:53 PM
Aren't there currently no working bijuu rules anyway?
Title: Re: Another Kiri Strip; Featuring Eiko!
Post by: Deathstroke on October 27, 2015, 08:33:58 PM
For one, I don't remember Deathstroke having to find her IC, as a matter of fact, he was RP locked in Iwa when their fight began. He had ZERO knowledge of Eiko's existence, let alone where the beast might be. So that argument is null, unless you are saying her 'Preferences' can accommodate her as she pleases.

Convenient how you seem to have forgotten that you forced us to skip the IC hunt that we were going to do because you were too impatient to wait for the rp in Iwa to be done and were threatening to force me to be skipped so you could fight her.
Title: Re: Another Kiri Strip; Featuring Eiko!
Post by: Hitler-Chan on October 27, 2015, 08:48:14 PM
Then anarchy reigns. And under the authority of the lack of that very thing, I call this strip commenced, and completed. The Sanbi is now in my possession and that is all.

I'm being facetious of course, but without ANY rules, then things like that are likely to happen and completely justified because of some controversial poll we took. If people wish to simply waive off the fact that there aren't any rules to govern this issue, then now, we who choose to follow the rules are taking your bijuu, but don't worry, you don't HAVE to accept anything, but now there are two sets of every bijuu, one set that are governed under the Old Rules, and the other that the people who wish to follow none of them have.

And to you Death, I have not forgotten, no, but if I remember correctly, that RP ended what, a month ago? Okay so now let's cross reference a few things. Eiko Posted her preferences on August 11th, and being as I have forgotten the exact date that her grace period ended, I wanna say around that same time. The Iwa Rp ended maybe a month ago, and then your 3.5 round fight with her lasted a month, and was set to last another 6 months, and let's not even talk about the time it would have taken to hunt her down. So of course anyone in their right mind would mind waiting their lifetime for a shot at the bijuu.

The point is though, I asked her to contact me regarding the status of the challenge, nothing was given, even though she clearly read through it. So if she wanted to be like, "Hey you still gotta hunt me." I would have provided her with the answers she needed to satisfy that requirement and that would have been that, but no, she blatantly ignored my attempts at contacting her, and then chose not to post within the 14 days she had. But all of that is moot if she also is someone who believes that there are no longer any rules. To which my statement above now applies.
Title: Re: Another Kiri Strip; Featuring Eiko!
Post by: Bocchiere on October 27, 2015, 08:54:21 PM
If you don't like rp's that take months and months then you should really stop hunting tailed beasts.

They took forever to do even back when it was just the ooc fights and now the IC hunt thing is abused just to make a buffer between the host and their challengers. "Oh yeah there's a post-it note on top of a mountain somewhere that says I am the Jinchuriki, so it's totally possible for you to hunt me down." I've had people admit to me that they just use to try and get people to give up and not fight them.

If we're going to do IC hunts then it should be a rule that the Bijuu's chakra cannot be suppressed so there's always a way to find them. Till they move to the Moon anyway.
Title: Re: Another Kiri Strip; Featuring Eiko!
Post by: Hitler-Chan on October 27, 2015, 08:57:01 PM
If you don't like rp's that take months and months then you should really stop hunting tailed beasts.

They took forever to do even back when it was just the ooc fights and now the IC hunt thing is abused just to make a buffer between the host and their challengers. "Oh yeah there's a post-it note on top of a mountain somewhere that says I am the Jinchuriki, so it's totally possible for you to hunt me down." I've had people admit to me that they just use to try and get people to give up and not fight them.

If we're going to do IC hunts then it should be a rule that the Bijuu's chakra cannot be suppressed so there's always a way to find them. Till they move to the Moon anyway.

I never once said I didn't like RP's that lasted months on end, what I said was I was not entirely okay with waiting for a village wide Rp that had nothing to do with the Bijuu, before he was set to hunt down Eiko, and then fight.
Title: Re: Another Kiri Strip; Featuring Eiko!
Post by: Suishou Koji on October 27, 2015, 10:23:54 PM
If you don't like rp's that take months and months then you should really stop hunting tailed beasts.

They took forever to do even back when it was just the ooc fights and now the IC hunt thing is abused just to make a buffer between the host and their challengers. "Oh yeah there's a post-it note on top of a mountain somewhere that says I am the Jinchuriki, so it's totally possible for you to hunt me down." I've had people admit to me that they just use to try and get people to give up and not fight them.

If we're going to do IC hunts then it should be a rule that the Bijuu's chakra cannot be suppressed so there's always a way to find them. Till they move to the Moon anyway.

I'd listen to Bocchi on this one about the fights taking forever. He would know better than the rest of us considering what he's accomplished in the past.
Title: Re: Another Kiri Strip; Featuring Eiko!
Post by: Bocchiere on October 27, 2015, 10:40:15 PM
If you don't like rp's that take months and months then you should really stop hunting tailed beasts.

They took forever to do even back when it was just the ooc fights and now the IC hunt thing is abused just to make a buffer between the host and their challengers. "Oh yeah there's a post-it note on top of a mountain somewhere that says I am the Jinchuriki, so it's totally possible for you to hunt me down." I've had people admit to me that they just use to try and get people to give up and not fight them.

If we're going to do IC hunts then it should be a rule that the Bijuu's chakra cannot be suppressed so there's always a way to find them. Till they move to the Moon anyway.

I never once said I didn't like RP's that lasted months on end, what I said was I was not entirely okay with waiting for a village wide Rp that had nothing to do with the Bijuu, before he was set to hunt down Eiko, and then fight.

And that situation only occurred because of the stupid IC hunt rules. Which is why stripping Eiko is just treating a symptom and not the cause. We need to get the bijuu rules straightened out to fix all this shit. I'm going to be making a post in that topic later today going over each part to try and get conversation started again.

And thanks Koji. :D
Title: Re: Another Kiri Strip; Featuring Eiko!
Post by: Hitler-Chan on October 27, 2015, 10:42:41 PM
If you don't like rp's that take months and months then you should really stop hunting tailed beasts.

They took forever to do even back when it was just the ooc fights and now the IC hunt thing is abused just to make a buffer between the host and their challengers. "Oh yeah there's a post-it note on top of a mountain somewhere that says I am the Jinchuriki, so it's totally possible for you to hunt me down." I've had people admit to me that they just use to try and get people to give up and not fight them.

If we're going to do IC hunts then it should be a rule that the Bijuu's chakra cannot be suppressed so there's always a way to find them. Till they move to the Moon anyway.

I never once said I didn't like RP's that lasted months on end, what I said was I was not entirely okay with waiting for a village wide Rp that had nothing to do with the Bijuu, before he was set to hunt down Eiko, and then fight.

