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Topics - Ѕhadow

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Feature Requests / Sitters need love too
« on: October 29, 2016, 02:19:17 PM »
So sometimes I'm on my phone and there's like 10 links there to try to navigate. I, being a sitter, will never purposely push 'Seek Out Orochimaru' yet several times I have so far and if it wasn't for the run option Shadow would be ruined. >> Can you add an option to remove it?

TL;DR - Add an option to remove seeking out orochimaru from your account.

Game Related Discussions / Sitter talk
« on: October 25, 2016, 08:35:40 PM »
Here is my current sitter stats after 7 days ~

Also I have:
Health Elixir x 6
Health Elixir 6 x 3

All jutsu unlocked with at least 20 points in each.

Around 3.3 million in gold

Feature Requests / Addition to in-game links
« on: October 17, 2016, 07:58:46 PM »
Could you add the SL wiki to the in-game links?

Under like info or other? People on SL use it a lot and it's run by the members.


[|] Jinchūriki [|]
Shadow (Shade-dough) (Shad-dew) (Sharknado)

[|] Affiliation [|]
Iwagakure/Otogakure (Kind of obvious, no?)

[|] Battle Method [|]
1 v 1 IC Death-match

[|] Preferred Outlet [|]
SL Forums

[|] Preferred judge(s) [|]
Trev, Keito, Based God

Terms and Conditions
(Please read then scroll down and click 'I accept')


The match is 1 v 1 IC death-match. That means no, you cannot invite your grandma to the party nor anyone else.

With it being IC you are allowed to rp while we fight. As am I. This is what the cool kids nowadays call 'Staggered Rp'. That meaning we can rp whilst the match happens, but the end result of the match will still occur IC. Once a victor is decided the Jinchuriki and Challenger then finish whatever rp they are in and immediately post going to begin the fight, so that is when it happens chronologically. If you manage to get yourself killed before the fight happens it will be voided, but I'm not forcing you to rp elsewhere during the fight.

Judge(s) Info

Once a judge is agreed upon, either before the fight starts or the first time a decision is needed, they are the judge for the rest of the fight.

The Challenger and Jinchuriki each have a one time ability to boot a judge. If the agreed upon judge makes a decision just so despicable that you need to get a new one you can say that after this decision you are requesting a new judge. Each participant can do this ONCE, and NOT while a decision is being made. Once a new judge is picked they are the set judge for the rest of the fight, or until the remaining boot is used on them.

Resets and claimed things

You cannot borrow techniques from your friends like Dust Release or Hirashin. You can only use what abilities and tools you have In-Character during the fight.

I do not enforce you to have in-game kg in order to claim kg in rp. However if for some reason you are not able to verify that you did indeed rp for said KG you will be denied.


If you take 14 days to post, the fight will be called off and you will be declared the loser. Note that the timer does not reset if you posted once and then have to repost. I.e. You waited a week to post, but your post was all godmodding and autohitting, and then waited 8 days to repost, then you still lose.

Everyone gets ONE repost only.

Even if you use clones or summons, you still only get 3 actions.

How to challenge and prerequisites

If the challenger has a bijuu(s) they will be putting said beast(s) on the line as well.

In order to challenge me you will have to learn of me as a host, find me and then challenge me. If you are unable to give proof of said rp or how you learned of me IC. You will be denied.

Before the fight starts both of us are to send links to each others character page and technique pages, etc. Anything you want to use in the fight you must have on the Wikia or some other website. If you do not have a Wikia page I suggest making one before challenging me or you'll be denied.

Any seals, weapons, summons, dank memes that you try to use during the fight that were not linked will be voided. This is to prevent you from pulling it out of your ass.

If you link to a weapon that says you can seal chakra into it that's fine. However if in the fight you try to say it can unseal chakra from it I will void that. It is not my fault you didn't write that into your weapons ability when you sent the link.


