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Messages - Garō, Ichirou

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Village Square / Re: The Liberator
« on: February 01, 2016, 06:11:22 PM »
As she would recoil from her Chidori she could take note of the small condensed Shakuton ball whizing through the air, it was close to the ground. And made impact with the stomach of the bear at the moment that Masane removed herself from it's radius.

The Shakuton would expand quickly, violently hot flames would span out an encompass the entirety of the bears body and further. Not only would The fire singe the earth but the force released from the condensed explosion would crack and shatter the ground as well, leaving the possibility of extensive concussive damage to the beast as well as the burns it should sustain.

Senshi hovered as he examined his work, waiting to see how the thing would react to the strike, if it too held little chance of damaging the beast.. It was possible that Senshi would have to unleash a power that couldn't be blocked with something like armor.

Village Square / Re: The Liberator
« on: January 29, 2016, 12:41:23 AM »
Senshi narrowed his eyes as he spotted the behemoth, some seventeen feet at least in height.. No telling how much it weighed. The beast seemed devoid of advanced thought processes, terrorizing about the area with no aim other than to kill, this would make it easier to take down by utilizing it's rage against it.

Senshi veered closer to the tree tops, concentrating a small ball of Shakuton chakra within his palm as a means of preliminary attack, though he would be patient. increasing the strength of his technique with time as well as paying close attention to whatever it was this lady was going to do to this thing. He had locked on to her chakra signature, being able to notice her from afar now as he closed distance to the behemoth.

Feature Requests / Re: Pictures in SL rp?
« on: January 21, 2016, 09:01:28 AM »
I don't mind the feature not being included, I can write things out as easily as the next person. I just figured it would be something worth mentioning just for the sake of doing it, making things a little lighter and mixing it up a bit.

But obviously by the wide consensus this isn't the best thing to include, so i'm not worried about it :P Thanks for all the input though everyone

Village Square / Re: The Liberator
« on: January 21, 2016, 08:48:23 AM »
With his Sharingan Senshi was able to spot a massive wave of chakra from a particular area, roughly 12 miles out from their location. Judging by the bursts of chakra it seemed that several individuals were releasing jutsu of varying strength. This worried Senshi, were the vikings attacking hoshigakure? Or perhaps something else had come up? At the risk of jeopardizing his mission, he changed his flight path and flew directly toward the source of the outbursts.

He would cover the ground in about 15 minutes, assuming that his tail was close behind him. Though he didn't know what to expect upon arriving at the scene. Had there been some sort of engagement here? Was the culprit still in the area? only time would tell

Feature Requests / Re: Pictures in SL rp?
« on: January 21, 2016, 01:26:39 AM »
If it's even possible I was thinking they could just be added into posts, so they would just upload onto the village page or zone board or whatever, which is why size control would be necessary so huge pictures don't try to upload onto the board and take the whole thing up

Feature Requests / Pictures in SL rp?
« on: January 20, 2016, 09:37:19 PM »
So the "Rp on the forum" Thread got me thinking, and a lot of people don't prefer to rp on the forum despite the creative advantages of doing so. Of course I have no problem with this but I was thinking about a way to bring more of the creative expanses of the forum to the actual site, so I was wondering if there would be any way that we could incorporate a picture system to the SL site,

I think this would be really useful and would help to bolster rp, because it's a lot easier to post a picture than to try to describe every little detail of something, for instance

Something like this would be hard to explain to the last detail, at least reaching the full effect of the pictures -in my opinion, anyway- So I was wondering if we could incorporate pictures into the site.

I imagine there would be stipulations concerning size, so perhaps the pictures could only be around the size of Avatar pictures? Maybe smaller if necessary. And if they're done by weblink they could be automatically downsized just like avatar pictures are via weblink.

If it can't be done it can't be done, but it never hurts to ask right? [:

Village Square / Re: The Liberator
« on: January 20, 2016, 06:51:11 AM »
Senshi was quick to notice that he had been followed out, only to soon after be confronted and threatened. He looked the woman up and down, as well as her ninken before responding. "Trust me, killing me wont be as easy as you think." he grumbled in response. She hadn't the slightest bit of respect it seemed, but oh well.

