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Messages - Teostra

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Village Square / Re: Rules of Shinobi Legends Warfare
« on: April 20, 2015, 07:00:03 AM »
Back then, there also wasn't a whole bunch of NPCs. Rarely people used NPCs for more than just transporting stuff. Couriers basically. Now, everyone's become much more political and people who try to be evil on their own tend to be voided.

Another issue is that everyone is just so powerful that not much happens at all. It's kind of the same reason why they never make Superman videogames. How are you going to have fun playing a character that is basically a god? Of course, people have always been super powerful, but back then everyone had their own niche and talents. Now, everyone's just senjutsu this and sage mode that. :/ The uniqueness is gone.

Naruto / Re: Naruto Secret Chronicles
« on: April 20, 2015, 02:35:40 AM »
You gotta remember that it's still technically non-canon for those sticklers that like to focus on the Naruto-canon. It's written by other authors and illustrated by Kishi. It'd be like trying to say that the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure novels are canon. They're cool nonetheless, but too bad it's just filler :(

Game Related Discussions / Could the forum be mention in the MotD?
« on: April 10, 2015, 05:11:55 PM »
Simple as it is, Neji. Just mention in the MotD that there is a game forum where people can discuss the game or other stuff. Some new faces around here would probably be pretty nice. :P Especially the fact that there's only a handful of faces around here. I'm sure some of the newer people here don't even realize this place exists.

Village Square / Re: How much does Rank play a role in RP?
« on: April 10, 2015, 06:19:56 AM »
I really agree with you, Keito. It's too bad a lot of RP just boils down to some people RPing by themselves to gain power or just someone picking fights with people. There's some good stuff going on right now in some of the cities that involves a whole bunch of people. That's something I really like because we didn't have that kind of stuff (or at least organized :P) back in the day.
Only problem I see with events like that is that whoever's GMing it needs to set time limits for rotations. So if you don't post in the limit, you get skipped and the action hits you (if something going to hit you, that is >_>).
And as for GMs, we need more and a lot of them. But like I said in a previous topic, I too believe that GMs should be appointed for different areas and only have unlimited access to the zones. Also, I think that if someone is appointed a GM, they need to keep on top of things and make things interesting.

But back on topic. Back in the olden days of SL, people used to RP whatever they wanted to RP and it was generally accepted. People didn't care when people turned into monsters or used things that weren't canon to the naruto-verse (I remember someone who was basically Hiei from Yu-Yu Hakusho and someone else who used a Devil Fruit from One Piece. I did too, but I retconned that <_<). And there was no such things as claiming. But back then, rank and reputation also kind of equaled RP.
It's hard to measure things in our RP world too. Is there any difference between someone who just starts the game and starts claiming everything but the kitchen sink and someone who buys a fully decked out reset account claiming the same thing? Is it a kind of discrimination that's basically "I've been here longer so no matter what I'm better than you in every way?" Is it a glass ceiling that constantly gets higher the closer you get to it for the newbies? Or do you just let them have what they claim?

And people also need to get along. We're part of the community that keeps this place going. I know lots of people don't go on the forum, but those that do have mostly been with it for the long haul. If everyone keeps slinging mud at everyone, eventually this place will devolve into one single RP post and everyone complaining about it via PMs. What happened to just going with the flow like we used to back in the day?

Village Square / Re: Defending against Amaterasu
« on: April 09, 2015, 03:29:26 AM »
A) Naruto was not immediately burned by the black flames as a direct result of his tailed beast cloak chakra "armor" (for the sake of context)

B) The cloak did not stretch in order to get rid of the Amaterasu.

C) Either Sasuke manually extinguished the flames or the flames went away some other way, since when Naruto doesn't have his cloak and he goes in to get Sasuke he not only has performed the shadow clone jutsu (which requires two hands mind you) but clearly does not have a serious burn on either of his hands, meaning the black flames became non-factor at some point.

It kind of looks like Naruto flings off the chakra cloak that was getting burned. Basically, taking the part that was getting burned and slinging it off as if it was a giant booger or something. So, the part of the cloak that got flung off was still getting burned. But technically, all we're doing here is inferring based off of what we saw. Until it's animated, we might not know what happened.

Village Square / Re: How much does Rank play a role in RP?
« on: April 09, 2015, 02:06:55 AM »
What about those people who make alts (with literal ALT) in their name and start RPing on the level of the real account? I never really understood that whole thing. Or do you give them a pass because you know who they really are?

Village Square / Do you read bios when you RP?
« on: April 01, 2015, 04:49:39 AM »
Question's as simple as the title. When you're RPing with another player, do you take the time to read the character bio of whoever they're interacting with?
I'm kind of asking because I figure that if people took the time to read each other's bios and if people put a little bit of info about a technique into their bio, it might help make RPing a little easier. That way people won't have to make redundant posts.

