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Topics - KayentaMoenkopi

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Spam / Columbus Foundation
« on: July 11, 2016, 09:17:46 PM »
Yeah, who knew this was a thing?

Not me, until one day I saw coming down the WV no less...

Not one but 2 Caravels? Holy who HA!

You can read all about these replicas of the Nina and Pinta at the above linked site.

These shots were taken as they locked through a dam on the river.

Spam / Trip to the City of Brotherly Love
« on: July 10, 2016, 11:56:28 PM »
So...I had to go to Philadelphia yesterday. took 17 hours and I drove about 765 miles in one day. There was no time for site seeing so everything I got to see was from the car. all in all a dreadfully boring day. We didn't get to stop at Gettysburg, or the Cloister, or the Hopewell foundry, or even drive through the city and breeze by the historical sites! But I did make it home by 12:30 that night and grabbed 4 hours sleep before getting up for work today. So it was a success. We got caught in a thunderstorm, so that was cool. And we ate at "Eat at Joe's" crab shack. So that was cool too. Sea food around here is very pricey and no one seems to know how to cook it. the calamari was perfect. not a bit rubbery but so tender. The shrimp just was so juicy and flavorful. And yes, it was fast food. I have eaten at some pretty amazing seafood places over the years but compared to around here, it was prime! On average though, I would rate it a 7 on a scale of 1-10.

So WV looks like this as far as the eye can see. Which is not very far at all. The hills get in the way. And I like that. you are protected and not exposed to the world. Indiana just drives me insane...and Kansas is just not right...they have signs along their roads for hills and you, we have pot holes with steeper grades than that little dirt mound we just drove over and didn't feel...

Alright...The road sign? Clarksburg. they have an amazing Italian Heritage Festival there that is well worth going to. Glenville has a bluegrass festival that is wonderful, and a great ramp festival. In case you don't know, a ramp is a garlic tasting wild onion that will make you smell bad for the week. But if all your friends eat them too no one cares. And West Union? pft...I have relatives in the cemetery and it is the head waters of Middle Island Creek...which is the longest creek in the world...just shy of the cut off criteria for a river.

And then there are areas of farmland as far as the eye can see. Maryland and Pennsylvania look just like this too. go figure. same mountain range!

Ah yes, I nearly forgot about Cheat Lake...its on both sides of the road and winds around in the hills so you can't see all of it from one place. There is a pretty classy resort up there with impressive golf course and all. Of course it was nothing like the golf course that got washed out and destroyed by the July floods at the Greenbriar Resort in White Sulfur Springs. Another place worthy visiting if you want to blow some cash and live high on the hog while you rough it in the state parks and try to become with nature. :P

Bijuu Arena / Welcome to Despair
« on: June 09, 2016, 05:58:04 AM »
Freedom came in an abruptness that startled the being of darkness, but the instant the hold upon him had slipped that little fraction, he had poured from his prior host with a vengeance and a thirst to unequal any entity ever seen within the realm before, nor likely ever to again. He could not fault his host for nearly starving him to death, at the end of their time together, for nostalgia wasn't his style. In truth he had forgotten his name already being driven by one need...hunger. Nothing else mattered. He had to feed, to drink deeply from the despair that squelched the bright shining souls that dared to dream. Hateful little turds, everyone of them.

Distancing himself from the past, from the location of his first liberating breath in ages, was no difficulty to the sentient being for over the years of his existence he had drained the brightest and the best of those within his reach. Just the need to taste more lent speed and strength to his hunt. Some nondescript mountain range loomed before him, and he paused to inhale deeply of all that was carried to him upon the winds. Had he mouth that produced such human failings as saliva, he would have drooled a pool large enough to drown a village.

Excitement filled him, swelling his form just from the faintest whiff...a low growl of pleasure resounded through the plains as lightning crashed over head. A dark cloud of purest pitch oozed over the sky blotting out the signs of nature that so characterized the area, Lightning Country. Continuing to travel, the monstrous conglomerate of failed dreams felt the being, one to rival his own need to leech the world of hope. Oh glorious undead soul from the ancient world! He had already begun his work for him, this unknown entity that was named Serean.

