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Messages - Lebis

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Game Related Discussions / Re: Lebis Quit?
« on: February 23, 2008, 05:08:21 PM »

What makes you think they still won't respect me? They respected me BECAUSE I spoke my mind to begin with. Because I wasn't afraid of you. Because I stand up to you.

And do you know why I don't respect you? Look around you. It's not blinding to see. Look what you've done... The new players like the server sure.. But there are a lot of veterans out there that don't.. and that's the reason why some of them left. Can you not see it? You're losing the first generation of Shinobi Legends.

hmm, well...usually you "stand up" to people by dealing with them directly, not complaining to others to such extreme degrees which after all the ranting & raving is finished - it stills resolves nothing.

You are DEFINITELY not one to talk about that. You didn't stand up to me. Just desired to to destroy my reputation a while back. You practically had people crawling under my skin for how badly they disliked me.

You didn't come to me and talk to me about what you disliked. You went to OTHER people. You're contradicting yourself with this statement. Like you said. It absolutely did NOT resolve anything between us. Just sparked an unquenchable inferno.

Game Related Discussions / Re: Lebis Quit?
« on: February 23, 2008, 03:49:09 PM »

Sadly, it seems she has now ruined I wanted to give her: a public good-bye with respect.

You said you don't respect my competence as admin, and distrust me on that behalf.

What makes you think they still won't respect me? They respected me BECAUSE I spoke my mind to begin with. Because I wasn't afraid of you. Because I stand up to you.

And do you know why I don't respect you? Look around you. It's not blinding to see. Look what you've done... The new players like the server sure.. But there are a lot of veterans out there that don't.. and that's the reason why some of them left. Can you not see it? You're losing the first generation of Shinobi Legends.

Spam / Re: Real life pictures. (NO SPAMMING)
« on: February 23, 2008, 03:19:29 PM »
I've seen that picture already before. A long time ago. :\

Game Related Discussions / Re: Lebis Quit?
« on: February 23, 2008, 03:17:19 PM »
I've seen all the words you've all sent to me. But it seems we have a lie.

"For over a year, almost two, she worked on SL and I respect her as a person with great personality."

Do NOT believe such treachery. While I was talking to Neji about this incident, he said my personality was the exact opposite from great. That I was manipulative, my personality was difficult, and how I bad-talked him for quite some time. Someone with a great personality does NOT slander someone, does NOT manipulate others, and does NOT have a difficult personality. Also, he claims to have "respected" me. Not respect me. He made that clear in the e-mail.

The reasons why I was banished from the staff is not internal. I spoke my mind about the server. I stated my opinions. I made sure everyone saw the perspective of someone who wasn't corrupted. Neji stated that the information, which happened to be my opinions mind you, was something he didn't appreciate. He wanted me to promote the site, make it seem better in someone elses eyes. But all of you know the stories of my brutal honesty. And so should've he. I'm almost positive I've told that man that I don't lie. And I know I've told most of you. But! I don't expect all of you to believe me. This should tell you though, either Neji or I am lying. And only the liar can confirm the truth.

I am slightly going to expect this to be erased before it reaches everyones eyes. But that just proves something even more to me. Something to hide. Something you're afraid of others seeing. And you cannot deny your guilt from averting other's attention in a downward spiralling path.

Messages / Re: Server Outtage
« on: January 27, 2008, 09:50:48 PM »
The database server had a crash again (this or the hardware, you it: it's the "usual" one)

though this was more severe obviously, I will be restoring data from 2h ago there.

Is it possible that I get the Kyuubi day I'm losing because I had just got a DK and not even gotten to level 1 before the crash.

Edit: I was just kidding. It came back up immediately after I posted. >_>

Game Related Discussions / Re: Graveyard Opinions
« on: January 26, 2008, 04:29:57 PM »
Orochimaru should be hard, on a side note.

I believe I said I'll tune that ^^ and I will.
But first I need the fight system, which is currently done by another programmer.

from what I coded, it SHOULD be hard in the graveyard, but not TOO hard.

I never caught that part. You might have said it when I wasn't here, so it was probably pushed back quite a few pages from other comments.

Game Related Discussions / Re: Graveyard Opinions
« on: January 26, 2008, 06:50:37 AM »
I've started out with the lack of present, yes. And it doesn't matter if I have full health, I'm still destroyed.

Game Related Discussions / Re: Graveyard Opinions
« on: January 26, 2008, 06:40:46 AM »
I have absolutely NO problem with the forest. Except today when Orochimaru decided he was going to hit me for 500+ twice and then some.

Game Related Discussions / Re: Graveyard Opinions
« on: January 26, 2008, 06:36:02 AM »
It seems EASIER at low dks.

Seems? There is no seems. It IS.

Game Related Discussions / Re: Graveyard Opinions
« on: January 26, 2008, 06:30:44 AM »
I'm just fine on Cerberus, Chimera, and Pegasus. But on Lebis, I don't see how it's possible.

Game Related Discussions / Re: Graveyard Opinions
« on: January 26, 2008, 02:40:07 AM »
I've had six. From last weekend.

Game Related Discussions / Graveyard Opinions
« on: January 26, 2008, 02:35:28 AM »
If you ask me, I think it's way to unstable and unpredictable. I've observed that when I die, it is literally impossible to win more than 2 torments in the graveyard. I've spoken with Baluski and he seems to have a very similar problem.

I am flustered that I am being hit for 7, normally 10+ hits in ONE round. And the 'get-hit-with-20-one round' and then get hit with 200+ the very next round, in the very same fight, against the very same person.

If that is the case, is a resurrect system even necessary? I just find it very ridiculous that, because it's based off of Psyche and Spirit (which CANNOT be altered) that it's near impossible to win.

Each time I've been killed since this update, I have not resurrected ONCE.

Anybody that is going to flame and says it's just me, don't post here. I have one particular person in mind. Maybe he/she has changed by now.

Spam / Re: Return
« on: January 21, 2008, 07:32:37 AM »
As we already talked,  I don't think there is much left to say.

Welcome back =).

Do you know how long you will be staying at your father's house?

Just until Monday night.

Spam / Return
« on: January 21, 2008, 12:57:37 AM »
I'm sure some of you have already caught word or may have even seen. But back as ever, I present myself.

But I'll still be inactive as internet means go. We're having food troubles, let alone money in all together. So I can only get on very very rarely. I'm at my fathers right now. But my god, it's great to be back.

Spam / Re: What's the most annoying nickname you have?
« on: December 30, 2007, 08:07:02 PM »
Glad to see Shikki can still go off topic. >_>
Err.. Most annyoing nickname? I'd have to say Lulu.. I don't really dislike it, but it annoys me the most of all.  Not a good one for a guy.. Oddly enough, it's Shikki's fault I got that one. >.<

Don't forget all the other nicknames. >> Fluffy, Fluffers. You know. Those ones. <<

Lebis called someone.

Well I did call Shukaku Naughty Nudist all the time.

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