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Messages - Thecurse

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Village Square / Re: Is the Rinnegan still legit?
« on: June 19, 2014, 08:09:11 PM »
Yup, Eric hit the nail on the head with that one. Rinnegan is essentially God Mode incarnate vs a good chunk of SL. All the things, like Eric said, that Kirk mentioned that are more op than Rinne on it's own aren't; atleast in my opinion.

Dust release!
Pfffft, Preta path

Everything else!!
Pffft almighty push...

Okay! Taijutsu!
Nuke? >> no no nvm, Human path.

If you're not of the top 10% of Shinobi and you're fairing against a fully decked Rinne goodluck xDD

And the act of multidimensional "ghost Kage-Kage Bunshins" at their disposal is meh. I say they have enough toys already.

As for the topic itself, I say keep it like it is. I'm an un-biased opinion. The diversity is good for role-play, but don't act like Rinnegan isn't op, I mean the very 1st path gives you the option to level an enter village into ruble...and that's just Shinrai Tensei. I can't count how many times people have attempted the Bansho Ten'in Kamui combo on me xDD but i digress.

So yeah, keep the ball rolling I guess.

Village Square / Re: Magic Ears
« on: December 20, 2013, 05:43:25 PM »

AGREE WITH FINDING A LOLPEACE (police, get it? [lol > pol / peace > lice]):

Gotta say, that was pretty bad bro~

Village Square / Re: Magic Ears
« on: December 20, 2013, 08:51:40 AM »
Do people not realize the voting was for either having us compromise or finding a judge..?
Honestly, no. I saw where it was stated and all but I didn't know if it was accepted. [Guess I must've skimmed a bit] To be honesty I think a compromise would be just as troublesome as this all so I'm voting for a judge to end all this.

Village Square / Re: Magic Ears
« on: December 20, 2013, 08:42:30 AM »
P.s. I was in L.nin months before Fifty even joined the site. He joined when Shikamaru was the Hokage I believe. I had joined when Rank was Hokage, although she soon betrayed the clan.
Yeah, I was around while Rank was Hokage also. I remember when I used to Zone with her back when I was still pretty fresh but memory doesn't serve her as well.

Village Square / Re: Magic Ears
« on: December 20, 2013, 08:07:46 AM »
If this is indeed coming down to a vote, mine would go toward Yujo's argument.

Village Square / Re: Magic Ears
« on: December 20, 2013, 07:32:30 AM »
Indeed. I can change my vote as I wish. Anger had nothing to do with it. I had changed my mind to Rakudo's favor before hand due to know information and understanding. Kyu's post playing a large role in such along with me having been wrong about the timing. If Rakudo noted me under the ground then that does place him encasing your Kamui. Anything otherwise would make your post meta-gaming on a few terms.

Regardless I'm not one to make an opinion based on anger. Rather my actions in rp will reflect that. I was for compromise not judge. You came here so lets settle it here therefor to move this along I castes a vote.

Also yes I questioned Rakudo's actions some but the thing is that was not playing a role in this as no one else seemed to take it into account but rather timing and location where the factors. So if there is no compromise then I feel Rakudo's post is legit.

Also this Lonoha isn't the Konoha I gave my full heart and loyalty to. This is like spitting on the graves of all my old comrades that fought and sacrificed for the village you dirty like that. No this is not Konoha it died long ago. Hopefully the few who still are of that time will understand this... Rise Neo-Konoha <L.nin>

Oh one more thing my breed is what once made Konoha and SL a great village and site. At least we could have fun and rp efficiently. Sure we are the idiots and god-modera yet we could settle a fight in a few hours and not have to take a week a post.

Like you Kirk, I was L. nin a long time ago; Possibly before even Fifty. I understand your cross but I'm not sure you're going through the right channels my friend. Instead of promoting revolt, I feel it'd be best to go about a more peaceful way. I can promise you that you won't find your vision of a better Leaf at the end of this path. I urge you to consider this before you do something rash for "United we stand, divided we fall." True it's cliche, but with it comes wisdom.

