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Messages - HollowAizen

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Feature Requests / Re: New KG
« on: September 15, 2010, 01:42:16 PM »
Tch...the only ones I can actully with have to be:
Swift, Steel and Dark.
We shall work on each one at a time to avoid confusion. I say we start with Swift. For jutsu's I have a new source. Have any of you seen the Naruto RPGs? There are plenty of jutsus on  them.
Moving back onto Swift there are my current idea:
Stage One: Adds 10 onto your speed stat.
Stage Two: Adds 20 onto your speed stat. First jutsu become usable;Swift Release: Shadowless Flight. This lets you become invunerbale for one turn.
Stage Three: Adss 30 onto your speed stat. Second jutsu becomes usable; Swift Release: Eight Crainial Note. This lets out a sonic boom that stuns opponent a few turns.

Okay reap me up guys.

P.S. Sorry for posting on an old topic.

Feature Requests / Re: Susanoo
« on: September 15, 2010, 01:29:36 PM »
The earned part is what raises a question.

How does one "earn" it? Sasuke?
Nahh I would say that you could find a Sharingan user in the Forest.....or in PvP's you could target Sharingan would have to get something like, I donno: 10-20 kills.

Feature Requests / Re: SST and CS Redo
« on: September 15, 2010, 01:25:14 PM »
Ice told me to come to this lets see. Majorly I agree with this idea, cuz it would make the site more Cannon.
Those in the middle of ink accumulation... what'd happen to them?

Good point, maybe they come across an event in the forest that makes them pass out (Because of a frog did something)
they wake up without the seal and instead ____

Not very good, but it thin it gets the point across.
Now I like this. It is an easy ans quick way to change the SST to Sage Mode.
If you want to get into the specifics I already have a topic open that had been disscussing that.

Feature Requests / Re: Sage Mode
« on: September 11, 2010, 12:17:53 PM »
Well this topic didn't get finished and since I LOVE multitasking, I bring this topic back.
Now lets see. I think since Sage Mode empowers the user I think that the jutsus used during SM should be more powerful. Now how do we limit this...?

Feature Requests / Re: Chidori
« on: September 10, 2010, 12:47:01 PM »
Holy Carp I'm not that popular .... -31 !!!Still I guess it would actully be a bit diificult to do....the PMs it would make it unweildy and I guess all I can do now is wait for someone to attack or add to the idea.

Feature Requests / Re: Chidori
« on: September 10, 2010, 09:51:35 AM »
I agree that is why I shall PM you what I have come up can thne forward it onto others who are active and might help.

Feature Requests / Re: Chidori
« on: September 10, 2010, 04:15:58 AM »
Looks like my topic has been taken away from me...xD  No complaits though
Well for to learn the jutsu from MR. K I have an idea.....however it will require a new item. Mr.K loves romantic novels..right? Say you collected them the same way as an ordinary item....then at a random event you can sell them to him...after you have given him enough novels he might decided to him teach you...of course you can lose them the same way as other these become Quest Items really, tell me what you think of that?
I thought if you have any quest items in your inventory, you can't lose them. So if this were to work, they cannot be classified as quest items.
I know this because I have yet to lose any of my keys. So, yeah.

I highly doubt that Kakashi would teach somebody Chidori just for selling him those pervy books.

If anything, it might be involved in another event. Maybe you could steal them from Jiraiya and then give them to Kakashi as a pre-release.
But like I said, that would most likely be a different event.

I like that....but yes it would become a different event and thus confuse people hopefuly...

Feature Requests / Re: Multiplule Chakra Affinites.
« on: September 09, 2010, 12:43:36 PM »
When you go to the training grounds you can only spent one point at a time, this prevents you from being able to have two level 12 or 13 elemental jutsus....I also later implaied that you could to combinations with the elements...using Fuuton or Raiton to incresse Suitons power....

Feature Requests / Re: A use for Kabuto kills
« on: September 09, 2010, 12:40:55 PM »
I have an idea for this:
Since Kabuto is a minor villan, you could use the kill points in a slightly simualr way to Oro's.
Each Kabuto is worth 10% of an Oro after you have killled him ten times you can incresse one of your stats...
Now I shall wait to be yelled at.

Feature Requests / Re: Chidori
« on: September 09, 2010, 12:34:48 PM »
Looks like my topic has been taken away from me...xD  No complaits though
Well for to learn the jutsu from MR. K I have an idea.....however it will require a new item. Mr.K loves romantic novels..right? Say you collected them the same way as an ordinary item....then at a random event you can sell them to him...after you have given him enough novels he might decided to him teach you...of course you can lose them the same way as other these become Quest Items really, tell me what you think of that?

Game Related Discussions / Re: So we have a new KG, Mokuton....
« on: August 02, 2010, 11:41:50 AM »
I don't belive you people...
My Rinngan topic was largly sucssesful towards the end.
I ment to edit that 'I've been putting up  possible KG's some have been sucsesful.' post.
I'm very sorry that you happened to misinterprit it. By the way, I;m hardly a newbie any more...

Feature Requests / Re: Chidori
« on: August 01, 2010, 08:06:00 AM »
Thank you Ran we were getting off topic.
I might create a clone topic later.

Feature Requests / Re: Chidori
« on: July 31, 2010, 11:38:46 AM »
No,no,no,no. You don't understand. I meant with jutsus. And the bushins would have the same health as the user. Mabye not that would be OP.
But they should have their own move list.

Feature Requests / Re: Chidori
« on: July 31, 2010, 01:49:20 AM »
Well these clones could attack. Considered that?
Multiple Bushin Punch? All your clones punch at once.
My way of creating them would be that you devided your chakra so that you only have a set amount of clones that you can make. And I think it would be nice for the sitter to get something unique, only for them.

Feature Requests / Re: Chidori
« on: July 30, 2010, 07:10:45 AM »
I was thinking about Tajuu Kage Bunshin. But still have too come up with the specificts. Such as how much cahkra needs to be used, a limit too the amount of clones and so on. ( I already have the answers to these.)

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