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Topics - Becquerel

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Village Square / Dice Rolls Topic 2: Electric Boogaloo
« on: November 14, 2016, 01:10:55 PM »
Long, long ago when I first joined I made a topic about using dice rolls on SL.,8337.0.html
The idea's been rolling about in my head as I've been thinking of ways to potentially 'fix' SL RP. I would like to hear everyone's opinion on this potential idea. Mind you, if anyone wanted to try, it would be completely opt in if anyone wanted to try it.

So a big problem, I feel, with SL RP is the fact that there's no level cap. Not only that, but a lot of abilities and character skills are all based off of arbitrary things. For example, if I wanted to have a character gain any ability, all I really have to do is edit a wiki page or just will it into existence. Kind of unfair really because all you have to say is that you're the better writer when all you really have is just a character who's too stacked with abilities and buffs for anyone to really go against. So, here's my idea (the numbers can be tweaked):

Since SL has an integrated dice system you could either use it or some sort of third party site (like ). Let's say Nin1 gets into a fight with Nin2. They post their introductory posts or whatever, but as soon as actions start occurring, the dice start rolling. This can go one of two ways.
  • Nin1 posts their attack/action phase. They then roll a die (D20 or +) and get a number. Nin2 then posts their response (attack/def/etc) and rolls a die. Whoever gets the higher roll would determine the successful result.
  • Nin1 makes a post and rolls a die. Nin2 then rolls a die and then makes their post. This one could be more likely to be abused because if you know you're getting a bad roll, you might be more defensive.
This could even be used when there's more than two players or a GM involved to determine the effectiveness of a potential user's response to an action or event. This will help prevent god-modding in a sense because even if your character might be the most powerful being around, some bad luck might cause you to slip on a banana peel and take some damage from your foe. If you really want to get technical, you could roll a die for each technique you use to determine its effectiveness as well.

I'll do a scenario below
Nin1: While Nin1 was observing Nin2 from within the trees on his route. In total silence, Nin1 took aim as he enchanted his kunai with wind release to give it extra cutting power and speed. Then, when the moment was right, he aimed right for the back of Nin2's neck.
Nin2: Detected something was wrong with his negative emotion sensing ability, but couldn't quite pick it. But, thanks to his super hearing and superhuman reaction speed, he was able to hear something being thrown at him. He quickly ducked while doing handsigns, dodging the kunai while turning towards where it was thrown. With a mighty breath, he exhaled a katon technique.
Nin1: Though the ninja might have been fast, he wasn't quite fast enough as the kunai still managed to graze his neck and cause a minor injury. At the same time, the fireball that was launched towards his direction would have been a great threat. He lept backwards, throwing an explosive tag at the fire hoping that the explosion would disrupt the heat. He'd land in another tree, his sharingan activating.
Nin2: He cursed as he grasped at his neck. A rookie mistake despite being an expert, but the other nin was still able to get a drop on him. His fireball continued onward to either envelop the tag and further burn down the whole area or be stopped right there. Either way, he'd ready his katana as he could see the glimmer of those red eyes of his opponent. Charging his blade with lightning chakra, he rushed forward with blinding speed with the intent to slice his opponent in two.

The best way I could see this working would to be some kind of point system. Basically, if you get the higher number, your attack/defense will be the more effective one. If you get even numbers, then it'd be a stalemate. If your number is +5 more than the other guy's, you get a good hit (more damage, stronger buff, etc). If it's +10, then it's a critical hit.

I know a lot of people might not like this idea in respect to what it might do to their characters, me included in some ways. Like Bec, he should never lose an arm-wrestling match because he's super-super strong...But I honor the bad roll and will play through with it :) But like I said, this would be opt in if anyone was willing to try it. This might help with the sense of beating your head against a wall that some of us can get here when dealing with other players.

Anyone got any opinions? Ideas? Willingness to try it?

