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Topics - Neji

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Spam / Hinata Manga ;)
« on: March 17, 2008, 08:46:27 AM »

<--*cough* the first strip could be me ;)

Discussions / MOVED: Thank you for the game (formerly: Woah ^^)
« on: March 14, 2008, 11:45:03 PM »

New Features / Specialty update
« on: March 02, 2008, 10:01:47 AM »
Those of you with access to the testserver (

I updated ALL specialties with mostly attribute based attacks.

Means: the minimum requirements you have to fulfill are ALSO the ones used (not all at once, but one, two or all) to determinate damage/duration/whatnot of your jutsu.

An intelligent casters genjutsu is much more effective than that of a stupid one.

A strong nin can do a lot more damage in taijutsu than a clumsy and weak one.

Etc etc

So it MAY happen, if somebody put LOW stats on say...intelligence... and they want to a dokugiri... the enemy just laughs...
BUT if this is done by a high-intelligence person.... ROCKS...

you know.

Test it out, and I NEED FEEDBACK =)

New Features / Bride Of Baluski
« on: February 23, 2008, 02:58:21 AM »
Well, a new special *cough* ...

And I opened mainly the thread because of an evaluation of the pictures you have in there...

Like it or not? Preferrably with explanations, thanks =)

Spam / MOVED: Lebis Quit?
« on: February 17, 2008, 09:50:58 AM »

Item Forge Requests / README
« on: February 15, 2008, 08:51:33 PM »
If you want to post here, include the following details:

A) name of the item to be created
B) properties of the item... a buff, heal an amount of hp, whatever
C) ingredients necessary (can be any items, even advanced equipment)

and a short explanation why this should be in the game or why this should even work.

Note: "Kill all enemies in one shot"-items won't work. Think again. If there was such an uber-cool item, all would use it in the series...

New Features / Item Forging
« on: February 14, 2008, 12:51:44 PM »
... we are currently in the last release stage.

There will be a location in the game where you craft higher class items out of lower class items.


Kunai + Exploding Tag  = Kunai with exploding tag attached

You need "recipes" for everything you want to do, so you can't really go on and experiment yourself...
the reason is simple: you could blow yourself + others around you up in the attempt =)

This feature is currently for Sannin and up, who have the basic knowledge how to create stuff.

Discussions / Clan Rank Structure
« on: February 12, 2008, 10:16:02 AM »

Code: [Select]
0 - none

10 - Member

20 - Officer (can promote/demote/remove players up to his rank)

30 - Leader (same)

31 - Founder (same, but cannot be removed as no other founder exists in a clan)

As suggested, the first step would be

Code: [Select]
0 - none

10 - Member

20 - Officer (can promote/demote up to his rank)

25 - Executive Officers (can additionally remove players up to his rank)

30 - Leader (same)

31 - Founder (same, but cannot be removed as no other founder exists in a clan)

Normally that should suffice.

Spam / Oo 3D modelling tries
« on: February 11, 2008, 11:08:02 PM »
Well, as somebody got me the idea...

<---first tries, all model stuff got from templates, though I arranged it and got the pose and whatnot.

Sorry, no further clothing, that costs extra Oo except for a fairy costume Oo

New Features / World Map
« on: January 29, 2008, 06:21:44 PM »
I've had  this ony my desk for some time, but never came around to make the final tweaks.

Now that I've got more experience with image handling via PHP, the final map now works.

The countries are now not always "1 travel", but more "x Travel Points away", to make it more realistic.

However, the fields will stay until there are other locations that might be solely for the purpose of sleeping on the map.

Note that what is ON the map might not actually be reachable. The navigations still decide what is.

Also I left the not-ready "click on target region" for now out of the picture, maybe I'll do something later on.

Spam / ^^ Gaara's true nature
« on: December 26, 2007, 04:34:50 PM »

New Features / Kekkei Genkai
« on: December 13, 2007, 07:13:23 PM »
I am basically done testing and I already said which ones are complete. Others are scheduled, but don't expect anything before February 2008.

To be precise:

You lose virtually everything.

We are currently debating on what exactly you will lose =)

but consider gold,gems, mount, companion, jutsu points, charm and what not gone.

dwellings/sst/cs are in discussion.

New Features / Stats - Strength/Dexterity/Wisdom/Intelligence/Constitution
« on: November 03, 2007, 04:51:35 PM »
... you might ask what exactly they are, will do, whatnot...

=) To make the game a bit more complex than simply having atk/def where both damage and hitchance collide, I wanted to have it more like a real roleplaying game... with char stats that reflect how you like to be...

->a fast and lethal fighter, not too tough but hard to catch
->a strong brute that can take out others with a few hits, not fast but sturdy
->the intelligent and wise nin that relies on jutsus rather than brute force
... etc

First: The atk/def points from an oro kill will not exist anymore... you can increase a stat by one =) instead.

The for you interesting part, how they affect atk/def?

--> what you currently see as atk/def is what I call "extra atk/defense" ...
that will stay until I have decided to reset the oro kills along with the atk/def points...which you can then redistribute. =)

-> Formulas...

Your speed rating = 1/2 * dexterity + 1/4 * intelligence + 2.5


your defense will be = 1/4 * wisdom + 3/8 * constitution + 3/8 * speed -9 + misc defense points


your attack will be = 1/3 * strength + 1/3 * speed + 1/6 * wisdom + 1/6 * intelligence -9 + misc attack points

Note that there will be a dmg formula later on, I will do this step-by-step as this is a rather radical change.

Values get rounded naturally (up to 0.49999999 down, rest up)

Note that this will effect forest/pvp/all fights.

You will see your REAL attack points in the stats, not the misc points. =)

Currently the system is not implemented, but will be shortly.
I finished it yesterday, but still needs testing.

@Charm ---> already there, I'll keep the current system

@Wisdom --> I know, rarely used, but there will be different stuff to use it... ;) i.e. items you are unfamiliar with are not usable or so...

@Intelligence -> your bonus jutsu points on newday will be "Standard Bonus" + 1 per every 12 Intelligence Points... So you can have tons of use points... because you are so smart and make efficient use of your chakra...

There will be ongoing changes with this... being a has-to-be for legend of bleach, I decided to move  this to a top priority.

Spam / You may apply if you look like...
« on: November 02, 2007, 09:42:45 PM »

^^ Very nice... one of my favorite anime females, but with that outfit even better  :twisted:

New Features / Shadowy Meadows aka the new marriage
« on: October 28, 2007, 12:57:53 AM »
well, it took a while, and it is not finished.

--> you cannot marry yet. =)


you can get engaged... I have not decided how you marry.

Basically, the system is entirely different and was written from scratch by me.
To talk in numbers, I produced 80kb of code. Over 1500 lines of code.

I like the new one, I made it so that you don't have to invest money to get points... in fact, I killed the "buy attention with gold, get points" ... why is simple:

You should roleplay.
Means, you have to convince the other party that you should get married because you two are in love.
A flirt is responded... and you choose how if you get one.

It is ... more realistic too.

Also, I got rid of the alcohol involved... it was too much bad stuff happening in the loveshack. Seriously.

Well, enjoy.

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