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Topics - Raifudo Oppa

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Okay first off: Negative chakra,

Whenever i fight kabuto with 0 chakra and he steals some from me i got into the negatives...but i can still cast justsus? =/

strange much?

now for the sharingan, to de-activate...why do i need to have chakra? atleast 1 if it doesnt EVEN cost chakra to de-activate it =/

can't there be an option that'll just de-activate it if you click it even if you have NO chakra?



In the graveyard i am now starting off with like...half my hp...why is that?

Game Related Discussions / item loss in the graveyard? .__.
« on: August 20, 2008, 03:36:16 AM »
~ ~ ~ Fight ~ ~ ~

You have encountered Nagare which lunges at you with Stone Body!

Nagare's Soulpoints: 105
YOUR Soulpoints: 86
You try to hit Nagare but MISS!
Nagare hits you for 1 points of damage!
Next round:
You hit Nagare for 17 points of damage!
Nagare tries to hit you but you RIPOSTE for 7 points of damage!
Next round:
You try to hit Nagare but are RIPOSTED for 4 points of damage!
Nagare tries to hit you but MISSES!
Next round:
You hit Nagare for 11 points of damage!
Nagare tries to hit you but you RIPOSTE for 9 points of damage!
Next round:
You try to hit Nagare but are RIPOSTED for 2 points of damage!
Nagare hits you for 33 points of damage!
Next round:
You hit Nagare for 1 points of damage!
Nagare hits you for 3 points of damage!
Next round:
You hit Nagare for 19 points of damage!
You hit Nagare for 11 points of damage!
Nagare hits you for 24 points of damage!
Next round:
You hit Nagare for 18 points of damage!
Nagare hits you for 17 points of damage!
Next round:
You hit Nagare for 1 points of damage!
Nagare tries to hit you but MISSES!
Next round:
You try to hit Nagare but are RIPOSTED for 1 points of damage!
Nagare tries to hit you but MISSES!
Next round:
You try to hit Nagare but are RIPOSTED for 6 points of damage!

Overall 5 of your items have been damaged during the fight.

You have been defeated by Nagare!!!
You may not torment any more souls today.


i lose items in a fight in the graveyard? .__.

Feature Requests / Hall of Fame
« on: August 15, 2008, 05:23:04 PM »
Okay well i personally find it such a pain to look for my name in most Hall of Fame sections.
So i was thinking if there was some type of way to type in your name in some search engine, once you click on your name you will get your rank in multiple things.

I personally find that easier ALTHOUGH, im not sure how this can affect the game, could make it slower....could make it crash...i dont know i just want feedback.

If not well, instead of telling you the percentage of where you rank from a certain section can it just tell you what you rank in?
Or what page?
Just to make it easier to look through your ranks.

I'unno, i'd like comments, feedback...neji?

All that jazz, later!

Spam / Worlds fastest picker?
« on: August 12, 2008, 10:25:43 PM »

hmm, he's pretty good .__.

Spam / Remembering the 90's .__.
« on: August 03, 2008, 05:27:26 PM »
oh the 90's...god i miss those years >>

ACTUALLY having a reason to wake up early on saturday =D
getting a bowl of cereal and watchin cartoons =D

Super mario bros.

"aah real monsters"
"hey arnold"

you know what i mean ^-^


If you were born in 1997's +

you dont nessecarily have the rights of being called a 90's kid xD)

Spam / "I wanna see the sun...blotted out from the sky" V.2.
« on: August 03, 2008, 05:25:41 PM »

so yeah =D
i was listening to the rolling stones again and i decided to put this thread again >>

just post your favorite song, simple as that xD
if you dont have a fav. song, then favorite favorite band?

pick one >>

Feature Requests / Dwelling search
« on: July 28, 2008, 06:40:31 AM »
When you go to the hamlets and search through pages and chck a home where t gives you the otion to slay, yet there is no one there and you return you are on the same page, yet when you click on city houses and click on a slay but there is no one there and you return, it returns to you ALL the houses and back to the page at which you were at for the GENERAL houses list, is ther any way we can fi that?
here let me make an example, i have insomnia >>

I try to pvp in a dwelling, i use the general search and find a home that givs me the option to pvp, i click it and i find no one there so i return, now lets say i was on page 3 of general homes, it returns me there...

Now if i were to click search for city houss ONLY, and i click on a location to slay, but no one is in there, when i return i am sent to the page i was on (lets say 2 on city homes) but for ALL houses, i myself an tired of all the bloody clicking and i prefer to use hot keys but it's too much, any way someone can stay on the "city houses only" page without being returned to the all houses listings?

Events / Tsunade event?
« on: July 28, 2008, 06:17:12 AM »
Alright well i was thinking, Jiraiya is in an event, and so is orochimaru, and i dont nessecarily remember tsunade in one.

So i was thinking the usual type of event: Random forest event.

I didnt type it all thoroughy but it's just spit-ballin here:

You walk trough the forest cautiously finding prey to kill.

You hear ruffeling in the distance, wondering what it could be you begin to wonder, Should i stay or should i go?

A) you go:

You walk towards the source and find...

50%: An angry wolf! You seem to have bothered it as it feasts! You quickly run away losing ______ (gems, gold) (or charm?) in your escape

{i was thinking for charm:
You quickly run away and stop hearing the howling gone and think to yourself..."oh man what would tenten/rock lee think?"
you lose ____ charm}

50%: Tsunade! She seems to be reading, she seems harmless...
you once again think: "should i talk to her or leave?"

B) you feel as though it is  waste of your time and leave.
A) if you walk towards tsunade:

50%: She hears footsteps coming towards her, in a flash she quickly charges at you hitting you clear across the face! you lose ___ hp
50% she hears foot steps and looks up:
(If she looks up)
25% "oh my dear, you seem hurt! let me heal you!
Your hit points have been restored t full!