And that situation only occurred because of the stupid IC hunt rules. Which is why stripping Eiko is just treating a symptom and not the cause. We need to get the bijuu rules straightened out to fix all this shit. I'm going to be making a post in that topic later today going over each part to try and get conversation started again.

And thanks Koji. :D

I await that post, till then, this remains up for discussion.
Title: Re: Another Kiri Strip; Featuring Eiko!
Post by: UettoSenju on October 27, 2015, 10:49:54 PM
Why would someone who uses the IC hunt rule have a challenger list anyways? That seems pointless to me. Are you trying to imply that someone can not come find you RP wise until these other people have... That's not how rp works. Hell ten people can come looking for you at the same time if they so wish having no regards to the 9 others also looking. Maybe they bump into each other and duke it out after finding out they are both after the same person.

Even if Riku goes to Kiri and starts this IC hunt what is stopping me from going to Kiri myself and seeing if I can snatch a host? If I happen to get to the host before him... oh well.

I do believe the true offense here is one my good friend Kay likes to throw around, Character Controlling.  You can tell me that my character can not come seeking you, it's my character. And you also can't ignore me as I do think it is a no, no to ignore those when it is in regards to the tailed beast.

See the picture I am painting here?
Title: Re: Another Kiri Strip; Featuring Eiko!
Post by: Court on October 28, 2015, 03:34:20 AM
I'll be frank. I read the PM, have been meaning to reply to it, but in all honesty, I feel that because SL is so divided and the rules are up in the air for discussion that I shouldn't have to agree to a challenge right now. I also was under the impression that you claimed the Hachibi, so that would have been another solid point I'd refute that would make me even less keen on agreeing to a challenge. Not only that, but I've also been contemplating my own preferences. But, I'll say I wasn't ignoring you. I typically open messages to read and when I'm not busy, I usually find the time to give my undivided attention to reply -- but, you went ahead and posted here, so I'll return the favor in kind.

I mean, I'll apologize for being late with replying to the message, but yeah. These are my concerns and well, people get busy in RL. I've been working every day, so when I pop on, it's usually to check in and see how things are doing. But, I make time, consider this my reply to your PM.
Title: Re: Another Kiri Strip; Featuring Eiko!
Post by: Hitler-Chan on October 28, 2015, 04:15:03 AM
I'll be frank. I read the PM, have been meaning to reply to it, but in all honesty, I feel that because SL is so divided and the rules are up in the air for discussion that I shouldn't have to agree to a challenge right now. I also was under the impression that you claimed the Hachibi, so that would have been another solid point I'd refute that would make me even less keen on agreeing to a challenge. Not only that, but I've also been contemplating my own preferences. But, I'll say I wasn't ignoring you. I typically open messages to read and when I'm not busy, I usually find the time to give my undivided attention to reply -- but, you went ahead and posted here, so I'll return the favor in kind.

I mean, I'll apologize for being late with replying to the message, but yeah. These are my concerns and well, people get busy in RL. I've been working every day, so when I pop on, it's usually to check in and see how things are doing. But, I make time, consider this my reply to your PM.

I apologize but all I am reading here is that you were busy, and don't really know if you are following the rules are not, which under any circumstance wouldn't be a justifiable reason to prevent this strip.

I say, any other time in SL history if a host breaks the rules that govern the bijuu, they are stripped without much question. So, this question extends to all of you, are we simply allowing hosts to go, "eh." in the face of the rules that we have followed for years simply because things are, "Up in the air?". I refuse that reality, especially after waiting so long, just to be given a proverbial middle finger because of some Poll that was taken, a poll that people who have never concerned themselves with Bijuu or the proceedings that govern them, came out of the woodwork to vociferously extend opinions that frankly, weren't in the slightest relevant to them, to change a set of rules that have NEVER affected them.
Title: Re: Another Kiri Strip; Featuring Eiko!
Post by: Ѕhadow on October 28, 2015, 05:04:57 AM
If rules were broken I made it my job to go ahead and make a strip topic of the host and after that it was discussed what would happen. If the host responded while the topic was still going (7 days) then those who were involved or wanted to voice their opinion did so. From there it would go on to see if they were indeed stripped.

Yujo isn't in the wrong here for posting this topic if all the info is correct. 14 days, a fortnight, the strip stipulation is in effect.

I've washed my hands of bijuu for awhile now and haven't even had the tiniest amount of wanting to come back. Still being with who is in this topic I felt like I wanted to post.


Rules were broken. He made a strip topic. Host in stripping process responded.

From here on do it how I described my topics went (A vote or some other device) or let it go on a wild ride that leads to nowhere. (somewhere?)

I'm out. ~

(Edit: This is based on the rules that were there before I quit bijuu ''''rp'''' right now I have no clue what condition the rules are in. So yeah)
Title: Re: Another Kiri Strip; Featuring Eiko!
Post by: Bocchiere on October 28, 2015, 05:39:42 AM
If we do decide to strip Eiko I think we should actually do a tournament for it.

I agree it should not go back to Kiri, I don't know the last time Kiri had any successful interaction regarding Bijuu. When Akatsuki as a whole attacked Kiri every action my side took was argued into the ground until the rp was eventually voided. When I challenged Xia for the 6 tails he made his opening post entering the zone and then failed to post until he lost to time out. The beast should go somewhere else. If it is to be stripped.


If we trace the history of this particular beast back some time ago we'd find that it was hosted by none other than Yujo. I don't think I was on the site at the time, but Isaribi challenged him and I believe he was stripped of it. Feel free to correct me if that is wrong. So if you want to look at it that way Kiri would not of gotten it in the first place if not for Yujo. So he's kinda cleaning up his own mess here.


He has waited multiple months for a shot at this beast. So my idea is this. If Eiko is stripped we have a tournament for the beast, with Yujo being automatically placed in one of the two finalist spots. We'll give a week after the announcement of the competition for people to sign up and then do it from there. In related news I don't think Yujo should be able to use the Hachibi in the tournament due to its decidedly dichotomous nature.

Yujo has waited for a long time for a shot at the beast, he has earned that, but waiting for it does not mean he's earned the beast itself. I think he should have to fight for it. I don't know if there were any other challengers for Isobu on Eiko's list but I can assure Yujo will have at least one competitor in the tournament, if that's what's decided.  :twisted:
Title: Re: Another Kiri Strip; Featuring Eiko!
Post by: Ѕhadow on October 28, 2015, 05:48:09 AM
Tournaments won't work. Each fight will take weeks to finish and in the end no one will be happy since it consumed months of time. Countless arguments, etc.

No dice.
Title: Re: Another Kiri Strip; Featuring Eiko!
Post by: Hazama on October 28, 2015, 05:50:10 AM
Honestly, I don't know what else to say. As a Jinchuuriki I was asked to comment but since I'm kind of friends with Eiko and Yujo this is weird for me.