"And what that was doesn't concern you, lets just say he wasn't a very good person. And he gave me all the information I needed. Now if you'll excuse me i've got somewhere to be quickly." he finished his response by placing a hand to his stomach and jumping into the air, activating the lightweight rock technique upon his body and gifting him the ability of flight. He immediately began making his way deeper into Hoshigakure. The bartender didn't have as much information as Senshi would have liked, but it was definitely something to go on. Apparently the group of men had a lab of some sort within Hoshigakure, it was safe to assume that the children they had been kidnapping were subjects or slaves of some kind. Either way Senshi knew he had to make his way there and didn't have time to deal with petty distractions.

His flight speed was fairly fast, given the lightened weight of his body at the current point, his sharingan warily scanned the area beneath him, looking for any clues as to an extact location. If only the bartender had known more... he didn't know if he would make it anywhere in time to save anyone, but all he could do was hope. 

Village Square / Re: The Liberator
« on: January 20, 2016, 04:59:12 AM »
(Rping as Senshi Uchiha)

The Restaurant that Masane had chosen to inhabit would be fitted with a small bar, several customers littered the tables and booths that scattered the main room, murmuring to one another about various things. But there would be one occupant who wasn't talking to anyone, in fact he was just sitting alone in a booth, watching the bartender. This was Senshi.

The Young Uchiha had coincidentally been following the exact same lead that Masane had, and the trail had lead them both here. This little restaurant within the village that rested upon the border between Hoshigakure and The Land of Fire.

However Senshi had a bit more information on the happenings that of the sadistic vikings than Masane had gathered up, he knew that the bartender of this very establishment was actually using his business as a front for a base of the Vikings. At least that's what all of his intel had suggested.

Senshi had his Sharingan active, though it was hidden beneath a Henge, causing his eyes to appear their usual color. He also changed his attire with this Henge, instead of it being his usual combat vest, long sleeve shirt and long pants, it was the clothes of a minor civilian, a poor one at that. To make him stand out less than a combat ready shinobi.

Senshi waited for all the customers to disband before he made his way up the bar alone, "Yo, Barkeep." he spouted to get his attention, causing the man to turn on his heels and look him in the eye. This was the mans first and final mistake, as senshi's Henge fell from his eyes alone and the man was face to face with the Three Tomoe Sharingan.

Senshi hit him with a Genjutsu, subduing him to Senshi's will easily. The mans eye changing to the color of Senshi's own, allowing it to be noticed that he was afflicted with the Genjutsu:Sharingan. The man leaned in, and he and Senshi exchanged a whispered conversation, Senshi nodding every now and then as the man continued to divulge information, almost without end.

Eventually Senshi sighed, leaning away from the man and reaching into the pocket of his rags. Withdrawing a kunai and firing it into the mans chest before leaving the establishment. It was safe to say that all inside, including Masane. Would now be aware of Senshi as the crowd began to panic, screaming and ducking under tables in fear as Senshi left the building.

Village Square / Re: RP on the forum?
« on: January 19, 2016, 12:02:57 AM »
You know, I was wondering if RP on the forums are considered IC.
For example, you RP with people on the forum, not in SL, so when you do RP with them for the first time in SL, do you technically know them? o.o

As far as i'm concerned that would be something established beforehand. Like when Athos and I do an rp on the forum it's usually Ic, it just adds to the history of our characters

Ichirou would position himself atop the Deckhouse, facing the sails as the ship began to leave port, weaving a few seals he would release from his Maw a Gentle yet strong current of wind via the Great Breakthrough technique.

He did this in order to increase their speed efficiently but also safely, his control over Futon allowing him to progressively increase the strength of the wind as the ship picked up it's pace, the water slapping against the wood as they pierced small waves.

