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Messages - Trev

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Spam / See You Space Cowboy
« on: April 02, 2017, 07:49:44 AM »
Thread just to say I'm leaving. Gonna be graduating college soon and it's time to get my life fully on track and deal with my various issues/future. SL has been a nice home to me and I never would have imagined the bonds or community I found here. This place has provided comfort for the past seven years, but it's time to go. So my council seat is open, and this is my heads up. Sorry for bailing early and not saying my goodbyes in a more personal space.

Love ya Ben, you got me into roleplaying on this site and our relationship has always been great. Gonna miss ya pops. Obviously your name goes first.

I know we didn't end well, but I hold no grudges. Had a great time over the years, wish ya the best.

@ Genny
You'll always be my favorite little noob that turned into an active and wonderful roleplayer. Sorry for not doing the rp I promised

I feel like we could have been closer, but I've always had fun in our fights and I looked forward to your lengthy forum post even if no one else did. Stay golden

Been nice chatting you up these past few months and slingshotting ideas. You're really nice, wish we had more time.

The best second in command anyone could ever ask for. All the success Oto had would be nothing without you. You're also the easiest person to talk to since ya don't take this game seriously.

*ruffles hair*  you're one of the good ones and I'm glad I met you

You da man

@Yujo (If still around)
My favorite temperament to try and calm. Just as stubborn as me and just the way I like it

Didn't get to really know you, bust you always were pleasant when we did talk. Keep up the good work homie

I never once had a problem with you, so you'll always be the perfect camel to me

Thanks for doing my avys, teaching me how to properly rp by example, and being a listening ear if I needed it.

@Kay (if ever back)
Thanks for being kind and pulling me out of fighting rp's every once in awhile.

One of my favorite people on SL. Thanks for showing me not all Kiri people suck (I kid)

Thanks for also helping me with my avy and for guiding me so many years ago that ya might not even remember!

@everyone/ the numerous people I've forgotten:
Thanks for making SL the place it is. I hope everyone find what they are looking for in life.

See ya guys, it's been fun. >>

Village Square / Re: Indra/Asura
« on: March 21, 2017, 03:15:47 AM »
That's nice and all, but I'm the offspring of Shadow, so beat that ya losers.

Rules/Foundation / Re: One challenge per actual player (Discussion)
« on: March 20, 2017, 04:20:46 PM »
Sure. Make it 3 per person.

^ This

I'd say that the person (ie person behind the keyboard) gets three challenges total, with whatever characters, etc

Rules/Foundation / Re: Repeated Mastery Time Reduction (discussion)
« on: March 20, 2017, 04:19:10 PM »
I'm in favor of reducing it by a third. So 5 segments lasting 2 weeks for 10 weeks total.

Also wouldn't oppose 7 weeks as Shadow proposed

Rules/Foundation / Re: Tampering [Discussion]
« on: March 20, 2017, 04:08:48 PM »
There was a time when people said tournaments would never happen again because they don't work, that didn't last and I'm sure eventually if the site last that long there will be another situation where FFA could be used or tag matches.

As for the "It's fine if you don't get caught" that's with any form of cheating or tampering. Until someone gets caught, nothing can really be done about. Like steroids in sports, perjury, people in government using a pay to play system, etc. Some you can test for, others usually aren't known unless evidence is found or someone comes clean.

You are right though with the IC coming together. Nobody can and nobody should stop that. But if the fight is ooc, one can't exactly do that. But if it is IC and people came together before in an IC manner, I have no issue with that.

I mean if we use stats, we've had 1 FFA and there was tampering in someone coming forward. So we technically have a 100% success rate of someone going to tamper and someone coming clean about it >.> (That's a bad joke btw)

If it was 1 v 1, as Eric said only real tampering could be from a judge.

Also, if the fight is IC and the rp was done, sure nothing can be done about it. But it has to be IC.

Ultimately, I can see where you guys are coming from. My proposal would be very hard to enforce, and probably useless. Although the stipulations I proposed have happened before, so who knows. Which is why I hoped someone else might come up with another solution. I just don't think we should scrap FFA all together, just cause it didn't work once. If we're going by not working, tournaments wouldn't have gotten another chance, and the biju would have been scrapped a very long time ago. Although I do see the appeal in quick solution that instead of fixing a problem, just kills the situation.

Hopefully more opinions flow in, else I see a stalemate coming. So maybe we can spitball other ideas, since this one seems to be a split (until others comment) and I have an odd feeling neither side will convince the others cause ya know, SL. Anyone got anything different from Athos or I?

Rules/Foundation / Tampering [Discussion]
« on: March 19, 2017, 04:08:18 AM »
Alright, so this thread was in demand awhile ago and there was some interest in seeing some rule passed. This thread is not a thread to bring up past accusations, affect any prior fight, etc. Just discuss a rule.