But even that being said, rules are rules. >> I've always said that. I was the first person to say that Jinchuuriki have too much freedom, and several agreed with me. Warren literally said fuck you to anyone who wants his beast, and anyone who wants to make the rules better, and anyone that even WANTS rules in the first place. There'd be another split if we ever want to see his beast again. I know this isn't about Warren, but that's my point when it comes to this.

Hell, even Bocchiere is on Yujo's side in this. And anyone on SL longer than a year, more or less, knows what that is saying >_> As for this. Sure, the situation isn't as severe, and as much as I love Court, there's a saying passed around 'If you get too busy in life to where you can't be active, you shouldn't be a Jinchuuriki'. The same goes for anyone, my friend or not. Hell, that even goes for myself xD

In short, I don't think this needs to discussed at all. Eiko took more than fourteen days to make a public post, then why are we even wasting our breath? We've stripped beasts from people for less. At least this is following the rules set up xD

Of course, after saying all that, when did Eiko's fight with Deathstroke end? Because, let's say it was... Twelve days ago, right? Then only twelve of the fourteen days count, since you can't try and strip her when she was in a Bijuu fight >>;

Anyway... My shitty devil's advocate is over.

Tourneys wouldn't work, and I do agree Kiri has had it's fair share of shit when it comes to Bijuu. I was a part of that raid on Kiri and they argued about my fucking SOUL in regards of using the Edo Tensei. MY SOUL. And then if a Jashinist could take a cannonball to the stomach... Don't get me started xD
Title: Re: Another Kiri Strip; Featuring Eiko!
Post by: Bocchiere on October 28, 2015, 05:52:58 AM
Would anyone else besides me even join one? Because that's what I was getting at. << I just think regardless of how long he's waited it would be lame to get it without a fight.
Title: Re: Another Kiri Strip; Featuring Eiko!
Post by: UettoSenju on October 28, 2015, 05:57:35 AM
I'll be frank. I read the PM, have been meaning to reply to it, but in all honesty, I feel that because SL is so divided and the rules are up in the air for discussion that I shouldn't have to agree to a challenge right now. I also was under the impression that you claimed the Hachibi, so that would have been another solid point I'd refute that would make me even less keen on agreeing to a challenge. Not only that, but I've also been contemplating my own preferences. But, I'll say I wasn't ignoring you. I typically open messages to read and when I'm not busy, I usually find the time to give my undivided attention to reply -- but, you went ahead and posted here, so I'll return the favor in kind.

I mean, I'll apologize for being late with replying to the message, but yeah. These are my concerns and well, people get busy in RL. I've been working every day, so when I pop on, it's usually to check in and see how things are doing. But, I make time, consider this my reply to your PM.

I don't see anything here being a real reason as to why one would turn down a challenger. The vote was never really decided on what to do with the rules and as of now I'd surely think they stand as was. Who cares if he has another tailed beast... just because he can not host two is no reason as to why he can not fight for another one, he may simply give it away after winning it. And you deciding to change your way of doing challenges means nothing either. Until you officially change them and make a note of it where your old ones were I'd have to think the old ones stand.

On top of that if you did go past your time to post public well that is an auto strip. I understand that you are busy... hell I feel that pain work full time, college full time, wife to come home to, car to restore. But being a host comes with that responsibility. It is nothing personal.

But once again I fail to see how someone working of the IC hunt could even have a challenger list. It is just pointless.

Other than that I'd have to side with the strip at this point in time, in Yujo's favor. If there is a list and he was on it next in line that beast should go to him. If nothing else by simply means of the time period to post publicly being not upheld.
Title: Re: Another Kiri Strip; Featuring Eiko!
Post by: Hitler-Chan on October 28, 2015, 06:05:38 AM
Would anyone else besides me even join one? Because that's what I was getting at. << I just think regardless of how long he's waited it would be lame to get it without a fight.

Honestly, it's not even like I wanted the damn thing for free in the first place, but you weren't around for the earlier parts of this story, so your take on my post here is understandable. I would gladly fight any challenger or potential challenger for the beast in this hypothetical tournament, because all I have been advocating for these past months is for my fair shot at the beast, and frankly I will refuse any notion that tries and refute that.

I just wanted a fight, but Kiri, and their associates chose to brush off their obligations, and I was just supposed to sit quietly and wait my turn? Nah dawg. Times up. If Eiko agrees to a fight, and to a stricter posting timeframe I will lock this thread and we all can move on, but I doubted that would happen from the start due to my past experiences with Mist Shinobi, and went ahead and moved on with making this post.
Title: Re: Another Kiri Strip; Featuring Eiko!
Post by: Bocchiere on October 28, 2015, 06:23:28 AM
If Yujo's got no problem with the tourney I don't see why we don't do it. :D
Title: Re: Another Kiri Strip; Featuring Eiko!
Post by: KayentaMoenkopi on October 28, 2015, 07:11:00 AM
Here are my two cents.

You are stripping based on old rules, which were never changed because no one can agree on anything.

In order to strip her of the bijuu.

HOWEVER...after the stripping you want to throw those very same rules away and decide what happens to the bijuu, when it is clearly stated that is up to Kiri to determine.

So its let's follow the rules for part one then let's throw the rules away for part two?

Title: Re: Another Kiri Strip; Featuring Eiko!
Post by: Hitler-Chan on October 28, 2015, 07:15:34 AM
@Bocc, let's not get crazy here, I am not about to let anyone and their mother join in the Tourney so I have to sit back and wait some more for my chance at the bijuu. Only those who have shown interest in this particular beast in the recent months should be allowed. >>

@Kayenta, it has been stated, like 40 thousand million gillion times, that Kiri simply is not fit to deal with Bijuu. Like go read the rest of this post and you will see a few others have stated such.
Title: Re: Another Kiri Strip; Featuring Eiko!
Post by: Bocchiere on October 28, 2015, 07:19:58 AM
We're all just tired of Kiri's bull Kay. They've been doing this all along with everything. Back when I captured Samehada from Isa, Ranketsu appeared out of no where and declared there had actually been a seal on the swords the whole time that would summon it back to Kiri if the wielder died. I asked Ranketsu to explain what the seal did while Rai asked Cmage and we both came back to each other with completely different seals.

If you can point out a time to me in the last two years that Kiri had an interaction regarding a bijuu that ended in anything other than a void or a strip I will change my mind and agree with you that they should get it back. Otherwise they've had about a million and 5 chances to not make their possession of Bijuu a chore for everyone. (My actions as Rakudo don't count, by the way).
Title: Re: Another Kiri Strip; Featuring Eiko!
Post by: Hazama on October 28, 2015, 07:25:34 AM
Here are my two cents.

