Shinobi Legends Forum

Roleplay => All That Is Bijuu => Bijuu Arena => Topic started by: Rusaku on November 26, 2015, 04:07:58 AM

Title: Stripping Hagoromo Gitsune of the Two tailed beast
Post by: Rusaku on November 26, 2015, 04:07:58 AM
So before the debacle with the Biju and if they were void or not, Gitsune and I had agreed to fight for the two tails. I had sent her the RP where I discovered her possession of the beast through legitimate methods, and she accepted such as being valid. I even went so far to mention it in a previous topic that was going on in August which ironically enough was about how poorly kiri handles biju hunts and interactions.,8512.60.html

Now, when people started to void the beasts, she immediately began avoiding my inquiries saying that she was going to "Re-write her biju rules" and get back to me, which never happened. Weeks and weeks and weeks pass and I hear nothing, and when I decide to message her again she decides to retcon her accepting of my match by telling me that she has sealed the best away so tightly that it cannot be tracked by usual means which is directly against the newest (And old) set of rules that have been crafted.

This thing has been at a standstill and I assumed that the bijuu have been voided. I haven't edited my rules yet given that there's no final say on what to do with these beasts. Right now, as a way of 'voiding' them, I temporarily stopped using the Nibi from any RP and I have 'locked' it within me (I RPed this lock at the Hokage Level Zone #2 - Icelands last 10/24).

I can't use its power and chakra nor can I be detected by usual means. If you can manage to pinpoint a locked, suppressed beast from a whole sea of people in Kiri through a legit method, then we can talk about a challenge.

---Original Message from Uchiha Ryoji(2015-11-25 18:45:51)---
So I assume you're never going to fight for that beast, huh?

I for one will not be accepting this as a valid excuse for avoiding challenges, and will be pushing for a strip of the beast into my possession. Not only is she now declining a previously agreed upon match that was made over 3 months ago, but she is also making it impossible for her to be found by others which is also against Jink etiquette. 

Time and time again Kiri shows us their ineptitude, and I refuse to allow this to happen once again.

If you wish to be on the side that voids the Biju, that is perfectly acceptable but DO NOT lock the beasts away from those who truly enjoy having the RP mechanic and wish to continue using them. There are still plenty of individuals out there who use the beasts and acknowledge them as valid despite whatever split there may be.

Having spoken with a majority of the current hosts, it seems largely unanimous that this is not how a host should act, and there should be penalties.   

If there are any objections to such, please voice them now before I begin making the appropriate edits to the wikia.
Title: Re: Stripping Hagoromo Gitsune of the Two tailed beast
Post by: Uchiha Madara on November 26, 2015, 04:34:46 AM
I agree, such actions like "locking" the Bijuu away from those who acknowledge them is unacceptable, as well as clearly establishing a promised Bijuu Match and then rejecting it like this. Especially sense you've waited so long on said promised match. Even if a majority of the community payed the Tailed Beast no mind, keeping RP insurance on it would be impossible (which it seems like she did). You can't take the position they are voided and at the same time act like you still have it. Its one or the other. If she did initiate that RP in which she locked the monster, she has no valid reason for not fighting you because she still saw herself as a Jinchuriki.
Title: Re: Stripping Hagoromo Gitsune of the Two tailed beast
Post by: Hitler-Chan on November 26, 2015, 04:56:36 AM
Before this topic delineates to prevent actual progress from being made, I will offer this; yep.

What is there left to say that either I, or one of my advocates hasn't in the past 6 months? Nothing at all. Please refer back to any of the previous strip posts that I have made regarding any iteration of the three tails host, and slap on Hags name onto it and it applies, perfectly. Personally, I have had pleasant interactions with Gitsune ('Pleasant' being relative of course), and bear no ill will towards her, she just happens to fit the title of, "Another Bad Jinck from Kiri." and has expressed her explicit disregard for the rules that binds each and everyone of the Jincks.

Again, I bear no ill will towards her, but the facts are facts, and she shouldn't be hosting a beast.
Title: Re: Stripping Hagoromo Gitsune of the Two tailed beast
Post by: Hazama on November 26, 2015, 04:57:30 AM
Man, I've shared how I feel about Jinchuuriki and we have a certain level of... Class, let's say, when it comes to being a host.

If you are willing to claim you are a Jinchuuriki, you are not only telling people you are capable of protecting your beast but that you will defend it. That's part of the contract. When you get power, there will always, ALWAYS be someone who wants to take it away from you.

And if Gitsune, or any of Kiri was interested in keeping their beasts, they would have explained themselves on the thread I created, and that sat open for weeks .-. But instead, Xia spoke on all of their behalves instead.

