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Messages - Teostra

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Village Square / Re: Technology Progression
« on: May 24, 2015, 07:30:05 AM »
It's pretty funny that people say things like "No! Ninjas can't have guns!" but it's perfectly fine when you shoot a bone bullet out of your fingertips and describe that it's traveling at the same speed at an actual bullet (usually, they say the caliber). But also, it's more penetrative than a bullet too. Or just swap out bone bullet with *INSERT ELEMENT HERE* bullet and it's the same thing. Hell, I saw someone once in the zones with basically a kunai gatling gun (holy heck, that'd be terrifying. Like a chainsaw shotgun). Or maybe it was doton, I don't remember.

And why do you even need technology? The cities all apparently have giant barriers around them (and people can probably project these barriers too, up to several km) that acts better than sonar and can detect EVERYTHING, even stuff beneath the ground. I mean seriously, when you have stuff like that but gripe over an iPod (an example) you should realize that your priorities are probably in the wrong place.

Naruto / Re: Naruto Gaiden: Chapter 4
« on: May 21, 2015, 06:00:33 PM »
Why would he waste his minutes? Plus, he'd get slapped with roaming charges.

Naruto / Re: Naruto Gaiden: Chapter 3
« on: May 18, 2015, 03:37:34 AM »

Maybe they have something to do with this. And why is that guy's eye stapled open? o.O

Village Square / Re: Max Power for Characters?
« on: May 12, 2015, 11:06:45 PM »
Well, back then we didn't have to describe what every individual eyelash was doing in order for others to pick apart the one nosehair that we missed so that they can attack that weak point for massive damage. Sure, it's nice to have all that descriptive flair when it comes to RP and story, but when it comes to a fight does everyone really want to trudge through a long post in order to make sense of it to figure out how to respond?
I'd hope not. And I'd hope that people have enough imagination to basically fill in the blanks during combat. Basically, follow the chekhov's gun rule. If it's necessary for the combat, post about it. If it's not, then don't waste everyone's time.

Village Square / Re: Drug Use with Characters
« on: May 12, 2015, 09:36:24 PM »
Does everyone realize how retarded this whole topic is?
"Wah! Drugs are bad, look at all these reasons!"
"No, drugs are good, look at all these reasons! And look at all the other bad stuff on this site!"

Basically, everyone's acting like a moron. We can debate as much as we want, but until Neji (who is the site's owner) comes out and says whether or not he wants drug use displayed on the main site (because I know all of the sick stuff that happens behind locked doors in PMs. Y'all should be ashamed), we won't get a good answer and it'll just be people flinging mud at each other. All that will do is make an even more cancerous community for people to play this game in.

If anything, we should be focused on fixing the community of this website so more people have fun together!

This topic in a nutshell:

Feature Requests / Re: Clan Link Option
« on: May 12, 2015, 09:31:38 PM »
I believe that this should be an option in the clan hall portion of the game.
For example, let's say ACad Doe is in Konoha's clan. He is tasked out to go do a mission and 'spy on' Amegakure (which is only a clan, and not a village).
In order for this to happen, ACad Doe would select an option that would be something like 'Visit another clan' or 'Talk to other clan' and then pick Amegakure.
This would send a request to the clan leader that Doe wants to visit and, just like adding a new clan member, he'd be allowed to hand out a visiting pass. Of course, if the leader of Ame finds out Doe's true intention, he could revoke the pass (should be done RP-wise, to make it more fun though :P)
Kind of like giving out keys to dwellings, but people would have to request the keys instead of you just manually giving them away.

Village Square / Re: Max Power for Characters?
« on: May 12, 2015, 05:37:29 PM »
Teostra's really strong. He's basically like if you mixed a buffed Natsu from Fairy Tail (funny enough, Teo was around before that manga), a weakened Iceman from Marvel, and Bohemian Rhapsody from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (if anyone reads that series).
All that stuff makes him almost impossibly strong. But, despite all that, I still give him faults and he can still be defeated. Why? Because it'd be boring to win all the time >_> Plus, people don't like the guy who is constantly winning.
Even if I do beat someone, I usually help them out by recovering their wounds (at a cost to me) and offer to teach them...But since I don't RP anymore, I don't think that'll happen.
That, and fights aren't like they used to be. I remember back before you were allowed (c) or +'s at the end of your post. And back when that started to be a thing, usually, it was a silent agreement that you only got three posts to do what you wanted to do.

