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Topics - Sabumaru

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Bijuu Arena / This Might Bug You
« on: January 20, 2019, 09:27:30 AM »
So since this will be “IC” sort of, I’m just taking my post from zone nine and shoving it here so Ray and I can fight. If you don’t like it, then I highly recommend messaging me and I will take it extremely seriously.
Edit: I changed the font color on this, no other edits. You can cross check it with zone 9

Sabu sat atop an electrical tower, looking over the small, barely lit village in the distance. The sun had just set over the hills to the west, soaking the huts and shops in a deep darkness. The town bonfire burned, but it’s logs had fallen into the ash and nobody was there to stoke it or add more wood. Most were asleep. The imposing tower he sat on ran right by this pissant hole, ignoring them entirely since they couldn’t fork over the outrageous charge requested. It didn’t really matter to them, they were happy and few owned much at all, let alone anything requiring steady electricity. Only the tavern showed any sign of life, matching the energy of the bonfire fading in the town square. It was almost lulling just to see people act like little critters, scuttling into their homes and under there covers where they felt safe, protected for some reason by mud at thatch.
Sabu’s expression was genuinely unnerving, and he had to be careful not to release too much killing aura accidentally. His bloodlust had peaked since a recent incident, and it was finally time to satisfy it with this bunch of curs. ”What is the most hungry you’ve ever been?” he asked the air out loud, looking away from the town to gain his composure and focus his chakra. His body began changing as flies inside his armor helped him enter Sage Mode as he closed his eyes. It was several minutes of silence before Sabu blinked his eyes open and repeated himself, ”What’s the hungriest you’ve ever been? Do you eat food when you’re not bound?” And, is it most hungry or hungriest?” Several more minutes of silence passed. ”When your hunger for stimulation exceeds your hatred, you will have no options.”
”Do you truly intend to kill them all?” a voice asked in his head. ”Actually I was hoping you would kill them all, Chomps.” ”No.” the beetle replied before severing the connection. Sabu smirked, and stood. His chakra flared up, though unless anyone in the village was a sensor, this would probably go unnoticed until he got closer. His right arm started to contort unnaturally before morphing into a large needle. From his back, he sprouted a pair of wings and shook them briefly to get used to the control. ”Come on Chomps, we’re a team now! You know this is just a mimicking of what we could do together.” ”More like a horrid  mockery. I will not be replying any further, so sorry.”
More silence indicated that was the truth. Sabu sighed, and used his wings to hover off the electric tower and fly towards the village. Sabu fired four bullets around the village from his proboscis arm, using his left hand to make a kata. The four water bullets he shot would seep through the grass towards each other as he held the seal, creating a square trap once they all connected. It was a very basic barrier that formed, only special because of it’s extremely subtle and covert use. Even an A-Rank jutsu could easily break it, but there wouldn’t be anyone here to offer that assistance to these poor folk. Sabu almost didn’t want to descend, savouring the moment in the calmness of the night.

Character Profiles / Sabumaru
« on: September 26, 2017, 07:49:49 PM »

  Hozuki-Uzumaki Sabumaru


  Sabu's personality is one of his most volatile traits, ranging from a goofy, fun-loving prankster to a cannibalistic sociopath. His most consistent traits are his love of chaos. Sabu's motives behind his behavior usually lie in his love of unpredictable things, and his desire to reach the next state of evolution by becoming a water deity.   
  Otherwise, Sabu chooses to not care about anything. People, places, and things are all seen as temporary to him, as he believes he will live much longer than anything. Therefore people, like things, are simply here for him to use as he sees fit, mostly as food. He has been known to go into rages if he doesn't eat people often enough. He does not see himself as human, choosing instead to only acknowledge himself as "something better".
  Despite his unpredictable exterior, occasional silliness, and nasty habits, Sabu is incredibly intelligent and dangerous. While having no mind for strategy, his natural combat instincts are finely tuned allowing him to improvise actions and techniques on the fly to suit his needs. He also is well read, having studied all types of ninjutsu, medicine, many branches of physics, cooking, improv, literature, arts, and music. He apparently thought the last three were "Things humans do to fill the void of their lives."
  Sabu hates sugar and anything sweet. If he eats sugar, he will almost always stop everything or remove it from his system. The single exception is liquor, as Sabu will drink anything alcoholic no matter how sweet. However as he can simply add water to his blood to make himself feel drunk, Sabu doesn't drink much.

