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Topics - Raifudo Oppa

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Game Related Discussions / Please.. Fix the sign-in ban.
« on: May 01, 2011, 08:56:17 AM »
It's an atrocious system, really. Why penalize someone for not being able to properly put in their password for days at a time? You're doing it for "safety" or whatever you want to call it, but it goes both ways on this.

If person A has a secure password, no one will be able to guess it.

Person B thinks otherwise. He attempts continuously and fails.

Person A is now banned for too many fail attempts.

Person B is too.

Person B can just try again when the ban is gone.

Person A suffers for having a good password.

Isn't there some sort of way we can either:

Repeal bans easier [I sent a petition in order to have this done, not even a response to the e-mail]


Send an e-mail verification it's you logging into your account after a ban has occurred. Some sort of notification stating "Someone is in attempt to access your account, due to multiple incorrect log-ins, the system has issued a ban. Click here [link] to repeal and log in." or something of the sort.

It's malarkey, really.


Game Related Discussions / Secret New Day?
« on: April 29, 2011, 02:59:46 PM »
Well, simply put, my game days are the following:

1 AM
9 AM
5 PM

If I were to do my turns for the 5pm - 1am Game day, log out, etc. Logging back on some time around 5 or 6 AM says I have missed a game day.

What's up with that? Anyone else getting something like that or is it my account?

I'm not complaining, I like the extra ten turns :D, but I feel it's not intended which classifies as cheating, in my own opinion.

Game Related Discussions / This really fair?
« on: November 21, 2009, 05:15:24 PM »
Kyuubi rages into battle.
Orochimaru tries to hit you but you RIPOSTE for 55 points of damage!
Orochimaru tries to hit you but you RIPOSTE for 14 points of damage!
Orochimaru tries to hit you but you RIPOSTE for 78 points of damage!
Orochimaru tries to hit you but you RIPOSTE for 30 points of damage!
Orochimaru hits you for 42 points of damage!
Kyuubi swings his claws and hits Orochimaru for 4 points of damage.
Orochimaru tries to hit you but you RIPOSTE for 36 points of damage!
Orochimaru hits you for 23 points of damage!
Kyuubi swings his claws and hits Orochimaru for 2 points of damage.
Orochimaru hits you for 128 points of damage!
Kyuubi swings his claws and hits Orochimaru for 13 points of damage.
Orochimaru hits you for 56 points of damage!
Kyuubi swings his claws and hits Orochimaru for 6 points of damage.
Orochimaru hits you for 447 points of damage!
Kyuubi swings his claws and hits Orochimaru for 45 points of damage.
Orochimaru hits you for 126 points of damage!
Kyuubi swings his claws and hits Orochimaru for 13 points of damage.
Kyuubi swings his claws and hits Orochimaru for 7 points of damage.
Kyuubi swings his claws and hits Orochimaru for 10 points of damage.
Kyuubi swings his claws and hits Orochimaru for 7 points of damage.
Kyuubi swings his claws and hits Orochimaru for 6 points of damage.
Orochimaru suffers 88 damage from the sharp wings!
Orochimaru suffers 81 damage from the sharp wings!
Orochimaru suffers 56 damage from the sharp wings!
Orochimaru suffers 42 damage from the sharp wings!
Orochimaru suffers 81 damage from the sharp wings!
Orochimaru suffers 81 damage from the sharp wings!

Overall 5 of your items have been damaged during the fight.

Overall 5 of your items have been damaged during the fight.

Overall 196 of your items have been damaged during the fight.

You have been slain by Ukon!!!
All gold on hand has been lost!

You may begin fighting again tomorrow

I don't mind the dieing, but, the losing of 206 of my items from a single death?

Seems a bit too much nowadays, no?

Game Related Discussions / "Account Info"
« on: October 19, 2009, 10:17:35 AM »
Well, I just noticed that page, so I take it it was barely installed.
I have a question though:

Hold old is "too old to be traced?"

It says my account is number 9924, that's really the best thing I've seen concerning how old my account is.

I'm just wondering, I've always been curious around the time I've started the game, although I recall it being somewhere in '05, like around august-september.

Anywho, answers, anyone?

Game Related Discussions / "Recent: syrup dumps?
« on: September 07, 2009, 04:08:23 AM »
i've had the same "recent syrup dumps" for ages, and they wont go away.

How long do they take?

Game Related Discussions / Excessive navigation break downs?
« on: August 31, 2009, 03:29:57 AM »
On RaifudoMakashi, and only on tha account, my navigations tend to get messed up seldomly.

However, this was not the case before. Before, before I started leveling like a lunatic on weekends only, my navs were always just fine.

Is it because I'm leveling too much?

My friend used it as a joke, but i'm starting to believe him because it's only on my main account that I level on.

Anyhow, the points are these:

Is this only happening to me?


Is there any way to prevent my navigations from being ruined more than once a month?

Feature Requests / Ability to remove hotkeys
« on: August 22, 2009, 04:03:22 AM »
I'm getting pissed off at Hotkeys, since i've been playing this damn game, i've made so many errors with my idiotic keyboard breaking down.

Recently, i'm thrown around 200 gems [accumilated] at Hanzaki to run away from the extremely weak guy.