Village Square / Re: Max Power for Characters?
« on: May 10, 2015, 04:50:45 PM »
Everyone in this thread that's discussing how powerful characters can be, will not make their character any weaker. Instead, they'll just use this topic as an excuse to tell other people that their characters are too strong.

Village Square / Re: SL News
« on: May 02, 2015, 04:37:19 AM »
Skyrim has been ruining my life, for the past week.

Because of that mod fiasco?

Village Square / Re: Claimed things and inactive people
« on: May 01, 2015, 05:18:53 PM »
I don't see why you're making such a big fuss over this. My example is that I summon jellyfish and other sea beasties. The claims list has all the things I summon as 'claimed'. That doesn't mean I'm going to stop using them (since I've been using them since before a claimed list even existed).
If you're just interested in ONLY following the canon, then I can understand why you'd be a bit butthurt, but if you're really following the canon then you should just go all the way and not use any custom stuff (like custom jutsu/sage mode/whatever).
But if someone's away for a long time, then the item should be up for grabs and I think that as long as you have a good RP where your character finds the item, you can take it. If that person comes back to the game saying that they want their item back, then you guys can talk to each other about it. It's not like the canon stuff is that good compared to the custom stuff that's made anyway :/


I believe this is an accurate representation of the people who argue about the stupidest things when it comes to RP.

Naruto / Kakashi's real face
« on: April 25, 2015, 08:22:56 AM »
Here it is, folks. Revealed in the book that came with Kakashi Gaiden. Revealed when he meets that woman he falls in love with.

Also, apparently it was revealed long, long ago. We just never realized it.

Game Related Discussions / Re: Most unique fighting style?
« on: April 25, 2015, 08:10:35 AM »
Back in the day when Kg weren't in the game and it was still Naruto. Nothing added or anything people used to fight at lower levels than we do now because the limitations back then were low.

That's BS and you know it, Shadow. Before KG were introduced, people did whatever they wanted to do and it was generally accepted. Around that time, the Twilight movies were coming out and we had a huge influx of vampire/werewolf characters. Things were still very relaxed and everyone was about having fun.
Before even that time, when there were only four jutsu to pick from, it was even crazier. Because there wasn't much to pull from the Naruto source because it was pre-timeskip. Because of that (and probably because a lot of us were young teens) there were almost no limits. A whole bunch of original jutsus were being made daily. A lot of stuff was ripped from other manga like DBZ, YuYu Hakusho, and One Piece.
Things got how they are today sometime after reborns were introduced...Likely around 2009-2011. It really went downhill when that SLS thing reared its ugly head and people weren't 'considered official to RP' unless they signed up there. That's when all the regulations started up and everyone started being butthurt about everything.
I don't know if it was because a lot of us got older or what, but people hardly actually RP'd as a genin or chuunin (unless that was their rank in the game. Then they usually did. Back then, it was Oro Kills not resets that mattered though)

So yeah, don't BS. This game was never JUST Naruto back then. People just had more imagination back then.

Village Square / Re: Hiraishin (flying Thunder God) LIST
« on: April 24, 2015, 05:14:43 AM »
More so I don't get why it's allowed, but everyone else doesn't mind it so I cannot just neglect it because I don't like it.

It's allowed because it's both do-able and also makes things interesting. Heck, you could almost consider reverse-engineering jutsu canon considering that Oro in a way learned how to do Edo in a similar way. A lot of the jutsu he learned was through experimentation and devilish means.
Plus, that opens up RP channels for people who want to have scientist-like characters like myself >_>

Messages / Re: Text Issues
« on: April 23, 2015, 04:35:16 AM »
Problem with the text when killing Orochimaru.

The Orochimaru pauses, breathing heavily before continuing, "I will tell you a secret. Behind me now are my successors. They will hatch, and the young will battle each other. Only one will survive, but he will be the strongest. He will quickly grow, and be as powerful as me and inherit my mind." Breath comes shorter and shallower for the Orochimaru.

Problem one. "The Orochimaru pauses..." and "shallower for the Orochimaru."
Could you get rid of those 'the's? They're kind of pointless. And about the hatching thing...I know that it was a green dragon we were originally killing, but could you change the text to something like..

Orochimaru pauses, breathing heavily before continuing, "I will tell you a secret. Behind me now are my successors. The experiments will complete, and they  will battle each other. Only one will survive, but he will be the strongest. I will transfer my mind to his body, and be more powerful than before." Breath comes shorter and shallower for Orochimaru.

Just an idea. If you could think of something better to change it to, then do that. I figured that would be okay considering Oro swapped bodies every so often.

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