Hozuki / Water Release:
  Sabu is the most powerful Hozuki alive, and has not only mastered the Hydrification Technique but completely redesigned usage of it. His control over the water that makes up his body is down to the molecule, as long as it contains his personal chakra. This means that while Sabu can manipulate himself perfectly, other water he his using with extensions of his chakra are not under the same level of influence. Nonetheless, he is still able to move massive amounts of water without using seals. He has stored a massive volume of water (exactly 660,430 gallons of water/1 Olympic Swimming Pool) at his hideout, and connected himself to it via a summoning seal. Water can also be converted into chakra by Sabu, and vice versa, almost seamlessly. This allows him to have unbelievable chakra reserves. If Sabu is touching someone, he can manipulate the water in their body at will. Sabu also is always using a "technique" called Passive Hydrogen Bonding, meaning he absorbs water he touches just by the nature of water. "It's science."

Sekai Saikyō no Kenshi / Blade Release:
  Sabu is the Greatest Swordsman in the World. Even besides his creation of Kenton, Sabu has studied all known types of swordsmanship and developed several of his own styles. With a simple katana, Sabu slaughtered an entire town of 3,000 villagers in under an hour, calling it "the best meal prep ever" despite the numerous warriors who called the place home trying to stop him. The blade has long since become a part of him, and he can use any edge as an extension of his arm, be it a steak knife or a big giant completely impractical sword.
  He created a Kekkai Tota, Blade Release, that allows him to create the sharpest possible edge out of chakra. So far, nothing has been able to withstand these techniques without being sliced. These techniques cannot be used unless the chakra is directly connected to Sabu's body, meaning it is only applicable to swords. It cannot be applied to thrown kunai, nor can the chakra be launched like a wind release technique. There seems to be some limit as to how far the blades can extend off Sabu's body, meaning he couldn't make up a 1-km sword of stone and swing it around to cut down entire forests in a single swing. While the exact limits have not been tested, it is likely that it is about 6ft, Sabu's own height, as Goyakan is about Sabu's height and his largest sword.

  Sabu has seven swords, custom built, though one is in possession of Otogakure. Each of these weapons can do some pretty hilarious things, if you think death and destruction are hilarious. Sabu has developed a style of fighting where he uses all seven, called Sebunsōdo.


Along with these swords is a set of armor Sabu wears. Supposedly it has abilities of it's own, but these are mostly rumors or misinformation. For example, it was believed Akutoku fused with Sabu when he entered Sage Mode to draw natural energy for him, but this was actually done by flies inside the armor.


Sound Release:
  Sabu's usage of Ototon is intense, as he is able to liquefy his insides and prevent himself from being hurt by his own techniques. This allows him to release cacophonic waves of obliterating vibrations, especially when using his signature sword Toba, a tuning fork weapon. Sabu can shape the soundwaves into blades, cause auditory hallucinations, find resonant frequencies to disrupt the usage of tools or techniques, and hurt anything alive, especially if it's hearing is superior to the 20Hz-20kHz that humans hear, with explosive noise. Sabu has a master's understanding of the physics and acoustics behind these techniques.

Fly Sage Mode Master:
  Sabu is usually followed by several flies, making him seem like he stinks. These flies live with Sabu, constantly reproducing. Capable of drawing natural energy, they are critical in Sabu's usage of Sage Mode. When using it, Sabu is granted incredible reflexes, the ability to fly for brief periods of time (1 turn flying, 1 turn cooldown), and the main ability is Kaze Ni Noru or "Wind Riding", allowing users to dodge attacks by moving on the wind they displace.