As of right now, based on what I've seen there are three options

1. Do nothing, it's not a big deal.

2. My proposal. Which would have those caught tampering in the future be stripped of their tailed beast (if they had one) and people involved be suspended from biju fights for 1-3 months. It's a little harsh, but fair imo. Only problem is it would be very difficult to enforce. As unless you have proof (messages) of tampering, you can't prove it. So would only work if one of the parties came forward and admitted to it.

3. I've also seen Athos propose to eliminate FFA and leave it strictly a 1 v 1 fight. Although I think I also saw him say maybe allow tag matches. I'm sure he can explain his solution when he sees this thread.

So yeah, turn it over to you guys. Comment if you think nothing should be done, comment or edit on the two proposed solutions, or propose your own. And don't forget to hit the subscribe button

Rules/Foundation / Housekeeping
« on: March 19, 2017, 04:00:00 AM »

So all the dates for the voting passed, which means we have some new rules
1.Hosts are not allowed to have more than one beast sealed within them at a time

2. Players may retain passive abilities of beast they mastered

3. Previous mastery of a beast = reduced time for mastery, but not instant. This rule will have to be discussed in depth before applied. Shadow suggested cutting it in half.

4. It was only a discussion, but people seemingly agreed with it regarding the gifting of biju of the timer for not accepting challenges being reduced. So if people want this, it can be included.

5. You can't split biju chakra up

So yeah, 3-4 need to be hashed out. The rules need to be worded in a fancy way that doesn't allow loopholes. Finally they need to be updated on the wiki, and forum.

Council / Re: Election Time!
« on: March 19, 2017, 03:36:33 AM »
So this election ended three days ago, so I'd figure I'd post an update and then lock this thread.

Congrats to Neko, Tomi, and Keito on being voted in, if they don't already know I'll go inform them on SL.

So the council is officially complete again

Village Square / Re: Defining Strongest Shield
« on: March 17, 2017, 02:35:13 AM »

2. If you agree that the wiki is right, and want to keep it a claimed thing (which I think we should) The strongest shield people need to gather up and make a wiki page. State the rules (inherited, or obtained through training), description of what it does, and ya know feel free to throw in some nerfs xD As of right now there is neither a profile page or regular wiki page of the Strongest Shield. So that's my suggestion.


TBH, this should just be mandated. Can't claim or enforce a claim unless we publicly list information for it.

Why would we need to do that for canon claims? They're on the regular wiki. True Strongest Shield doesn't have a page of its own but we all know what it is anyway. Just scrolling down the claims list it looks like most of them don't have a page on our own wiki.

Unless I'm misinterpreting Rai, which he can correct me if I am. I don't believe he's saying you have to do it for every canon claim. Just that if something is on the claimed list, it should have public info be it the profile wiki or regular wiki, of which strongest shield exist on none of them. So as he says you can't really enforce a claim on something that doesn't exist on either wiki. Plus if you guys on SL are having it be a learned "technique" you're changing it from the canon, so it deserves it's own page on our wiki imo.

But the people with strongest shield may do whatever they wish, just my suggestion.

Village Square / Re: Human Puppets
« on: March 16, 2017, 12:44:45 AM »
If I were to give it nerfs I'd say the puppets can only

Use their regular techniques and only one elemental kg (which is shown in the manga with iron release.) No dojutsu, no gates, no Kaguya, not KT and only one. Maybe allow hiden too, although some couldn't be used in practical senses like Ino's.

No npc human puppets. Just like with Edo, shouldn't be allowed. Any current npc puppet gets fathered in, but still has to follow the same rules.

Their chakra pool can't be replenished (in battle)

Their action go towards your action pool just like a biju summon or Edo Tensei, you don't get free moves.

Village Square / Re: Defining Strongest Shield
« on: March 16, 2017, 12:38:57 AM »
Information changes, and so does SL. I believe Zojin initially claimed it because on the wiki it was an actual tech, those up for grabs to be claimed. The people at the wiki removed it and have categorized it as something else. So on a really technical sense, it should be available up for grabs. I mean we took away the mazo from Yumei which is arguably a bigger deal >.>

But two things

1. I can't find out why they deleted it. Kamui says he did, perhaps he can link it? As I've said many times particularly to Athos in our fight (which has seemingly rubbed off on him :P) that the people on the wiki are just like us and not always right. Or they do things for their own reasons. So unless they have databook info, they did this because they felt it was right. SL doesn't have to agree with that notion.

2. If you agree that the wiki is right, and want to keep it a claimed thing (which I think we should) The strongest shield people need to gather up and make a wiki page. State the rules (inherited, or obtained through training), description of what it does, and ya know feel free to throw in some nerfs xD As of right now there is neither a profile page or regular wiki page of the Strongest Shield. So that's my suggestion.

