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Messages - Hazama

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 72
All That Is Bijuu / It'sa me, again! Stripping the One Tail :3
« on: March 11, 2021, 06:14:58 AM »
Hey guys, it's me once more! Below, you will be able to see that I have challenged Kamui for his beast. I understand that his preferred method of fighting/challenging is ICly but he has been inactive for WAY over the 14 day limit.

The IC rules weren't meant to be abused so that people could avoid activity claims. That being said, since I have challenged him for his beast and since the beast should go to the next challenger, I would like to have Hazama be marked down as the summoner for the One Tail!

I will not be posting images of how he has failed to post within the time limit, seeing as his account is currently over 60 days of inactivity and he has not been able to make any active posts anywhere!

Much like last time, I'm not expecting much pushback from this but if there is any, please keep it civil :D

Thanks for your reply Eric! :) I will gladly take my place as summoner of the Mazo!

And even though Madara's claim is as old as fuck, I'm not going to bother asking for proof to debate my point or anything o.o he can have it.

And if he doesn't post wanting it, I'll take it then :p

Hey guys, it's been awhile but I'm back! Below, you will be able to see that I have challenged Yomi for both of her beasts. I understand that her preferred method of fighting/challenging is ICly but she has been inactive for WAY over the 14 day limit.

The IC rules weren't meant to be abused so that people could avoid activity claims. That being said, since I have challenged her for both of the beasts and the beasts should go to the next challenger, I would like to have Hazama be marked down as the summoner for both the Gedo Mazo and the Five Tails Bijuu!

Proof that I am the next challenger in line on her lists:


Proof that she hasn't posted in over 14 days:


I'm sure people will want to debate this topic so, let's keep it civil :)

Although your preferred method of battle is IC, I am challenging you for the Gedo Mazo due to inactivity. And calling dibs, as well!

Although your preferred method of battle is IC, I am challenging you for the Five Tails due to inactivity. And calling dibs!

Village Square / Re: The Elephant in the Room(Hirashin Debacle)
« on: January 18, 2019, 07:02:15 AM »
Tomi and I have talked about this situation and it has been resolved. The Hiraishin list is going to stay the same for the most part, save for the fact that Hazama and Keito will be unlisted from underneath Athos' taught section. Besides that, everything has been cleared up and the rest can be sorted out by other parties involved(if there are any other problems).

Tomi will post soon to confirm this as well!

And just because I've got a great sense of humor xD

Village Square / Re: The Elephant in the Room(Hirashin Debacle)
« on: January 18, 2019, 04:32:52 AM »
In the middle of writing up an apology to you in SL, Athos and will attempt to get through things reasonably.

I owe you a genuine apology and I'm attempting to express it, then get to the meat of the matter. I'm genuinely sorry, been ... angry about things.

Alright, I'll lock this topic then and look for the message. I'll talk to you soon.

Village Square / The Elephant in the Room(Hirashin Debacle)
« on: January 18, 2019, 04:25:50 AM »
I was trying to avoid bringing this to the forums but it seems to be the only way to get this settled properly, since I can't talk about it site-wise. Recently Tomi has gone on another one of his 'Hiraishin Spring Cleaning' sessions that he goes on every couple of years. Honestly, putting aside any personal feelings that I have on the matter, one universally accepted rule on SL is how to handle Canon Jutsu. This is why we have The Claimed List, so that we can avoid having a single person monopolize any given technique the best that we can, and that goes for Hiraishin. We all know the 'rule' about Hiraishin that Tomi had created but it was never agreed upon, not the same way that we had to talk about Edo Tensei or formed a Bijuu Council. When it comes to canon abilities on the Claimed List, it doesn't matter what any one individual wants to do or if they want to keep it to themselves, the whole purpose is to avoid that sort of thing.