Nearly all the lightning plains were under the control of the Brotherless one, the ancient enemy of the Al-Kahtar. The despair raging across the land in the minds of the possessed and defenders alike was at an all time high. It was only natural that the lord of all vultures would circle this event to feed. Oh and fed he would.

His sinuous form shot out, snaking through the mountain passes already harvesting from the overwhelming plume of despair permeating the world. As yet he hadn't even needed to touch the minds of the indigenous folk, all he had to do was drink and gorge and wallow in the food orgy laid out before him.

Gods it was enough to make him drunk, were it not for his unending hunger and desire for more. Oh but he was certainly in the land of milk and honey tonight glutting himself and ending his famine in classic form. He nearly purred in delight...

Spam / Nature Shots
« on: June 08, 2016, 03:48:33 PM »
So this is some sort of water maple in my front yards taken last fall. As you can see I live in the woods, however that guard rail does indeed protect the highway from my depredations. So location, location, location. Isn't that what the realtors always say? god, all I could see when i bought the place was running water and an inside toilet.
Oh well...

I married a mortgage. Divorce is desired but I am so catholic. Yeah!

Check the spiny greeks planted to the left. I dream of 50 foot hedges nightly! The wood pile is my devious plot to block the road one night with a huge protest bon fire. Sick of the gas industry and their convoy of trucks hauling fluids to fracking sites all night long. But hey, drilling has absolutely no impact on the environment, right?

I know, suck it up Emily.

Council / [Discussion]: Council Member Inactivity
« on: June 08, 2016, 06:25:56 AM »
As for inactivity, we certainly want it to apply to anyone involved in the interest of keeping things moving.

I do not think it is unreasonable for a judge to have to vote within 7 comment and be active I mean...a discussion may well indeed take longer than 7 days between all active council members...I imagine that some issues may have more than one thing to discuss...

And if a participant has to post to his match once every 7 days, then I think a council member should have to comment on a current issue that is brought before the council within that same 7 days or be considered inactive for that particular issue and have the alternate be called to fill in.

Thoughts? What is the criteria here?

Village Square / Trev as alternate bijuu council member
« on: June 07, 2016, 08:43:29 PM »
So to clarify...

If a vote is being stalled because a member is inactive...five votes being required to settle an issue...can Trev be called in to vote in place of the inactive member?

His role would be to serve as a fill-in council member on an as needed basis upon request of the other council members.

please post a vote response and click your vote on the poll.

the refreshing pause in all rp locked events in my life...

Spam / Ever Wonder...
« on: June 01, 2016, 09:39:08 PM »
Who delivers milk to the Goblin King?

This is a red letter item from the rough draft of the bijuu rules.
How many tails can a host manifest before mastery is achieved?

It may conflict with the step process for bijuu mastery laid out there which states:

Mastery will occur in five stages consisting of 3 weeks each, with a mid rage evolution stage to access partial transformations.
  • 25% - grants access to C ranked jutsu in the beast's passive ability. The host has access to the Initial Jinchūriki Form.
  • 50% - grants access to B ranked jutsu in the beast's passive ability. The host has access to the Version 1 Cloak.
  • Partial Transformation - Although no additional access to the beast's passive ability have been acquired, control over the transformative stages now includes the finesse to perform partial transformations.
  • 75% - grants access to A ranked jutsu in the beast's passive ability. The host has access to the Version 2 Cloak.
  • 100% - grants access to S ranked jutsu in the beast's passive ability. The host has access to Tailed Beast Mode.
If it does contradict this level of mastery chart, then should it be thrown out?

During the previous discussions, it was talked about how using tails to decide how long a host had to train before mastery was achieved was lopsided due to the number of tails each beast has.

Truthfully I am not sure why this is still a red letter item. Hopefully someone will divine this out and share it.

Rules/Foundation / Discussion: Consequences of going over mastery
« on: May 28, 2016, 04:28:29 AM »
This is a red letter item from the rough draft of the bijuu rules.

What happens when a host rps a power that is over his current bijuu mastery level?

Will he RP himself as being totally out of control until he is subdued? For how many rounds? Indefinitely?

Will going over mastery be an automatic loss of the match?

