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Messages - Uchiha Sasuke

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Naruto / Naruto 693
« on: September 25, 2014, 12:01:32 PM »

Feature Requests / Re: IC/OOC option on village boards
« on: August 26, 2014, 07:00:09 AM »
He does notice it, just keep in mind too he has a life and is very busy. :)

Naruto style Hentai?

Absolutely not.

You'd do it if it was more Taraka hentai. >.>
No, I would not.
Those don't get shared.

Getting off that subject and back to the main subject~

I'm thinking of maybe doing a few.
I finally got a test server running at home to play with. (Thanks to the help of a friend!)  I'm thinking of doing a few possibly.

This was the Sasuke one I based off of one of them on here; however, I'm not done. This was just an example. I want to do other characters.

Feature Requests / Re: IC/OOC option on village boards
« on: August 21, 2014, 04:30:00 AM »
Not a bad idea at all, honestly.

Naruto / Re: Naruto 689
« on: August 20, 2014, 07:14:37 PM »
I know this isn't a thing, but I really can't get past the idea Kakashi just tossed Sakura at her from the Susanoo.
Be all, "Girl I got your headband, kick her ass."

Though, not a bad chapter.
Just would like some sealing..

Discussions / Re: Village Changes (Rework)
« on: August 16, 2014, 05:26:17 AM »
Please do not bump threads from two years ago.
Please create a new one.

If they don't read your bio, why do you think they'd read/care about what your disclaimer says? They're obviously just trying for DP.

Also, I wouldn't call it lazy. Lazy indicates they have to do that as a prerequisite to messaging you. They have the ability to message without going through your profile.


Village Square / Re: Battle in Kiri
« on: June 02, 2014, 07:57:44 AM »
I don't disagree with a toll just I know people will come on here saying he'll be dead in 10 mins or some other bs thing. I needed to show evidence that he WILL continue to live many, many years after this. Even if it takes 10 years off his lifespan.

 I'm fine with this. Just he's going to take a toll if he's using Gedo Mazo and he will need time post battle to at least spend time repairing so he can't jump into an assault right after.
 Otherwise, I'm okay with this and the post stands and how he took his damages and everything. Just make a repost to make it current and know if you decide you DO want to use Mazo, you're going to be effected by a toll on your body Hazama. SO you can't go into one big ass battle literally right after this as it will take TIME. Time to heal. Time to repair. Ect.

That's my final say.

Village Square / Re: Battle in Kiri
« on: June 02, 2014, 07:50:38 AM »
I understand Neel is a max reset body. He's going to be able to handle summoning Gedo, sure. Though, given a dead soul is being bound to a live soul, using Gedo Mazo would at least cause some type of toll on the body. I have no problem with him summoning it, but I'd say it at least come at SOME sort of price. Having a deceased soul that is bounded to a living vessel; makes it  almost impossible to use certain techniques when that vessel your bounded to in the world of the living is your anchor to the world. In this case Gedo Mazo seemed a technique that could fall under this; however, I have no problem with it being plausible or him summoning it.

 Just there is going to be some type of price for it in fairness and for the sake of both parties even. If anything, I'm feeling for this to actually be plausible SOMETHING is going to happen to his host body. I.e. it would rot at an accelerated rate or he's going to need to take time post battle to actually repair damages on the body in RP. Just for the sake of it all.  At least REPAIR damages from using it. I.e. 
in order to increase his survival capabilities, such as stretching and bending his body, reconnecting any severed parts, and shedding his skin to heal injuries.
 Just for something at least for the aspect of it being used I feel he's at least going to take some type of toll on it. 

Either, way I think Hazama is okay using it. Just for the sake of an even ground for both parties and as the neutral party. There WILL be a toll on using it.

You asked me to judge. THAT is your answer.

Also, either way. Hazama at least repost it so we don't have to stare at pages upon pages of OOC and you guys can actually get back to that battle you guys wanted to do so much.

Village Square / Re: Battle in Kiri
« on: June 02, 2014, 07:11:29 AM »
 Alright, before this gets entirely out of hand I'm going to make it clear to everyone here that I was supposed to be brought in here as a final judge on this.  I am not involved in this Kiri fight and I do not intend to become involved so I am basing this as a neutral party as I do have friends fighting on both sides; however, before taking this all to heart let me make this first VERY clear. While I may be both a game master and moderator, we are not to dictate how RP is done on this site.  Everyone has their own style of it so I'm basing this judgement as a veteran to the site. This has nothing to do with the fact I'm listed as GM since everyone has their own style and I know it's argued often for a clear set of RP rules, but once again, we do not dictate that.

Given the OOC stuff in Kiri is getting out of hand, I'm going to go over the contested post and reasoning behind my opinion on it as I was asked to judge it from both Isa and Bocc alike.

