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Messages - Vail

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 16
Village Square / Re: Instant Negation of Genjutsu
« on: June 15, 2017, 11:26:48 PM »

I'm still in support of Eric's suggestion: "I would prefer genjutsu requiring an action of the target at the very least along with no insta-release, even for sharingan users, especially those who do not specialize in genjutsu (no, I don't see how you specialize in genjutsu without a single genjutsu technique in your arsenal)."

Village Square / Re: Chakra Counting
« on: June 15, 2017, 05:25:07 AM »
That's why for non-IC fights I tend to just assume that no one's chakra is going to run out. Ultimately it doesn't really matter to me anyway, since my style of fighting relies more on low-chakra techniques and lots of close quarters fighting. I used to use a lot of flashy stuff but it's far less fun to spam something like Tengai Shinsei or other obviously chakra taxing techniques to get the win versus picking them apart methodically with simpler techniques. Better for strategic thinking too, in my opinion.

As for IC, though, if I did find myself in a roleplay in which I'm using a lot of chakra taxing techniques, then I'd probably base it on the ranking of the jutsu itself, what it does, its area of effect, etc. I try to relegate my level of OPness depending on whom I interacting with in the first place, so I've been involved in situations that would require that kind of chakra usage are few and far between anyway.

Village Square / Re: Chakra Counting
« on: June 14, 2017, 06:29:40 PM »

Even using percentages to determine how much chakra you have can end up back firing in a fight because people likely have different opinions of how much chakra certain techniques take to use. Sure, you may say that one rasenshuriken is 1/10th of your chakra, but someone else may say that a rasenshuriken should only take 1/25th, and so on.

I'm aware that for a person with a greater pool of chakra, then rasenshuriken would use up less of their total chakra, but that's not what I'm getting at. I mean if you were to attach an integer value to it, like 500 for the use of rasenshuriken, then another person might say it's worth only 250 or something.

Therefore, I think it's easier just to assume that both combatants have an infinite supply of chakra for OOC fights. IC interactions can be taken on a case-by case basis for convenience for the writers involved.

Bulletin Board / Re: Summary of Village Events and Leaders [wip]
« on: June 12, 2017, 06:36:57 PM »
Shinigami actually, haha

Tobias Augustus Keys
Battle Method
1 v 1 OOC Death-match
Preferred Medium
SL Forums, though a zone is acceptable

Preferred Judges
Shadow, Athos, Bec

(Grace Period Ends 06/22/17)
Current Challengers

My Rules

Don't be afraid to get hit. I understand that this is a game of words and you're reading what's going to happen at any given time, but you cannot use that knowledge to give your character any sense of a way around it. If it's not IC revealed by a character's words or actions, then you cant IC act upon it.

You can't be aware of something that your character shouldn't be aware of. This ties into the last rule on a much more absolute scale. This means everything, Location, State of Being, Techniques used, Seals used, Sensing concealed Chakra.

If you want to trash talk in the fight, I'm for it, but please keep the cursing down to a minimum. I want an authentic fight, complete with strong emotions if they can be brought out. And leave my mama out of this >.>

If there's a technique or any piece of equipment that either party wants, they can put those on the line as well. Though seeing as how I have a Biju, you can only chose one thing, while I can attempt to get two things from you (If you don't have a Bjiu as well).

If you want to make the fight interesting, you can shoot your idea to me and we can talk about it in private.

Judge(s) Info

Once a judge is agreed upon, either before the fight starts or the first time a decision is needed, they are the judge for the rest of the fight.

The Challenger and Jinchuriki each have a one time ability to boot a judge. If the agreed upon judge makes a decision just so despicable that you need to get a new one you can say that after this decision you are requesting a new judge. Each participant can do this ONCE, and NOT while a decision is being made. Once a new judge is picked they are the set judge for the rest of the fight, or until the remaining boot is used on them.

Resets and Claims

You cannot borrow techniques from your friends like Dust Release or Hirashin. You can only use what abilities and tools you have In-Character during the fight.