Will it be possible to gain control again?

Rules/Foundation / Discussion: Who GM's a rogue Bijuu
« on: May 28, 2016, 04:24:34 AM »
This is a red letter item from the rough draft of rules. the event a summoner's control over a bijuu is severed, Who will RP the rogue bijuu?

some people think that to let the summoner do that is fine.

Some people think that it should be some impartial person, the match is already lost, and the RP just needs to be resolved.

do we need a rule?

Can this issue be left open ended for the participants to decide during their pre-match negotiations?

Is there another solution that might work out best?


Rules/Foundation / Rules in Simplified English
« on: May 27, 2016, 07:29:39 AM »
These are ONLY to be used to understand the intent...all rulings should be based off the original rules in order to avoid creating loop holes through my attempt at translation for those who do not speak English as their first language.

1] Forum Account Clause:
  • Make a forum account.
  • You will make a thread in the Bijū Arena Board. Put the name of the Bijū you own in the title.
  • Use this thread to communicate with the community.
  • Keep a list of challengers in this thread.
  • Post the date your grace period is over so you can start accepting challenges.
  • If you have to be gone away for a while, post a notice letting everyone know.
  • Challengers will also have/create an SL forum account.
  • The challenger posts to the host's thread to make their official challenge for the beast.
  • the host and challenger talk to decide all the details of the match. When that is done, the host will post the terms of the match.
  • Challengers must also let everyone know if they have to be gone for a while.
2] Challenging a Host
  • You cannot challenge a host until their 14 day grace period is over.
  • You must check host's forum thread to keep up to date on any information.
  • You must post to the host's preference thread to make a challenge. Also, let the host know through a pm on SL that you have made a challenge.
  • You and the Host have 1 week to set up and begin the match.
  • You have to stay active too. Let the host know if you have to be away in pm and post to his thread on the forum. After 14 days if you still can't be around, then you will bow out and let the host move on to the next challenger. Don't worry, you can make another challenge when you can be more active again in 3 months.
  • You have to post to the match at least every 7 days. After 7 days without a post, when you haven't let anyone known you would be gone, you will bow out and let the host move on to the next challenge. You can challenge again in 3 months.
  • After losing a match, you can not challenge the same host for the same beast for 3 months. However, you may challenge this same host for a different beast without having to wait.
  • OOC matches are 1v1. The details the host and challenger agree on can change this.
  • You may have more than one OOC match going at the same time.
3] Activity Clause
  • Hosts and challengers have to stay active.
  • Hosts have to make an RP post in public at least every 14 days while not in an active challenge. When in an active challenge you have to post every 7 days so that means you are being active.
  • Hosts who do not make an RP post, while not in an active challenge, once every 14 days will have their Bijū stripped by the council.
  • During a match, hosts and challengers have to post to the RP once every 7 days.
  • A Host or Challenger who fails to make a post to the RP match once every 7 days, without letting people know they are going to be gone in the host's forum thread, will lose the match. During a loss due to inactivity, the Bijū will stay with the host, if the challenger was inactive, or be given to the challenger, if the host was inactive.
  • Cool down periods are a little vacation from back to back fighting. This lets the host heal and train with his beast. The host does not have to take a vacation, but he can if he needs it. A cool down period can only be taken after winning a match a match. It is a rest period from battle and not a leave of absence due to real life things that keep you from being active. If a host chooses to take a cool down period, it can be no longer than 7 days. And it has to be posted on his forum thread with dates when it starts and when it ends... for that one beast he just fought with. A cool down period from one beast a player hosts cannot be used as a cool down period for all beasts that he owns. So basically, if you are going to have more than one Bijū, you will work harder to show you can handle them all.
  • the leave of absence is allowed because real life happens and having something to do that is more important than SL for a while should not keep you from being able to be a host. However, the rest of the site can't be expected to wait forever, so it is limited to 14 days. Be warned. Abusing a leave of absence will not be put up with so be careful. the council will step in and ban you or strip your beast if a complaint is made. You will have to take it up with them when you get back.
  • Exceptions while in an active match: Here you have to post to the fight at least once every 7 days. Posting for a leave of absence holds your slot in the match. Without one, you are out of luck and lose the Bijū. But what if you can't? You lost internet, You are in the hospital, someone died! The council will figure something out when you get back. But if the beast has already been given away you might not get it back. Don't worry. Just make a challenge. We feel for you but the world doesn't stop because bad things happen to us. We just catch up later. It's fine. All decisions of the council will be final.
  • Exceptions when you are not in a match: Most of the time a person can find the time to let the community that 'something' is going on. So if you have been gone a few days before you can get here to let us know, you will still get 14 days from that time...for emergencies only!! IF you need more time than that...which adds up to possibly a whole month if your notice occurs on day 14...then you have to step down as a host and try again later when your life is not so hectic. You will not be banned from challenging someone for another Bijū. But the SL community will be permitted to move on. The council will handle requests for leeway on a case by case basis and their decision will be binding.