Knowledge of Meat:
  As a former medic and a current cannibal, Sabu knows pretty much everything about the average human body.

Flying Thunder God:
  Sabu has mastered the usage of this technique and can teleport himself to any marked location. He likes to mark several spots and appear at all of them simultaneously by using clones in order to confuse and overwhelm opponents. It also greatly improved his swordsmanship, allowing him to make a new style called "I'm over here, nah I'm over here". All of Sabu's swords are marked, as is the inside of his lair.

Ushinawareta Jūnen:
  Also known as "I'm over here, nah I'm over here", this swordsmanship technique is based off the usage of the Flying Thunder God technique. Sabu creates a set of fifteen earthen tiles, three by three inches, by means of earth release and marks each one. Then they sink the tiles into the ground and spread them to their liking around the battlefield before allowing them to surface. Alternatively, by maintaining the last kata, Sabu can continuously control the tiles. These first steps are usually slightly more difficult mid-combat, but not impossible. They can also be spread by other means, such as being thrown.
  Instead of simply teleporting to each seal to gain an upper hand, Sabu uses the ability to warp anything in contact with the seals to jarringly move his opponent around instead of himself. This becomes especially dangerous when the tiles are kept under Sabu's control, as he basically can warp people around at will if they accidentally step on his tiles.

  Sabu is a highly capable fuinjutsu user, knowing many Uzumaki techniques and unlocking his father's Chakra Chains at a young age. He mostly uses them to force his opponents to fight him in close quarters, where Sabu thrives. He has invented several seals including a mix of the explosive seal and the Flying Thunder God seal, a seal that constantly makes people hungry and lose control of their bowels, an admittedly weak mind-control seal, and a very potent memory loss seal, one of his absolute favorites.

Seven Tails
  Sabumaru became the host of the Seven Tails recently. They have no formal relationship, though Sabu is working finding common ground.

Single Handed Kata:
  "If you're a swordsman and you don't know how to do this, you're a bad swordsman."

  A long (long) time ago Sabu stole a Byakugan. He uses it to see things real well. Can you tell I'm getting bored of writing this? Sabu things the Hyuuga are dumb and doesn't use their dumb techniques, nor does he care about the Tenketsu very much because "They are dumb". He can see a max of 5km away, though it takes focus for him to extend his view beyond a few hundred meters. The byakugan is hidden in Sabu's forehead as a third eye.

It's a Bird, It's a Plane, It's a Cannibal:
  Sabu can increase his strength by adding water to his muscles, and is currently strong enough to bend steel and punch through concrete with ease. This superhuman form also increases his speed because legs have muscles too.

Ain't Dead Yet:
  Sabu is really, really, reaaaaally hard to kill. His protean body can become an unstoppable blade at will, and most physical attacks mean nothing to him. He has even found a way to nullify his major weakness (lightning) with one of his blades.

Hero Water:
  Sabu has the Hero Water. He's never used it, but can only imagine it would be really cool if he did.

More Fun Stuff:
  Click Me!

Some of the stuff on my webpage is a bit out of date, and therefore open to discussion. Can you find the secret links in this post?
Edit: Added some forgotten stuff, sorry most of this is just stored in the old ticker.

Village Square / Sabu v. Desare
« on: January 27, 2016, 07:17:04 AM »
Desare has challenged Sabu for Kenton. This is that fight.

No chakra, KG, or any other abilities. One sword per fighter, chosen at the start of the match. Sword may not have any chakra-type abilities or poisons.
Sabu gets to use Kenton and will use this sword

Battle will take place on a plateau of concrete.

Spam / omg u will not believe what u crazy!!!!
« on: October 14, 2014, 12:50:34 AM »
I'm thankful for you, reader of this post. Despite your flaws, you truly are a good person. You have value and your drop in the big watery bowl of life counts. Never forget that. Thanks for being you, thanks for all the times you've smiled, thanks for reading.

