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Topics - Rusaku

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Bijuu Arena / Official Challenge for the 6 tails: Athos
« on: December 26, 2016, 10:36:14 PM »
This is an official challenge for the 7 tails held by Kaze.

To avoid cluttering the forum with numerous topics, I will make a list of each Alt/Summon making a challenging.

In order of appearance:

Rusaku Otsutuski
Ryoji Uzumaki
Nanashi Arashi
Ichirou (Edo Tensei Zombie)
Sharuto (Edo Tensei Zombie)
Yoshiro (Edo Tensei Zombie)
Rusaku (Edo Tensei Zombie)
Luka Kaguya (Edo Tensei Zombie)
Shinji (Edo Tensei Zombie)

Bijuu Arena / Official Challenge for the 1 tails: Athos
« on: December 26, 2016, 10:35:43 PM »
This is an official challenge for the 1 tails held by Athos.

To avoid cluttering the forum with numerous topics, I will make a list of each Alt/Summon making a challenging.

In order of appearance:

Rusaku Otsutuski
Ryoji Uzumaki
Nanashi Arashi
Ichirou (Edo Tensei Zombie)
Sharuto (Edo Tensei Zombie)
Yoshiro (Edo Tensei Zombie)
Rusaku (Edo Tensei Zombie)
Luka Kaguya (Edo Tensei Zombie)
Shinji (Edo Tensei Zombie)

Bijuu Arena / Official challenge for the 7 tails: Kaze Daizemon.
« on: December 26, 2016, 10:35:00 PM »
This is an official challenge for the 7 tails held by Kaze.

To avoid cluttering the forum with numerous topics, I will make a list of each Alt/Summon making a challenging.

In order of appearance:

Rusaku Otsutuski
Ryoji Uzumaki
Nanashi Arashi
Ichirou (Edo Tensei Zombie)
Sharuto (Edo Tensei Zombie)
Yoshiro (Edo Tensei Zombie)
Rusaku (Edo Tensei Zombie)
Luka Kaguya (Edo Tensei Zombie)
Shinji (Edo Tensei Zombie)

Spam / Venting
« on: December 07, 2016, 05:54:31 AM »
I’m not really sure where to begin with this, but I’m hoping that if I put my thoughts down on paper, it will make me feel better or sort my feelings out. Right now I feel like my life is either in a rut or shambles or somewhere in between. What you’re about to read is very “First world” and I’m aware that there are more serious issues out there, but I’m still being affected.

I should probably start with where I started feeling myself dip into depression. As of right now, I work in a factory (I know, glorious) and we are in a serious situation when it comes to staffing. Seems like no matter who we hire, they always leave within a week or two and I end up being the one who gets to pick up all the slack, because I’m the senior worker. Only been there 6 months by the way if that says anything. With all this extra work landing in my lap, I’m having a hell of a time staying motivated knowing that tomorrow is just going to be the same old song and dance, but with more steps to the choreography.

Though what would get me through the day is a combination of the cool people I work with (not my bosses, they eat ass) and knowing I get to see my girl when I get home. But today I find out that one of the only people who really make my day bearable is leaving, once again dropping all of his work in my lap. I’m basically being given a management position with no training or extra pay. So the extra work and losing a work friend had me down, but I was ready to come home and see Tanner (my lady).

So what do I come home to today? Nothing bad like cheating, but the house is a mess and the dog had gotten into the trash while she was asleep. She works nights, so her schedule is to sleep all day while I’m at work and we hang out once I get home until she has to work at 9. So I go through and pick up all the messes, like I do every single day, and go to wake her up. But today she is feeling especially tired, so she wants to sleep instead of hang out with me. That’s fine, I understand not wanting to hang out every day. It’s cool. But she tells me that she got me something for christmas, and wants me to open it now. “Cool!” I think, “something that will get me out of this foul mood.” So she goes into the closet and pulls out my present. It turns out that it’s a really nice, expensive camera. I’m appreciative, obviously, but I have literally no interest in photography whatsoever. I don’t know why she thought that it was something that I wanted. Considering I was already lethargic, it didn’t take much for me to be let down and push me deeper into it. Now my mind is racing. I googled the camera and found out it was $250, which is expensive for our budget. All I can think of is the things I would have rather had that money for. Like the bills that she never helps with. I mean she helps with groceries every once in awhile, but even with that she spends like 100 a month on them and spends the rest of her money on stupid shit like Bath bombs and pokemon games. So now I’m frustrated with her for spending money on something that I don’t want or need, instead of helping around the house or with the bills. “Whatever...I’ll cook this dope meal that I have been planning for a few days.”