Village Square / Re: Magic Ears
« on: December 19, 2013, 06:22:19 AM »

I activate my Byakugan, Yujo is walking toward the window, Kirk is under the ground beneath me.

My intent is to zoom in on the Hokage mansion (I have two Byakugan eyes and my Rinnegan in my Third Eye Technique FYI Kirk) but since I get my 360 vision when I activate them I see Kirk coming up toward Samehada, so I Raiton Shunshin to grab Samehada and get out of the way before he can touch it, which causes me to be moving as Yujo looks out the window to Kamui me.

Here is where it gets fun, as I found out we are literally on opposite ends of the village from one another. So lets hypothetically say Konoha is a mere mile wide.

That my friends is several man sharpshooting at targets that are 5/8th of a mile away. The targets are those teeny white things all the way in the background. Still not as far as me and Yujo in our hypothetical scenario. Now we all know Konoha is larger than one mile wide. So, who here can honestly say (other than Yujo) that Yujo can hit one of the fastest possible moving targets with a Kamui the size of a BASEBALL at, lets modestly say, double that distance. He's really gonna no scope head shot me there? Really?

I am moving BEFORE, the Kamui hits me, that is why I am saying I avoid it. Yujo has to move his eyes to my head, and at the point I am already moving. Increase the distance in that pic by two or three times and then for good measure shoot the targets out of a cannon perpendicularly away from the shooter.

Is there REALLY anyone here heavily lobotomized enough to say that "Oh yeah he's got you dead to rights man." Nathan? Yujo? Kirk? Anyone? REALLY?!?

The fact that you managed to do that from your phone is commendable by my flip phone standards. Oh, and it makes some sense too, that's a plus.  :P

Alright there are some key variables you are ignoring.

First off I seriously doubt that either of those sharp-shooters have a Doujutsu, let alone the Sharingan. They have the Optic vision of a naked mole rat in comparison. Furthermore, They lack the the high vantage point of the Hokage mansion. 

Naruto / Re: No Getting around this Uchiha's; it's cannon
« on: June 02, 2013, 08:49:29 PM »
If Itachi seriously thought Sasuke wouldn't return to Konoha if he reinforced the objective for vengeance and avenge the family name, then I don't think Itachi would have bothered sparing Sasuke in the first place, let alone allow himself to die in the later fight between the two.

And do you consider spiked brownies on school children evil? Even if they don't know that the brownies are spiked?  :?:

On a serious note, with the Madara Plan argument, you would consider the very making of laws evil, since it isn't like everyone is thrilled about the idea of having to stop at a traffic light, or a stop sign, or go 15 in a residential...

Spiking brownies and giving them to children is a horrible act bro, though I'm not quite sure if I could call it evil; there's to many factors to consider and it's a hypercritical question so it no use.
And laws go through channels, and through those channels they are either rejected or accepted. I can relate this situation to Madara trying to become president, with 2 votes going for him (Obito and himself) and 6 billion against him (The Shinobi Alliance). He just say's screw yall and takes the seat anyways by force.

Naruto / Re: Naruto 632
« on: June 02, 2013, 08:38:28 PM »
I can second that notion. Speaking of which, why did Minato bother going into tailed beast mode if he has limitless chakra? I just realized how much more odd that little detail makes the transformation.

*Edit: I screwed up the quote insertion, fixed.

Good remind Kurama of his Prison rape days? Who knows either it was for a better quality of attack or something (Just spit-balling) or maybe it haven't been revealed quite yet.

Naruto / Re: No Getting around this Uchiha's; it's cannon
« on: May 05, 2013, 02:17:17 AM »
Messed up? He is going to give everyone their dream world, just like the Pyramid things in the Pendragon series, and they will go happy go lucky about their daily lives. Of course, most of the shinobi world doesn't see it that way, so they reject and resist his plan for world domination, since he will ultimately be in control of the genjutsu.