Regardless of such, I am a proud Jinchuuriki that boasts and walks around like a shining chakra beacon wherever I go. I take my Bijuu, the title, and the responsibilities that come with it very, very seriously.

So if this is how a host decides to act, the except opposite of how a host should be acting... Then, yeah. I also push for the strip.

This is getting out of hand, Kiri.
Title: Re: Stripping Hagoromo Gitsune of the Two tailed beast
Post by: Warren on November 26, 2015, 05:04:03 AM
Erm, what rules again?

Last I recall no real concensus on anything was reached, then out of the blue Bocchi just decided on some set he didn't even specify. Just 'these'.
Title: Re: Stripping Hagoromo Gitsune of the Two tailed beast
Post by: Suishou Koji on November 26, 2015, 05:06:10 AM
Erm, what rules again?

Last I recall no real concensus on anything was reached, then out of the blue Bocchi just decided on some set he didn't even specify. Just 'these'.

Pretty much.
Title: Re: Stripping Hagoromo Gitsune of the Two tailed beast
Post by: Rusaku on November 26, 2015, 05:07:42 AM
Erm, what rules again?

Last I recall no real concensus on anything was reached, then out of the blue Bocchi just decided on some set he didn't even specify. Just 'these'.

Then there are no rules? Might as well claim everyone elses beasts too. No rules against that right? Sorry everyone else!
Title: Re: Stripping Hagoromo Gitsune of the Two tailed beast
Post by: Warren on November 26, 2015, 05:09:59 AM
Then there are no rules? Might as well claim everyone elses beasts too. No rules against that right? Sorry everyone else!

You could if you wanted. It'd just be up to the individual who to acknowledge and who not, as I've been saying a while.
Title: Re: Stripping Hagoromo Gitsune of the Two tailed beast
Post by: Hazama on November 26, 2015, 05:17:59 AM
Then there are no rules? Might as well claim everyone elses beasts too. No rules against that right? Sorry everyone else!

You could if you wanted. It'd just be up to the individual who to acknowledge and who not, as I've been saying a while.

If you are talking about the votes, Warren, I do believe you tried to say it was in favor of voiding the beasts, right? >> Well, voiding the beasts means voiding the beasts, not the rules.
So don't go only half way with it, Warren, if you're gonna keep bringing it up >> Go all the way.

Regardless of such, though. Let's even pretend there isn't any rules and we are just going willy-nilly.

That is still beyond unacceptable for a Jinchuuriki .-.
Title: Re: Stripping Hagoromo Gitsune of the Two tailed beast
Post by: Warren on November 26, 2015, 05:21:09 AM
I'm not? I'm talking about the workshop thing or whatever you guys called it, where the new 'rules' were attempted to be discussed, not the void or not vote. No clear concensus was reached there either.
Title: Re: Stripping Hagoromo Gitsune of the Two tailed beast
Post by: Hazama on November 26, 2015, 05:23:00 AM
I'm not? I'm talking about the workshop thing or whatever you guys called it, where the new 'rules' were attempted to be discussed, not the void or not vote. No clear concensus was reached there either.

Well, while Obama tried to pass the new laws, or in this case rules, where there were no longer terms, I don't remember the four year, two term limit was removed .-.
I do believe it was still in effect while he was trying to get it so he could be in office longer, until the law was passed, which it wasn't.

So... Just because we are currently making new rules, doesn't mean that we suddenly don't follow the old ones. It means we follow the old ones until the new ones are in effect >_>
Title: Re: Stripping Hagoromo Gitsune of the Two tailed beast
Post by: KayentaMoenkopi on November 26, 2015, 05:27:15 AM
I want you guys to get off it.

This is ridiculous. It's the holidays and people are busy. I know I am. Much too busy to have to be harassed and taken advantage of.

1] The bijuu were voided by popular vote.

2] The rules workshop went inactive and just claiming we all of a sudden have new rules is not valid.

3] Harrassing and demanding things from people will get you nothing.


I suggest if you really want to do this...

1] STOP Insisting on NOW NOW NOW.

2] Do not just make claims that we suddenly have new rules when they have not been completely gone over by everyone.

3] Be patient, polite and try to get along.

4] Work on a set of rules to bring us together.

5] Failing any one of the above...just go make your claims to whatever and leave people alone to do their RP in peace. With the understanding that you will not be going around trash talking the other hosts who still claim their bijuu. And then stay away from each other.

6] The drama is way out of control and ruining FUN.

~I am going back to my holiday celebration now.
Title: Re: Stripping Hagoromo Gitsune of the Two tailed beast
Post by: Hazama on November 26, 2015, 05:30:23 AM
I want you guys to get off it.

