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Messages - Trev

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Council / Re: [Bijuu Council] Agenda #3 - All of the things
« on: September 27, 2016, 09:48:43 PM »
I understand what you're saying. Basically keeping the Mazo for the first person to get all 9 basically encourages a hording culture of sorts.

But, truth be told, that's why I stated the rule. That culture is already established and thriving on SL; my suggestion on it seeked to compliment it. For example, Athos, weren't you the first person to challenge the council for all 9 bijuu?  ;)

Then this is my new proposed plan then. We add the Gedo Mazo to the voting list, bringing the things on there to 11. And then we elongate the deadline from Wednesday to Friday or Saturday. If you want to treat it like a bijuu, then I say treat him like a bijuu.

Alright, fair enough, Genny >>

And I'm not council but I like that newly suggested plan, so yay to that > : D

But that would also beg the question, could I put in a second challenge for it and fight for it, since it would be a late addition? And not just myself but anyone else already fighting a beast? o.o

I'm sure a lot of people would want the Mazo, maybe. So I can imagine it would get a lot of people fighting over it.

If it's gonna be treated exactly like a "biju" second challenges shouldn't be allowed, since it's no different than the rest. 1 challenge per person, people should be able to switch to the mazo should they wish though.

Although the other members have to vote, Chinote was of the opinion it be locked until the rest are distributed.

Council / Re: [Bijuu Council] Agenda #3 - All of the things
« on: September 26, 2016, 01:20:43 AM »
You know, i think being so overpowered, is also just due to the mindset of SL, nowadays.

You can ask Kay how often Silver was cripple din the past. Far too often within a single week. And yet there was some sort of fairness between a newbie and a veteran. This existed back then. It was part of the community. But with time, the sense of Fair play vanished. Instead of finding middle grounds, people would insist on their way, being THE WAY.

And what is it that we do? We who are the veterans now? We let this happen. We accept this, despite knowing that we could change it. Yes, this requires work. Yes it means you would go and actually hunt for the Bijuu. You would need to roleplay and someone would need to keep an eye on their activity.

I do not think it would be unfair to hunt after some Jinchuriki. In fact, it would be a challenge, something that is also dying out on SL. We need challenges and events. We need a fresh breeze. We would have a chance now.
The Bijuu would still be up to grabs, only within character. Would probably need an in character council as well. As for the attacks, we can just choose 9 zones and make them smaller villages at the border of the countries. Or anything we can think of,a free field for creativity here.

Time to think out of the box, i suppose...Also if those who wish to claim the Bijuu only wish to do that in order to show off, then aren't they against actual Roleplay? If all they do is hoard them , for the sake of hoarding, then...and i apologize if i am harsh now, then they are perhaps no good hosts.

It would be easier if we had events and got exp for these. And if we all had the chance to put exp into stats and said stats translated into chances for something to work right....ah..dice would make this all easier at times...but now i am too old fashioned again, sorry. Sometimes i dream.

And sometimes i want a mini bijuu as pet...ahem.

Overpowered isn't a mindset, it's the natural progress SL has always done. Things were fair back then, as the manga was not quite developed. A newbie actually stood a chance against a veteran. The strongest attacks back in the day were like chidori and rasengan. In part 1, genin level sasuke could hold his own against part one kakashi.

But the manga got more op and so did the players, cause more was available. I remember when Susanoo appeared and everyone thought that was unfair and we should nerf. Now susanoo is almost laughable to some players. As the manga developed, so did we as players. I don't believe it's a mindset. Only way to go back is if you banned part 2 naruto, that ain't going to happen.

I among others don't have a nostalgia for the past. I remember it almost being lawless, which some enjoyed, but I didn't. I would fight vets as a noob, and they would try to kill and sometimes they would (Shinro did kill me, but voided it) but there wasn't that much mercy towards newbies.

As I have said, and Eric also reiterated, hunting the biju would lead to their defeat without a nerf or power up. Most players on this site, can beat a biju in less than 3 posts should they choose to rush it.

As for IC jinch hunt, it was tried and failed. People just hide themselves from hunters, it didn't go well.

As for biju being a trophy, it is true some players treat them that way ( I do) but numerous others do not and rp with their biju (Athos comes to mind)

I get wanting to do things differently, but so far SL has shown it won't work. What has worked consistently during the various eras of SL? A straight up fight for the biju. Worked with Zen and Rai's time, works fairly well now.

I'm being negative, but the things you propose would require such fundamental change to SL. It's been tried and failed to nerf everyone, Shadow tried, and his nerf wasn't even that big of a nerf.

Also for the biju randomly attacking, as eric stated, how would you decide which biju attacks who? If you make the Kyuubi attack a certain group or village, some one may think you're biased.

Only solution I could possibly see is banning having multiple biju (Good luck with that) and they may become less of a trophy. Or use a very old biju rule and ban the formation of the ten tails. Then players may not want more than one, as a benefit to collecting them is to eventually form the ten tails, which becomes obsolete.