And doing what you think is right, regardless of whether it's 'evil' or 'good', is the nature of a solid person. Itachi did what he thought was right; the guy could see alot of things, but what Sasuke turned into he couldn't have forseen until Itachi knocked Sasuke down another notch right after the Chunin Exam events. Rares could be considered evil by plently, but arguably, he could have also been considered pretty darn good for an Uchiha of great power.

But as you say, it's in perspective.

Giving everyone their dream world is the wrong choice of words. Forcing something on someone against their will and claiming it to be for the better is pretty messed up bro, and comparable to "mind rape" lol. And as for Sasuke, Itachi couldn't foresee it happening? You mean to tell me he fit so much into his plan to which came to past but he couldn't see that using Tsukoyomi twice on his brother and forcing him to experience the death of his parents and family over and over would mess him up? I doubt it.

Naruto / Re: No Getting around this Uchiha's; it's cannon
« on: April 01, 2013, 12:05:08 AM »
Hatred fuels the eyes, not evil. There is a significant difference, unless you are evil just for being hateful towards something.

I wouldn't even consider Madara evil, all things considered. Looking at it from his point of view, I wouldn't think of him as evil to the extent of being able to do what he has so far done.

Well, again it's on perspective. That hatred drove him to evil things (Opinion) so though it's more indirect, it's still evil (Again, my opinion). Casting an illusion on the entire world to enforce his vision of peace (Considering that this is his plan and kishi doesn't pull out a twist) is pretty messed up, even as Antagonists go.

Naruto / Re: No Getting around this Uchiha's; it's cannon
« on: March 31, 2013, 11:52:22 PM »
I just can't really describe Itachi as evil..... He did some hateful and bad shit perhaps but evil is not a word that comes to my mind when I think about him.

Well Like many thing's thats all about perspective, I myself count his actions as evil but I do understand the other side of things. Yeah he did it for peace and all but he did mindlessly slaughter his clansmen. Yeah it was for the sake of "Peace" but in my opinion he should've teamed with Madara and stood alongside his Family in the coup'e; again, only my feelings. He also turned his brother into a hate driven sociopath who will more than likely not have a happy ending; add this to the buckets of trama to little Sasuke's life and he'd been better off dying in the coup'e.

In short: Itachi's actions = FAIL

Feature Requests / Re: Obtainable Biju
« on: March 30, 2013, 04:59:30 PM »
It'd be kinda fun to rp someone who have put stacks toward becoming a "Pseudo- Jinchuriki". Jist a thought you guys so don't bite my head off xD.
That way I think it could actually be implemented in game somewhat, and still have our regular Jinchuriki like Zen walking around with kyubi~ Of course it'd be limits rp-wise ect. but I just thought of it as being a fun new thought is all. :]

Naruto / No Getting around this Uchiha's; it's cannon
« on: March 30, 2013, 04:21:43 PM »
Alright so I'm following the Manga like many of the rest of you may be. And it would seem the Uchiha's are in fact some evil mothers. The stronger the eyes on the uchiha, the more evil the person; and I think it should be considered on SL to reflect this as many players either follow legitimacy like it's a bible. So how about it? I myself am pure Uchiha (GM) So drop some comments in what you think about this. ;)

                                                                                                                                                                                         -The awesomeness that is Curse


Discussions / Re: Top 10 current fastest SL shinobi.
« on: November 07, 2012, 05:56:34 PM »
Yeah, and Zojin just explained pretty much everything >> owned.

Also, I feel the issue of speed should be solved by considering those with taijutsu resets to be "specialist" in the subject. I mean whats really the point of getting the gates or the bone pulse if someone can simply claim to be faster and/or more agile than you; especially true in terms of raw speed. I'm not saying there wouldn't be exceptions to the rule, only that the exception would be of the vast minority if any.

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