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Topics - Gyu~ru~ru

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Game Related Discussions / Anti Gyururu Association
« on: May 08, 2007, 02:59:22 AM »
Throw a party, Gyururu finally gave up her Pakkun and access to Hoshi. But before you do that, please think,

Was there anyone who did anything beside ask for new jutsu to be added?

What were you guys doing while I work on the new jutsu for days?

Does any of you still remember game features and events that came from my ideas?

Who came up with Fuuton and make it a reality for players who wanted wind ninjutsu?

There is no limit to the fun that players are having because of them & how the server grew from them.

Is my "reward" really too much to ask for making something that over 7000 players can enjoy?

That's all I have to say.

Feature Requests / Feeling Good or Evil?
« on: May 02, 2007, 01:24:50 PM »
There was a feature request made about this before the new alignment system was introduced. I can't find the old topic so I made a new one. Anyway...

I know Neji didn't want it to be too calculable but the random alignment that you get when you pvp kill someone in pvp just doesn't make sense.

Neji, can you make it so that when you kill someone with the a certain combination of alignment, you'll get a certain result? Like,

Chaotic Evil => Good
Neutral Evil => Good (60%), Evil (40%)
Lawful Evil => 50/50

Chaotic/True/Lawful Neutral => 50/50

Chaotic Good => 50/50
Neutral Good => Good (40%), Evil (60%)
Lawful Good => Evil

Events / Sakura's Love Letters
« on: April 17, 2007, 04:57:20 PM »
The love letters that Sakura wrote for Sasuke has been stolen by the naughty Konohamaru and scattered all over the Naruto world. Help Sakura find those letters before someone reads them!

To trigger the event, you need to heal at Sakura's frequently. Once she gets to know you better, she would ask for the favor.

The letters can be found almost anywhere, in the forest, in towns, even during travels. There are a total of 999 love letters out there. Gotta find them all!

Things that you might get for finding her letters,
1) Free complete heal.
2) A gem if you are lucky.
3) Gain 1 permanent HP.
4) Gain some charm.
5) Gain 1 temporary attack or defense (rare and only happens once a DK).
6) Free mount heal (restore mount's rounds/ mount's HP).
7) Gain 1 level in medical ninjutsu (even if it's not your current specialty).
8) Lose some HP (for reading her letter).

Things that might happen when looking for the letters,
1) Sees a piece of paper, pick it up, lose HP (it happens to be an exploding tag), BAKA~ (lose 1 charm, Konohamaru's prank), just an ordinary piece of paper (nothing), YES! (got it).
2) A dog/ a kid/ Konohamaru ran off with the letter, give chase, you will have to go through a quick game of decision making (turn left or turn right etc). If you cornered the dog, you will have to fight it (easy battle). If you cornered the kid, he returns the letter. If you cornered Konohamaru, you are in for a fight (wouldn't be easy).
3) The HEDGEHOG has it! (you know where to look don't you?)
4) A drunkard at the bar has it! (give him ale until his drops or he will hit you if you try to take it from him, lose charm and HP)
5) Hide & seek (find where Konohamaru is hiding & take that letter from him, wall? under a rock? on a tree? in the pond? as a statue?).
6) A Sakura fanboy has it and he ain't giving it back (let's kick the crap out of this guy).
7) Your mount picked it up somewhere (too bad if your mount can't sniff or is too huge to see it).

This can be an open race. The person who finds the most out of the 999 letters wins something special.

Bugreports / Scripting Mistake
« on: April 09, 2007, 12:44:16 PM »

Do I need to say more?

Feature Requests / Additional Game Setting
« on: April 06, 2007, 02:11:55 PM »
Neji, can you add the following?

Display other player's avatar in PVP [yes/no]

Display forest monsters' picture [yes/no]

I am asking because some of the pictures were too the Naruto fan-boy for example...

Feature Requests / Real PVP
« on: March 25, 2007, 05:03:51 PM »
I don't know if Neji will be able to make this work but here is goes,

Challenge Hall (located in Konoha Gakure)
- You can choose between an open challenge or a private challenge.

- A player can only open up one challenge at a time.

- If the challenge remains unaccepted after 3 real days, it will automatically be closed and you will have to open up another one. You may close your challenge at any given time.

- The maximum numbers of challenger will depend on Neji's judgement. You will no be able to open up a challenge if the hall is already full.