Village Square / Judging
« on: October 12, 2016, 10:50:12 PM »
I just wanted to publicly post that I do not want to take part in any future bijuu events for the foreseeable future. That includes judging fights. I don't really know where else to post this, so here it is :)

And I guess if anyone else wants to put their name out there as someone who does not want to judge or whatever, you can post in this topic too.

Bijuu Arena / Idea for consideration
« on: September 19, 2016, 05:25:44 AM »
I haven't logged in for a while, but in my absence it looks like Bocchiere did something to get perma-banned. I don't know why and frankly, I don't care. But, this leaves a huge issue in regards to the bijuu situation and I see that people are already claiming and challenging things. I'm sure that there will be a heck of a mess once more people get wind of this.

My idea to the community? Take a break from the whole bijuu thing right now. When Bocchiere had them all, he hardly RP'd at all (that I could see) and I feel like none of his RP even used the dang things. Which is funny considering he brought up inactivity of the swords. It seemed to mainly be about using it for OOC stuff on the forums.

I guess that Trev should get the bijuu he was combatting Bocchiere for because quitting (or getting banned) is grounds for a loss, which should give him the award. Not sure on Shadow and T'Challa's whole thing either. But, I feel like this is a perfect time for the Council to actually do their job. Let them talk about it with the community and decide what they will do afterwards. Maybe they'll give them out to the challengers? Maybe they'll do an event that's free for all? I don't know, that's up to them.

But, I just wanted to say that maybe everyone should just take a breather. Relax. I'm using this image again because it's fitting. Don't be like the vulture.

Naruto / Boruto Chapter 5
« on: September 09, 2016, 04:12:05 AM »
I missed chapter 4 lol but 5 is up now. What does everyone think of the series so far?

Village Square / Claimed List Brainstorming
« on: August 29, 2016, 03:09:18 AM »
This thread will only be about brainstorming. Please keep discussion civil and on topic of JUST the ideas posted. If you want to pose ideas, gripe, or mess around with each other, use,9016.0.html <-- That thread. As ideas get posted, I'll update the list. If you want your idea to be featured, please put it in a similar format within this thread or PM it to me :) Let's work together on a solution everyone is happy with.

Possible ideas
1. •Limit claimed weapons and items to one per person.
•This means that some people who have multiples would have to give up an item or two, but they would be able to choose what they want to keep of course.
•The remaining items could then be distributed to those that want them and standard claimed rules can be applied to all items.

2. •Allow multiples of all items on the claimed list.
•But in order to gain an item/summon/etc, the player would have to go through RP in order to get it.
•But in order to keep it official, players would have to contact one of the few game masters whose task it would be to generate the adventure required to get that item.
•This would allow for everyone to be satisfied as well as generation of RP.

3. •Maintain the list as is
•Instead of players claiming inactive items the GMs would "claim" the items. Only the inactive items
•The GMs would then create an event open to multiple people. Anyone interested could join the event and the GM would award someone with the item.

4. •A modification of the last rule, or better yet, an elaboration of the rule so it can cater to special village/group items. Like if an item is tied to a group ICly.
• those who potentially want it should go through the same IC means to claim it.
• or if the wielder of said item becomes inactive, it is the responsibility of the leader of the group/village to seek a new owner for it.
• if the leader fails to find a replacement for owner, said item would be handed over to the next active person inside the village, etc.

5. Eric's Idea -,9020.msg231173.html#msg231173
• Make two lists
• One list for canon items and one for custom items
• Each list has their own rules

Naruto / Bleach 686
« on: August 18, 2016, 01:59:33 PM »

I know this is supposed to be the Naruto board, but, since this place was mostly full of manga chapters I figured this would be good to post here. If it needs to be moved, please do so. :)

So, now that Bleach has ended, what do you think of it? Good? Bad? Personally, I think it was abrupt.

