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Topics - atomkai

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 5
I've petitioned this, but never got an answer. It is easy to lose sight of these, so hopefully I can ask for input from the masses.

Medical Ninjutsu SHOULD come available for training after 4 Oro kills.  I don't consider this a spoiler because it is clearly stated in the wiki.

Reasons I think this is correct:

- It says so in the Wiki
- A player I have that has 5 Oro Kills shows it as one option, albeit one for which I do not have all of the requirements.

So, what exactly ARE the requirements?

The Wiki says: 4 Oro Kills, 14 Intelligence, 12 Wisdom
When I visit my trainer, it shows as an option, but the 14 Intelligence is Red (indicating I have not met the requirements) and 12 Wisdom (which is showing that I DO meet the requirements.


I have 14 Intelligence (10 base + 2 from Oro Kill Points + 2 from village buff) - but the game is clearly not recognizing the 2 points from the village.

Again, problem?

Without the village buff points, there is NO WAY 4 Oro Kills could meet the other requirements. With 4 points to spend, and 6 points needed.

What am I missing?

Feature Requests / How PvPs are counted in the Hall of Fame
« on: May 05, 2013, 05:16:36 PM »
Currently, in the Hall of Fame, Player Fights is listed as ALL PvPs initiated by the respective player.

-= Issue =-

My issue with this is that there is no incentive for actually winning. The way it is currently presented, a player could win 5,000 and lose 5,000 but you would still be ranked with 10,000 "player fights".  This does not seem to represent the intention of the "Hall of Fame" very well.

-= Proposed Changes =-

I submit one of the following changes:

-= Additional Column(s) =-

Player Fights would stays as is, but would add the following column(s):

"PvP Wins" (only successful PvPs)
"PvP Ratio" <- PvP ratio is ( wins / (wins + losses) ), example from above 5,000 / (5,000 + 5,000) = .5 or 50% success rate

-= Replacement =-
Replace the ranking with either or both of the columns above.  If it were to be replaced, I would like to see it something like this:

Warrior Ranking Link: "PvP Success" (if changed at all from "Player Fights"

Listing once above link selected:

Rank ----- Name ----- PvP wins*  ----- PvP Success Percentage ----- Overall Player Fights ----- In PvP Range?

* This would be the field/column on which the descending sort is applied.

-= Reason for this Request =-

Currently, there is little incentive for sitters to choose their battles carefully.  People can attack whoever / whenever and they are rewarded with an increase in the Hall of Fame. Fighting a lot isn't HoF worthy in my opinion. Winning a lot is a much better measure.

Feature Requests / Hitchhiking (?)
« on: March 15, 2013, 05:59:26 PM »
So, if you run COMPLETELY out of travel turns ( # of TT = 0 ), then you can hitch hike to Jisei (with an increased risk of encounters ?).

However, this option is not allowed when you are stuck in a village with 1 travel turn left (or less than the amount needed to go somewhere).  It isn't enough to go anywhere, but you aren't allowed to hitch hike either.

Is it possible for this to be changed so that hitch hiking becomes an option for both 0 and 1 travel turns?  Or ideally, any instance where # of travel turns available < # of travel turns needed to go somewhere.

Login Page says:

The warrior with most cash is: Sauron

Ninja Hall of Fame > Gold says:


Are these somehow the same person?

Currently, it seems that "Toughness" is ranked solely on the amount of HP a player has.

But I don't think that equates to tough, as I have characters that can slay a player with 5x their HP because the player they attack has low attack/defense stats.

I think Toughness should be calculated - and this is the initial formula I have come up with:

(HP + Attack + Defense) / Orochimaru Kills

Obviously, this formula greatly favors sitters with low amount of DKs - which is why it is what I would consider a "pound for pound" rating.

Perhaps it (the Pound for Pound rank) could be added to the N:HoF and Toughness replaced by: HP + Attack + Defense


Toughness should be changed from HP to HP+Attack+Defense (at minimum) and Pound for Pound, which is calculated by this formula [ (HP + Attack + Defense) / Orochimaru Kills ] should be added or it should replace Toughness altogether.

Help me I am lost / Dwellings of a restored character
« on: February 02, 2013, 12:35:17 AM »
Wow, so it has been a LONG time since I've been here.

I recently restored my character, and I wanted to know if there is a way to get the dwellings back as well.

I seem to remember that (be it bug or intended) that dwellings attached to a character were unattached when the character was deleted - it seems this is still the case?

Spam / Naruto 535
« on: April 14, 2011, 01:06:00 AM »

Spam / Naruto 534
« on: April 07, 2011, 04:09:34 AM »

Spam / Naruto 533
« on: March 31, 2011, 03:56:56 AM »

Spam / Naruto 526
« on: February 05, 2011, 06:14:56 PM »

Spam / Naruto 523
« on: January 13, 2011, 10:57:38 AM »

Spam / Naruto 522
« on: December 26, 2010, 05:32:21 PM »

Spam / Naruto 521
« on: December 18, 2010, 03:59:46 PM »

Spam / Naruto Chapter 513
« on: October 14, 2010, 05:17:42 AM »
Mangastream/reader didn't have this up when I posted.

Here are both, for those with a preference:

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