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Messages - Mioku

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Village Square / Re: 9 tails too
« on: September 13, 2014, 03:38:12 PM »
And here we have one of the fundamental flaws with SL that is pretty impossible to solve as basically when it comes to the rules it can all end up boiling down to.. Who's the most aggressive. It's nearly impossible to be a biju host if you don't dedicate yourself 24/7 to SL which is kinda silly and unfair in a way. (Not completely. Just partially) And I feel like most rules favor the hunter other than the host although that is slowly starting to change. That's just my two cents since someone like Zenaku who has done so much really shouldn't get shafted and stripped here because of life unless he fully acknowledges that he won't be able to do his duties as a host.

But of course there will have to be a line crossed where it's like.. Okay nothing is gonna change anytime soon and we should discuss this.

Village Square / Re: SSM Scroll
« on: June 28, 2014, 05:47:48 PM »
Oh goodie. My turn. *Ahem* *Water sip* First things first.. This is not the tale of Old man Mioku telling the kids to get off his lawn while he hoards a treasure chest of candy he's actually allergic to or something. I mean first of all.. I find this whole thing insulting as I see talk about how Kiri is this and that or how we're impossible to negotiate with when.. I was never even approached about this to negotiate until the topic was even made. What? And maybe things have really changed, but shouldn't the forum be the last place to go unless it's really going nowhere? Something as trivial as this should be brought up with the people involved in it first and have it be discussed. A message linking me to the wiki and saying "Hey I think this seal is a little ridiculous and this is why.. Thoughts?" Would have came a looooong way, and I could have responded and this topic wouldn't even exist. I mean pretty much anyone can tell you that I'm not an unreasonable person. I'm usually the one trying to please both sides even when both are being completely and utterly insane since well.. It's just RP. Most things can and should (KeyWord) be resolved with basically being respectful since honestly, what is being anything else going to do other than annoy the other person and make them want to be spiteful? And right now, to me considering all the crap going on in the Kiri RP bringing this up here without anyone talking to me is basically a media stunt to be like.. "Hey look how wrong they are compared to us and we're the victims!" Even if that's not the intention.

I know I'm pretty off topic but this just struck a personal chord with me and I want to clear things up.

I am not trying to keep some tyrannical hold on the swords so they don't ever ever ever leave Kiri and I always have control of them. I would like them to stay within Kirigakure to use them to help and promote activity and make people want to join the SSM just as Oto does with Ototon. Everyone seems to agree that that's not the problem. It's the seal. A seal which isn't actually affecting anyone right now but helping me keep tabs until everything was settled, since things involving the SSM were chaotic ever since I first stepped down, and because everything dealing with the swords had only led to arguments with no progress ever getting made.

Otherwise I agree with Isa on what he said about the seal since it's never been used and was bound to be changed anyway.

Village Square / Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
« on: October 31, 2013, 11:46:33 AM »
I'm actually curious to see how this works if it's implemented. Because although it is a good idea.. It takes that ONE person to turn even the best idea into the worst idea. That's just the SL cycle. Something happens it's new, It works, everyone loves it, One person abuses it by finding some loophole or whatever.. (Said person sometimes has a following of 'respected' friends to back him/her up on their terrible decision.) And it all goes downhill from there until the person is completely discredited or it comes here to the forums. I'm not talking about one particular event is just what I've seen over the years.

So before everyone just jumps on it and says go for it bro! There should be a better plan B option just in case. And I know that's not always possible since you can't control everything and everyone and not everyone will agree with everything. Buuuut it's still something I think should be kept in mind.

Well I don't currently disagree or agree with Kiri becoming 'evil' I do want to throw in that Terumii even said that 'That time when Yagara was kage is over etc.' And they seem to have a much better outlook on things, considering that now the Mizukage has two Kekkei Genkais back when they did used to execute anyone who had one back when (Assuming) Yagara (Madara?) was Kage and the one still remaining Swordsman of the Mist isn't an insane power hungry killer defector like the others, (That are talked about) are/were. Also we don't know if before Yagara was Mizukage they were still knee deep in all of this evil and death. >_>

Being that most opinions and facts kinda come from a Konoha nin, it seems that the most 'evil' were Kumo and Iwa since they fought against them the most, and Kumo did that whole head ninja stunt to get the Byakugan.

Spam / Re: Valentine event
« on: February 15, 2009, 09:11:39 PM »
Oh it does something  ;) what is it? I'll never tell but of course someone else will

Game Related Discussions / Re: Anyone know the porpose of the midnewdays?
« on: December 02, 2008, 06:59:33 AM »
Theres nothing special about it its just the middle of the game day that the maintenance happens making the game a little slower then for a bit and not around the time the newday starts

Spam / Re: Naruto 426
« on: November 29, 2008, 07:31:54 AM »
We get to see Konohamaru fight! XD he uses the sexy jutsu and all of pains bodies die ending the manga *Nods*
Except one of the bodies is female >.>
Then he uses the yaoi sexy justu.

Good save but if he even tries to use it im getting 5$ from my friend XD

Spam / Re: Naruto 426
« on: November 29, 2008, 01:17:58 AM »
We get to see Konohamaru fight! XD he uses the sexy jutsu and all of pains bodies die ending the manga *Nods*

Spam / Re: Characters that you would like to see in Kingdom Hearts
« on: October 07, 2008, 12:25:34 AM »
Well the people from the Dragon Quest/Warrior series could be brought in

Spam / Re: Real life pictures. (NO SPAMMING)
« on: September 02, 2008, 11:35:59 AM »
Mioku Cat!!

This is the true meaning of boredom >.>

Spam / Re: Happy Birthday!!
« on: August 28, 2008, 08:48:34 AM »
Happy Birthday even though you hate me too >_>

Spam / Re: The Government is at it again....
« on: August 24, 2008, 09:49:38 AM »
How the hell do topics end up like this? o_o someone needs to make a step by step graph on how topics end up from the government to killing someone in slow motion >>

Spam / Re: Isaac Hayes dead?!
« on: August 21, 2008, 08:54:07 PM »
OH! Then, i take Will smith back, since hes awesome. >_>

... MIOKU! <<;;

What the hell? o_O

i cant believe hes dead o_o and i thought the way they killed him in south park was bad
falling off of a bridge onto a pointy stick, getting eaten, struck by lightning, bar, and other crap? >>

and then being turned into a darth vader pedo? >>

yes that >_>

Spam / Re: Isaac Hayes dead?!
« on: August 21, 2008, 11:01:07 AM »
OH! Then, i take Will smith back, since hes awesome. >_>

... MIOKU! <<;;

What the hell? o_O

i cant believe hes dead o_o and i thought the way they killed him in south park was bad

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