So I spend the next hour and a half cooking Lemon chicken, on a bed of cheese tortellini with a homemade parmesan sauce. Shit was hard to make, ok? I’ve never made lemon chicken and didn’t know how to marinate it...Off topic, but still.

So I finish and go to wake her up again. Well she comes out and takes three bites, tells me she doesn't like it, and goes back to bed, leaving me to not only clean up the mess, but throw away all the food I just made. Shit was bomb by the way. At this point I’m basically a wreck. I’m honestly not sure how she didn’t notice, which also makes me feel bad in retrospect. I figure maybe SL would get my mind off things. Give me a chance to shoot the shit with a few friends and brainstorm some cool ideas that will never get put to use. Though that’s wishful thinking, because the moment I log on I’m bombarded with stupid fucking arguments that are literally pointless. Shit that makes this game a chore opposed to a fun pastime. So I’m already at a low point and the one escape I have leads me into more shit. Now my only urge is to either bite the bullet or swallow all the pills I have under my sink, but I resist and lay down in bed with Tanner to She wakes up and asks how I’m doing. I said Biiiiiiiiiitch...JK...but I wanted too. So I said fuck it and told her that I was feeling really depressed. I was expecting some words of encouragement or something to try and help me out of this, instead she gives me a kiss and said “Well I gotta go to work. We can talk tomorrow.” And she leaves... So here I am sitting in my dark room writing to a bunch of people who probably don’t give a rats ass about me or my problems. But after 10 years of playing a game where I have to write everything down, this has become my outlet. I just...what do I do? Anyone got literally anything that can ease my mood? 

Village Square / Izanagi and the 8th gate
« on: October 29, 2016, 11:56:07 PM »
So, the topic is going to be pretty self explanatory. I'm not calling out Athos, because there wasn't a rule or anything to suggest that this could not be done, but after some examination of other fights where this has happened, and the implications this loop hole could have, I would like to see how the community feels about "voiding" this tactic and making it an illegal move from this point forward. (The ruling here obviously having no bearing on our match.)

My reasons for wanting this removed are obvious. 8th gate is the epitome of the strength any one individual can reach, far exceeding that of the Ten tails Jink if applied properly. The drawback for using this power is that one looses their life after it's use. Now, using techniques that have been explicitly stated to circumvent this drawback are already voided amidst the community. I am of course referring too the body revival technique. I don't see how it's fair that all a person has to do is activate Izanagi, use 8th gate, then from that point forward have a free 5 (or however many) turns of immeasurable power, only to fade away and be perfectly fine in the next round. Minus an eye of course. Though if they wanted, they could rely on sensory techniques and just use another eye to go into 8th gate again. God forbid there is someone with Danzo modifications and can just spam it over. and over. and over again until they are left with only their own eyes, then spam it two more times if the opponent isn't dead yet.

It shouldn't be difficult to see the issue with this tactic. There are always going to be methods of avoiding 8th gate, yes, but just because it can be countered does not mean that it should just be left alone for people to abuse. In an OOC fight, there is no consequence for spamming this tactic in every single fight the person sets foot in. Literally none.

My suggestion, if not outright voiding it? Do not allow this in OOC fights.

Any input on the subject is welcome.     