Swift Release
Any of the recent Rikudou powered abilities 
Body Revival Technique (If used to survive opening the 8th Gate. That was made before we knew what the 8th Gate does, regeneration does not let you tank disintegrating into ash.)
Uchiha Return
Hijutsu: Kirisame
Using batman as a summon
Anything that we talked about in Pms that I or you are not allowed to use in the fight.
Claiming to be better at Kaguya anything than me. You're not

------------------------------------------------------- MISC -------------------------------------------------------

[|] Rinnegan Animal Path [|]

If you have Rinnegan and use the animal path and claim that your dog can split, or any other animal, I will void that for I have that jutsu. Amplification Summoning Technique. Not you. It is not a rinnegan default jutsu.

[|] For those who like to be cheeky [|]

No you cannot run away from the fight. Doing so will result in you being voided.
No you cannot have your chakra touch me and then FTG to me. You MUST emote placing a seal.
Attempts to escape Kamui will be voided. Opinions on the matter are varied and based solely on assumption. We can only go on what is known and that is it has never shown you can so you can't. ^-^ <3

Basically keep an archive of everything you claim to have/use and rp in a normal manner. Do not try to bend the rules. The above extras are perfect examples of what not to try.

Subject to change anytime I feel like it

(I like aesthetics what can I say?)

Spam / Watch your language.
« on: October 06, 2016, 06:37:11 AM »
Do any of you speak any other languages.  I've met a few non-native speakers such as Warren that have near mastered English.

So any of you currently learning or already know a different language?

Spam / Christmas starting.....too early?
« on: October 06, 2016, 03:37:12 AM »
Is it the same for those of you who live in other States/areas?

Where I live they have already started to broadcast Christmas movies on TV and commercials for it. All the other years that I remember, they've at least waited until Halloween was over with or close to it. This year though they have gone a whole month earlier.

Spam / Who's Online
« on: October 04, 2016, 05:10:28 AM »
People really like that topic. o_o

There were like +2 more on the second page

This is about the Rinnegan Human Path. *Spoilers*

Once you reach 6 resets in Rinnegan you unlock the Human Path. One of its abilities allows you to mind read a jonin in the dwellings which allows you to see who's sleeping where and in what house.

However that list is effectively useless as you still have to go back to the dwellings list and hunt down the correct houses. So I was wondering if you could add the [ Bio | Attack ] links in the list next to the names that show once you Human Path the guy.


Naruto / Sasuke vs Naruto Finale
« on: October 01, 2016, 01:59:44 PM »
What I thought of while watching the second part:

Nanashi, Shadow

Match type:
OOC Bijuu Battle Death match

Zone type (Insert CellDBZ.jpg):

Exactly midday

-[14 day fight time]-
3 actions per person including any clones. Summons get 1 action per post.

-[Judge is yet to be decided]-

Swift Release
Any of the recent Rikudou powered abilities
Body Revival Technique (If used to survive opening the 8th Gate. That was made before we knew what the 8th Gate does, regeneration does not let you tank disintegrating into ash.)
Uchiha Return
Hijutsu: Kirisame
Using batman as a summon
Anything that we talked about in Pms that I or you are not allowed to use in the fight.

Village Square / People are getting stupid (Wikia talk)
« on: September 27, 2016, 09:45:29 PM »
I've been watching the Naruto Profile added pages for the last month or two now and it's stupid. Plain and simple. You guys are adding DBZ, Fairy Tail, Sailor Moon and so on type stuff. That's all fine to you yet when someone claims they're a vampire or something you laugh at them. Talk about hypocrisy.

But seriously you guys are getting ridiculous. Adding guns, armor from the Marvel universe, and then OP as hell techniques. I'm not sure what's going on here.

As of 9/28/16 |

Not centered to keep it all even:
0 Tails - Trev vs Guruguru
1 Tails - TheCurse vs Umehara
2 Tails - Jaynara vs JraecoHyodo | UettoSenju vs Yakekogi Manji
3 Tails - Shino vs Dart
4 Tails - N/A
5 Tails - Shadow vs Nanashi (Guy didn't use the link to vote)
6 Tails - Tobias vs Zera
7 Tails - Teostra vs Iburi Ray
8 Tails - Yujo (Keito has agreed to GM)
9 Tails - Madara Uchiha vs Raifudo | Nathan vs Ryoji

9 tails extended-
The original VS fights for the 9 tails were Madara vs Raifudo and Nathan vs Athos. However Ryoji placed his name in the hat for the 9 tails. So I did the straw randomizer to see who got a free pass. It was Athos. So I just switched Athos's original spot with Ryoji. This can all be re-done if you question it though.