Village Square / Re: RP on the forum?
« on: January 18, 2016, 01:35:51 AM »
Well to be honest with you whenever I first branched off of SL to go to other rp sites I discovered that I enjoy the Forum layout for rp sites much better than shinobi legends.

A.) You don't have posts limited to a specific character count and always having to end them with some form of continue symbol
B.) It's much easier to add things such as photos or gifs to detail your description of things more efficiently
C.) I honestly feel like people are more inclined to actually read your rps on the forum, where as entire pages of text will go unread on the actual shinobi legends site

Village Square / Re: Ichirou names himself Godaime Amegake
« on: January 17, 2016, 12:10:49 AM »
No problem here what so ever, in fact it only creates rp.

I understand your issue Kay, but nothing to really do about it.

Way I see it, not different than similar politics from medieval era.

Kage is the legit ruler, Ichi has a problem with him and wants the crown. Ichi makes his own clan and is attempting to usurp him. Ichi only gains authority if enough people support his cause, but at the end of the day is still illegitimate. Basically at this point he's a rebel group. How does Ichi gain legitimacy?

A. Negotiate's with Kage. Perhaps if he has enough supporters, Kage will step down.
B. Civil War eventually breaks out to decide winner.
C. Attempts diplomacy with foreign nations so they see him as the lead power.

In Real life terms, it's like any war of succession, in Naruto terms is just like Nagato and Hanzo. Two forces, one country.

I suggest they treat it like an rp scenario. Ichi please do roleplay like the Godaime Amekage, but please don't assume you control Amegakure just yet. You are a rebel, the Akatsuki like in the Naruto. Strive to convert your home nation, win a civil war, or plead with other nations to recognize you. 

I see nothing here, but great rp scenarios. Perhaps the people of Ame will turn on Kage, perhaps loyal Ame forces will stomp out Ichi and the pretenders, perhaps world wide conflict happens because say Suna sides with Kage, but Oto sides with Ichi. Truly wonderful.

I actually like the idea of the coup and rebel forces, it is a good way to tie everything together and maintain the goal.

Kayenta. It seems to me that you still visualize me as a power hungry rp'er like I used to be. And I wont lie I was power hungry when I first came around and for awhile. But my hiatus from the site did me a lot of good, and all i'm doing here is trying to create RP in my favorite location in the verse.

Argue all you want that I could have done more in the village, but if your three alts were living there why was it dead in the first place? Lol.

Oh yeah, the arrival of the goon squad to teach Ame a lesson and Ichi's jumping ship and claiming to be Amekage.

You've got your order of events wrong, I was gone before the attack on the village happened. And I literally just made this new clan. So don't act like the new clan was a response to the attack. It wasn't.

And from what i've seen, I haven't really divided the community. Once again you're treating the current Amegakure as some form of massive powerhouse in the rp world, which it hasn't been for quite some time. In fact i've gotten more support about this than I even expected to get, so there's that too.

Now I have a better way to go about all this, i'm not claiming to entirely replace the village, but we're rebelling and building a new Amegakure, a title is just a word until it is recognized. Show me where I forced anyone to acknowledge me as an Amekage? Wait.. I didn't... Oh my.

The point is, quell your anger and stop treating me like a heathen for wanting to fix something broken.

Village Square / Re: Ichirou names himself Godaime Amegake
« on: January 16, 2016, 08:42:57 AM »
I am getting tired and will read all of your post tomorrow. but...

When I came to SL Suna was dead. The war was over and it was left to die. People opposed me RPing there. I did it anyway. People starting coming back. Things built up and got fun again. And still it was years after that before The Shodai named me to be the Nidaime. I earned it.

That is all I will say on this tonight. But you spit on me and anyone else who has earned their ranks on SL with this move. You do not do this in the face of adversity and hard times. You work through it...not under or around snatching titles in the process.

You keep pressing the Kage title like it's his single goal. It's not. From what I keep reading the #1 reason for a new clan is that Kage pushed people away from wanting to be anywhere near Amegakure or even rp there.