Village Square / Limiting village defenses.
« on: October 23, 2016, 05:42:24 AM »
I would like to discuss perhaps limiting the defences a village can have at any given point. It had been brought up before in other threads, and I believe that we need to have an entire thread dedicated to this and this alone.

Some of the village defences are as such:

"A seal used in conjunction with the Mondai no Konran and overlapping this defense is one of the prides of the hidden cloud village. Utilizing the constantly increased ionized air constantly over the village, this seal allows natural lightning to rain down on anything and anybody within the range of the barrier seal. Able to call down near limitless lightning strikes, such a dangerous and powerful seal can only be used by the Raikage's. Enemies are targeted and identified through use of the Mondai no Konran it's connected to." - Kumogakure

"A massive dome shaped seal placed around a certain area. This particular seal is placed around the entire village of Kumo and encompasses everything within. It begins at the center of the village and stretches out three quarters of a mile from the outside of the village in a perfect circle going beneath the ground and into the sky as well. The purpose of the jutsu is it marks everything and everybody within it’s boundaries and anything coming into contact with reducing the effectiveness of their chakra based abilities. It produces a toll of multiplying chakra drain of techniques three times while decreasing effectiveness of chakra based abilities by half. This also includes chakra based attacks made from outside the range of the barrier coming into contact with said barrier seal. This defense is a permanent seal on the land area itself and is only subject to collapse should the Raikage will it. This also serves to further train Kumo shinobi. With such a constant draw on their chakra levels for a prolonged period of time when not under the effects of the barrier they are endowed with unnaturally high chakra levels when compared to other nations." - Kumogakure

"A barrier empowered by a crystal located within the depths of the Hokage Residence, its circumference encircles the village's walls, two-meters away from them. The barrier works in two ways.First it has a "passive" effect which is active at all times and absorbs any attack that uses chakra and makes contact with it from the outside.Second it has an "active" effect which absorbs all the ninjutsu attacks from inside,but it may only be activated by someone possessing the Preta Path and who knows of the technique-specific hand seal." -Konohagakure

“The entire area of the forest up to the gates is constantly blanketed in a thick white mist, a variation of a secret jutsu passed down between Kirigakure elites. Passing through this mist will quickly eat up any chakra that is not similar to that of the Ichiban Yonnin.
The mist also extends into the village, yet is weaker than the mist outside. It also does not affect certain individuals as they cast and/or maintained the mist itself. They are Isaribi, Gitsune, Mioku, Eiko, Dāto, and Xiarawst. Those who are responsible for upkeep are Silence and Saino.” -Kirigakure

These are the only defences I can find in the main villages that I think are crazy, but I’m sure there are more if we decide to delve deeper into it.

The reason I bring this up is simple. It ruins most villains opportunities to attack a village. Yes, I am incredibly aware that villages are not supposed to be easy to attack, but that does not mean it gives the people living within the right to completely stifle the a villain's right to attempt an attack on that village. It’s unsportsmanlike.

What few seem to realize is that even without defences, villages are very difficult to attack. There are usually 4 or 5 individuals who will participate in the defence of any given village. 4 or 5 competent fighters should be more than able to repel an attack considering they would have the home field advantage. Not only that, but most if not all village attacks end up being voided anyway, so why even have the defences if your just going to ignore the people attacking anyway?

My suggestion is that we limit each village to two defensive measures. One that represents the village as a whole. Much like Konoha’s forest, Kiri’s mist, or Suna’s deserts and one that is generic and used between most villages. They can make one, REASONABLE defence that involves their geographical environment, and one other defence of their choice. Considering almost all villages have a “No auto enter” rule, I don’t much see the point of anti-space time barriers. Though I will stick to the idea that those barriers are the dumbest thing to ever come from this game.

Villain characters are still players of this game who are wanting to have a good time. It’s very difficult for them to enjoy being villains when there are no villages to attack, and no one ever leaves those villages for them to try and ambush. We need to stop catering to the good guys who hide behind their walls like cattle, and start making it so everyone gets a chance to do what they want without having to leap through a million flaming hoops to do it. 