For example, we'll use ACad Eykad, who has some super magical ninja staff that always has fire shooting out of both ends, is gold and purple, and covered in silver rings that jingle to the tune of 'Danny Boy'.
So instead of posting all that stuff in a post and leaving more room for action, he could just have it in his bio and say that he "summons his staff, ready for battle. He then does blah blah blah."

Village Square / Re: Heide ho!
« on: March 27, 2015, 01:20:38 AM »
This thread probably should be locked/deleted prior to the poop storm brewing up. Either way.

*puts up an umbrella to protect him from the fecal rain*

Village Square / Re: Fight Club?
« on: March 26, 2015, 11:44:17 PM »
People still have secrets? And technically, anyone that views the fight would be witness to the secrets. Does that mean the audience has to have their memory wiped too? Full on, Men In Black neuralizer up in there.
I think that if someone's willing to go into the arena, then they should be willing to display any secrets that they might be holding. Because in the end, no one ends up dead and it's just basically a big learning experience bundled up with some fun. The characters can go off in their own ways afterwards. Plus, everyone's got a 'THAT' jutsu. If everyone just always hides it, then when are you going to reveal the jutsu to the world and use it to have fun?

Village Square / Re: Fight Club?
« on: March 23, 2015, 02:00:01 AM »
I don't mind being a judge for these kinds of things. I think I'm pretty neutral about the whole fight thing, because I don't have favorites. Plus, since I'm not involved in RPing as of now, I have no incentive for that either.

Village Square / Re: Kekkai Touta
« on: March 21, 2015, 12:12:12 AM »
Dust release? I didn't know that there was a specific rule on dust release. But all that should matter is that a character uses it properly in RP format and would probably have to get it through some special method. Though, it wouldn't be cool if it was just self-RP, but then that would mean that you'll likely have two people 'unlocking' it if you make an RP around it.

Or you can just say you have it and tack it on to make a character even more overpowered.

Feature Requests / Re: Ninja Bulletin Boards
« on: March 13, 2015, 12:31:52 AM »
And I guess people can also request students to have. So instead of looking for a sensei, the drop-down box would just be 'looking for students' to train in '(jutsu)'.

Spam / Re: When you really need to laugh
« on: March 11, 2015, 09:14:16 PM »
^ Obviously, I managed to win the game before it even started. Fun little game though. Reminds me of when I was younger.

Also, this is how I feel when I go to the mission headquarters and see people begging for DP.

Feature Requests / Ninja Bulletin Boards
« on: March 11, 2015, 09:07:46 PM »
So I was doing my usual thing of messaging whoever I want because I like to talk to people and I needed a key for a dwelling, when I came up with this idea. What about having a global bulletin board, kind of like craigslist, where people can post requests?
Now, hear me out. To prevent abuse like people spamming it or posing 'buying gf', it would be a bunch of pre-set options that people could pick from drop-down menus. And in order to post something to the bulletin board, you'd have to pay a small fee (100 gold?). To make sure they're not hanging up there forever I'd say each request would stay for a week but players could pay the fee again to extend their request. If their request expires, they'd get a notification via PM. And next to each person's request, there'd be that quick-link to send them a PM to contact them.
Now back to the drop-down menus. It could start with choosing either Gameplay or Roleplay.

In Gameplay, you could select things like
Tips/Questions - Honestly, I'm not too sure how to further break that one down. Guess someone could just contact them and ask what their question is and answer if it they feel nice enough.
Dwelling - This could be given a further drop-down that would allow you to select the city or Anywhere.
Besides that, I'm not too sure what else could go in gameplay.

For roleplay, this would probably be a great help for people who are trying to get into the SL RP scene or who are just too shy to approach people...Or they don't know how to break the ice. The menus could be as follows.
Family - Which would be further broken down to mom/dad/brother/sister/son/daughter. For those people who like having extended families here.
Sensei - Which could be broken down to general or Jutsu. Jutsu could then be broken down to the different types of main jutsu classes and other for all you unique people out there.
Village/Clan/Home - I'm not sure how to call this one and if it should be one drop-down or multiples. It can basically be for those ninja's without a home or place of allegiance that want one.

Of course, these are all just suggestions and if anyone can think of anything else to add or a way to make it better, please post. I think it would be a good way for those of us who have been here longer to reach out and offer assistance to the newer players who may have difficulty playing or seem like they're just left to fend for themselves.

Village Square / Re: Hiraishin (Flying Thunder God)
« on: March 08, 2015, 05:23:29 PM »
So, why is this an issue? Ignore all the unlegitimate users who 'researched' it aside from the ones like Kayenta wo've done it a long, long time ago. As for the people who were taught it or stole it, then kill them? It ain't that hard. There are a lot more users then there were before, but if it really bothers anyone that much then hunt the people that you think shouldn't have it.

Sounds like a good idea. Hell, I'd like it if I had someone who was stalking me for the sake of attacking me. When I first started this website, I picked a target and stalked and harassed them. Had a blast. And why is everyone getting so upset over this one technique? There's loads of other techniques that don't involve 'teleports behind you and stab you with my katana'.

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