This is ridiculous. It's the holidays and people are busy. I know I am. Much too busy to have to be harassed and taken advantage of.

1] The bijuu were voided by popular vote.

2] The rules workshop went inactive and just claiming we all of a sudden have new rules is not valid.

3] Harrassing and demanding things from people will get you nothing.


I suggest if you really want to do this...

1] STOP Insisting on NOW NOW NOW.

2] Do not just make claims that we suddenly have new rules when they have not been completely gone over by everyone.

3] Be patient, polite and try to get along.

4] Work on a set of rules to bring us together.

5] Failing any one of the above...just go make your claims to whatever and leave people alone to do their RP in peace. With the understanding that you will not be going around trash talking the other hosts who still claim their bijuu. And then stay away from each other.

6] The drama is way out of control and ruining FUN.

~I am going back to my holiday celebration now.

I still haven't heard anyone actually tell me which way the vote went >> So many people say so many different things, we should just vote on which side of the vote one .-.

And we aren't trying to do things NOW NOW NOW, as Rusaku stated, it's been months, actually. Three, I do believe his post says.

He was patient, and he did try to get along. Which got him ignored, and then an excuse was thrown in his face, along with 'Ha, bitch, you can't even get close to this beast because I said so!'...

It's like Yujo and Kiri.
But instead it's just Rusaku and Kiri instead...
Repeating themes here.
Title: Re: Stripping Hagoromo Gitsune of the Two tailed beast
Post by: Rusaku on November 26, 2015, 05:31:36 AM
I want you guys to get off it.

This is ridiculous. It's the holidays and people are busy. I know I am. Much too busy to have to be harassed and taken advantage of.

1] The bijuu were voided by popular vote.

2] The rules workshop went inactive and just claiming we all of a sudden have new rules is not valid.

3] Harrassing and demanding things from people will get you nothing.


I suggest if you really want to do this...

1] STOP Insisting on NOW NOW NOW.

2] Do not just make claims that we suddenly have new rules when they have not been completely gone over by everyone.

3] Be patient, polite and try to get along.

4] Work on a set of rules to bring us together.

5] Failing any one of the above...just go make your claims to whatever and leave people alone to do their RP in peace. With the understanding that you will not be going around trash talking the other hosts who still claim their bijuu. And then stay away from each other.

6] The drama is way out of control and ruining FUN.

~I am going back to my holiday celebration now.

Wait you play this game for fun?

I have been mighty patent >.> 3 months is a significant chunk of time, and her retconing a valid challenge does not constitute as busy.

And I love you Athos.....Long time
Title: Re: Stripping Hagoromo Gitsune of the Two tailed beast
Post by: Warren on November 26, 2015, 05:33:32 AM
To use your president example, trying to claim a fair while ago abolished law is still in effect doesn't really work either. You can't just claim you didn't know, or its not what you agreed on, because its convenient for the time.

Simpler said, it means unless two people have a personal agreement over what to do in a select case, there is no overall rules one can try enforce, until the new set is made ~and~ agreed upon by majority. Neither to my knowledge has been done yet.

Sooo, as I've also been saying a fair while now, if diplomacys failed then you can just get yourselves your own 2-tails for your own RP circles and leave Kiri be, or you can wait til the new set is made and then try an open hunt or some such again.

Edit: Apparently ninja Kay already said most I was going to. Oh well.
Title: Re: Stripping Hagoromo Gitsune of the Two tailed beast
Post by: KayentaMoenkopi on November 26, 2015, 05:38:43 AM
it really doesn't matter if it has been 6 months.

It broke down when they were voided. Go count the votes yourself. Even that could not be agreed upon.


so either fix it...and just going through the motions and it breaking down again is not a fix...
or walk away and do your own thing.

But quite harassing people to bend to your will here.

IT's not working.
Title: Re: Stripping Hagoromo Gitsune of the Two tailed beast
Post by: Camel on November 26, 2015, 05:43:20 AM
If the bijuu were voided then why even host a tailed beast in the first place? If you took it upon yourself to become a Jinchuuriki then by all means, I should be able to go through the vigorous process of finding your character and challenging him or her.
A reoccurring theme that I've seen here is that you guys have divided yourself into a group that has either 'voided' the tailed beasts or just have your own set of guidelines on the forums for others to follow.

The problem isn't Kirigakure sadly to say. It's you guys who can't reach a general consensus on something as trivial as tailed beasts.