If anyone has better options to nerf villages, then please post and start a dialogue. Or if people from these villages can try to justify why these defenses are not stupid, then please elaborate.

Ryoji, Athos

Match type:
OOC Bijuu Battle Death match

Zone type:

Exactly midnight

-[14 day fight time]-
3 actions per person including any clones. Summons get 1 action per post.

-[Judge has been discussed, we are just waiting for a response]-

Swift Release
Any of the recent Rikudou powered abilities
Body Revival Technique (If used to survive opening the 8th Gate. That was made before we knew what the 8th Gate does, regeneration does not let you tank disintegrating into ash.)
Uchiha Return
Hijutsu: Kirisame
Anything that we talked about in Pms that I or you are not allowed to use in the fight.

In the Center of this marble arena erupted a pillar of black fire, scorching the immediate tiles before dying down to a smoulder. In the center stood a man garbed in minimalist clothing, which served to mask his appearance, while his arms were folded behind his back and his posture was straight. Looking upward Ryoji admired the site of a full moon with his evolved crimsion hues, reaching out with one hand as if to caress it, but alas it was so far away. A voice rang in his head, whispering dastardly premonitions of a world engulfed by fire and brimstone, a world Ryoji was unsure if he wanted. Had he the need to breath, he might have sighed heavily as he contemplated his destiny. Unfortunetly, those ill tidings would need to be addressed later, for now his opportunity to begin amassing the power he needed was right in front of him.   

Ryoji, Madara

Match type:
OOC Bijuu Battle Death match

Zone type (Insert CellDBZ.jpg):

Exactly midday

-[14 day fight time]-
3 actions per person including any clones. Summons get 1 action per post.

-[Judge is yet to be decided]-

Swift Release
Any of the recent Rikudou powered abilities
Body Revival Technique (If used to survive opening the 8th Gate. That was made before we knew what the 8th Gate does, regeneration does not let you tank disintegrating into ash.)
Uchiha Return
Hijutsu: Kirisame
Anything that we talked about in Pms that I or you are not allowed to use in the fight.

Madara may have first post if he so desires.

Bijuu Arena / Ryoji Uchiha Vs Sabu Hōzuki
« on: March 10, 2016, 02:58:40 AM »
Current Host: Ryoji Uchiha

Affiliation: Uzushiogakure

Battle Method: 1v1/2v2 IC/OOC death match

Judge(s): PMs will be used to determine an agreed-upon judge

List of Challengers:

Special Rules:

-If you take 5 days to post, the fight will be called off and you will be declared the loser. If the fight was OOC that means you just lose. If it was IC that means the opposition gets to legally auto-hit you, likely meaning you die or are sealed. Note that the timer does not reset if you posted once and then have to repost. I.e. You waited 3 days to post, but your post was all godmodding and autohitting, and then waited another 3 days to repost, then you still lose.

-The match can be OOC for the benefit of both participating characters. This is essentially to prevent either playing from having to deal with the hassle of dying IC, and additionally leaves both participants free for IC RP during the match. Thus, though the match will be OOC, participants must still RP as their character, exactly as if they were IC, with the addition of following any decided voids, nerfs, etc.

-If desired, a logical RP can be worked out for a reasonable and plausible IC transfer of the beast to the next host.

-No match will begin without a judge agreed upon beforehand.

-You must have a biography/profile detailing what abilities and techniques you have, which includes your mastery in your abilities. Techniques used that are not listed in your profile will be voided. The same will go for notable skills and abilities not explained in your profile. Exceptions for this are General Skills, such as Tree Climbing Practice or Water Surface Walking Practice. Simple nature manipulation such as producing a small gust of wind to re-balance yourself or causing some water to flow into your mouth to drink is fine as well. Combining techniques on the fly, such as using a wind technique to empower a fire, is also exempt from this. Should it be discovered after the fact that these rules were broken, then the match will be called off, and result in a loss for the challenger.