Happy Canadian Thanksgiving you guys! <3

Naruto / Chapter 694
« on: October 02, 2014, 02:53:11 PM »

Current Host: Sabu

Affiliation: Akatsuki, Iwagakure, Hōzuki clan,

Preferred method: 1v1 IC Deathmatch

Special Conditions

-The match is IC or OOC, depending on what the participant and Sabu agree on.

-If desired, the match can be "Staggered RP" (we can rp whilst the match happens, but the end result of the match will still occur IC). Once a victor is decided the Jinchuriki and Challenger then finish whatever rp they are in and immediately post going to begin the fight, so that is when it happens chronologically. If you manage to get yourself killed before the fight happens it will be voided, but I'm not forcing you to rp elsewhere during the fight.

-Once a judge is agreed upon, either before the fight starts or the first time a decision is needed, they are the judge for the rest of the fight.

-The Challenger and Jinchuriki each have a one time ability to boot a judge. If the agreed upon judge makes a decision just so despicable that you need to get a new one you can say that after this decision you are requesting a new judge. Each participant can do this ONCE, and NOT while a decision is being made. Once a new judge is picked they are the set judge for the rest of the fight, or until the remaining boot is used on them.

-You cannot borrow techniques from your friends like Dust Release or Hirashin. You can only use what abilities and tools you have In-Character during the fight, even if it's OOC.

-Resets are to be used for Kekkei Genkai, though one "elemental" KG i.e Ice Release, Magnet Release, whatever Release can be used for "Free". Any of them except for Mokuton.

-If you make take 14 days to post, the fight will be called off and you will be declared the loser. Note that the timer does not reset if you posted once and then have to repost. I.e. You waited a week to post, but your post was all godmodding and autohitting, and then waited 8 days to repost, then you still lose.

- Everyone gets ONE repost only.

(Mostly) Non-Negotiable Voids

-Swift Release
-Claims of immunity to Ototon
-Demon empowerment, vampirism, etc. Pretty much anything that doesn't make sense in the Naruto lore
- Izanami
- Borrowing resets when you already have resets
- Any of the recent Rikudou powered abilities
- Claiming to use an "undodgable/unavoidable/unblockable" attack
- Body Revival Technique (If used to survive opening the 8th Gate. That was made before we knew what the 8th Gate does, regeneration does not let you tank disintegrating into ash.)
- Just happening to have "a seal" that eliminates one or more of your weaknessness. (i.e. Sabu having a seal that makes him immune to lightning attacks would be void. Note, if you can prove you properly RP'd to get the seal and have some sources, then this MAY be overruled)

**Rules and Void list subject to change**

format stolen from bocc

Challenger List:
Uchiha Madara - DEFEATED
Uchiha Kamui DEAD
Terumi Dart

^Look I'm the most popular so I get to kill the most people!

Village Square / Cheating in a Chess Match
« on: August 21, 2014, 05:56:17 AM »
Honō claimed Kirk taught him FTG.
Kirk said that was a lie.

This is an instance of blatant cheating.
I've repeatedly pointed out his bad attitude, and can quote a bunch of forum topics to prove my point.
Not to mention all the other points I made in the last topic about this.

And I'm being forced to RP with him.
I'm done, he can't be allowed to continue getting away with this. I'm convinced that even when I win this fight he'll somehow come back to life anyways, and I'm just wasting my time here. I'm honestly wondering if this is some big elaborate troll.
So, you guys can continue to make me RP with a confirmed liar and cheater until I win, or we can just go back to how it was last week before Honō decided to suddenly strip me without merit or cause.

Naruto / Naruto 689
« on: August 20, 2014, 07:53:58 AM »

Village Square / Monster Deathmatches
« on: May 29, 2014, 04:23:30 PM »
Hey gang.
With my alts, Tom and Yoshira, I'm gonna host a monster-hunting tournament if anyone is interested. Most everything you'll be fighting is non-canon, I'm thinking Demons, Chupacabras, stuff like that. All OOC so I'll actually hopefully be able to partake as well.
Anyone is welcome to join, just post in the thread if you wanna register.