PS: I don't consider the tailed beats voided. I actually voted to amend the rules and start from scratch. The line divided sometimes after multiple people voted but we couldn't account for all the votes that were coming in. Thus you have your divide. That and people didn't want to bother to register on the forums. You had a third party counting their vote. (I mean if you can make an account for the Wikipedia then why is it so hard for the Shinobi legends forums?)
Title: Re: Stripping Hagoromo Gitsune of the Two tailed beast
Post by: Ace on November 26, 2015, 05:47:57 AM

Even those applying to be a GM seem to repeat their words over and over again, instead, work towards calming people down... Yes, a tactic that actually works (shocking).


A reoccurring theme that I've seen here is that you guys have divided yourself into a group that has either 'voided' the tailed beasts or just have your own set of guidelines on the forums for others to follow.

Agreed. Small tasks are of great obstacles now. I almost, with my lack of knowledge in this realm, actually want to intervene. <.<
Title: Re: Stripping Hagoromo Gitsune of the Two tailed beast
Post by: Uchiha Madara on November 26, 2015, 06:05:22 AM
Though you aren't talking directly to me Kayenta, if i'm not mistaken you wanted to void Bijuu correct? If so, I don't think anyone who voted such should bother with Bijuu matters. I understand you want people to get along and let go, but it would be better if only those who the Bijuu matter to even comment here. Only reason being it would free yourself from this potential "drama" and leave us to squabble among ourselves. I have nothing against the Two Tail host, but you can't have your cake and eat it too.

I'm just asking for those who voted to void them to be introspective and avert their eyes of a Tailed Beast topic plagues them so.

If she truly wants to remain Jinchuriki, then there shouldn't be a problem following the same old rules as before. Otherwise shes just claiming eternal dibs that will have no effect on her RP ever (locking a voided Bijuu is like collecting rainwater on a cloudless day).  Theres no real point to that other than making sure no one else can get it.
Title: Re: Stripping Hagoromo Gitsune of the Two tailed beast
Post by: Rusaku on November 26, 2015, 06:09:09 AM
Though you aren't talking directly to me Kayenta, if i'm not mistaken you wanted to void Bijuu correct? If so, I don't think anyone who voted such should bother with Bijuu matters. I understand you want people to get along and let go, but it would be better if only those who the Bijuu matter to even comment here. Only reason being it would free yourself from this potential "drama" and leave us to squabble among ourselves. I have nothing against the Two Tail host, but you can't have your cake and eat it too.

I'm just asking for those who voted to void them to be introspective and avert their eyes of a Tailed Beast topic plagues them so.

If she truly wants to remain Jinchuriki, then there shouldn't be a problem following the same old rules as before. Otherwise shes just claiming eternal dibs that will have no effect on her RP ever (locking a voided Bijuu is like collecting rainwater on a cloudless day).  Theres no real point to that other than making sure no one else can get it.

Title: Re: Stripping Hagoromo Gitsune of the Two tailed beast
Post by: Warren on November 26, 2015, 06:19:43 AM but seriously.

If you're so hellbent on not waiting for the new rule set, then why don't you just leave kiri be and have your own copy of matatabi to do as you please with?

You already split gyuki with basically zero issues whatsoever, so I don't see why would this be any different, except for some kind of lingering kiri vendettas or whatever.

Like, really ._.' if you just did that, you would never have needed to make like a dozen of these threads, and you'd have been out of each others' hair long before now.
Title: Re: Stripping Hagoromo Gitsune of the Two tailed beast
Post by: Rusaku on November 26, 2015, 06:27:16 AM but seriously.

If you're so hellbent on not waiting for the new rule set, then why don't you just leave kiri be and have your own copy of matatabi to do as you please with?

You already split gyuki with basically zero issues whatsoever, so I don't see why would this be any different, except for some kind of lingering kiri vendettas or whatever.

Like, really ._.' if you just did that, you would never have needed to make like a dozen of these threads, and you'd have been out of each others' hair long before now.
Well, I didn't split the Gyuki, but I have noticed the lack of issue Yujo has had. I am more than willing to allow them to claim their locked away beast considering they would never dare step foot outside their village walls in order to actually RP with other people, so that might just happen.
Title: Re: Stripping Hagoromo Gitsune of the Two tailed beast
Post by: Suishou Koji on November 26, 2015, 06:38:59 AM
Rusaku, could you tell us why you want a Bijuu so terribly? Is it really worth all this hassle?

I'm genuinely curious.
Title: Re: Stripping Hagoromo Gitsune of the Two tailed beast
Post by: Rusaku on November 26, 2015, 07:00:54 AM
Rusaku, could you tell us why you want a Bijuu so terribly? Is it really worth all this hassle?

I'm genuinely curious.

Gotta catch em all dog. Gonna be a biju master, like no one ever was. To catch them is my real quest, and to train them is my cause.