You are stripping based on old rules, which were never changed because no one can agree on anything.

In order to strip her of the bijuu.

HOWEVER...after the stripping you want to throw those very same rules away and decide what happens to the bijuu, when it is clearly stated that is up to Kiri to determine.

So its let's follow the rules for part one then let's throw the rules away for part two?


Alright, I'm sad because I had this nice post out, with alcoholism and shit planned but something happened and I lost it. So, long story short. Use the word alcohol for Kiri instead of Bijuu. The alcohol users in Kiri abuse it, the Kage abuses it, and instead of finally taking the bottle away, you want to hand it back to them, in this endless loop of BS.

To be more exact;
Yujo got Isa stripped, I do recall. And then, for more than a week(which was the time frame given to villages to find a new host) had past and Yujo was still denied his challenges and attempts at the beast. There goes one month.
Then, there is all that drama with Eiko's grace period and Deathstroke's challenge and all that. Which he gets screwed over again. There's one mo- Oh, wait, that actually took two months.
And now this, which god only knows how long it will go on.

And what if we do give it back to Kiri? We have to wait for XIA to, not only get online, but to decide on another host, seal it in them, and then fourteen days for the grace period to end again? That's basically another month, maybe even close to two D: And at that point, it'll be almost half a year, if not half a year, he's been trying to GET A FIGHT. Not even just get the beast, but just to get a freakin' fight for it.

It's really ridiculous. It's stuck in Kiri's endless loop of nonsense :/ And it just sucks. The only reason Kiri still has the Three Tails isn't because their hosts have been good at defending it. It's because it keeps getting stripped and then sent back to them... Then stripped, then sent back to them... When is enough going to be enough? :/
Title: Re: Another Kiri Strip; Featuring Eiko!
Post by: KayentaMoenkopi on October 28, 2015, 07:27:27 AM
my opinions are not up for debate, so you do not need to make arguments against them. I was here during all that stuff and to me this is not a 'who deserves what' issue. I am not commenting upon how Kiri handles their bijuu but what the current rules for this situation are.

It's about existing rules. i have stated them based on the existing rules which are your justification for the strip. Be consistent is all I am saying. If Kiri then fails to abide by the time limits in dealing with it, then take your actions after they have broken that rule.

however, there is not in existence currently a 'Kiri is incompetent clause so they do not ever get to deal with another bijuu like every other village does ever again' rule.

If you are going to do this, do it right. You do not need to fast track this by skipping steps.
Title: Re: Another Kiri Strip; Featuring Eiko!
Post by: Bocchiere on October 28, 2015, 07:35:43 AM
It seems to basically be The Wild West with rules right now Kay. From what I was told Gitsune is also not accepting challenges because of the undecided nature of the rules. So if they're not following them, and history has shown they're not going to follow them, I say why waste our time.

You're right, we should follow the rules, no one can decide what the rules are right now though.
Title: Re: Another Kiri Strip; Featuring Eiko!
Post by: KayentaMoenkopi on October 28, 2015, 07:42:39 AM
so suspend all fights and make some damn rules and get them agreed upon already.
and do it one at a time if you have to with a thread for each one and a master list of accepted rules when each one is made.

this nonsense has gone on long enough. make a poll for each rule. and make it simple.

1] you have to accept all challenges,, yes or no.
2] you have to be active or will get stripped after 2 weeks. yes or no.
3] you have 2 weeks grace period as a new host when no one can even challenge you as you get to know your beast. yes or no.
4] you have to post once a week or you lose, yes or no.
5] you get to make one repost for gross errors. yes or no.
6] you get to have a judge that both have to agree upon, yes or no.
7] you can't challenge the same host for the same beast for 3 months. yes or no.
8] you can't misinterpret the rules while being a whiney little bitch, yes or no.
9] you choose ic hunt and take what comes through ic battle. yes or no.
10] you choose ooc hunt and match and have to keep a challenge list. yes or no.
11] anything that is not covered by the 10 rules is BS so shut up and act like you know something. yes or no.

its not that friggen hard.
Title: Re: Another Kiri Strip; Featuring Eiko!
Post by: Iburi Ray on October 28, 2015, 07:42:55 AM
I've been following the threads related to this just because I wanna know more about the whole bijuu thing, but since I have never hunted for one or tried for one, I cannot give relevant information, but seeing by rules, I believe she would be stripped. I have seen far too many people just hold onto a beast and never be on for days at a time. But like I said I am a novice with this stuff. But if it's a tourney that sounds like fun~
Title: Re: Another Kiri Strip; Featuring Eiko!
Post by: KayentaMoenkopi on October 28, 2015, 07:47:44 AM
and for stripping?

1] if host is stripped, village/clan decided what to do with beast. yes or no.
2] village/clan has 2 weeks to pick a host. yes or no
3] once a host is chosen village/clan has 1 week to seal the beast. yes or no.
4] inactivity for rp partners during an IC sealing will not be a reason to take longer than one week to finish the rp. yes or no.

for anything else. make it simple and get on with it.
Title: Re: Another Kiri Strip; Featuring Eiko!
Post by: Bocchiere on October 28, 2015, 07:49:32 AM
That's what I am trying to do Kay. Since I've been here the Bijuu workshop thread has done effectively nothing, so I tried giving it a shot in the arm today by posting my take on just everything, we'll see if that works or not.
Title: Re: Another Kiri Strip; Featuring Eiko!
Post by: KayentaMoenkopi on October 28, 2015, 07:54:58 AM
keep it simple. keep it fair. but until anything is decided, you are bound but what it or not. and that is fair.
Title: Re: Another Kiri Strip; Featuring Eiko!
Post by: Iburi Ray on October 28, 2015, 07:56:21 AM
Not trying to piss people off but wasn't the poll considering the rules locked in a tie? Meaning nothing changed? At least that's what I thought ties and draws mean.
Title: Re: Another Kiri Strip; Featuring Eiko!
Post by: Kage on October 28, 2015, 07:59:03 AM
Some people would say we're in a demilitarized zone right now because of the stalemate of the previous poll. And because of that, it's believed by them that there are no rules right now while there are new ones being discussed. But that's where they're wrong.

By subjecting themselves to the RP, and standards of RP, that concern the Tailed Beasts, they have already accepted the current rules at hand. Just because a country is changing and reforming their laws, doesn't mean that if somebody steals it won't be illegal. If people truly wanted new rules, then they would actively contribute to the discussion of it. I believe those talks need a bit more reorganizing, like a thread per rule that is wanting to be added, rectified or removed. If you like something suggested, then say something. If you don't, then say you don't. But if you're indifferent about them, then you have already subjected yourself to whatever outcome it brings.