4] Mastering a Bijū Clause
  • The beast must be completely mastered before the Jinchuriki can access Tailed Beast Mode.
  • The Bijū Bomb can only be used while in Tailed Beast Mode.
  • The Bijū's passive ability can be used right away after you are sealed with the beast, but the power is  weaker than someone who mastered the beast. It takes time to master the passive abilities of a Bijū.
  • Number of tail manifestations before mastery is achieved--> under discussion.
  • Mastery will occur in five steps, or levels, 3 weeks for each one. In the middle of these steps is a mid rage evolution stage where you can use partial transformations.
  • 25% - grants access to C ranked jutsu in the beast's passive ability. The host has access to the Initial Jinchūriki Form.
  • 50% - grants access to B ranked jutsu in the beast's passive ability. The host has access to the Version 1 Cloak.
  • Partial Transformation - No new access to passive powers, but you get more skill with them and partial transformations.
  • 75% - grants access to A ranked jutsu in the beast's passive ability. The host has access to the Version 2 Cloak.
  • 100% - grants access to S ranked jutsu in the beast's passive ability. The host has access to Tailed Beast Mode.
  • Negative effects of going over mastery--> In Discussion
5] Summons Bijū Clause
  • Summoning Tattoo: The Summoner will be sealed with a tattoo. Using the tattoo they summon the bijū for use. This Tattoo counts as a bijū chakra signature so hunters can find them in the same way they would a real host. Just don't metagame when you are doing an IC hunt.
  • Chakra Cost: Bijū cost 20% of the user's total (not current) chakra to summon, even in succession.
  • Controlling Mechanism: Bijū must be under the influence of genjutsu at all times while used as a summon. This uses 5% of the summoner's total (not current) chakra while it's being used as a summon, the drain stops when the bijū has been removed from the field. Techniques capable of drawing chakra from the bijū to the summoner to pay for the amount of chakra used to summon the Bijū are banned. Mastery of the beast is not possible because a summons Bijū is hostile to its user.
  • Severing the Summoner's Control: The control of the summoner over the Bijū can be broken by: a contract seal via touch attack or dispelling the genjutsu [cost is 20% of your chakra]. For Bijū controlled by means of  Rinnegan users, the chakra rods have to be extracted and you have to then dispel the controlling genjutsu. Success results in a rogue Bijū situation and will yet need to be subdued.
  • Restrictions: Summoners are restricted to one action per post,  offensive or defensive so long as the bijū is summoned.
  • There are no prohibitions to enhancing a summons Bijū.
  • Drawbacks: Summons Bijū will always have a hateful feeling towards their summoner. Should a Bijū ever get the chance and they gain the ability to act of their own, they will target their attacks at the summoner first, no matter who else is around.
  • Death of Summoner: If the summoner dies, and the Bijū has not been summons, the challenger/hunter will transfer the summoning tattoo to themselves and win the beast.  However, if the summoner dies while the bijū is summoned, the Bijū goes rogue. Then the challenger/hunter can attempt to capture and subdue it, if the beast has not already been captured. The rogue summons bijū will be GM'd by the defeated summoner. <--- Under discussion.
    Now, if the summoner is also a host, and dies, the hosted bijū will respawn in 7 days at the location of the host's demise: the bijū will be GM'd by someone of the council's choosing.
6] Judging a Match
  • Both parties choose a judge and abide by their decision.
  • In the judge is totally useless and incompetent, both parties must agree upon a new judge and this second judge will rule and have final word for judging the match.
  • After agreeing upon a judge, if he then gives a ruling that you find to be in error, the participants can agree upon another judge to settle the issue. If a second judge is requested his word will be final. No extra changes int he judge are allowed. The new judge will settle dispute in the match.
  • No unresolved issues will be tolerated... As such:
  • Compromises must be made in the event of a deadlock. You can't have everything your own way so consider what is worth fighting over. If you can't agree to terms after every option had been used up, the host could be stripped, the challenger denied his chance for a match, and the Bijū handled according to the Stripping Rules. Both challenger and host will be denied access to all things Bijū for 3 months due to gross incompetence...this means that since no agreement could be reached due to fighting and bickering then you are not host material at this time.
  • Council members can't be judges.
  • No cheating. you can't have a hidden alt be a judge and try to turn things your way. This kind of behavior will get you perma banned from all things Bijū. So behave. No cheating.
  • Judges will read the rules of all things Bijū, the forum info thread of the host, the terms agreed upon by the participants, and be active.
  • Judges might have to deal with attitudes from the host, challenger, or between those guys directed at each other... So if that happens, the judge should just make one post asking for people to stop and calm down. then the judge will have to work with both host and challenger to fix the issue. The judge posts to the match placing it on hold until a decision is made. If the bad behavior continues, just call for a moderator to handle it. A judge should not get drawn into a squabble and risk being pushed toward behaving badly and get in trouble with the staff over someone else's issues.
7] General Information
  • There is no limit to the number of Bijū one person can own.
  • Using Telescope Technique to avoid having to RP a hunt for a Jinchuuriki or summoner is not permitted.
  • The challenger list of the former host/owner is passed on to the new host/owner of a Bijū. You may still take the 14 day grace period before beginning discussions on setting up your first match even though your new Bijū comes with challengers.