Title: Re: Stripping Hagoromo Gitsune of the Two tailed beast
Post by: Eric on November 26, 2015, 07:06:44 AM
Though I voted for the biju to be voided (I don't think it needs repeating on why I still think that is/was/will be the best course of action) I feel I still have the right to ask that you all claim what you wish to claim and move on.

Kiri is very unlikely to relinquish the beast under these conditions (particularly considering the time of year and that they have not done so through this medium all year) and the recurring biju topics have, shortly put, not been productive as a whole.

...Only reason being it would free yourself from this potential "drama" and leave us to squabble among ourselves...

The matter was brought to the forum, there is no "squabble among ourselves" unless you are referring to all active and semi-active forum goers in that "ourselves" category. Which you aren't.

...Having spoken with a majority of the current hosts, it seems largely unanimous that this is not how a host should act, and there should be penalties...   

This right here should be all the consensus that you need. Asking for people to input their objections to you claiming the beast, again, is from my point of view madness. If most of the current hosts, who are probably half if not a little less than the entire population of people still recognizing the tailed beasts who would care about this issue outside of it being brought to the forum, reason that there should be a stripping, then nothing more than an update (or request for update, depending on which list is being altered) should have been done to settle this issue.

I request that this topic be locked, because there is little to no point in continuing to discuss this as far as I am concerned. We have already been here and done this. If your goal is anything other than stating the transference of the beast, then you are wasting your time and data.
Title: Re: Stripping Hagoromo Gitsune of the Two tailed beast
Post by: Uchiha Madara on November 26, 2015, 07:47:48 AM
You misunderstand me Eric. What i'm saying is simply I don't see the need for those who ignore the existence of Bijuu to tell those who don't, anything on the subject matter.  Why? What does it contribute? I don't think anyone here (I know i'm not) is wanting to force anyone to accept the Bijuu's existence. Thats fine, you do what you want to do. But then why come in and tell those who do how they should handle something you don't even acknowledge?

It doesn't seem reasonable. I know those who voted to void Bijuu have a right to post anywhere they want like everyone else, but why is ignoring it not a option? Especially if Tailed Beast discussions causes you so much trouble and strife. The comments just seem to fuel the fire, not douse the flames. For example, I don't post an angry comment on a Youtube video no one forced me to watch. However I can agree with you on the claim thing, if no one has beef with whoever gets the 2 Tails or even if 2 people claim the same Bijuu, then its done.
Title: Re: Stripping Hagoromo Gitsune of the Two tailed beast
Post by: KayentaMoenkopi on November 26, 2015, 11:30:17 AM
I actually voted to amend the bijuu rules. I wanted us to reach a consensus and agree on something reasonable on how to handle the bijuu so the bickering would cease. That did not happen. So pointing to a set of rules and saying that others have to abide by them is unacceptable.

However, I don't feel that people who do not wish to be harassed should be harassed. It is just that simple.

Title: Re: Stripping Hagoromo Gitsune of the Two tailed beast
Post by: Eric on November 26, 2015, 01:16:18 PM
...But then why come in and tell those who do how they should handle something you don't even acknowledge?

Because poor handling of it still affects all of us, especially if it is brought to a public place. How does it still affect all of us? Not only does it make the place as a whole look more hostile, if RPers that voiders do RP with are driven off or otherwise stressed out by the ordeal, then that affects the RPs that we are participating in. That rubs off on us as a whole community if poor handling is not called out on.

I was a former host who followed the old rules and helped make them. I by and large haven't participated in formulating the new ones too much, but I know what it was like to be a jinchurikii, and I know that when a dead end topic keeps getting revived as if it will be paved someplace without funding or even cooperation between the construction workers, it just fosters hatred that makes it even more difficult for the parties to work together.
Title: Re: Stripping Hagoromo Gitsune of the Two tailed beast
Post by: UettoSenju on November 26, 2015, 01:56:44 PM
It's because we vote to void them doesn't mean all of has voided them.

My comment is this: if you guys would put the effort you spend bitching into fixing the rules maybe you'd see progress.

To be frank I can't blame the person fully for placing te beast on a shelf for te moment. It makes sense. No one knows what the hell to do with them. Do we void them do we only OOC do we only IC. No one has agreed on anything.

Yet you all act like there is a way to go. You want to go your way. Well sorry to say your way isn't an agreed upon majority way. And there for it doesn't account to anything but you opinion.

Personaly I say out all the beast on a shelf until rules are worked out. That is what a responsible host would do. He/she would and should find it to be the top priority.

The only flaw I see coming from Kiri is they need to get more involved in the biju rules topics. But they don't cause they get slandered to hell and back which as a result from you guys slows down anything getting done.