As a summoner I'm subject to the current "old" rules, and as such I am following them. If somebody disagrees, ignores or breaks the rules, they are subject to the consequences of them just as much as I am. We're subject to greater standards and duties over the rest of the RPers here.
Title: Re: Another Kiri Strip; Featuring Eiko!
Post by: Bocchiere on October 28, 2015, 08:01:20 AM
Some people would say we're in a demilitarized zone right now because of the stalemate of the previous poll. And because of that, it's believed by them that there are no rules right now while there are new ones being discussed. But that's where they're wrong.

By subjecting themselves to the RP, and standards of RP, that concern the Tailed Beasts, they have already accepted the current rules at hand. Just because a country is changing and reforming their laws, doesn't mean that if somebody steals it won't be illegal. If people truly wanted new rules, then they would actively contribute to the discussion of it. I believe those talks need a bit more reorganizing, like a thread per rule that is wanting to be added, rectified or removed. If you like something suggested, then say something. If you don't, then say you don't. But if you're indifferent about them, then you have already subjected yourself to whatever outcome it brings.

As a summoner I'm subject to the current "old" rules, and as such I am following them. If somebody disagrees, ignores or breaks the rules, they are subject to the consequences of them just as much as I am. We're subject to greater standards and duties over the rest of the RPers here.

That's what I've always thought. I just had no reason to make a big thread about it, mostly because I want to see whose going to do the SL equivalent of rioting and looting.
Title: Re: Another Kiri Strip; Featuring Eiko!
Post by: KayentaMoenkopi on October 28, 2015, 08:20:03 AM
Not trying to piss people off but wasn't the poll considering the rules locked in a tie? Meaning nothing changed? At least that's what I thought ties and draws mean.
And that could be where the confusion is. no one knows what is what any more. The poll said to void the bijuu, so...does that mean anything goes now cause no one ....and i mean a majority...did not wish to change the rules?

who knows anything anymore? The only thing we do have, before this issue of keeping or voiding the bijuu was even brought up, are the old rules.

Title: Re: Another Kiri Strip; Featuring Eiko!
Post by: Eric on October 28, 2015, 01:55:03 PM
When the poll went in favor of "void the biju", EVERYONE, particularly those who voted, should have voided the beasts right then and there (because they implicitly signed up to abide by whichever side one, no matter how close). The problem is the same democratic problem that has popped up consistently.

Nobody wants to follow a decision that he/she doesn't like. There should not be anymore biju topics around here because they should be considered void, but as Kay put it, there are too many people refusing to "let it go".

Democracy on this issue was tried, but it failed not because it was inherently flawed, but because people did not want to actually follow the decision that was hashed out in the end.

To that end, either you strongearm the issue and take the risks associated with that, or just give it up as a whole. Giving people an opinion on the matter is pointless if said people are not going to bother listening or abiding by a consensus, however slight it may be.
Title: Re: Another Kiri Strip; Featuring Eiko!
Post by: Hitler-Chan on October 29, 2015, 11:56:37 PM
When the poll went in favor of "void the biju", EVERYONE, particularly those who voted, should have voided the beasts right then and there (because they implicitly signed up to abide by whichever side one, no matter how close). The problem is the same democratic problem that has popped up consistently.

Nobody wants to follow a decision that he/she doesn't like. There should not be anymore biju topics around here because they should be considered void, but as Kay put it, there are too many people refusing to "let it go".

Democracy on this issue was tried, but it failed not because it was inherently flawed, but because people did not want to actually follow the decision that was hashed out in the end.

To that end, either you strongearm the issue and take the risks associated with that, or just give it up as a whole. Giving people an opinion on the matter is pointless if said people are not going to bother listening or abiding by a consensus, however slight it may be.

Sooo.....Onto the matter at hand, where is the Bijuu going?
Title: Re: Another Kiri Strip; Featuring Eiko!
Post by: Court on October 30, 2015, 12:36:42 AM
How can the Bijuu go anywhere when I've been active and abiding by the old rules? Like, I'm actively rping (often waiting on other people too, the post I made before was to allude to my ongoing endeavors). The rules mentioned writing a sentence to be active if I recall. I can't say that it went against that at all. Also, I was in debate because the rules are in working order -- EVEN THOUGH BIJUU SHOULD BE VOIDED, that I didn't outright refuse a challenge (plus I thought people get 3 refusals anyway?)

You people are too quick to jump the gun when things aren't working your way. I mean, if the Bijuu should be voided since that won, then isn't this all moot and poot? Most votes don't go two ways if there was a win, regardless of the split.

I believe (if I remember correctly) that Kayenta described the situation nicely -- shouldn't really do anything when things are up and pending.

So yeah, Bijuu is staying with me.
Title: Re: Another Kiri Strip; Featuring Eiko!
Post by: Old Man Xia on October 30, 2015, 12:41:32 AM
How can the Bijuu go anywhere when I've been active and abiding by the old rules? Like, I'm actively rping (often waiting on other people too, the post I made before was to allude to my ongoing endeavors). The rules mentioned writing a sentence to be active if I recall. I can't say that it went against that at all. Also, I was in debate because the rules are in working order -- EVEN THOUGH BIJUU SHOULD BE VOIDED, that I didn't outright refuse a challenge (plus I thought people get 3 refusals anyway?)

You people are too quick to jump the gun when things aren't working your way. I mean, if the Bijuu should be voided since that won, then isn't this all moot and poot? Most votes don't go two ways if there was a win, regardless of the split.

I believe (if I remember correctly) that Kayenta described the situation nicely -- shouldn't really do anything when things are up and pending.

So yeah, Bijuu is staying with me.

This pretty much, plus Riku has a history of making these posts with not enough information or proof. Why don't we stop the stupidity here for one.
Title: Re: Another Kiri Strip; Featuring Eiko!
Post by: Bocchiere on October 30, 2015, 12:45:51 AM
Give up your bijuu and it will stop.

It would be one thing if it was just yujo but this happens pretty much anytime anyone challenges Kiri for a bijuu. If you don't like them it coincidentally becomes a Herculean task to get and finish the fight.

Court just fight yujo it's been months, come on, don't be ridiculous.
Title: Re: Another Kiri Strip; Featuring Eiko!
Post by: Old Man Xia on October 30, 2015, 12:51:49 AM
Give up your bijuu and it will stop.

It would be one thing if it was just yujo but this happens pretty much anytime anyone challenges Kiri for a bijuu. If you don't like them it coincidentally becomes a Herculean task to get and finish the fight.

Court just fight yujo it's been months, come on, don't be ridiculous.