In a heated message received from Tomi, it sounds as though he's attacking my claim to Hiraishin personally for some multitude of reasons but I've nothing to prove. For years Tomi had been gone ICly, where any sort of self imposed rules wouldn't have mattered, regardless of how I learned the ability. Which, was through several different ways, from learning it from different users to eventually creating my own. That's the beautiful thing about how things work on the site, once you learn an ability you can do as you please with it, unless it is a person's custom jutsu. And this is not one of those situations. There was nothing that stopped me from creating my own scroll, one that I used to RP for literal years, and just because it is an issue to Tomi now doesn't make any of it illegitimate.

The only problem I see with my Hiraishin is that it stops Tomi from holding it over my head like some sort of threat, or just erasing me from the list without an hassle. I don't understand why we can't continue going on our ways like we have for years. It is only a problem because it can't be monopolized the way that someone wants and that's silly. All of this is silly but when it is messing with people's RP, I've no choice but to say something.

I just want to get this talk out of the way and get this settled. Hopefully you see this Tomi and reply soon, so this can be over and done with.


Objection 'cause I also want it.

Bijuu Arena / Re: Athos vs Ray- Slug on the line.
« on: May 22, 2018, 12:31:28 AM »
Almost like it had been awhile since he had felt his own body, he had been watching his hands as he tensed his muscles and rolled his shoulders, feeling his full power coursing through him. Why did he feel like he had been asleep for so long? Athos had been in his own world before he heard something land on the ground, being a face that he knew well, Ray Iburi. The man was an old student of his, but him being here was something he should've expected and upon seeing Ray his eyes would take a significant change.

Although they didn't change color, his black pupil took the intricate shape of his Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan and this showed the air contaminated with chakra, air that was only a few feet from him. But the man didn't react in a suspicious way either, instead his right hand would move to rub the back of his neck sheepishly but he'd actually press against a sealing jutsu that was hidden on his neck. The Ikisosō Tei seal on the back of his neck immediately expanded in 16 feet in each direction but there'd be no way to tell that it had activated, except that none of the invisible smoke would be allowed inside this area.

The seal focuses in pushing away enemy chakra, especially when it was in small amounts such as a Hidden Mist or similar. So, while this wouldn't protect him from any offensive jutsu, this would effectively stop any of the harmful chakra from just slipping into his body. Summoning a high amount of lightning energy within his right thumb, he'd use that cut to slice his finger out and draw blood before starting to move his index finger like a pen against his shirt on his side,"Better watch out who you are calling old, besides... You know I'm always ready to fight~"

Bijuu Arena / Re: Athos vs Ray- Slug on the line.
« on: May 20, 2018, 07:27:48 PM »
The youth had been traveling for, what felt like, over a week before sight of the broken and run down town came into view. It had been the first area seemingly dead since he had left the last village, this new area perfect for trying out this medicine that he had been left. The man had been avoiding it since he had woken up with none of his memories, resigning to taking this medicine until he was sure he was far from other people.

This youth stood at six feet and three inches tall, wearing a black shirt and gray pants with sandals as he slipped into a building that was barely holding itself together. From the small container of pure black pills did he pull one out, slipping it into his mouth, and swallowing it hesitantly. As he did, the man's muscles bulged and he fell to the ground in actual pain as blood began to slowly slip from his nose. Steam seemed to roll off his body as he seemed to go through a painful transformation, hair forcing itself to grow even longer and revealing a larger figure than before.

As the man stood up, he was now a six foot, seven inch tall man with eyes that turned from crimson into a golden hue. As his wall pressed against the wall to balance himself, it'd crumble under his touch and he'd awkwardly fall into the street and be left looking up at the sky. Groaning did the man stare at the sky but, meanwhile, Ray would have probably heard the building fall and the man's painful noises, if not feeling the large amount of chakra that came out of nowhere.

Excuse me, I am a ghost of the past that has come for his beast. So, something something challenge.

Come fight me, bro.

Bulletin Board / Re: Summary of Village Events and Leaders [wip]
« on: June 16, 2017, 04:41:34 PM »
Shinigami actually, haha
You're sacrificing your own people? .-.

Village Square / Re: Instant Negation of Genjutsu
« on: June 16, 2017, 04:32:54 PM »
You void Genjutsu and then hide from it entirely << Usually seems to work here.

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