Open challenge's setup
- DK limit   yes/no (insert DK difference if DK limit is set to yes)

- Level limit   yes/no (insert level difference if level limit is set to yes)

- Item usage   yes/no (allows or forbids either players from using items)

- Turn wait   60 sec/180 sec/ 300 sec (When either player does not respond within the time limit, the battle is automatically cancel)

Private challenge's setup
- Item usage   yes/no

Turn wait   60 sec/180 sec/ 300 sec

- Opponent's name (the person you challenged will recieve a mail)

- When your challenge is accepted, a page telling you that your challenge has been accepted will pop up (page will pop up later if the player is in the middle of a fight). You can either Go to the challenge hall (which sends you directly to the hall in Konoha) or Ignore it (continue with whatever you were doing)

- When you accept a challenge in the challenge hall, a page telling you to wait for your opponent will pop up. You can either refresh it by clicking Wait or Leave (which let you return to Konoha)

Fight log
The fight log will display your moves and your opponent's.

- When you click "fight", a message that looks something like this will be added to your battle log, "You attack <name> for <dmg> damage!", "You missed!", "You were RIPOSTED for <dmg> damage!"

And your opponent will have something that looks like this added onto his/her fight log, "<name> attacked you for <dmg> damage!", "<name> attacked but misses!", "<name> attacked you but was RIPOSTED for <dmg> damage!"

- If you opponent hasn't make his/her move, "Refresh fight log" will appear instead of "fight" or your item list.

- When you use an item, a message like this will be added onto your fight log, "You use <item> <item effect>". Same goes to your opponent.

- You will no attack normally when using an item. So if you use an apple, you will heal, but your opponent will not get attacked by you.

- Both players will be in Konoha after the fight. Winner will have his/her HP fully restored while loser will have 1 HP remaining instead of death.

- The result will be added into your bio.

<your name> defeated <opponent's name> in the challenge hall.
<your name> was defeated by <opponent's name> in the challenge hall.

Spam / How do you play your SL days?
« on: March 14, 2007, 03:42:08 PM »
I get a new day at 8am, 4pm and 12 midnight. I have to go to work at 9am, lunch-break from 12 noon till 1pm, and sleep before 12 midnight.

So I have to wake up between 6-7am, use up my pvp & turns then wait for a new day. Kill anyone I can find and rush off to work without using my turns. I come home at 7pm, use my pvp then take a bath, watch TV and then use up my turns then go to bed before the new day that comes at midnight.

Shops or other instances / Shop of Advance Shinobi Equipments
« on: March 03, 2007, 01:06:51 PM »
Location: Hoshi Gakure
Description: A shop that lets high level players trade their inferior ninja equipments for more effective equipments.

Item List:
1) Triple Kunai: Single charge weapon that damages the enemy 3 times. [require kunai x3 & 300 gold]
2) Multi-shuriken: Single charge weapon that damages the enemy 5 times. [require shuriken x5 & 500 gold]
3) Exploding Kunai: Single charge weapon that does a moderate amount of damage on your enemies. [require kunai x1, explosive tag x3 & 1000 gold]
4) Health Juice: Recovers a small amount of HP for 3 rounds. [require apple/orange/cabbage x3 & 900 gold]
5) Mix Fruit Juice: Recovers a moderate amount of HP for 3 rounds. [require apple x3, orange x2, red apple x1 & 1500 gold]
6) Super Ramen Bowl: Recovers a large amount of HP when consumed. [require instant ramen x3, seafood ramen x3 & 1800 gold]

Feature Requests / Horrible Gelatinous Blob
« on: February 25, 2007, 10:26:36 PM »
That's just weird and doesn't fit the game. Neji, Maybe you could change it to "Missing Nin"?

Clan Requests / Member Limit.
« on: February 21, 2007, 05:08:37 AM »
There should be a limit of 30/50/100 members max per clan. Huge clans with over 100 members can't even keep track of their own members or are just filled with inactive low DK players to boost the clan's position in the Hall of Fame.

Feature Requests / Extra PVP
« on: February 19, 2007, 09:22:03 AM »
We should get an extra pvp when there's a flawless pvp. Just like how we get an extra forest fight when there's a flawless fight.

Bugreports / Bad navs that have "fix nav" resistance.
« on: February 04, 2007, 05:13:54 PM »
There have been a few cases where "fix nav" from the petition didn't fix the player's bad nav and I had to click on his/her bio and use "fix nav" from there. What is causing this and the page with weird sysbols thingy?

Bugreports / Gold Nuggets
« on: January 26, 2007, 01:34:12 AM »
Gold Nugget (Sm) sells for 600 gold, 0 gem
Gold Nugget (Md) sells for 900 gold, 0 gem
Gold Nugget (Lrg) sells for 180 gold, 0 gem

Wait a sec...Gold Nugget (Large) sells for 180 gold only?!

Feature Requests / The warrior with the most player kill is:
« on: January 24, 2007, 06:18:32 AM »
Shǿku Bijuu Shukaku should be displayed on the login page =3

Feature Requests / Depositing Gem in Your Bank
« on: January 23, 2007, 02:13:41 AM »
No interest rate. Just depositing your gems into the bank for safe keeping. You can deposite all gems and withdraw all gems anytime you want.

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