I do not enforce you to have in-game kg in order to claim kg in rp. The abilities claim to have must have been in your possession prior to issuing a challenge and must have been verified through RP in some manner.


If you take 7 days to post, the fight will be called off and you will be declared the loser. Note that the timer does not reset if you posted once and then have to repost.

Everyone gets ONE repost only.

Even if you use clones or summons, you still only get 3 actions.

How to Challenge and Prerequisites

If the challenger has a bijuu(s) they will be putting said beast(s) on the line as well.

Because I'm in a situation where my techniques don't have separate pages, I'm not going to be an A-hole and force a challenger to have a page for their techniques. Even then, as shinobi/kunoichi, I expect aces up one's sleeve, as long as it's within the range of your character and you have a record of at least being able to do whatever it is you're attempting to do.

I would just like it to be known that you've used something before you send a challenge to me, so train up and get stronger, because I like a challenge. While I said I don't care about whether you have links to your techniques, but if you attempt to do something that's completely outlandish, I would like the link sent to my PM either on here or SL so that I can see it.

If you link to a weapon that says you can seal chakra into it that's fine. However if in the fight you try to say it can unseal chakra from it I will void that. It is not my fault you didn't write that into your weapons ability when you sent the link.

If you found a way to bring a technique from out of the Naruto world, I would like to know the logic you're using to claim it. I'm an understanding person, so I'm not going to be an A-hole about it.


Swift Release
Body Revival Technique (If used to survive opening the 8th Gate. That was made before we knew what the 8th Gate does, regeneration does not let you tank disintegrating into ash.)
Uchiha Return
Hijutsu: Kirisame
Anything that we talked about in PMs that I or you are not allowed to use in the fight.
Claiming to be smarter than me / superior to me in anything related to processing speed or power of the brain. Also claiming to be better versed in technology than me. You're not.
Absolute Zero nonsense. I try not to let my science knowledge to interfere too much, but this is just one thing I can’t allow.
Moving at the speed of light. Same reason as above.
Other absurd scientific nonsense.

------------------------------------------------------- MISC -------------------------------------------------------
[|] For those who like to be cheeky [|]

No you cannot run away from the fight. Doing so will result in you being voided.
No you cannot have your chakra touch me and then FTG to me. You MUST emote placing a seal.
Attempts to escape Kamui will be voided. Opinions on the matter are varied and based solely on assumption. We can only go on what is known and that is it has never shown you can so you can't.

Basically keep an archive of everything you claim to have/use and rp in a normal manner. Do not try to bend the rules. The above extras are perfect examples of what not to try.

Subject to change anytime I feel like it

(Had to shamelessly rip off Jay's template who ripped off my template who ripped off Shadow's template because it was so nice. <3)

Bulletin Board / Re: Summary of Village Events and Leaders [wip]
« on: June 12, 2017, 10:16:04 AM »
"Lord Tobias has issued a mandate for all colonies under Uzushiogakure's control pledge 60 citizens per month. Responses to this edict have been varied. "

To Uzushiogakure to sacrifice. Sorry.

60 citizens to what?

Bulletin Board / Re: Summary of Village Events and Leaders [wip]
« on: June 10, 2017, 06:10:43 PM »
"Lord Tobias has issued a mandate for all colonies under Uzushiogakure's control pledge 60 citizens per month. Responses to this edict have been varied. "

Rules/Foundation / Re: Summoned Biju Rule Proposal 2 (vote)
« on: June 09, 2017, 05:07:12 PM »

Rules/Foundation / Re: Summoned Biju Rule Proposal 5 (vote)
« on: June 09, 2017, 05:07:05 PM »

Rules/Foundation / Re: Summoned Biju Rule Proposal 4 (vote)
« on: June 09, 2017, 05:06:49 PM »

Rules/Foundation / Re: Summon Biju Rule Proposal 3 (vote)
« on: June 09, 2017, 05:06:31 PM »

Rules/Foundation / Re: Summoned Biju Rule Proposal 1 (Vote)
« on: June 09, 2017, 05:05:31 PM »

Naruto / Re: Boruto Chapter 11 (Actual new content)
« on: June 07, 2017, 10:42:13 PM »
Agreed, Tomi. That's exactly how I'm planning to do it in one of the roleplays I'm carrying out in Uzushio. Multiple failed attempts at cloning a certain someone before we finally get it right.