So you're gonna side with someone who has nothing but a bad background, compared to Eiko who has only 1 that cannot be entirely proven? What logic are others smoking?
Title: Re: Another Kiri Strip; Featuring Eiko!
Post by: Hitler-Chan on October 30, 2015, 12:56:14 AM
How can the Bijuu go anywhere when I've been active and abiding by the old rules? Like, I'm actively rping (often waiting on other people too, the post I made before was to allude to my ongoing endeavors). The rules mentioned writing a sentence to be active if I recall. I can't say that it went against that at all. Also, I was in debate because the rules are in working order -- EVEN THOUGH BIJUU SHOULD BE VOIDED, that I didn't outright refuse a challenge (plus I thought people get 3 refusals anyway?)

You people are too quick to jump the gun when things aren't working your way. I mean, if the Bijuu should be voided since that won, then isn't this all moot and poot? Most votes don't go two ways if there was a win, regardless of the split.

I believe (if I remember correctly) that Kayenta described the situation nicely -- shouldn't really do anything when things are up and pending.

So yeah, Bijuu is staying with me.

This pretty much, plus Riku has a history of making these posts with not enough information or proof. Why don't we stop the stupidity here for one.

Where should I even begin?

First with you Xia, likely the most vulgar and non-productive Kage in the History of SL, please provide me with a screenshot of where Eiko had posted within the time she was given under the old rules, and your claims could begin to have some validity, otherwise, you are spouting nonsense out of your Expecto patronum as per usual.

Court, and likely all of Kiri missed the lecture where the word, 'active' was taught, as it has become issue, time and time again where they post ONLY on the 14th day, because they know people like me are waiting for them to slip, not because they feel the need to follow through on their obligations. You didn't post within 14 days this time, and STILL have not posted some...16 days 23 hours later.

Your claims that hosts get 3 refusals is also false as that rule applies ONLY before you place them on your challenge list. It's a bit too late for that, toots. What else ya got, cause you guys are just rehashing the same arguments from the previous stripping posts with your village name on em.
Title: Re: Another Kiri Strip; Featuring Eiko!
Post by: Rusaku on October 30, 2015, 12:58:28 AM
Give up your bijuu and it will stop.

It would be one thing if it was just yujo but this happens pretty much anytime anyone challenges Kiri for a bijuu. If you don't like them it coincidentally becomes a Herculean task to get and finish the fight.

Court just fight yujo it's been months, come on, don't be ridiculous.

So you're gonna side with someone who has nothing but a bad background, compared to Eiko who has only 1 that cannot be entirely proven? What logic are others smoking?
This revelation should be an eye opener for you then. If bocc is willing to side with Yujo, then perhaps it is you who is in the wrong this time. When hell begins to freeze over, perhaps you should rethink what you are standing for to cause such actions.
Title: Re: Another Kiri Strip; Featuring Eiko!
Post by: Court on October 30, 2015, 12:58:49 AM
Sans me, weren't all the damn Sanbi hosts inactive?? Like, how does this justify anything? I'm pretty sure everyone has been inactive throughout SL at some point, to be honest.

But, well, I think waiting for the rules is a good option, and I did mention that I was thinking of changing my preferences. But you guys are so adamant and impatient.

Haha, would we even come to an agreement? Probably not.
Title: Re: Another Kiri Strip; Featuring Eiko!
Post by: Old Man Xia on October 30, 2015, 01:04:40 AM
Give up your bijuu and it will stop.

It would be one thing if it was just yujo but this happens pretty much anytime anyone challenges Kiri for a bijuu. If you don't like them it coincidentally becomes a Herculean task to get and finish the fight.

Court just fight yujo it's been months, come on, don't be ridiculous.

So you're gonna side with someone who has nothing but a bad background, compared to Eiko who has only 1 that cannot be entirely proven? What logic are others smoking?
This revelation should be an eye opener for you then. If bocc is willing to side with Yujo, then perhaps it is you who is in the wrong this time. When hell begins to freeze over, perhaps you should rethink what you are standing for to cause such actions.

I will not reconsider this time because every time I have seen something like this, it has been nothing but a major pain in my ass to find a host. I do find a host within the time given, but guess what, there are NO RULES currently. There has been no tie breaker between either voiding the bijuu or amending the rules.

So tell me, what applies then if there are no rules? I really see no justification because this is nothing but blind hatred, and I don't care if I don't normally post because I DON'T HAVE A BIJUU! Tell me if I care for one because I don't have to follow the rules you think I should. I make my own rules for when I need to post or should post. Also, fact check before you post Riku, because what I post in the village doesn't always mean I haven't posted somewhere else. Duh.....

Edit: I want to show you something as an amendment to my post

2. Be nice to each other. Harassment, stalking and other such things will not be tolerated. Your freedom ends when another players freedom is harmed, basically. There is no catalog on what exactly is covered, but a fine invention called 'commonsense' should give you a few hints on what is allowed and what not.

Does this mean something to everyone? Riku has been stalking every single thing bijuu wise within Kiri. Why? I don't know what the motives are, but come on.... Use commonsense for heavens sake!!! Stop the bull crap already.
Title: Re: Another Kiri Strip; Featuring Eiko!
Post by: Bocchiere on October 30, 2015, 01:11:04 AM

That's not impatient and calling it such at this point just makes it seem more like you guys are just trolling him.

Just fight him. Make topic right now and fight him. What are you stalling for? End this so we don't have to hear about it for another 6 months. Christ.
Title: Re: Another Kiri Strip; Featuring Eiko!
Post by: Old Man Xia on October 30, 2015, 01:14:39 AM

That's not impatient and calling it such at this point just makes it seem more like you guys are just trolling him.

Just fight him. Make topic right now and fight him. What are you stalling for? End this so we don't have to hear about it for another 6 months. Christ.

No I doubt he has because you just recently got back. I will not allow crap like this to continue, especially if it turns out to be the same person THREE TIMES IN A ROW!!! You follow the damn preferences that were set forth by the host and do it. Bijuu hunt like the Akatsuki did with recon and whatever else..... I don't care how long it takes you, but that is the point.
Title: Re: Another Kiri Strip; Featuring Eiko!
Post by: Hitler-Chan on October 30, 2015, 01:15:44 AM

That's not impatient and calling it such at this point just makes it seem more like you guys are just trolling him.

Just fight him. Make topic right now and fight him. What are you stalling for? End this so we don't have to hear about it for another 6 months. Christ.

No I doubt he has because you just recently got back. I will not allow crap like this to continue, especially if it turns out to be the same person THREE TIMES IN A ROW!!! You follow the damn preferences that were set forth by the host and do it. Bijuu hunt like the Akatsuki did with recon and whatever else..... I don't care how long it takes you, but that is the point.,8466.0.html

Achem. In case you are too busy to open it, I started that thread IN JULY. It is now the end of October. So please Wingardium Leviosa those lies out of here.
Title: Re: Another Kiri Strip; Featuring Eiko!
Post by: Rusaku on October 30, 2015, 01:17:06 AM
Give up your bijuu and it will stop.