What I really need is a few volunteers to help me RP the monsters. I was thinking that anyone RPing as a monster would do so anonymously so if you want that job, please PM me instead of posting it on here (unless you don't care). I'll either judge myself or have a mutually respected judge on hold to keep things rolling, and anyone can drop out at any time.

It won't be for a while yet, I'm just seeing if anyone would be interested in something like this. Unfortunately I have little to offer as a reward unless someone wants me to make them a weapon or jutsu or something. &lt;_&lt;
Anyways, let me know if you think this would be fun. If nobody is interested I'm not going to waste my time on it.

Spam / A Shinobi Legend
« on: February 27, 2014, 06:27:23 PM »
Recently I was talking to someone about the large number of extremely powerful (See: OP) characters on SL. They're everywhere, and some people say I'm one of them! *blush*
But that got me thinking: I like all the OP characters. If people ever actually fought, or there was actual RP, it would probably be really cool RP.
Kishimoto didn't show us all the OP Madara/Rinnegan/Wood Release/Etc. stuf until the end of the comic. Even the wood release used by the first in the Oro vs. Hiruzen fight paled in comparison to the stuff we're seeing now.
Well probably because Kishi was making shit up as he went along. BUT, now the series is climaxing (teehee) an the action is INTENSIFIED so as to keep readers interested. So our OP characters should be capable of stirring up some really interesting stuff. The problem is nobody has any goals. Even the "evil" clans like Mortuus Vivus don't seem to be doing anything. I haven't seen a single "Mukuro" in any village besides OOC posts.
Nobody is doing anything, probably because nobody's characters have long-term goals.
If your character has one, feel free to tell me off and explain it. I can only speak for what I am seeing, obviously.

Anyways, what/who do you guys think defines what a "Shinobi Legend" is? I vote Raifudo because it's the obvious choice.

The second half of this post was paid for by the "Raifudo is God" corperation.

Naruto / Naruto 644
« on: August 29, 2013, 10:13:34 AM »

Spam / Why Sabu is quitting, letters, and whatever.
« on: August 12, 2013, 04:59:38 AM »
Just so everybody knows, what I say is 100% drunk ramblings. My opinion is worthless, what I say is meaningless, etc.
Except for this. I am specifically sober for this post. So listen up jackwipes.
Firstly, don't go around saying "Sabu said this" or any bull about whatever. I don't like your petty garbage and hate for each other and I don't care to get involved in drama. It's a goddamned joke to watch. You're all at each others throats and I just wanna have some fun. But the arguments around here make it un-fun, because you have to be right or whatever. Just shut up. Shut up. It doesn't matter. Accept that you sometimes don't get what you want and that's life. Boo hoo, you don't get to be God. Boo hoo, your character died. Boo hoo, boo friggin' hoo.
But worse than those who argue are you friggin' people who act superior about everything. Like you've never messed up, like you're better than those who degrade themselves to argue, you people are worse than them. You make yourselves out to be perfect but I'd love to spit in your face.

Well anyways, this is also my sincere goodbye post. Yup, I'm out for a long ass time. I found out today that I have a little brother (5) and I'm going to step up and take care of him, because I'm not an awful human being. So yeah, this is my last will and testament or something, so here's a bunch of short letters to people.

Firstly, Dearest Asadi,
You were the best drunk buddy I ever had on SL. I have to go sober to raise my brother, but when I can drink again, I'll raise my glass to your name, always. You were the most fun to have around and I hope we can find time to do stuff together again. Keep your glass full and your brain drunk my friend, and the world will be good. Keep in touch you bastard<3
Sincerely Sabu.

Dear Kirk a lot of people from Konoha,
Stop trying as hard as you do. Please. Just relax.
Sincerely Sabu.

Dear Yūjō (wherever the hell you are),
Please see letter above.
Sincerely Sabu.

Dear Luka,
Sincerely Sabu.