Village Square / Re: Using juts without a heart
« on: June 01, 2017, 09:16:41 PM »
If he still has a nervous system, he will still be able to move around for a time. As to whether he'll still be able to perform jutsu - his ability to do so will be severely diminished because as Shadow noted, the heart holds a large portion of the person's chakra. Depending on how the fight has gone thus far (I haven't been following), Athos may or may not have already used a significant portion of his chakra. If he has, then he'll be even worse off.

In the second Naruto Fanbook, Kishimoto stated that one thing that could kill Hidan was malnutrition. Well, using a little SCIENCE! we can see that without a heart, Athos will eventually lose the fight. Why? Cellular respiration.

Without a heart pumping blood through Athos' body, there's no way to transport oxygen to different parts of his body. The blood is just going to pool in his extremities. No blood circulation means no diffusion of new oxygen molecules across cell membranes throughout his body. No new oxygen molecules means no production of ATP (the "energy" source that the body uses for everything). No ATP means no movement, no speaking, no production of chakra, nothing.

In the case of malnutrition and starvation: The two things you need to  produce ATP (technically there's more things you need, but they're intermediate products in the entire cellular respiration process that are produced from oxygen and glucose) are glucose (the carbohydrate we get from foods) and oxygen. No glucose, you still can't produce ATP.

This is a grossly simplified explanation, but it serves its purpose. SCIENCE, BITCH!

To be fair, science can't really be applied to this situation :o Mainly due to the fact that Hidan was a severed head and still cursing up a storm. That should be impossible considering there's no lungs for air to go into and out of. And I don't remember exactly the damage done, but if he didn't have his larynx then it shouldn't be possible for him to make noise at all either. And the whole thing about blood could be thrown out the window too because in my personal experience, severed carotid arteries usually result in unresponsiveness in about 10-15 seconds. Because Hidan was still wide awake and angry the whole time when he should be unconscious, you can't really use blood as an argument. :P So in the end, it's a manga so it's all silly ninja magic.

Kishimoto said that malnutrition killed him. I provided a reasonable explanation as to why that is, given what we know about why we eat anyway.

Village Square / Re: Using juts without a heart
« on: May 31, 2017, 10:07:25 PM »
My question is if jutsu can still be used and if he can heal. And having a pierced heart is way different than having it removed altogether. 9-tails not entirely mastered, of the seal breaks then he no longer has that to use, and if he doesn't surrender after all that, to be able to come back and in some form finish him off should not be the chore.

If he still has a nervous system, he will still be able to move around for a time. As to whether he'll still be able to perform jutsu - his ability to do so will be severely diminished because as Shadow noted, the heart holds a large portion of the person's chakra. Depending on how the fight has gone thus far (I haven't been following), Athos may or may not have already used a significant portion of his chakra. If he has, then he'll be even worse off.

In the second Naruto Fanbook, Kishimoto stated that one thing that could kill Hidan was malnutrition. Well, using a little SCIENCE! we can see that without a heart, Athos will eventually lose the fight. Why? Cellular respiration.

Without a heart pumping blood through Athos' body, there's no way to transport oxygen to different parts of his body. The blood is just going to pool in his extremities. No blood circulation means no diffusion of new oxygen molecules across cell membranes throughout his body. No new oxygen molecules means no production of ATP (the "energy" source that the body uses for everything). No ATP means no movement, no speaking, no production of chakra, nothing.

In the case of malnutrition and starvation: The two things you need to  produce ATP (technically there's more things you need, but they're intermediate products in the entire cellular respiration process that are produced from oxygen and glucose) are glucose (the carbohydrate we get from foods) and oxygen. No glucose, you still can't produce ATP.

This is a grossly simplified explanation, but it serves its purpose. SCIENCE, BITCH!

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