Council / Re: [Bijuu Council] Agenda #3 - All of the things
« on: September 25, 2016, 10:50:21 PM »

You may ignore me, or consider my words. This is all up to you. At this point I am not even sure, whether I am still part of the council, or not.

However. With the Bijuu more or less free, wouldn't this be the best time to revise the rules?
I know what you think.

Why, should we? This is too much work.

Work that we should consider. The Bijuu are supposed to be the biggest entities out there. And yet we handle them like trophies. They are less worth than Pokemon. How do we gain them? Mostly out of character.

I remember , our main issue was inactivity, and thus people hogging a Bijuu. But i do not think this should be the main reason for them to be handled OOC , only.

We fight and use them OOC. In fact, they are nonexistent on SL. After all, we only use them outside the actual game. So why do we even bicker and fight for them? They have no actual relevance, they are less worth than a badge or rank. At least right now as they are.

I say get them out of the Forum, entirely. Use them on SL only. Have mods and Gms watch over them. We can still handle something with the activity, have a blog if it has to be, but all challenges, all fights should be IC. Look or them IC. Fight for them IC.

Your character gets hurt? Gets injured? Well, perhaps it makes your character a better one?
This is roleplay. A character gets hurt, crippled even. A character may change over the course of time. This is how it is. This is the Thrill. You may attempt to plan ahead, but who says this will go your way?

In fact, it may just go a whole nother course!

I suggest waiting with the Bijuu right now. Have them on a Hold for distribution. I mean, they are not that important right now, so it shouldn't be too harmful to any player. Think of better and simpler rules, therefore giving newbies a chance as well.

Another Idea. The Bijuu just got free, why not have an event where they go rampage and attack villages and places? Then you can test ICly who would be up for it and who not. Wouldn't this be exciting?

Fodder for thought...

Several good ideas. But I have counter points.

1. You can try to hold redistributing them, but you already have several members of the community breathing on the council's neck, so good luck.

2. Good point on fighting for the biju on SL and not the forum. I just know some people prefer the forum, as fights in zones typically get interrupted or covered up by other people/ harder to see people's post broken up in pieces. But fair point.

3. IC fights are a bad idea, unless all contestants want them. With your character risking something, more people argue. Also you you want newbies to have a chance? Well IC fights aren't the way. In my time at SL, you know what I see when newbies fight a op vet on sl IC? They don't get hurt, or crippled, they die within 5 posts. They get frustrated their character was killed and they leave SL. If you want newbies to have a chance, it wouldn't be with an IC fight.

4. For the biju to be a threat to a village, the village would have to nerf themselves, or the biju would have to increase in power for the fight. Our roleplayers are like Madara who soloed all 9 biju at once. A whole village of madara's would take out a biju in 1 post. Unless you powered them up.

Village Square / Re: Edo zombie update
« on: September 25, 2016, 07:27:09 AM »
I was just wanting to make sure is all before I made a mistake rp wise. To be honest I haven't keep up with rules made in recent years.

It's not really a big issue. Kinda a buzz kill but that's all really.
And I get the unlimited chakra but no body ever really gets tired anymore anyways right? Or have things changed?

Anyways this leads me to my next question. My White Zetsu like clones. Are they out for the count as well?

I'm asking because they aren't really my clones but rather clones from the SGT I created when alive. Also the spores and seeds from my Mokuton that form into these clone like creatures or are birthed from pods.

To an extent, chakra is being eyed out lately in fights. I do it when I fight people a lot, as I'm usually not quick to beat, so by like page 3-5 on a forum fight, I tend to note my opponent should be depleted. There are chakra limits, but almost nobody is going to shoot themselves in the foot and mention it, up to you as the opponent.

Zetsu should be fine, as they aren't "clones" per say. And unlike an Edo clone, they won't have unlimited chakra. You should be fine.

Bijuu Arena / Re: [The SL Open] Challenger Thread
« on: September 25, 2016, 06:10:20 AM »
So something just occurred in the nine tails bracket. There are five people now. In the case the free for all doesn't occur or a sixth doesn't apply, how do we determine who gets a bye?

That's an open question to all of you.

One of the many problems. Use a randomizer to give someone a bye, or make one match a triple threat. It's not gonna be fair unless its break to an easy number 2,4,8,16, etc

I don't really see the issue with a fight taking time to complete. Are we not here to rp? And I for one am a person who takes pride in my rp and like to rp my things out completly.

Rushing something does more harm then good. Quality will fall and people will not get the full enjoyment.

Everyone makes mistakes. And if only the great fighters will win these fights then they should posses the ability to pick up on those mistakes.

What about characters who take time to set up their attacks and what not? If there is a limit I'm more inclined to just start off at full strength and go for a one hit kill to be honest. I'd rather win like that than a judge say who won an unfinished fight.

My general fighting style of to just defend and counter until I let my opponent hang themselves. I don't feel I can use that tactic here.

I personally think a post limit is necessary, although you could eliminate that with just a time cap instead (say 2-3 weeks and if you and your foe are active, you could reasonably get 20+ post in) So you could potentially convince people to get rid of a post cap in favor of just a time cap. Can't have both, else some of these biju (The nibi and Kyuubi) might take months to half a year to decide.