Dear Raifudo,
You're.. okay, I guess. I never really knew you that well, just knew all the hype. I think you were the only person who didn't really let it go to your head completely. I think you even joked about it at times.
So yeah, you're a thing. Congrats.
Sincerely Sabu.

Dear Nathan,
Sometimes I think you're Raifudo.
Sincerely Sabu.

Dear Eric,
You talk to much. Sometimes you outta just cut to the chase, not write a small book.
Sincerely Sabu.

Dear Shadow,
You're one of the only people I know who actively called out how addicting this goddamned game is. It was funny to read that bio when you made it. I hope you continue to do whatever it is you do on here.
Sincerely Sabu.

Dear Pete,
We had some good times man, we should shoot the sh*t sometime just about stuff. Keep in touch if ya' want.
Sincerely Sabu.

Dear Tsuyo,
You come off as a know-it-all, and sometimes seem arrogant. But you're a good guy despite that.
Sincerely Sabu.

Dear Jolt,
This is all I could think off.
Sincerely Sabu.

Dear Kage,
You caught a lot of sh*t for your claims but you seem fine to me. Just do whatever you want man, have some fun while you're at it.
Sincerely Sabu.

Dear Xia,
I hope you come home safe (or came home safe) from your boat ride. You were a very average Kage, which was nice.
Sincerely Sabu.

Dear Zenaku
Technique hoarding b*tch.
Sincerely Sabu.

Dear Zojin,
Please see letter above. Also good on you for being an alright person.
Sincerely Sabu.

Dear Trev,
Sincerely Sabu.

Dear Camel,
I swore in this because I'm leaving and don't give much a fuck anymore. Sorry. You were generally a pretty good mod, but you're really petty when you post arguments. I don't get that. But whatever~ ^^
Sincerely Sabu.

Dear Neji,
Thanks for banning Bocchy. He was making my time here hell and I really appreciate your actions on that.
Thanks also for being a good site owner(?) (whatever that means) and doing things to keep SL running. Good job for being... The kingpin, I guess.

Hmm, who else?
Oh yeah!

Dearest Rakudo,
Thank you, firstly, for being who you are. It was fun to have someone like Bocc fill the void. I'm sad that you had to shoulder all the bullshit he left behind, but someone's gotta do it.
Regardless, you're a total asshole. Straight up. But it's fine, I don't care. It makes you who you are and you were someone I thought was pretty alright, even if you did kick my ass up and down the street.
I hope you get whatever it is you want out of SL, but you won't. This website takes and takes and gives penance back, but it's still something you log on to at least once a week. It's okay, it was like that for me too. Good luck.
Sincerely Sabu.

Dear Nashley*,
You have a lot of accounts.
Sincerely Sabu.

SO YEAH, if you feel like you deserve a short letter and I'm not banned by the time you see this, go ahead and post and I will write you one. I'm sure I forgot people, even if I am sober.
Otherwise, peace out to all the faces I've come to know.
Well, I guess this is goodbye!

EDIT: Oh yeah my last day is Tuesday, the 13th of August, unless I'm banned earlier.

Spam / You laugh you lose, fools.
« on: July 22, 2013, 11:15:19 PM »
If you've never played this game before, then you should unhook your ShinobiLegends IV and go visit other forums (which actually do exist to shock some of you).
Rules: Post a picture to make everyone laugh. If you laugh at a picture, you lose. If you don't want to lose, then don't tell anyone you laughed. Evil? Yes, but you're already going to hell like the rest of us anyways. Why not earn a first class seat?

This is also known as "Post Funny Photos for Drunk-Sabu's Amusement".

Forum Petitions / Too much negative DP.
« on: July 18, 2013, 02:58:56 AM »

I have -9125 DP on my account "Senkō Yō" and I'm going to have some serious trouble earning that back. And I'm not wealthy enough to donate that much (sorry), so I would appreciate some aid in having it cleared.


Naruto / Naruto 639
« on: July 17, 2013, 07:16:10 PM »

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