It would be one thing if it was just yujo but this happens pretty much anytime anyone challenges Kiri for a bijuu. If you don't like them it coincidentally becomes a Herculean task to get and finish the fight.

Court just fight yujo it's been months, come on, don't be ridiculous.

So you're gonna side with someone who has nothing but a bad background, compared to Eiko who has only 1 that cannot be entirely proven? What logic are others smoking?
This revelation should be an eye opener for you then. If bocc is willing to side with Yujo, then perhaps it is you who is in the wrong this time. When hell begins to freeze over, perhaps you should rethink what you are standing for to cause such actions.

I will not reconsider this time because every time I have seen something like this, it has been nothing but a major pain in my ass to find a host. I do find a host within the time given, but guess what, there are NO RULES currently. There has been no tie breaker between either voiding the bijuu or amending the rules.

So tell me, what applies then if there are no rules? I really see no justification because this is nothing but blind hatred, and I don't care if I don't normally post because I DON'T HAVE A BIJUU! Tell me if I care for one because I don't have to follow the rules you think I should. I make my own rules for when I need to post or should post. Also, fact check before you post Riku, because what I post in the village doesn't always mean I haven't posted somewhere else. Duh.....

Edit: I want to show you something as an amendment to my post

2. Be nice to each other. Harassment, stalking and other such things will not be tolerated. Your freedom ends when another players freedom is harmed, basically. There is no catalog on what exactly is covered, but a fine invention called 'commonsense' should give you a few hints on what is allowed and what not.

Does this mean something to everyone? Riku has been stalking every single thing bijuu wise within Kiri. Why? I don't know what the motives are, but come on.... Use commonsense for heavens sake!!! Stop the bull crap already.

I'm reading your post, and I'm confused by the level of hypocrisy that is being displayed before me. I have never seen someone so thick, and I'm friends with Nathan.

Stalker? Dog, you have been holding the Sanbi in front of his face in order to taunt him for months, and yet your confused when he snaps at you?


That's not impatient and calling it such at this point just makes it seem more like you guys are just trolling him.

Just fight him. Make topic right now and fight him. What are you stalling for? End this so we don't have to hear about it for another 6 months. Christ.

Listen to this guy; he knows whats up.

if you just fight, everything will be over momentarily. I promise you it will be quick and painless.   
Title: Re: Another Kiri Strip; Featuring Eiko!
Post by: Warren on October 30, 2015, 01:19:31 AM
I think the real hell freezing over a moment is when somebody actually goes after a host IC through normal RP, lol.
Title: Re: Another Kiri Strip; Featuring Eiko!
Post by: Hitler-Chan on October 30, 2015, 01:23:47 AM
I think the real hell freezing over a moment is when somebody actually goes after a host IC through normal RP, lol.

Except when people literally make it impossible to actually find them, but not you bro, you hiding your chakra at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean makes it real possible, just talking about those other hosts that have IC rules that literally refuse all challenges from anyone, regardless of the terms.
Title: Re: Another Kiri Strip; Featuring Eiko!
Post by: Old Man Xia on October 30, 2015, 01:24:58 AM
Give up your bijuu and it will stop.

It would be one thing if it was just yujo but this happens pretty much anytime anyone challenges Kiri for a bijuu. If you don't like them it coincidentally becomes a Herculean task to get and finish the fight.

Court just fight yujo it's been months, come on, don't be ridiculous.

So you're gonna side with someone who has nothing but a bad background, compared to Eiko who has only 1 that cannot be entirely proven? What logic are others smoking?
This revelation should be an eye opener for you then. If bocc is willing to side with Yujo, then perhaps it is you who is in the wrong this time. When hell begins to freeze over, perhaps you should rethink what you are standing for to cause such actions.

I will not reconsider this time because every time I have seen something like this, it has been nothing but a major pain in my ass to find a host. I do find a host within the time given, but guess what, there are NO RULES currently. There has been no tie breaker between either voiding the bijuu or amending the rules.

So tell me, what applies then if there are no rules? I really see no justification because this is nothing but blind hatred, and I don't care if I don't normally post because I DON'T HAVE A BIJUU! Tell me if I care for one because I don't have to follow the rules you think I should. I make my own rules for when I need to post or should post. Also, fact check before you post Riku, because what I post in the village doesn't always mean I haven't posted somewhere else. Duh.....

Edit: I want to show you something as an amendment to my post

2. Be nice to each other. Harassment, stalking and other such things will not be tolerated. Your freedom ends when another players freedom is harmed, basically. There is no catalog on what exactly is covered, but a fine invention called 'commonsense' should give you a few hints on what is allowed and what not.

Does this mean something to everyone? Riku has been stalking every single thing bijuu wise within Kiri. Why? I don't know what the motives are, but come on.... Use commonsense for heavens sake!!! Stop the bull crap already.

I'm reading your post, and I'm confused by the level of hypocrisy that is being displayed before me. I have never seen someone so thick, and I'm friends with Nathan.

Stalker? Dog, you have been holding the Sanbi in front of his face in order to taunt him for months, and yet your confused when he snaps at you?


That's not impatient and calling it such at this point just makes it seem more like you guys are just trolling him.

Just fight him. Make topic right now and fight him. What are you stalling for? End this so we don't have to hear about it for another 6 months. Christ.

Listen to this guy; he knows whats up.

if you just fight, everything will be over momentarily. I promise you it will be quick and painless.

You really want to talk about hypocrisy? Well lets see.... I've gone through the whole ordeal when the stripping happened with Sanbi, yet no matter what happens, you're still not happy with what you get. Well guess what, GROW UP!!! I've had enough of this crap after I have been forthcoming and willing to help ensure that there are viable solutions to the problem, but you can't help what happens in RL. I went on a cruise ship last week and had no internet, no laptop, ect.... Yet why didn't I post? RL happened thats why.

Now, I haven't done anything because this fool can't engage himself in what others have set for preferences. You want to gripe and complain about it, talk to the host and not the people here.

I think the real hell freezing over a moment is when somebody actually goes after a host IC through normal RP, lol.

Ain't that the truth.....
Title: Re: Another Kiri Strip; Featuring Eiko!
Post by: Old Man Xia on October 30, 2015, 01:26:05 AM
I think the real hell freezing over a moment is when somebody actually goes after a host IC through normal RP, lol.

Except when people literally make it impossible to actually find them, but not you bro, you hiding your chakra at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean makes it real possible, just talking about those other hosts that have IC rules that literally refuse all challenges from anyone, regardless of the terms.