~If using any of the eight IG KG, the same system against combing rinnegan/sage, uchiha/hyuga, etc. applies. Any external or custom special skills will need to be accurately assessed and set before the match begins.


-Arguing is discouraged. I will talk over any concerns regarding the match with you if the conversation remains calm and logical. If it steps outside of that, then the judge will be asked to make a decision. Pointlessly bickering is not fun or useful for anyone.

-If any of the rules set forward are broken, I reserve the right to cancel the match. This will not prevent you from re-challenging (3-Month Cooldown)

Non-Negotiable Voids:

-Anything that does not have a reasonable explanation within the Naruto/SL lore
-Any custom technique that has no prescribed flaw (auto-hitting/character control)
-Any of the recent Rikudo powered abilities
-Body Revival Technique (when used to survive Hachimon)
-Swift Release
-Hijutsu: Kirisame

~ All information subject to change
~ Mail me with any questions

The sun would hang high in the sky bathing the abandoned township in an everlasting glow, casting shadows within its many allies and crevices for one to take refuge. A mighty gust of wind would blow south through the streets causing forgotten clothes on their lines to sway with a ghostly semblance. Two vultures would circle some decaying beast in the distance; their ominous cries for the rotting flesh ripping through the landscape with an uncouth resonance.

In the center of this village, a single building would tower above the rest. A clock tower of sorts; used to keep the passing of time for the once bustling municipality, now nothing more than a clockwork gravestone whose epitaph reads only the time in which their lives came to a halt. 11:59

At the very tip of the towers antenna, a pinhole distortion within the fabric of time and space would materialize. From this distortion, a red haired man would step forth garbed in the traditional robes of his clan; the Uzumaki. The distinct whirlpool emblem embroidered on his back with the utmost pride. With his left hand the man would reach upward to fix a rogue strand of hair that had become misplaced in his arrival, momentarily revealing a unique tattoo that he bore upon both hands and forearms before resting it upon the hilts of two out of the three most powerful tools he possessed. The first being the sword of Kusanagi, and the second being the Dragon’s blade.

Balancing himself upon the antenna, the Uzumaki would utilize his mind’s eye as a means of detecting any unwanted guests from getting the drop on the righteous monarch. With a smile, the mad king would allow his magnetic chakra to resonate throughout the clocktower in which he stood, forcing it’s inner machinations to lurch to life with rust induced screeches of protest. Suddenly the hour hand would shift forward, finally striking 12, and the bell would begin it’s final toll alerting any and all whom wish to hear it. 12 times the bell would call out into the wastes, How long would it take for someone to answer?

The tyrant would slowly fold his arms over his barrel chest in wait for his next opponent. "Perhaps this one will put up a better fight? Eh Hiru?" to which the vile beast within Ryojis mindscape would reply with a malicious cackle.   

Village Square / A Numbers Game
« on: February 11, 2016, 01:47:19 AM »
So I have been thinking about this for a while now, and I feel like it needs to be addressed.

When we gave Sage mode a specific multiplier for it’s enhancements, why did we not do the same for the other various techniques that bolster one’s ability?

Some examples include the 8 gates, Tailed beast enhancements, and various other chakra modes that people have started putting together in order to make themselves the “Fastest” or the “Strongest” Kids on the playground. 

I suggest we sit down and give these techniques a multiplier, just so we can have a more firm understanding of how fast or strong we actually are when compared to others using similarly natured boosts.

For those who would claim this to not be a relevant topic, we can look no farther than the Madara vs Shadow debacle. Their argument exemplifies the need to sit down and assign actual numbers so we may easily assess a situation opposed to giving half baked summations.

My suggestions are very rough draft, and I am welcome to suggestions that would appease the masses.

Gates: (Speed/Strength only)
  • First: x2
  • Second: No boost, limited healing qualities
  • Third: x2.5
  • Fourth: x3
  • Fifth: x3.5
  • Sixth: x4
  • 7th: x4.5
  • 8th: x100+

Obviously this is a very rough estimation, but my logic is to maintain a bit of reason and fairness. We cannot exactly measure how much faster/Stronger Lee or Guy got without exhausting levels of research on par with that of some Screwattack videos, thus this is a simple alternative that would be easy to apply and remember for the layman.