We need a judge. That much is certain. We need to figure out several things;

a) Should Haz be able to summon the Mazo at all?
b) Should Haz be able to ignore damage to the extent that he did?
c) Should Haz be able to recover (recover as in, not healing, but gathering himself and assessing his situation, essentially) from being blown about as he was in such a way as to be able to then summon the Mazo, fly around for a bit, and fire some chakra lightning blasts?

First off to address if he should be able to summon Mazo:
 Hazama used Living Corpse Reincarnation from the body of The Demoℵ Wℌo ℑs ♕ηεεℒ. Given the body switch he used holds both the maxed out Uchiha and Senju abilities: Yes. Mazo would be viable as something he would be able to summon; however, I would say at a price. Given a deceased soul is bound to a living person, I think summoning Mazo would come at a larger toll on Hazama's host body. While a host body would rot over time just like it did to Orochimaru over the years, I think it would come down more harshly on a body of someone summoning something something much more  powerful like the Mazo. Therefore, his host body would probably rot at an accelerated rate if using such an ability as the Mazo because the way the actual TYPE of summon it would be and the amount of energy it would take to do so. Though, it is most certainly plausible he would be able too; however, Hazama if you do this your body is going to take a much more powerful toll since it is a hosted body. So I'd say rather then years you may be looking at months. I understand you have reincarnation so for sake of RP and fairness, if this is summoned it'll take a huge toll on your host body. I do find it a fair post in this essence.  Which, I know can be changed later by finding a new host. Just know if you do this now, it'll effect the body big time. I see this as a fair plausible solution to actually using Gedo Mazo 

B) Should Hazama ignore the damage to the extent that he did?
   With this, I can actually say I had no qualm about the way he handled his attack.  As we've seen from the Kaguya bloodline, the bone's will bolster alot of pressure from an attack. So even if he was hit, I feel he'd be able to take it. He did get launched into a building and acknowledge he was hit. I'm entirely okay with how this was done. As far as a "concussion" goes to a Kaguya, let's be realistic here. We have seen Naruto and Sasuke fight and if you paid attention to Kimmimaro's battes as well, I cannot see a concussion happening. Also, let's also add the element of Jashinism. Internal organs, or brain issues here, I'm not seeing him being effected by this either. I mean, look at Hidan. He did get launched, so I have no problem with this as it was something he acknowledged. He didn't completely blow it off.

C) Should Haz be able to recover (recover as in, not healing, but gathering himself and assessing his situation, essentially) from being blown about as he was in such a way as to be able to then summon the Mazo, fly around for a bit, and fire some chakra lightning blasts?

  Given he was aware of what was going on and been launched in said direction to soften the blow and with the Kaguya armor, I'm sure he would of had to at least been thinking of a way to counteract regardless. If you're in battle you're relying on instinct and trying to predict the moves of your opponent. Though, don't take that as in you know exactly what's going to happen next.  Given he was blown up from an attack, the recovery was fine and I am okay with that. Also, as I said Gedo Mazo was okay, I see that as fair; however, as I addressed in the first question. Gedo Mazo WILL take a huge toll on the body. So that needs to be considered. He would have to counter and he chose to use this as his method. Lets say you were in this siuation, you're flying in the air and open for an attack. You would need to be thinking of what you'd do next or you're gonna suffer something else on the way down or while you're airborn.

My final say in the whole matter here is: I'm actually going to call for Hazama to make a repost on it. As it also needs done regardless given the actual fact Kiri is flooded with OOC and if you want to continue your battle. Hazama, I am okay with your recover, with how you handled the damage, and the fact you have the proper resets of both Senju and Uchiha, Gedo Mazo is completely plausible; however, I'm going to make this clear right now. If you want to decide to use Gedo Mazo, give you are a soul bound to a living vessel from a reincarnation it WILL take a huge toll on your body and cause your host body at an accelerated rate given the fact you would wind up deteriorating. I do know you're a jashinist; however, you're still facing the fact you are simply using this body as a host body. If you are going to keep Gedo Mazo in play for it, you WILL need to find a new host later due to the fact it will cause this vessel Hazama is in to rot faster.  Jashinism or not. Also, explain it all so the fight can be picked up and continued from there.  So it is your call to use the mazo and accept the fact you will have it take a toll on your body or you can redo this post. I have no issue with how you made your recovery given jashinisim and the Kaugya blood.

That is my say on the matter from a neutral standpoint.

Naruto / Re: Naruto 678
« on: June 01, 2014, 12:01:19 PM »

Village Square / Re: KG Claims
« on: March 08, 2014, 07:37:52 AM »
I'm going to throw my five cents out here too.
I much rather prefer the KG reset method. I only say that because with how ridiculous the manga is going currently and this being an open thing, I'm going to see Academy student six sage madara's everywhere left and right.
No offense to you people who don't like that method, but seriously I've seen it and that crud is ridiculous.

Spam / Re: A Shinobi Legend
« on: March 05, 2014, 06:37:04 AM »

because this is how people play :D

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