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Messages - RichardUchiha

Pages: 1 [2]
Spam / Re: Who misses KoinuInuzuka?
« on: May 18, 2008, 07:32:56 AM »
I miss my Koi FISH!

Good. ^^ Now tell more people about this poll! >>

Spam / Who misses KoinuInuzuka?
« on: May 18, 2008, 05:04:09 AM »
Alright! A person named KoinuInuzuka deleted her account a while ago and I'm trying to convince her to come back, but she thinks nobody misses her. Help me prove her wrong! Please?  :D

Ah, and leaving comments to motivate her to come back would be highly appreciated. >.>

Feature Requests / Re: Clan Applicant Restriction
« on: May 16, 2008, 07:23:01 PM »
but if a player makes 10 chars, and applies with all of them, you refuse + block them, and then he makes 10 more, does that sound less work?

Uhm, I'm not trying to sound like an expert or anything but I think people wouldn't do that. He/She must be really desperate XD. Anyway, I think I know this clan *ahem* and I must say, the leader might really just need this block list feature

You are correct. She needs it. A lot. >>

Feature Requests / Re: Clan Applicant Restriction
« on: May 15, 2008, 06:59:17 PM »
you're sounding really lazy right now ._.

I may be lazy, but that doesn't count, I'm not a person who handles applicans. >.>

Feature Requests / Re: Clan Applicant Restriction
« on: May 15, 2008, 12:15:23 AM »
shut down all applications.

tell in your description applicants have to MAIL an RPG application to one of your leaders.

and then a timeframe to join is opened to let them apply ingame, if worthy.

idea? =)

I considered that, but I'd think it wouldn't be very easy. Both the leader and applicant would have to be on at the same time, which might be very difficult for clans with a large amount of members and aplicants, especally because of all the time zones.

Um then PM people saying your going to open the applications for a certain day. Take the people you want, kick the others out and then just lock the applications again <_< Once enough people PM you to apply just open them again.

Again, takes a lot more work. .-. You'd have to do that for every applicant. And not everyone is on every day.

Feature Requests / Re: Clan Applicant Restriction
« on: May 13, 2008, 10:45:51 PM »
shut down all applications.

tell in your description applicants have to MAIL an RPG application to one of your leaders.

and then a timeframe to join is opened to let them apply ingame, if worthy.

idea? =)

I considered that, but I'd think it wouldn't be very easy. Both the leader and applicant would have to be on at the same time, which might be very difficult for clans with a large amount of members and aplicants, especally because of all the time zones. Thought it'd be much more convenient this way.

Feature Requests / Re: Clan Applicant Restriction
« on: May 13, 2008, 01:03:17 AM »
All you are asking for is a block list if I am not mistaken.
Members have the ability to apply to clan and if the leader doesn't like it, well the leader just keep on kicking that person out, kind of troublesome.
I don't think I have seen someone try that in the clan I'm in, so I wonder if this is really that important.

Adding a block list can let the leader choose who cannot enter in, but it can be with or without a reason. So for no apparent reason a leader can put someone on a block list or just because they don't like how he/she acts. Though, it doesn't make a difference because the leader can kick that member out with or without a block list. So the potential of the block list being manipulated can be a little, but it doesn't make much of a difference because they can just kick him/her out anytime.

I don't see the use of a block list right now, others might.

Are you still having problems with a member doing that to you? If so, multiple ones or just one?

Our clan leader's been trying to deal with plenty of them, yes. And believe me, from what she's told me, I'd think it gets extremely frustrating.

Feature Requests / Re: Clan Applicant Restriction
« on: May 12, 2008, 11:37:13 PM »
Well, first the player would have applicated for a number of times within a time limit! THEN a Restriction can be made on it.

There are peple who have applied numerous times to my clan within a short amout of time, each time being rejected. That's KINDA one of the reasons I started this topic. :P

Feature Requests / Re: Clan Applicant Restriction
« on: May 12, 2008, 01:47:29 PM »
Ah, and before I forget, I have to apologise for not posting this in the "Clan Requests" catagory. I didn't see it when I was looking for the button to add a new topic, sorry. ^^;

Feature Requests / Re: Clan Applicant Restriction
« on: May 12, 2008, 01:43:57 PM »
Ignoring the player won't stop their clan applications.

If they were to use an alt then either they'd have to behave like the clan requires, or they'd just get kicked out again. Win-win. ;D

Feature Requests / Re: Clan Applicant Restriction
« on: May 12, 2008, 01:31:26 AM »
how do you know in advance whom you don't like? Oo

I don't put in a blocklist for specific people, if they apply to your clan, you can ignore them or throw them out.

if you want to have only a few people in, block all applications, open them for a short period to let the targetted people apply, then close it.


Why don't people get this? x.x

I mean something like a Black List, to block people who are applying REPEATEDLY that have alreay been rejected multiple times from applying again. It's rather inconvenient to have to have bot the leader and applicant on at the same time to do your suggestion, consdering the different time zones. If they were to switch to allow applicants and then had to log off to wait for the other person's application then more would come through. Makes more work than there should be.

An example, kinda: Clan leader X gets continuous applications from Applicant Y. Clan Leader X tells to stp aplying on multiple occasions, yet they refuse to listen and continue applying. So, Clan Leader X places them on the 'Black List', or whatever, and all future appliactions from that person are denied.

This should be very helpful to clans who have tons of applicants every day. With all those members there's sur to be peoplewho were bad members and were kicked out. And if they were to set it to block all applications then they would get a ton of email asking for hem to enter. There's another problem, because a lot of people on here don't use their Mail Archieve, so their box gets ful rather moderately.

Actually I should've poted all this in my first message, sorry. ._.;

Feature Requests / Re: Clan Applicant Restriction
« on: May 11, 2008, 05:58:58 AM »
there's already an option that stops all applications, if a person wants to be admitted simply PM the leader and ask for it to be open so they may apply.

I'm talking about an option that'll block individual users, rather than everyone.

Feature Requests / Clan Applicant Restriction
« on: May 11, 2008, 05:49:25 AM »
Hello forums! A good friend of mine gave me the idea for a clan feature.

Now a lot of people out there are probably bugged by repeat applicants. So I was thinking it'd be a nice idea to add something to block users from applying to the clans. It'd take a lot of annoyance away from the clan member who handle member applications, so... whaddaya think? :D

- Richard Uchiha

Feature Requests / Re: Naming your Seal/Tatoo
« on: July 08, 2007, 05:33:36 PM »
that's an interesting idea.
i remember different seals in the anime too. i'm not sure about it: a earth seal, and a sky seal, or something like that (sasuke and kimimaro).

instead of:
seal: curse seal
we could have in the bio:
curse seal: sky/earth/random seal

and it could cost 300 dpoints, just like naming your weapon, or 500, like naming your mount

Sasuke's is the Curse Seal of Heaven. Anyhow, we should add a gem cost in addition to the point cost.  :twisted: 

I'm literally drooling over the idea for the Seal; but as for the Seven Star, I don't see the point in naming the tattoo. At all.

Actually, I was focusing more around the Curse Seal, but it seems fair to make it both. People who laready have SST might get mad that they can't name it. So, it might be a good idea to put it in along with this too.

Feature Requests / Naming your Seal/Tatoo
« on: July 08, 2007, 03:05:55 PM »
Okay, there are a lot of people on here with CS and SST. Really, it doesn't seem likely that Orochimaru would give it to that many people, so I was thinking we could name them. It could be an option to put in the Mission Headquarters, costing donation points, of course.

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