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Topics - Ѕhadow

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Game Technics (outside gameplay) / The option to talk to Neji
« on: May 27, 2015, 07:33:08 PM »
I for one am hurt...

Bijuu Arena / Village hosts
« on: May 27, 2015, 07:26:50 PM »
Too lazy to look. Is there a rule that covers IC bijuu battles inside a village?

What I mean is, example:

Kamui has the ninetails and is in Konoha.
I want to challenge him for the ninetails.
He has it set to where it has to be IC.
I learn it IC and all that good jazz and travel to the village and hunt him down and make contact.

At this point do challengers have to accept a 1 v 1 or are they free to start a village wide gang-bang?

Bijuu Arena / Yonbi (Fire ape) | Ichirou
« on: May 06, 2015, 06:35:47 PM »
Ichirou hasn't rp'ed for over two weeks and hasn't logged on for a week straight and before that wasn't on for 5 days or more.

This is the first time he has done it. All before that he was fairly active in the game. However the rules he agreed to when he took the bijuu have been broken. He made a topic saying why he couldn't get on. Also stated he'd try to be on, but didn't exactly clarify how often. In truth it seemed to me like this inactivity, sadly, will be the norm until he can figure things out.

He is in a clan and village, Amegakure. I've talked to Kage and it will go to him as a summon more than likely. (We still haven't defined rules on summoning tailed beasts)

Feature Requests / Group RP
« on: May 05, 2015, 04:15:56 AM »
I was thinking of the current zones and the invitational zone fights. In the default zones you have to pick a pre-provided description and anyone can post. The second can only be 1v1 and you can only pick default zone descriptions.

So I was thinking for a better rp zone structure. Group RP zones. ~

This will be like the invitation zones, but with more free will.

Zones will cost 1000 gold per level you are to create. So level 5 is 5000 to create and so on.

In these zones you can invite up to 10 people. The one to make it will be the "Zone Master" and can invite/remove whoever they want. If they're not invited then they can't join and they can leave of their own will.

And instead of pre-described zones the Zone Master would get the option to write the zone description much like one could do in their dwellings or clan descriptions. And maybe be able to upload a zone picture for 10000 gold. ~ (or 100 dp)


Click on Fighting Zones. (Rename it to Rp zones perhaps? >>)
Click on Group Rp zones (Newly added section for group RP)
Click on Invite Player(s) (Instead of only one can add up to 10)
Click and Search players names and invite them (By login name of course)

Things you can edit about the fight:

The name (Already an option)
Amount of Time (Add options for 1 day, 7 days, 14 days, 1 month, 2 months, 3 months)
The battle will commence (Add options for 1 to 7 days)
The Zone Type (Current options PLUS one dubbed 'Create your own'
Do you want to allow spectators. (Add an option to be able to invite only certain spectators)
If yes, can they post or only watch. (Keep as is | Yes or No)

If they selected 'create your own' after pushing the 'pay' option it will create a zone with an area to edit the description. (Like the dwellings and clans have)

Also add an option to remove or add more players even if the zone is already made. (Each invite will cost 100-1000 gold) to remove them is free.

Keep the /game command in. ~

So that's all I can think of right now. >> SL has become and RP site and I think a lot will use this feature more so than the invitational 1 v 1 zones.


Group RP Zones with lots of extras.

Village Square / Claimed things and inactive people
« on: May 01, 2015, 02:02:24 AM »
So what happens to claimed items if someone leaves?

This does NOT include custom items made by the person.

Let's use Bocc as an example. Say he left without giving the sword of kusanagi to anyone. What happens to it then? He didn't create it, but in rp his character had it.

How long after someone leaves does canon Naruto stuff go back on the market for others to claim?

Village Square / Hiraishin (flying Thunder God) Student-Teacher Rule
« on: April 21, 2015, 10:59:07 PM »
Student-Teacher rule. The rule is simple. One teacher to one student. No more than that at any given time. I'll use myself as an example.

Shadow (Teacher)
Ramen (Student)

After I teach it to Ramen I can't teach it to anyone else nor can Ramen teach it to anyone. Only after one dies/leaves/has their memory of it swept then it can be taught.