Bijū Council Rules and Guidelines

1] The Bijū Council will consist of 5 members.
2] Council Members elections will occur every 6 months.
3] Council Members cannot be judges for Bijū matches.
4] Council Members cannot be Current/Active Kages or Bijū Host/Owners.
5] Hosts who have been stripped are eligible to run for a council seat.

Council / Let's elect a Council [Discussion]
« on: April 18, 2016, 08:42:02 PM »
So let's make a council. As per the proposed rules...

Bijuu Council Rules and Guidelines

1] The Bijuu Council will consist of 5 members.
2] Council Members elections will occur every 6 months.
3] Council Members cannot be judges for Bijuu matches.
4] Council Members cannot be Current/Active Kages or Bijuu Host/Owners.
5] Hosts who have been stripped are eligible to run for a council seat.

So who fits that criteria?

Here are some names of forum folk and non-forum folk...I would love to have others who do not frequent the forum proposed as well, of course they would have to start.... But anyone proposed would have to post they even want the job.

Some names to consider in no particular order:


People Who Are Interested in Being a Council Member:
Silver Moonfire

People Who are NOT interested in Being a Council Member:
Kayenta Moenkopi

So this is just a starter list of people. If your name is here please reply yes or no to an interest in taking on this role. Or if your name is not here and you are interested, please volunteer.

Now...I see no need to rush rush this thing. We need to have 5 members and people will have to vote. But everyone should spread the word we are trying to create a council and get some community input going on here.

I will be editing this first post when and if people reply to indicate who is interested and keep tabs of those that are proposed and stuff.

Spam / Indefinite Leave of Absence
« on: April 13, 2016, 11:46:48 AM »
So shit happens. And it is usually my fault so...

To all whom I am rping with I extend my apologies. You have permission to CC the hell out of me, to use my powers or exit me in some manner from the events around the site. I shall deal with the repercussions of such actions when and if I am able to return.

Those of you who might want something,
I check it about once a month. However, I have no claimable objects that are not of my own creation save a son. To his father I bequeath the lad.

Those of you who might need something, text or find me on Steam.

I should be there at least once a week.

I don't know what else to tell you...

--> be good to each other.

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