Oh and I hate when people say but out cause you aren't one of these or those. Let me make this very clear everyone here at SL had a voice and an opinion. No matter where they may stand. I'm not an admin not a mod not anything but I will stand for our freedom to post our opinions. Just like I back you in posting these silly little topics.

I killed my character off to compromise and you guys can't even discuss a silly little NPC beast. It's sad really.
Title: Re: Stripping Hagoromo Gitsune of the Two tailed beast
Post by: UettoSenju on November 26, 2015, 03:28:16 PM
I'm not saying this to offend you guys. I'm really speaking to both sides.

Trying to carry on the same old flawed and broken method want work. Stripping people ignoring people. It doesn't settle well in the end simply put.

These bully tactics must stop. And I'm not calling anyone a bully. I think your fight for your beliefs and that is fine. The way it is being done is wrong. This inforcment style of doing things. Trying to force strips tryin to force voids trying to force people out of rp events.

It just doesn't ever seem to work out in the end. I just hope in some way this inspires you to get the bigger picture. Until compromise can be made nothing will progress.
Title: Re: Stripping Hagoromo Gitsune of the Two tailed beast
Post by: Warren on November 26, 2015, 04:16:23 PM
Why isn't this locked already? This all's going beyond the purpose of the thread, especially when solution was found.
Title: Re: Stripping Hagoromo Gitsune of the Two tailed beast
Post by: Ace on November 26, 2015, 05:37:20 PM
No one is forcing anyone to post, please oh please. xD
Let the topic simply die off- yes, it is that easy. It has worked before. And just as my post serves little purpose to the actual topic (I only give out lectures now-a-days), let's think about how we are contributing to any topic we post in. =)

Judging by how no one has been harmed, I think people have to take a step back and understand this is a game- have fun! :D

My goodness, it's almost as if people are forced to post, and then complain about posting. :O
Title: Re: Stripping Hagoromo Gitsune of the Two tailed beast
Post by: Kage on November 26, 2015, 05:56:34 PM
Ignoring a problem is never a solution. (See: Real life)

On one side, there are people that want to continue RPing with the Tailed Beasts and want rules, old or new, to be played on with them.

On the other, there are those who believe they are void, but insist upon securing their claims. Why worry about keeping a claim that you yourself do not see valid in the first place?

If the beasts truly are void, then I might as well clear out the following:
- SL Official Bijū Guidelines/Rules and Current In-game Jinchūriki
- Bijuu Challenge Preferences and Challenge listings
- Tailed Beasts page on the wiki
- All pages pertaining to each individual Tailed Beasts

Heck, maybe even delete the entire Bijuu Arena sub-board.

But this is clearly not the case. People on both sides obviously do want to RP with the beasts. It's just that there are complications and personal interests that are keeping everyone from actually discussing a solution. What's even worse is that there are people on both sides that claim to have the higher moral ground in their reasoning, when both have really become two evils that you have to choose between.

I had to explain the above before giving my opinion on the stripping. One side believes they have the authority to do so, while the other doesn't believe so. The root authority that gives any sort of implication of giving someone the right to strip comes from the SL Official Bijū Guidelines/Rules and Current In-game Jinchūriki (,8016.0.html). But one side doesn't believe the latter half of that thread which explains the rules exists, while depending on the upper half of it to validate their claims of the beast in the first place.

I emphasized on the SL Official part for a more dire reason that should be brought up in another thread. But a host/summoner is always subject to the rules that come with the Tailed Beast they own. As much as I would love to just coat whatever beast I have with Susanoo and just tear apart anything that comes in my way, the rules say I cannot do so.

If you don't believe in the rules, then stop playing with a Tailed Beast.
Title: Re: Stripping Hagoromo Gitsune of the Two tailed beast
Post by: Nathan on November 26, 2015, 06:03:33 PM
Ignoring the problem is the ONLY thing possible. None of you agree on anything. The Bijuu, the Ame debacle, proper RP, etc. If we allowed all of you to discuss this most of you wouldn't endeavor to do so seriously, and thus Ace would be handing out bans for days because you guys cannot and refuse to agree on a text based GAME. >_>
Title: Re: Stripping Hagoromo Gitsune of the Two tailed beast
Post by: Hitler-Chan on November 26, 2015, 06:45:59 PM
Ignoring the problem is the ONLY thing possible. None of you agree on anything. The Bijuu, the Ame debacle, proper RP, etc. If we allowed all of you to discuss this most of you wouldn't endeavor to do so seriously, and thus Ace would be handing out bans for days because you guys cannot and refuse to agree on a text based GAME. >_>

What you believe this game to be is completely and utterly irrelevant. To some people, the bijuu are still a major driving force for RP, and as a mod you have no right to stagnate RP, none of us do, and frankly this is the type of argument that stagnates RP, and should be kept silent.