Tailed beast enhancements. (Applies to Strength, Speed, and Chakra based abilities)
  • Initial form: x.5
  • First tail: x2
  • Second tail: x2.5
  • Third tail: x3.5
  • 4th tail: x5
  • 5th tail: x6
  • Sixth tail: x6.5
  • Seventh tail: x7
  • Eighth tail: x7.5
  • Ninth tail (I.e Tailed beast cloak): x10

Now, I expect more arguments here than in gates, and that’s fine. My thought process is that there were obviously huge advancements in ability when looking at initial form - 4th tail, thus the more rapid expansion of power opposed to the 6th - 8th. When observing a Jink who utilized those forms without going into a full on transformation, it appeared that they were roughly similar to previous transformation in terms of how they were artistically portrayed. I think Killer Bee was the only one to use anything more than like...6 tails or something and that was in the fight with Kisame. During that fight, I only saw a mild enhancement of his power when compared to how he used only a 1 or two tailed form while fighting taka. So, I shot for that kind of scaling until the 9 tails cloak, which obviously gave some seriously ridiculous enhancements. I chose ten as to not break the system completely, but obviously this is very open for discussion.

EDIT: I do believe that the enhancements to one's chakra based abilities should be altered and discussed, because obviously we can't have a Chibaku tensei or some other massive attack increased 7 times over if they don that particular form.

Nature based Chakra Modes:
  • 5x enhancement. (Varies between chakra natures)

Now, obviously it’s kinda hard to put a number on these for a simple reason: everyone applies them differently. While the Raiton cloak makes you ridiculously fast, I think it’s the fire chakra mode that focuses solely on offensive and does not bolster your physical stats. Please don’t quote me on that, i’m merely going off what I remember off the top of my head. I would like the full cooperation of the community on this particular category.

So, go ahead and leave feedback based on what you think should be the value of each category. If I missed anything that needs focus, please leave the technique and what you believe the values should be so we may work off of that.

Village Square / RP on the forum?
« on: January 18, 2016, 12:52:21 AM »
OK, so I'm not gonna make a lengthy topic for this but I feel like it needs to be addressed.

I love the fact that everyone is making their own stories and enjoying Rp but c'mon, we have a site for this. It's called Shinobi Legends, and honestly it's not doing all that great when it comes to lengthy Rp's like this. All this activity you guys are spurring would do wonders over there opposed to here on the forum where we are really supposed to discuss rules and stuff. At least that is how I have seen it.

First it was the Biju matches, then it was the hunter/hero guild, and now it's just mundane RP interaction. What's wrong with SL for these things? Honestly, I'm just confused. Enlighten me.

Bijuu Arena / Rusaku Otsutsuki vs Taiga Saejima
« on: January 01, 2016, 02:22:17 AM »
1v1 OOC deathmatch

Judge: Awaiting approval (will be edited later)

Repost limit: 1 per player

-Swift Release
- Izanami
- Any of the recent Rikudou powered abilities 
- Body Revival Technique (If used to survive opening the 8th Gate. That was made before we knew what the 8th Gate does, regeneration does not let you tank disintegrating into ash.)
- Uchiha Return
- Hijutsu: Kirisame
- Nonsense

Special Rules:
If you plan to hunt me, be active. Once interaction with our characters start, frequent posting is inviolable. 7 days without posting (Unless prior consent was given) will result in a loss of the match, or a simple “ending” of the match where both players move on with their lives.
If two or more chakra absorbing techniques collide, the result is an explosion of confetti.

With the rules posted above, the battle for the 7 tails shall begin!