Although you make a good point that this tournament favors characters with quick kill techs, as like you I counter and evade my enemies. But I think we have to sacrifice it to get the beast all out. Once they are redistributed, everything returns to normal.

Village Square / Re: Edo zombie update
« on: September 25, 2016, 06:04:29 AM »
Clones are a no go, for edo rules it doesn't matter what is shown in the manga, only what the community decided like 3 years ago.

You can request the community to overturn it, but good luck. I'm attempting the same thing in another thread.

As for my opinion, as a former user of Edo Tensei and an unbound zombie, I say no to clones.

1. Randomized, unless said biju group opt for a group brawl. If people don't trust you for some reason, have a council member, or a mod run it.

2. I say start asap, with the posting order decided by who posts their entry first. Maybe give everyone till friday or sat to do their entry post.

3. I wouldn't be worried about it. If something comes up in the fight you think is inherently unfair/ would never be accepted, so take it to the judge of the fight. Not enough time to dissect everyone, for something that may or may not come up. If it does, let a judge decide and move on.

Bijuu Arena / Re: [The SL Open] Challenger Thread
« on: September 24, 2016, 09:37:41 PM »
I don't think a giant brawl would be good, as I prefer 1v1 style bracket (Although brackets are problematic if you don't have easy numbers to deal with; 2,4,8,16, etc)

But if everyone in said match agrees, I say they should be allowed to, but all must agree. I'd hate to be the judge for that match though. So many complaints, and god forbid it reach the post limit. It's hard enough for a judge to decide the winner between two people, nevermind more. It also could create an unfair fight, if participants in said brawl decide to team up before facing each other at the end. Someone could potentially be walking into a 3 v 1 right off the bat.

Edit addition. Also for a group fight, other things have to be considered, like the time limit of the fight. If the fights only last 2-3 weeks, and seven days are allowed between post. Well, you may only get like up to 5 posts total before the limit is hit >.>

But that's just me being a pessimistic. If the combatants want it, I say go for it.

Council / Re: [Bijuu Council] Agenda #3 - All of the things
« on: September 24, 2016, 09:30:11 PM »
I feel the same way, let the contestants pick as it has always been. I was just wondering if we should make a list of people that want to judge this, as I imagine some might not. Also some of the contestants I've never seen fight before, so idk if they know who are usually used and is willing to be a judge, etc. But if the fighters can do it between themselves with no reference, then it's whatever.

Council / Re: [Bijuu Council] Agenda #3 - All of the things
« on: September 24, 2016, 03:02:05 AM »
I'd personally say move down to 10 posts per person (Perhaps excluding intro posts).

That and as Eric and Chinote say, put a 2 week or longer time cap, else some of these biju wont be redistributed for awhile.

As for judges for the fight, like I said before, just a general list of good judges, or people who want to judge will do. Than contestants can pick and continue on.

Village Square / Re: Biju rules?
« on: September 22, 2016, 11:49:58 PM »
Edo Tenseis are functionally immortal, have limitless stamina, and depending on teh whims of the summoner, may come with a wide variety of transplants already. I'm with Kamui, no Edo Tensei zombie jinchurikii nor masters.

They can also completely be immobilized for 3 long turns by cutting off a limb. Also any transplant given to a zombie, means that said zombie has given up a power to receive said implant.

But like I said, if the community hates it, nothing to be done about it. Right now it's 2-2, so I'll invite more people to create a dialog. If it starts to turn into an overwhelming no, I'll just lock this here thread.

Council / Re: Future Council Structure [Discussion]
« on: September 22, 2016, 05:30:45 PM »
Agreeing with Trev, I don't really think anything is wrong with the council. I do think suitable replacements should be found for Eric and Silver, as they have sadly been unresponsive.

I think due to the typical preference to have GMs step in and RP as beasts when necessary, I'd like to avoid having GMs on the council as I think it is a conflict of interest. I think the council should consist of people very much concerned with helping things better for other players and very much not concerned with possessing or helping friends possess beasts in any way.

Also agreeing with Chinote, I'd just like to have a little more structure. Particularly with dual topics created specifically and at the same time, so that we can see community comments about beast issues but deliberate between the group of us in a more cohesive string that is not broken up by the persuasive, logical arguments the other community members would like to present for our consideration.

Set up an offsite private chat room for council members? That or petition Neji to make group chats.

Council / Re: Future Council Structure [Discussion]
« on: September 22, 2016, 05:13:12 AM »
I personally don't think anything is wrong. Council has done fine. Has done great balancing the current rules, and not over stepping it's boundaries.

Done great with this gigantic bomb too. 3/5 members promptly responded in under a week. That's pretty darn good. Only complaint if I think Silver is out and has been out based on what he said on July 17th. Someone should have confirmed him gone and replaced him. Other than that, fine as is.

Spam / Re: People on SL
« on: September 22, 2016, 04:41:14 AM »


I just disconnected before my win registered to make you feel better. Git gud scrub.

Floyd Mayweather once lost in the Olympics cause the judges were bribed. A wins a win

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