Because you're just being pathetic Riku. You don't like the preferences the host made, so you won't engage in it, making this entire conversation complete bigotry.

Had to make an edit.
Title: Re: Another Kiri Strip; Featuring Eiko!
Post by: Warren on October 30, 2015, 01:29:26 AM
You give me too much credit >> even I'd be able to survive down that low only for a limited time.

In any case, if being without the turtle is such an ungodly torment for you, why don't you just split your RP from theirs then and go about your merry way with your copy of it? I mean you despise Kiri and none of them seem to like you, or the rules you guys are trying to reestablish at the matter, so I can't imagine it being such a great loss to anyone if you two never deal with each other again.
Title: Re: Another Kiri Strip; Featuring Eiko!
Post by: Old Man Xia on October 30, 2015, 01:31:35 AM
You give me too much credit >> even I'd be able to survive down that low only for a limited time.

In any case, if being without the turtle is such an ungodly torment for you, why don't you just split your RP from theirs then and go about your merry way with your copy of it? I mean you despise Kiri and none of them seem to like you, or the rules you guys are trying to reestablish at the matter, so I can't imagine it being such a great loss to anyone if you two never deal with each other again.

I just dislike his handling of things without intervention from leadership in the village. Hell, I got heads up on this by looking on the forum myself. What does that tell me? Riku would like to bypass me before going on here. That's ok though, I've done this 3 times now and won't help anymore.
Title: Re: Another Kiri Strip; Featuring Eiko!
Post by: Rusaku on October 30, 2015, 01:33:17 AM
We already have two 8 tails. Why not just make 2 of every biju?!?!?! Dibs on the other half of Kurama.

Title: Re: Another Kiri Strip; Featuring Eiko!
Post by: Warren on October 30, 2015, 01:35:09 AM
In all honesty nothings stopping you. It'd just be up to others which holder of the two to acknowledge.
Title: Re: Another Kiri Strip; Featuring Eiko!
Post by: Old Man Xia on October 30, 2015, 01:35:12 AM
We already have two 8 tails. Why not just make 2 of every biju?!?!?! Dibs on the other half of Kurama.

Title: Re: Another Kiri Strip; Featuring Eiko!
Post by: Hitler-Chan on October 30, 2015, 01:44:28 AM
You give me too much credit >> even I'd be able to survive down that low only for a limited time.

In any case, if being without the turtle is such an ungodly torment for you, why don't you just split your RP from theirs then and go about your merry way with your copy of it? I mean you despise Kiri and none of them seem to like you, or the rules you guys are trying to reestablish at the matter, so I can't imagine it being such a great loss to anyone if you two never deal with each other again.

I just dislike his handling of things without intervention from leadership in the village. Hell, I got heads up on this by looking on the forum myself. What does that tell me? Riku would like to bypass me before going on here. That's ok though, I've done this 3 times now and won't help anymore.

You want this to be over, fight me. Or better yet, Eiko fight me. Send ANYONE..No no, send EVERYONE from kiri to fight me right now, open a thread, I won't even look, promise.

Title: Re: Another Kiri Strip; Featuring Eiko!
Post by: Hazama on October 30, 2015, 01:57:23 AM
Isn't this a bit out of hand yet, guys? >>

But fine, if this is how it is, I have questions. I have a question for Xia and Court, and it'd be nice if they got serious answers.

Why DON'T you just fight him to stop four months of shit?

Why don't YOU fight him if you're sick of all this shit since none of your Jinchuurikis will?

Give me a non-bs, non-hypocritical answer and maybe you'll have a chance of winning this thread :/
Title: Re: Another Kiri Strip; Featuring Eiko!
Post by: Warren on October 30, 2015, 02:02:11 AM
Or you could just split the sanbi as you did hachibi, and never have to have another such dung flinging fest again~...

For real. No BS, hypocrisy, or anything.

Title: Re: Another Kiri Strip; Featuring Eiko!
Post by: Bocchiere on October 30, 2015, 02:17:15 AM
 Xia and Court what I am getting from this is that Kiri is in no way at fault and this 4 month dead-lock is all because Yujo is the anti-christ. To which I ask, "Really?" Court? Xia? Really? There's nothing you guys could be doing to expedite this situation? You're perfect angels here? You don't think that people have had to listen to months of arguments because you guys are being a teensy tiny bit stubborn? You know the preferences are just that, right Xia? If the challenger has issue with them you're supposed to be able to meet on some middle ground. Yujo wants this fight and if you've been unable to find middle ground over many months I have a hard time believing it is all him. 
Title: Re: Another Kiri Strip; Featuring Eiko!
Post by: Rusaku on October 30, 2015, 02:34:50 AM
Funny enough I was reminded of how Kiri treated Masane when she attempted an IC hunt; forcing her to re-do the entire thing because she mentioned a bridge that was not there.

No, the problem here is obviously Yujo.
Title: Re: Another Kiri Strip; Featuring Eiko!
Post by: Old Man Xia on October 30, 2015, 02:54:55 AM
I said this once, but I don't have to listen to anyone about posting because i'm not a host. So bug off about that. Next, if this fight does happen, just as I was talking to Court about it, get with her again as she has talked about reconsidering. Also, if this has gone on for a while, why didn't you even say something to me instead of staying quiet? That is also something that you should have spoken up to me in the first place instead of keeping things to yourself. No communication means nothing happened. Sorry, but its happened in the past, and I have done my duty, but I won't let this happen a third time.

Isn't this a bit out of hand yet, guys? >>

But fine, if this is how it is, I have questions. I have a question for Xia and Court, and it'd be nice if they got serious answers.

Why DON'T you just fight him to stop four months of shit?

Why don't YOU fight him if you're sick of all this shit since none of your Jinchuurikis will?

Give me a non-bs, non-hypocritical answer and maybe you'll have a chance of winning this thread :/

Give me a good reason why I should consider anything about this from my answer stated above? The rules are broken right now, and nothing is being done about it. Technically there are no rules between amending or abolishing.

Funny enough I was reminded of how Kiri treated Masane when she attempted an IC hunt; forcing her to re-do the entire thing because she mentioned a bridge that was not there.

No, the problem here is obviously Yujo.

Funny you mention something off topic, but the simple answer to that is there are many bridges in the world for SL, and in the actual Naruto show, the bridge is there. This is SL however, so that never happened.
Title: Re: Another Kiri Strip; Featuring Eiko!
Post by: Bocchiere on October 30, 2015, 03:01:26 AM
There's nothing wrong with the rules xia. For the people still using bijuu the old rules are in effect till the new ones are made. You're just making excuses.
Title: Re: Another Kiri Strip; Featuring Eiko!
Post by: Ace on October 30, 2015, 03:04:00 AM
After the personal insults and both parties being completely incoherent at this point, locked.   ;)