The sun stared at the world without pause, unobstructed by a crystal clear sky. Predictably, the indigenous plant life would wither under the fiery orb’s incessant scrutiny while the distant treeline would sag as if exhausted. Alas, despite the deary spectacle, all would be still. Though suddenly, as the proverbial clock would strike noon, the serene meadows would surge with energy as a gust of wind blew south; an unnatural aroma of petrichor carried by the gale.

In the distance, a hooded figure could be seen approaching with the wind at his back, garbed in a unique grey cloak that was brandished with the symbol of the Otsutsuki. The wind would cause his attire to agitate, momentarily revealing a number of the man’s features that were hidden beneath.

He wore the standard Konohagakure standard infantry clothing: a flak jacket, dark blue pants, and a short-sleeve shirt. His hands would be covered by fingerless gloves bearing metals plates with the leaf village’s crest, while around his waist he wore a belt donning Myoboku’s unique design. From this a number of various pouches would hang, each containing a multitude of tools for his use; all of which were marked with a seal unique to him, with a number of organic components littered about as well.

With a breathy sigh, the man would reach up to remove the hood that shadowed his face, revealing the blanched eyes of the Byakugan; veins already protruding while he utilized his Kekkei Genkai as a means of navigation. Within his mindscape, a voice would ring forth.

“Boy, you know it is unsafe to travel alone. With the ongoing Chuunin Exams, the unsavory types are sure to make moves on people of interest such as yourself.”

With a boyish chuckle, the Sannin would run his thumb across the tip of his nose. “Don’t you worry about me Chomei, I’ve got you to protect me!”

With a grunt, the massive beetle would flex it’s wings. “You are far too reckless for me to keep tabs on. Now hurry and finish your training before it’s time for supper. If I overheard correctly, Shima is planning quite the feast upon your return.”

Grinning, Rusaku would punch his hand into the opposing palm. “All right! She was telling me about a new beetle recipe she wanted to try out!” 

“That’s not funny…”

After enjoying his own dark humor, the Otsutsuki would quickly begin to do a variety of stretches in order to limber up for the intended training.

Bijuu Arena / Requesting a leave of absence.
« on: December 05, 2015, 06:31:53 PM »
Hello everyone who cares,

It's about that time of year where people begin to make a little more time for the family, which leaves less and less time for Shinobi Legends. On this subject, there are some of us who are required to post on a mildly strict deadline, thus I am requesting that I am allowed a few more days on that deadline, so I may enjoy my holidays in peace.

I will be leaving for two weeks to go visit family out of state, so of course I will not be able to take my desktop with me during that time. Though, I will be taking my laptop in the case of an emergency. I won't delve too much into detail, but that computer does not work overly well, so I do not plan on being on it very often if at all during these two weeks. As most of you surly understand, I would rather spend my time reconnecting with the family I haven't seen is some time than debate with most of you over Biju related matters (However riveting that may be.) 

I will be making a post as Rusaku very shortly as a means to reset the timer of my posting countdown, and hopefully you all will be kind enough to understand that if my next post is in 15 or 16 days opposed to 14 days, I should not be stripped. Should even that be a problem, I will do my best to make a post in order to appease the masses.

I should be home and able to post once again on the 20th of this month, and no later than that.

Thank you for taking the time to read this, and for once I genuinely hope you all have a nice holiday season. Try not to kill one another while I am gone. I want to see it all go down in real time!

Edit: Forgot I was in RP with kiri while writing this, so perhaps all of this was unnecessary. Whatever, I would like you all to know my reason for inactivity either way just in case they still try and shaft me for not posting in a timely fashion.

Bijuu Arena / Stripping Hagoromo Gitsune of the Two tailed beast
« on: November 26, 2015, 04:07:58 AM »
So before the debacle with the Biju and if they were void or not, Gitsune and I had agreed to fight for the two tails. I had sent her the RP where I discovered her possession of the beast through legitimate methods, and she accepted such as being valid. I even went so far to mention it in a previous topic that was going on in August which ironically enough was about how poorly kiri handles biju hunts and interactions.,8512.60.html

Now, when people started to void the beasts, she immediately began avoiding my inquiries saying that she was going to "Re-write her biju rules" and get back to me, which never happened. Weeks and weeks and weeks pass and I hear nothing, and when I decide to message her again she decides to retcon her accepting of my match by telling me that she has sealed the best away so tightly that it cannot be tracked by usual means which is directly against the newest (And old) set of rules that have been crafted.