I for one think more of this game than 'text based GAME.', and I am sure some of the more vehement Rp'ers will agree that it has evolved into something further than that, and your most apparent apathy should be kept to yourself because it isn't treating the underlying issue, only the symptoms.

For once in a long while, I truly agree with Kage here.
Title: Re: Stripping Hagoromo Gitsune of the Two tailed beast
Post by: Bocchiere on November 26, 2015, 06:48:32 PM
Kiri is just being rude for no reason was my issue. We posted 5 days ago and no one will respond to us. Gitsune made a big post and couldn't even acknowledge us with an npc or something.

If you want to rp with a bijuu but aren't accepting challenges/following the rules then you get taken off the list of jinchuriki. Change the name from official jinchuriki to available/fighting jinchuriki or something.

The people who want bijuu with bijuu rules appoint a new host, you continue to rp whatever you want, we stop bothering each other.

@Warren: me saying these are the new rules was supposed to be a joke by the by.

Title: Re: Stripping Hagoromo Gitsune of the Two tailed beast
Post by: Mei on November 26, 2015, 07:01:24 PM
Actually I really want to talk about this but honestly I think Eiko/Court may need to be stripped as well because her profile has been reading as such (" Private RP Status: Unavailable; Public RP Status: Unavailable (Kirigakure)") for like weeks. I remember Yujo pointing out that she has not posted any RP updates in weeks. Like seriously why do you people even have bijuus if you have no intention of defending them?

The way I see it is someone challenges a jinchuuriki and their response is something like...."Why are you messaging me? The bijuus has been voided." That response makes no sense.

In regards to amending of the rules, the jinchuurikis SHOULD be following the old rules UNTIL they are officially amended. When it comes to updating rules, every organization would advise you to follow the old rules until the new rules are officially out or until a certain date when the new rules take into effect. That is like a no-brainer and common practice. Saying something like "the bijuu are voided, there is no rules" is inexcusable. And even someone like Xia, a Kage, did this, which is sad.
I dont like the splitting of the bijuus either because there is always a chance that both jinchuuriki of the same bijuu will be MIA or starting acting up too. Then what? Tell the person to claim a piece of the bijuu too? Yay, now 3 people claiming the same bijuu. -_-

We have a thread / page that shows who are the current / active jinchuurikis. Can we please update that? That way it is legit. If your name is not on it, you should / will not be recognized as a jinchuuriki. That simple.
Title: Re: Stripping Hagoromo Gitsune of the Two tailed beast
Post by: Bocchiere on November 26, 2015, 07:12:13 PM
Thank you Mei. I really do think it's that simple.
Title: Re: Stripping Hagoromo Gitsune of the Two tailed beast
Post by: Rusaku on November 26, 2015, 07:16:01 PM
So I am basically just going to continue the trend of having two of the same Biju I guess. While it's not my favorite route, it seems to be the only one that works in SL's current dark age.

Honestly, you need to speak up on the Biju workshop if you are so against how things are working. What is the point of complaining about something you have no intentions of changing? Bocc and Kayenta both put forth extraordinary effort in trying to re-work the rules, and most of you made no effort to input your objections. Seeing that no one objected, we figured everyone agreed to them. That's what happens when you don't speak up about something.

How about instead of chastising the ones who are trying to keep things going, you make an effort to post on that topic and voice your opinions on the rules that have been posted. If you can't even manage that, then stay off the topics that involve those rules. It's really simple.

And Mei, a majority of the people who are creating the second Biju, are the ones who wish wholeheartedly to follow the old rules, or the new ones. In reality, if we broke those rules there would be no objection to our stripping.

Well, perhaps a bit of objection but that would probably just be us arguing our case. Nonetheless there should be absolutely no reason for there to be 3 beasts, ever. Of course I think that's how we thought about having two beasts so take that as you will. 

Here is a politically incorrect, misogynistic and facetious quote I like to make to my friends that fits this situation pretty well; "Silence is consent."   
Title: Re: Stripping Hagoromo Gitsune of the Two tailed beast
Post by: Ace on November 26, 2015, 07:35:29 PM
I'm going to hold private talks now (anyone may do this, fyi), not public. Clearly public talks have not worked, and our goal should be to work together for the sake of all members! :D

We have two groups.
A) Those who want it all void
B) Those who want to reform

Hosts: We have some simply being, *coughs*... providing excuses to challengers (yes, they are excuses). Some remain silent, do not contribute, and then complain. Oh no, time to grow up. I prefer dealing with leaders, not followers.