Seriously. If I just wanted the title of Kage I could go and make any random clan and be the WhateverKage. It's not about the rank. And that's all you're treating it as

Village Square / Re: Ichirou names himself Godaime Amegake
« on: January 16, 2016, 08:32:13 AM »
Good to know that now all of a sudden people care about what happens to Amegakure. Left for inactive and everything? Eh, who cares? Someone tries to make a new clan in a way I don't agree with? Where's my pitchfork?! D:<

Village Square / Re: Ichirou names himself Godaime Amegake
« on: January 16, 2016, 08:26:11 AM »
You are incorrect in saying that the RP is up to the Kage...this being Uchiha Kage in this case. That is an excuse. A stricture you place on yourself, no one does that to you.

People in all the villages create rp for themselves without asking anyone's permission to RP. People join clans on the invites of all the members, not just the founder/kage.

This is wrong and needs to be corrected in the proper manner. Instead of blaming others, and pointing fingers, make Ame something. In the official clan. This move is not a positive one. If you love Ame, you will make the one that exists great rather than creating a clone to call your own. If you love Ame, you will be a loyal ninja to her instead of a traitor. The Kage serves the village. So do its warriors.

This just spits on it. Go serve your village properly, not like this. This just looks like something selfish to me. Another quick claim to power and self aggrandizement. It makes my stomach hurt. It spits on people who have worked their whole time here to earn things. And I feel it brings shame upon you. It is without honor.

*rubs temples* You're aware this is still a game, right?

It's not like I wasn't contacting people to come to Amegakure, I brought a decent amount of population to the village and I rp'd in there All. The. Time. Whether it be with Ichirou or with an alt. You weren't a part of Amegakure before I got there. When I got there it was pretty much just me and Kage doing anything in the halls. that's it. So I did try to expand the village, I did.

and if anything this is better for the Village rather than traitorous, bringing new life to the village, gathering new and active members to rebuff and reboot a literally deceased village.

And I did not say it was up to the Kage, I'm saying it was in his control. Look at it this way, I as the Amebuki could not contact another village, and set up a large rp where members from my village and members of their village would travel to opposing village to perform a mission of some form of support or another to the overall workings of the village. Of course that's a loose example but you get what I mean.

That's the whole reason why when I went for Son Goku I drew you outside the village. Shadow when not held to any guideline is OP and Keito even went in who is also well above the line in his writing style, fled.

Ever see one punch man? That's what it is.

He and his defenses are Saitama. We are anyone ever.
One punch and we're dead.

Shadow's point is another one to expand on. He's not wrong at all. I'm not saying Kage's defenses aren't awesome but they are a bit over the top, and obviously from the above stated leads people away from interacting with the village overall.

In all honesty, that's part of the reason why I cooped up inside of Amegakure with Son Goku, I didn't trust in my rp skills as a Jinchuriki but I KNEW that if I forced whoever was after the beast to come and attack Amegakure, that Kage and his defenses would push them away and they did.

If it wasn't for the fact that I owed Shadow a straight up fight, I probably would have held on to that beast for much longer. Of course now I trust in my own rp skills and wouldn't resort to something like that, but that's off topic.

Back to the topic at hand, You're telling me to be the Kage of the village without being the Kage of the village, so why not just be the Kage of the village?

I just wanted to briefly explain since it was brought up as a point. ^-^ In the overall scheme it doesn't matter that much, but it did make me not want to rp in Ame again. So it might've been the same for others.

Another good example. I do not want to be the Kage that inspires people to NOT come back to the village. That is counter to the mission. And having a Kage that inspires people to not come back to the village makes it that much harder to bring people to the village in the first place. There has to be some sort of change in Amegakure or nothing will happen. It will remain a Ghost village as it is right now.

I could understand mass disdain about this if the village were booming, if it were a big part of rp and filled with people who had much going on within the village and it's works. But the fact of the matter is that it is not. If Kage were to decide to quit and wipe the village from the site, kick everyone out and leave, you can not tell me that there would be mass upheaval about it happening

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