This thing has been at a standstill and I assumed that the bijuu have been voided. I haven't edited my rules yet given that there's no final say on what to do with these beasts. Right now, as a way of 'voiding' them, I temporarily stopped using the Nibi from any RP and I have 'locked' it within me (I RPed this lock at the Hokage Level Zone #2 - Icelands last 10/24).

I can't use its power and chakra nor can I be detected by usual means. If you can manage to pinpoint a locked, suppressed beast from a whole sea of people in Kiri through a legit method, then we can talk about a challenge.

---Original Message from Uchiha Ryoji(2015-11-25 18:45:51)---
So I assume you're never going to fight for that beast, huh?

I for one will not be accepting this as a valid excuse for avoiding challenges, and will be pushing for a strip of the beast into my possession. Not only is she now declining a previously agreed upon match that was made over 3 months ago, but she is also making it impossible for her to be found by others which is also against Jink etiquette. 

Time and time again Kiri shows us their ineptitude, and I refuse to allow this to happen once again.

If you wish to be on the side that voids the Biju, that is perfectly acceptable but DO NOT lock the beasts away from those who truly enjoy having the RP mechanic and wish to continue using them. There are still plenty of individuals out there who use the beasts and acknowledge them as valid despite whatever split there may be.

Having spoken with a majority of the current hosts, it seems largely unanimous that this is not how a host should act, and there should be penalties.   

If there are any objections to such, please voice them now before I begin making the appropriate edits to the wikia.

Current Host: Uchiha Ryoji (Zero tails) Rusaku Ōtsutsuki (Seven tails)

Affiliation: Otogakure (Ryoji) Konohagakure (Rusaku)

Battle Method: 1v1 IC deathmatch

Judge(s): PMs will be used to determine an agreed-upon judge

Special Rules:
If you plan to hunt me, be active. Once interaction with our characters start, frequent posting is inviolable. 7 days without posting (Unless prior consent was given) will result in a loss of the match, or a simple “ending” of the match where both players move on with their lives.

Non-Negotiable Voids:

-Anything that does not have a reasonable explanation within the Naruto/SL lore
-Any custom technique that has no prescribed flaw (auto-hitting/character control)
-Any of the recent Rikudo powered abilities
-Body Revival Technique (when used to survive Hachimon)
-Swift Release

~ All information subject to change
~ Mail me with any questions

Hints on how to find Rusaku
Frequents Konoha
Frequents Death Valley, Greenlands, and Dark Caves.
Yatagarasu/Athos/Kite/Madara/Vale All know of his possession of the beast.

If you ask the Trees nicely enough they might just help you, at a cost

Hints on how to find Ryoji
Potent Negative Emotion
Frequents Otogakure/Uzushio
Frequents Fire Valley and Empty Town
Ask nice enough in Pm’s and he might fight you out of boredom

The battle will be continuing from where the Iwa interaction had left off.

In a blur of movement, the man known as Ryoji Uchiha would come to a skidding halt at the center of a large rocky flatland. Now quite the distance away from Iwagakure, Ryoji would have determined this was a suitable location for Sharuto and he to clash without interruption.

Garbed in red robes, with the Uzumaki symbol brandishing their back, the Uchiha would stand at 6’3”; the burnt orange hues of his sharingan, still very much alive, would scan the immediate area in lieu of being snuck up on by his quarry. The visual changes of his Ryujin Sennin Modo would still be quite noticeable, as his head retained it’s crown of horns, and his skin was still dyed a dark grey.

With a sharp inhalation of the dry air, Ryoji would ready himself for the battle to come.

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