Challengers: Again, same problem as above.

@Bocc, as of right now, you do not have the community behind you to do as you like = tough luck. Yes, hard for me to say, but let's be blunt now. **It's not Kiri's fault, blame your colleagues and fellow members.** ;)

@Whoever said this
No, those who want the Bijuu to be voided can still be included in talks. They may actually want to participate in the future, and should have a say now. That is how a functioning society works (send me a pm and I'll provide examples). As you can see, the people who want to reform the rules aren't really leading. =)

One of the biggest problems right now is that those who actually want to play with the Bijuu are being stonewalled by hosts because *some* simply are now saying, there are no rules, I follow nothing. And then we have challengers who play the same damn tune over and over and over and over again, expecting results. If everyone tells me all these conversations were not in serious nature, I will be grateful ('cause we are going in circles, have you not seen it yet?). xD

That being said, it's alright! No seriously, it's alright!  8)

To make progress, let us think in terms of a democracy and politically. You need to start over again.
Have involved influential members, new members who you think will role play, and old members who have something to contribute. Start a collation, and work from there. Once you all have a foundation, grow it. And for others to be recognized, they will have to follow the rules set by you all! If they still wish not to participate, that is alright! :D

I'm simply receiving more and more messages of frustration and defeat. And we all understand that, I'm sure most of you feeling the same way. And again...that is alright! That is exactly how progress is made.

In the end, for those who remain silent and do not contribute, but then complain and hinder progress... yes, tough luck. Yes, I know it may be tough for some to speak up because they may feel intimidated and such. Never feel that way. Some of us are one message away- message me anytime, and I'l have your back. ;)

No, there is no TL;DR statement- read it and then post, or have me call you out, hahaha.

I'll have talks in my dwelling, I'll hand out keys. Again, anyone can do this. I think I'll try now. :)
For anyone who wants to take part, send me an **IN-GAME**  message, you are not guaranteed a key though. Reason being, I will try to have it balanced.

No more complaining now. ;)
You don't have to post here, message me, etc...
So don't act like you are being forced into this conversation either. It's time for progress, and if you can't jive, get off the dance floor. :P
Title: Re: Stripping Hagoromo Gitsune of the Two tailed beast
Post by: Bocchiere on November 26, 2015, 07:43:18 PM
You summed it up well ace. Though I do not think Kiri is the source of the problem I do think their stonewalling as you put it is part of it.

I tried to give the rules workshop a shot in the arm by proposing the whole set of rules for people to work off of and discuss but that only worked for a very short time. Hoping your idea will be more fruitful.
Title: Re: Stripping Hagoromo Gitsune of the Two tailed beast
Post by: Ѕhadow on November 26, 2015, 09:52:25 PM
I've contributed a lot to the SL bijuu community. Yet even with that fact I stopped partaking in most topics of it a few months back. The reason is this topic and others.

You want us to progress forward. We have been at this for years. Literal years in the measurement of time. I know you aren't asking for everyone to agree on the same thing, but you do seem to want most of us to reach an agreed upon foundation. If after years of the same thing with mostly the same and some different people we still haven't made a foundation that is followed I don't see it happening. I'm not a pessimistic person in the grand scheme. In fact I'm a highly optimistic person when I'm not being a sarcastic person and actually being truthful.

I planned on making this longer than most college essays, but I'm going to stop myself ahead of time now.

In the end I don't see a consensus happening and even if it does it will only be temporary until someone wants to change it. (That's what happened with the current rules and those before them)

This 'game' isn't going to change. It will stay the same. Right now it's been very skewered and will in time be fixed back to temporary rules. That's all it will be. A temporary foundation that is rebuilt every few months/years.

Too many opinions that don't want to come to a compromise; keep a compromise if one is made.
Title: Re: Stripping Hagoromo Gitsune of the Two tailed beast
Post by: Genesis on November 26, 2015, 10:38:02 PM
How about you guys just RP having a bijuu. If they don't respond after pming them after awhile, just claim it. What are they going to do, fight you? lol.
Title: Re: Stripping Hagoromo Gitsune of the Two tailed beast
Post by: Rusaku on November 26, 2015, 11:24:07 PM
How about you guys just RP having a bijuu. If they don't respond after pming them after awhile, just claim it. What are they going to do, fight you? lol.

xD Make my life difficult by giving me exactly what I want. That's some seriously interesting reverse psychology.
Title: Re: Stripping Hagoromo Gitsune of the Two tailed beast
Post by: Rusaku on November 27, 2015, 06:48:04 PM
This can be locked.