Naruto / Boruto, Chapter 3
« on: July 09, 2016, 12:50:38 AM »

Feature Requests / Post Compiler
« on: June 14, 2016, 01:38:50 AM »
I don't even know if this potential idea is even possible, but I might as well throw the idea out there :)

Basically, this idea could be a place where you could plug in someone's name and it would pull up every active post on SL by that person. Kind of like how we have a 'view post' option on the forums. I know that some people complain about 'proof' when it comes to RP, or some people might just want to have a way to reference something that they might have done earlier or grab it as a pdf. And I know that sometimes things can be pushed really far back, so even though it might be possible to sift through a bunch of pages, this would be a bit of a convenience.

Maybe make this an option in the mission headquarters and make it cost some DP, so it's not free to do all the time. Probably 50-100 DP every time would be fair I believe because you can easily make that up by killing Orochimaru. And maybe to make it fair and to maintain privacy, you could only look up every post by YOUR character. For example, I can't look up Kayenta's or Moonfire's posts since I'm Becquerel, just as they can't look up my post because they're not me. And when you're done checking out your posts, a pop-up would appear that asks 'are you done?' just like when you delete your PMs that way you won't lose DP just from a miss-click.

Hopefully my request makes sense. And like I said, I don't even know if it's possible. But, it doesn't hurt to ask :)

Naruto / Boruto, Chapter 2
« on: June 03, 2016, 05:19:06 AM »

Looks like the next chapter's out. Another review of the movie. At this rate, I figure they'll probably be done with the movie by chapter 6/7.

Naruto / Boruto, Chapter 1
« on: May 04, 2016, 12:17:06 AM »
Looks like there's a new series out. Most of it seems to be a recap of the last movie that came out, but, it's...something. It's not written or drawn by Kishimoto, but he is supervising it.


Naruto / Mitsuki One-Shot
« on: April 21, 2016, 11:18:35 PM »
Looks like Naruto's still not over :)


Conventions / E3 2016
« on: April 11, 2016, 05:57:09 AM »
So this board hasn't seen activity for almost a year now! Time to change that. E3's coming up this year. I haven't checked the list of companies/games being shown this year, but I was able to find this list of Wikipedia.
So, I'm pretty sure since almost everyone here plays SL, you probably also play other video games as well. So, what games are everyone looking forward to seeing?
Untitled Call of Duty game (TBA)

Deep Silver
Untitled IP game (TBA)

Electronic Arts
Mass Effect: Andromeda (PC / PS4 / Xbox One)

Focus Home Interactive
Vampyr (PC / PS4 / Xbox One)

Untitled Forza Motorsport game (Xbox One)

Square Enix
Final Fantasy XV (PS4 / Xbox One)

Feature Requests / To-Do list
« on: April 04, 2016, 08:56:40 AM »
Would it be possible for Neji to create a to-do list of what ideas (if any) are down the pipeline? Of course, he doesn't have to reveal everything...But general ideas and maybe a time-frame would be nice to know :) Kind of how those kickstarter people draft out timeline plans, but for SL.

Of course, this is if there's anything planned at all for the game. If not, that's okay too.

Spam / What's with the penguins?
« on: April 04, 2016, 05:11:08 AM »
Looking at the old topics, there was a big theme of penguins on this site back in the day. Was there a reason? Or was it just because the age-group back then fit the whole "t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m"-oh-so-random mentality back then? Just curious :)

Nevermind, looks like I answered my own question by looking around lol,4948.0.html
Guess it was just 'the times'. Man, to think that meme culture has changed so much in the past 10ish years. I don't think anyone could have predicted what it would become.

Spam / Out of context
« on: April 01, 2016, 09:01:20 AM »
Just a fun little game I thought of while browsing the forum. Find a post that, when taken out of context, is funny/weird/etc. Could be from anyone and from anywhere. Just figured it could be another way to pass time :)

^^ then I bring a porn shop in here too....

and the giftshop sells vibrators... yeah yeah.
and porn mags where the player can browse through...

Found this little gem deep in the archives.

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