I think if you guys have something concrete that tears away all the sudden mysteries, there is no reason to take away the claim. I also don't think SL really wants everyone to be a tank, but I don't speak for everyone >>

Village Square / Re: Bijuu ban
« on: March 15, 2017, 02:46:54 AM »
Please God get rid of them. It's not like they actually provide anything substantial to SL rp. Want someone to talk to while you RP all alone? Get a summon. Sure people will just move on and try to fight for items, but no one is under any kind of obligation to accept challenges for them, and as far as I know they cannot be tracked.

Eventually there is only going to be one person left who plays with Biju, and then they will claim the ten tails. Sure, that might be cool on paper, but when the guy who has it is a dickhead and actually uses powers that will kill you, it won't be fun and will cause arguments. Nothing good comes from the Biju. You can try and convince yourself that this is almost entirely OOC, but when the Ten tailed Jink comes knocking at your village gates you will be eating those assumptions. Might as well chop off the infected limb now before it spreads to the brain.   

It's not like the power boost from the tailed beasts actually amount to anything in the canon. In the Naruto vs Sasuke fight, Sasuke was still able to keep up with nearly everything Naruto did when in Kurama mode. It didn't even look like he was moving any faster or slower when comparing their combat before and after the cloaks activation. In the Boruto movie Sasuke was moving at the same Pace Naruto was, if not arguably faster during the final fight. The power scaling was thrown out the window during the end. So either A.) Remove the beasts entirely, or B.) Remove the concept of using their chakra to make your stuff stronger.

I mean you can't track an item, but lets be real here Rus. We both know that a player would just look up who has the item, find them IC, fight then for an obscure reason (like I'm evil and want to fight you). Win, use the mind reading tech, and be like "oh so you had this pretty cool item hidden here, what a neat coincidence"

If the community is really scared of the ten tails that much, nothing is stopping anybody from opening a thread and voting to ban the ten tails. It use to be a biju rule before, and it can be again. If people really dislike it, they should easily be able to pass it. If not, shame on them for not voting, or not everyone shared that sentiment.

But we'll agree to disagree. I think the problem of SL is simply behavior. It's all condensed over biju right now. But it'll spill out over items, attacking villages, wanting a title rank, etc. The prize will be different, the attitudes won't be.

I'm aware that those manga scan exist. But two things.

1. Kurama was also pretty pissed, hence he had no reason to not allow Naruto in Sage Mode. Hence why in my prior statement, I said one needed mastery, or the biju had to be pissed at an opponent. Since you can't rp control over your biju until you have mastery, rping it as pissed is useless. Only in two scenarios it could happen.

A. The host just let the biju take control, and unless you pull a Naruto hack and have Minato seal it back up, you pretty much have lost.

B. In a really specific scenario it could work. Like the Hachibi hates Trev, so the host of the Hachibi without mastery could potentially do it in a fight against me if Trev were still kicking.

2. Or you could interpret it that biju chakra and sage mode is allowed. Certainly possible since the anger thing is just my logical assumption, and not fact. What is certain though if that you can't use the amphibian tech without mastery. Biju won't allow it.

Village Square / Re: Defining Strongest Shield
« on: March 15, 2017, 02:29:16 AM »
Unless someone can show me a citation from the original naruto wikipedia, where it states that the Strongest Shield isn't exactly as I just described it. I'll gladly rebuke my comments, but until then there really isn't any prerequisites to claim it as Eric stated, other than having RnY; which means anyone can legitimately claim it.

"He would, however, become renowned for his extraordinary level of durability, endurance, and strength above all else, to the point where his body itself would become reputed as the "strongest shield" (最強の盾, saikyō no tate).[11]"
"A's most impressive and renowned trait was his extremely durable body, earning the name, the "strongest shield" (最強の盾, saikyō no tate)"

It's literally just a nickname for his bod. It's not a technique at all.

They've made it into a technique.

Did they though? I could have sworn a page for strongest shield actually use to exist on the wiki. They could have been going on that, then the people at the wiki took the page down either because of databook info or simply because they felt like it >>  Although I could be wrong, but I could have sworn the wiki use to think it was a tech.

As for obtaining it, if the people on SL want to say it's a tech, you find someone that has it and learn it? Although if it is DNA based, you shouldn't be able to learn it. If it's not a tech, literally everyone can claim it.

So idk, the people with strongest shield should maybe come together and set some ground rules, or something.

Village Square / Re: Bijuu ban
« on: March 10, 2017, 11:23:50 PM »
Keep em. The fighting doesn't occur over biju, it occurs cause a majority of the members on this site can't behave and generally dislike each other.

Banning them isn't fair to those that have them, will just cause a renewed fighting over items instead, etc.

No point in banning them, it's not like the biju are forced participation. You don't have to interact with them. You don't have to go on the forum to debate the topics, you don't have to do anything. People do because they want to, whether they want to admit that or not.

If you don't like the biju, don't get involved in biju matters. Other than that, I see no reason to ban them.

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