If I never do any of those things and Ramen wants to teach someone then he's shit out of luck the same goes for the other way around.

This will apply to all those who agree to it.

List of those abiding by the rule:

List of students to clarify:
Hono (Kamui)

Village Square / Hiraishin (flying Thunder God) LIST
« on: April 17, 2015, 10:32:46 AM »
This is not for debate or the likes. This is to list the people who claim FTG.

Please post names.

Tommi -> Taught Shadow,Darkshinobi, Bocc, Kirk
Shadow - > No one
Darkshinobi - > Yukio, Rusaku, Naruto Uzumaki, Trev
Koji - > (Can't teach it)
Kirk - > ?
Yukio - > (Can't teach it)
Rusaku  - > (Can't teach it)
Naruto Uzumaki - > ?
Trev - > (Can't teach it)
Bocc (Gone) - > Tessuhai Tsuyo, Kamui
Kirk - > Koji
Tessuhai Tsuyo - > Ichirou, Tokujiro
Tokujiro - > ?
Kamui - > Hono
Hono - > (Can't teach it)
Ichirou - > ?
Athos - > Keito Uzumaki, Jayjay
Keito Uzumaki - > ?
Sabumaru - >
Jayjay - > ?
Kayenta - > ? (via Reversed Engineered)

** From the wikia: "The secrets of the Hiraishin are known to a select few."

Pft big ass lie right there.

Village Square / Hiraishin (Flying Thunder God)
« on: March 06, 2015, 08:29:03 PM »
How many people claim the power of Hiraishin now? I've seen more people claim to have it than ever before. And am wondering how. Was it not under the student teacher rule?

Spam / LotGD (Setup)
« on: February 05, 2015, 09:26:23 PM »
So does anyone know how to start a site up? It's what SL uses. I want to start one up to dabble with it and all those other things cause it interests me.

Please do not be like the Dragonprime team and be like 'hahaha nope.jpg)

I know the basics and have the files and such it's just a matter of actually getting it up and running.

Now I have no ill feeling for Isa. I actually think he's an okay guy just from talking to him the times I have. With that being said...

He needs to be stripped of his bijuu. This is not something he has done once or twice, but several times and still continues to do such to this day. Months back we've had issues with his inactivity.

He's dodged it a lot, but is now also denying Ichiro cause his previous fights have showed his rp flaws. He just doesn't seem to care at all and keeps the beast for an 'ego boost' so to speak. He doesn't contribute to rp in anyway in public. (I checked everywhere) thus leading to him not posting as bijuu rules state he has to do.

This is the start of the strip process of Isaribi. You may comment here agreeing or disagreeing this thread. However I doubt you'll find anything in favor of him.

Feature Requests / Color Codes for custom wep/arm
« on: January 02, 2015, 02:26:09 AM »
Is this an issue of coding or...? We can color almost everything else. And while it's not needed I do like aesthetics a lot. >>

Spam / Nifty.
« on: January 02, 2015, 01:33:25 AM »

Village Square / Bijuu handling.
« on: January 02, 2015, 12:38:26 AM »
So what are your thoughts on it?

Giving it to a friend or giving it to an alt? My thoughts are simple cause it's easy that way.

Alts -> Once only ever

Friends -> Yes

Mind you in order to do this you must have no challengers currently and must not be in a fight, obviously.

If RP is needed to be made in order to do it I'm sure no one will decline that. Easy to do.

Village Square / The power of the Kaguya Clan
« on: December 31, 2014, 01:40:32 PM »
I wrote a long ass post, but as always I trashed it. So unless needed to go on a rant here's my short version.

What are the healing limitations of the clan?

Obviously there are some. You're pulling bones out of your body. Unless you have some passive healing power you would die in no time.

Village Square / Jinchūriki of Saiken
« on: December 17, 2014, 04:52:20 PM »
Before I become completely RP inactive on SL there is the issue of my bijuu. I have religiously fought against anyone who holds a beast while going inactive as it causes issues in RP. In order to not become a contradictory of all that I have preached. I am giving it away. To who though? Well it will be given to Uzumaki Warrior AKA Athos AKA Hazama.


Jinchūriki of Saiken (六尾, Rokubi) is now Uzumakiwarrior or whatever account he chooses.

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