The 2 tails and 9 tails VS was generated by putting all the names into a randomizer. Of course that can change on how everyone wants to handle this.


First thing I want to ask is how do we determine who faces who if the above isn't suffice for you. A randomizer I thought was the best way unless the participants were overwhelmingly against it.


Second thing is when do fights start happening? As soon as Wednesday ends or at the discretion of the ones who challenged for it? What happens if one of the challengers don't reply until Sunday then what?


Thirdly is what if the parties disagree with something else the other has? Like maybe a stupid technique that makes you immune to both Raiton and Katon because reasons. What decides if that is allowed or not?


Fourthly who sells seashells by the seashore?


If the colors are burning your retinas they're doing their job. >>


[-] Thoughts thus far [-]

= Randomizer seems to be favored (The names have already been ran through it, but can be again)

= Trev suggested to have posts made by Friday/Saturday. And others want to start the fights right now.

= Suggested that powers/abilities be dealt with how they are normally in bijuu fights. The participants talk about what is and isn't allowed.

Still unknown as to who sells seashells.

Council / Council Member Agenda: Example Template
« on: September 20, 2016, 06:12:53 PM »
I feel like there is little structure when it comes to council member topics. This is just an example when everything is sorted out. Which in my opinion is more streamlined and thus easier on the eyes. Instead of it being look and search for yourselves everything relevant (plan, member vote, and topic) will all be at the top. So for someone who hasn't been on in a couple days can get an overview.


Topic Name: Council Member Agenda: [Insert stuff here]

Member List:

Topic of discussion:

Proposed Plan on how to deal with topic:

Member List Votes:

Community insight:

-----------------------------------------Below is an example-----------------------------------------

Council Member Official Agenda: All Tailed Beasts


Topic of discussion:
Bocc quit and gave his bijuu to the council to decide what to do with them.

Proposed plan:
We open the list to challengers for one week and allow them 1 (ONE) challenge of their choice for the initial period. We, the council, or other established GMs would then GM the tailed beast in question and award/deny. [There's also the issue of should we acknowledge the challenges made between Bocc leaving and now, putting Athos at the front of the line (with Madara next).]
Once all the fights from the one-week open challenge, any remaining Bijuu would be put at large in-game. Individuals, groups, whole villages, whatever/whoever can hunt them down and do what they want with them, assuming they don't get themselves killed.

Current votes on the proposed plan:
Genesis - Undecided
Chinote - Yes
Eric - Unstated/ not present
Moonfire - Unstated / not present
Hades - Yes

Comments of community members:
A high number of them want the proposed plan to happen.
Some of them want the same bijuu. Will have to work that out.
Goosh (T'Challa) and Madara feel they should get Kurama from their battle with Bocc.

No this isn't offical. No I'm not trying to take the council's job. I just like making templates and feel some sort of organization is needed when you guys post stuff. You can move this if it's in the wrong section.

Made this list to keep track of current bijuu holders/wanters/challengers and who is GM'ing. If you want your name on this list PM me on SL.

Tail #  | Wanted by | Willing to GM beast |
0 Tails - Unknown   | Koji
1 Tails - Umehara   | Keitō, Kayenta
2 Tails - Jay           | Kamui, Kayenta
3 Tails - Shino        | Keitō
4 Tails - Just in here to keep template neat. Hosted by Trev
5 Tails - Unknown   | Undecided
6 Tails - Unknown   | Kayenta
7 Tails - Teo           | Undecided
8 Tails - Yujo          | Keitō
9 Tails - Athos, Madara | Kamui
Gedo Statue - Kayenta is keeping until October comes around

New Features / People are updating LotGD code
« on: September 15, 2016, 11:51:03 PM »

In case you understand code and want to peek around on the updates.

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