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Topics - Chaoskin

Pages: [1]
Spam / Goodbye All
« on: September 17, 2008, 02:06:02 PM »
Well for me this game was a load of fun but its grown old, So im letting my account die out, had fun with everyone, made a load of friends.... and enemys lol.

Here are two random pics from the game i have saved, just to show random memorys. Could be 3 but I didnt need to show the pic of my clan destroyed showing every member removed lol.

245 oro kills with sharigan

Defeated Kamui before sharigan came out^^

Bye All, who knows i might come back but hey i dont think i will.

Game Related Discussions / An Outbox Question
« on: August 10, 2008, 08:18:45 PM »
Well since we cant delete the outbox anymore, Im  just wondering will the messages delete after awhile because at around 250 messages in the outbox the mailbox, the loading times start to slow down drastically.

Spam / Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
« on: April 16, 2008, 12:19:00 AM »
Just wanna know if anyone plays this? SmexyChaos is my gamertag, if you wanna play sometime leave your gamertag or send me a message on xboxlive

Discussions / Referrals
« on: February 28, 2008, 03:17:49 AM »
I probably wasting my time with this, but I got like over 20 people to play this game and refer i find really hard cause most all but one I told about the game. like at work, school and if you dont have a computer there is no way to refer them at all.

They cant remember

Some I even wrote it down on paper for and they didnt put in right X.X

Cant a refer just be Your name

so or just somthing simple to remember or if this has to be like it is then nvm what i said XD

Spam / A topic about me(Chaoskin)
« on: February 12, 2008, 02:23:49 PM »
here you go talk about me in this spam area-  i like any kind of fame, bad or good

Yes I removed the first topic- because of the off topic, noting else. Picture was not reason at all, do you think if I actually got the clan destroyed no one would find out? Of coarse they would. I knew that everyone was gonna find out, also where is the updated picture, anyway its at the bottom of the screen now for all to see

Gyu~ru~ru- no I was not taking your idea, I was rushing for a new topic before work, which i was late for, and forgot to credit you, I did think about that at work and was gonna edit it to give credit to you

Removed second topic, because its locked no need to waste space on the board

Also you know when your really mad(games will do it), you say or do things and regret saying them later when your clam and level headed- NEO was the target because it is the largest of clans run by a mod- not because im mad about the past

ALSo, neji the thing with your name was part of my momment of rage

Also thank you neji who still after all this is still looking into it

Well that is 100% the truth i speak right there, some will say bull, but at least i know i spoke the turth- also no this will not be removed no matter what is said but will be locked by someone im sure

Game Related Discussions / The kekkei genkai abilities
« on: December 13, 2007, 06:08:51 PM »
So questions on it, Is certain amount oro kills you have to have to get them? Also i read all the stuff we lose, do we lose are dwellings also? Those are my only two I have.

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