25% "Well you seem like a strong shinobi...handsome/ beautiful too.."
50%:You feel charming!
50%:you feel great about yourself! (you gain a buff (still working on the buffs))

( i was thinking also if she could deceive you and poison you/curse you for being evil or from otogakure/mizugakure )

B) You decide to leave her to her doings not caring.

im sorry if the order of all this is innapropriate, i'm suffering from insomnia so much of this might have incorrect grammar or spelling.

Feedback, cruel remarks? Neji? .__.

Feature Requests / Oh come on honestly now....
« on: July 27, 2008, 06:06:32 PM »
Seriously, "Hanzaki and his thieves" event...

Just plain stupid...

You fight to not lose your gems, and sometimes you STILL end up losing your gems, what the hell?
This already happened to me SEVEN times and im sick of it, i've lost over 100 gems to hazaki, here's my last one:

You have encountered Hanzaki's Thieves which lunges at you with Many Stabbing Knives!

Hanzaki's Thieves's Hitpoints (Level 15): 182
YOUR Hitpoints: 207
Pakkun charges into battle.
Pakkun races into battle, hitting Hanzaki's Thieves for 1 points of damage.
Pakkun races into battle, hitting Hanzaki's Thieves for 2 points of damage.
Pakkun races into battle, hitting Hanzaki's Thieves for 1 points of damage.
A thief stabs you for 5 damage.
A thief stabs you for 2 damage.
A thief stabs you for 6 damage.
A thief stabs you for 2 damage.
A thief stabs you for 1 damage.
A thief stabs you for 3 damage.
A thief stabs you for 3 damage.
A thief stabs you for 4 damage.
A thief stabs you for 4 damage.
A thief stabs you for 4 damage.
You blow a cloud of poison gas at the enemy.
Hanzaki's Thieves suffers 95 damage from poisoning!
You execute a minor power move!
You hit Hanzaki's Thieves for 64 points of damage!
You execute a minor power move!
You hit Hanzaki's Thieves for 68 points of damage!
End of Round:
Hanzaki's Thieves's Hitpoints (Level 15): DEAD
YOUR Hitpoints: 173

Hanzaki thieves lay slain at your feet but the elfin leader has vanished. Eagerly you glance about the area, looking for Hanzaki himself. The forest is absolutely silent. Suddenly, you feel something cold and sharp against your neck. The speed of shinobi is often astonishing, but the silence should have given him away.

"That was well done, but our business isn't concluded as of yet. I'm afraid you'll have to excuse the knife at your throat. Just a formality, really. Now, before taking my leave, I'll take some of those gems."

You're about to say something exceptionally clever when a crack against the back of your skull sends you spiraling into darkness. You wake up with a splitting headache and find that Hanzaki has taken 20 gems from your unconcious body. Additionally, you find 4753 gold gone.

Because of donations made, the gods grant you 10 percent discount on the healing costs.

i beat him, and yet i still lose my gems? AND my gold? Just idiotic, i say we take this off to due being unfair in many levels...


« on: June 30, 2008, 11:00:05 PM »


Hope your life is great and full of sucsess ^-^


Spam / hmm, well website spam for SL ACC. buying/selling
« on: June 30, 2008, 10:57:02 PM »

yeh yeh, you probably saw it on the mission headquarters whatever xD
alot of people like this site apparently, didn't take me long to make it...

if you have an account you want to put up for sale, just pm me in-game and tell me:





Special notes:

thats it >>

if you want to buy one, message the person who sells it and message me if you bought it


feedback and suggestions on the website por favor?

Feature Requests / See's who's in the shades?
« on: June 20, 2008, 06:10:49 AM »
okay then, well sometimes i die and i'm in the shades wondering if anyone is even in the blood shades to talk to...

now i was wondering...the gardens have a "see who is on"
now i think the shades should too, you have to basically run the same module...

the text can even be the same except it says Shades instead of gardens...

just seems useful...

i dont know how to be more descriptive i could be since this sums it up...
feedback and questions?

Feature Requests / donation points
« on: April 28, 2008, 04:14:09 PM »
okay well i was thinking, i have alot of forest fights, and i like having my pakkun because it helps me in the forest...


seeing since you can only feed your mount once, what if there was a donation point usage for more feeding of your mount?


"bigger belly" or something crudely though of :roll:

i dont know, im just spitballing here but i think it could help alot of people...
it wouldt allow you to activate like 10 of them at the same time, i'm thinking just ONE extra feed for like 30 points for 30 days, standard stuff like the travel would be nice...once again its just a random thing i thought of so no insulting meh >__>

Feature Requests / Shades options...
« on: April 02, 2008, 01:24:44 AM »
okay well i saw reiseikosame's post and idea on the fighting zone thing to see whos in that zone,

now then i think we should do the same for shades, i seriously don't like to be in the shades without any torments left and being alone...
so i think we should add that input that says who is in the shades, and to that i would like to add a shade aparatition (much like talking to the dead) i myserlf have been needing to ressurect to be in the gardens or something but never had the chance, so to that i was wondering how an "aparaition" would be used, much like the projecting in the gypsey tent except you go to the mausoleum, also you use favors as payment, usually the favors should be calculated on your level (like for gypsy its your level x 20 gold...

so yeah post your feedback :roll:

Item Forge Requests / SERPENTS BLADE
« on: February 16, 2008, 02:34:20 PM »
woot finally a place i am creative at =D

ok then : serpents blade +2 atk and +2 speed
it has a poison tipped blade that has a chance to poison your enemy for 15 turns

items needed:

deadly poison
hilt of the serpent
metalic scraps

i'll work on more and post em here =D

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