It's pissing me off that I press "R" to return to the village, and my stupid computer lags, making me press it again and the event being loaded there.

So, I was wondering if it were possible to adjust or remove certain hotkeys so I dont have to keep pressing the mouse.

Instead of "F" for forest, I could change it to "T" or "1".

Something along those terms, why?

Because I enjoy customization to great extents, and I know a lot of people make mistakes like me, and don't start saying "Well, use the mouse" because sometimes, you can click on the same damn thing where the previous option was.


Portrait for Bijuu/Jinchiruuki:

Leech [not really a bijuu]

Tanuki [Prairie dog...thing]
Agares, you know what you have.

Neko [Cat]
Luka, you know what you have.

Kyodaigame [turtle]
Isa, you know as well.

Now this is where they get fun:

Tau, your acid crap --> no >_>;
Tau, you get a monkey! And you get Lava! xD

Dizzy, you get some dolphin/horse thing >>;

Tripleblitz!!! XDDD
You get a slug! not a lightning slug! but one that uses bubbles!! :D

Skinless, you get a trippy beete-thingie o.O

And Warren [whereever you are] you get your oxapus:

And I get my kyuubi:

Any questions or comments? :D

Spam / Rin'negan into SL
« on: June 10, 2009, 04:07:54 PM »
I've been hearing people, well seeing them, complain about "When is Rin'negan going to be in SL" and idiocracy statements like that.
When I point out to mostly anyone why they would want it, it's for this reason: "Why make a naruto-based game and not follow naruto itself?"
Well, the answer is pretty clear, since it is roleplaying, how can there be dozens of uchiha members and hyuga members running amuck and in different vilages not corresponding to The leaf.
Why do we have kaguya/uchiha hybrids and so forth.
To put it simply, it is BASED off of it, does not mean we have to follow it thoroughly.
Also, not many people actualy READ the manga, so that'd cause confusion.

Even to that point, Rin'negan can allow you to utilize ALL elements, what challenge is that?
You have multiple bodies, how can you die?

People are saying for it to be a challenge to get it by making outrageous things:

Get 1,000 dks.
Give up 6-reborns [Reborn to lose your reborns? wow...]

And so forth.
I myself STRONGLY dissagree with this idea, it'd provide no challenge or fun.
People with 6-reborned accounts either bought them, or are ACTUALLY good levelers and don't need anything so uber...

Anywho, state your opinions and vote "Yes" or "No".

Spam / Can sharingan copy Rasengan?
« on: June 10, 2009, 04:02:49 PM »
Well, I was talking to me friend Mei on SL, and he asked me this:

"ques, can sharingan copy rasengan?"

I said, "Yeah, it should be able to, no doubt."

But then he pointed something out to me that caught my attention:

[Taken from]

This doujutsu (eye skill) gives one the ability to read Genjutsu, Taijutsu and Ninjutsu and then defeat it. As such, the clan member can view a technique being performed and almost instantly memorize the movements required to be able to complete it, including the needed chakra moldings and seals used.

From what I remember, Rasengan utilizes no hand seals nor movements.

So, that was his "No."

Though, chakra molding sounds somewhat peculiar to me as to what relates to possible rasengan utilization.

And this was my "Yes."

Noentheless, what do you guys think?
Yes or No.

Feature Requests / Report Bio
« on: May 09, 2009, 10:18:50 PM »
I was thinking, whatr can report mail, and posts, but why not bio?

I've seen plenty of bios that insult people and such, and quite frankly I find it wrong.

I was wondering, if there was a way to implicate a module which enables the ability to report a biography and have a moderator inspect it to see the trouble.

Questions, comments?

Game Related Discussions / Inability to hold any more items...?
« on: April 30, 2009, 04:18:48 PM »
While on my trek [on another acount] within konoha, I came across Baluski's wife.

I stood and waited and I was attacked by her, yada, yada.

When I finished the fight, I gained some items.

2 Cabbages
3 broken balloons
I believe 1 Jerky.

When I checked my inventory, I saw that nothing had been added to my inventory, the same quantity of items were still there, I died previously in a PvP [which resulted in me somehow damaging items] and once more in the graveyard [which once more, made me lose some items]

Any thoughts on this...?

Game Related Discussions / Downgrading and upgrading
« on: April 29, 2009, 01:21:26 AM »
Is it possible if a downgraded weapon [15(-1), etc.] to be upgraded again by augementing?

I have an account with a level 15 Green destiny because it has been downgraded from augementing, if I get it augmenting again, is it possible to obtain a level 16 wep again?

Spam / So...apparently pain is a leaf ninja? o.O
« on: April 20, 2009, 03:00:24 AM »
anyone ever notice this?

bottom right of the page, look at pain's headband.

Game Related Discussions / Hair color and Eye color...
« on: April 09, 2009, 05:11:24 PM »
I was updating the bio for my sitter's eye color, then when I went to see if it looked fine according to his bio, i noticed what I put for my eye color [black, though always wearing sunglasses] had been moved down into hair color, when I went to change the description for the hair color, it said what I had put, pale white. I checked it again and it said black though always wearing sunglasses in both hair color and eye color.

What's up?

I also noticed other people are dealing with the same dilemna.

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