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Messages - Hitler-Chan

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Village Square / Re: Death to the Wondertwins!
« on: September 13, 2015, 07:52:00 PM »
This is why the SL Forum Community is looked down upon. You guys will argue for absolutely no reason...

Last time I checked a discussion is why this matter was brought here in the first place. If a discussion with some dissent was not desired, the RP should have been kept where it belongs: the clan halls of Amegakure.

...That alone shows, that it takes a while for you to compose your own thoughts clearly. So in 2 seconds after willingly taking his hand, Masane knew everything? GTFOH with that BS...

Where have you been? That happens fairly frequently in SL RP. Near instant reactions after figuring things out in fairly short time frames, though usually said reactions are reactions, not planned out counter-attacks (the difference is amount of thought put into each).

At this point it's Eric/Kage Vs EVERYONE else. When does the majority rule come into play? Because at this point, they are going to argue every single contingency, discrepancy, detail,wording and BS they can find until the cows come home, have babies, get slaughtered, and are made into a delicious BBQ treat.

I think you forgot the part where the babies are sent to pasture, come home, have babies, get slaughtered, and are made into a fast food heart-stopper.  8)

Anyways, presuming the majority of commenters are on your side of this, then why the intensity? You should know by now there is not going to be some wave of posts saying, "It's done, yall can stop discussing now". Normally in a non-biju situation the RPers involved either give in to majority rules or go RP their own continuity where they void the encounter or the results.

Presuming that Masane is not going to back down from her position at this point, then you can declare her dead in your world, you move on, she declares you dead in her world, and moves on and whichever is more accepted will ultimately carry the day. Just don't RP with each other again until you're ready to sort out the wrinkle in time (if ever for that matter).

That's all fine and dandy, except for the RP'ers involved haven't even posted on the thread since the defense post was being disputed. Masane and Ichirou haven't come to their own defense. I am the only person of the three RP'ers directly involved who has argued for or against a position since the day the thread was created, for what reason I do not know. But you and Kage are the only ones advocating their existence.

Then there comes the issue that I believe to be the driving force of this thread for the opposition, and that is the fact that Ichirou has the Gyuki currently, so if their deaths are accepted into RP, Ame will lose the Bijuu and I get to walk away fresh as a daisy. So if we were to explore the option of splitting up and never Rp'ing with eachother again that will create a rather nasty loop where they are claiming the Gyuki, along with my claim, which as we all know is going to cause more issue than necessary.

There are no compromises to be made, it is either they are dead, or not. And at this point more people have sided with the death side than not; Keito so graciously did a count for us, and I think it's like 7-2. I'll go look through the threads and check.

PS: Do not claim that this issue spawns because of the Bijuu to further your argument to void them >_>

Village Square / Re: Death to the Wondertwins!
« on: September 13, 2015, 05:56:12 PM »
At this point it's Eric/Kage Vs EVERYONE else. When does the majority rule come into play? Because at this point, they are going to argue every single contingency, discrepancy, detail,wording and BS they can find until the cows come home, have babies, get slaughtered, and are made into a delicious BBQ treat.

Spam / Re: Primae Noctis
« on: September 13, 2015, 06:43:01 AM »
So, for sometime I was the Leader of the Uzumaki clan, and Nanadaime Tsuchikage for like a month, which also makes me a feudal lord, so as long there is some switching off, I am perfectly okay with this.

Village Square / Re: Death to the Wondertwins!
« on: September 13, 2015, 05:29:40 AM »
Man I have read this topic. I swear. Okay, I lied. I read most of it. I read enough. Masane is totes dead, though. Like, I see how some people are trying to argue this, but come on she willingly let him in his house and showed no signs of hostility until Yujo posted he sealed her.

4/10 - No frozen analogy

gr8 b8 m8 I r8 8/8

Village Square / Re: Death to the Wondertwins!
« on: September 12, 2015, 10:56:55 PM »
People change their minds. Maybe you did in the middle of the RP too, maybe you didn't. IC or OOC.

And you'll have to give her the benefit-of-a-doubt for this one. She's a Uchiha, and it isn't unusual for a Uchiha to have their Sharingan active most of the time or all the time. It's actually how a ton on SL roll, whether they state it or not.

Even though you explicitly state in your SL Bio that your wiki profile is outdated, the benefit-of-a-doubt is given to you that you have sealing tattoos on your arms. Just like how you somehow are able to revive people more efficiently than other canon techniques. It's unusual for an Uzumaki to have sealing tattoos on their arms already. I mean all Masane has to say that her bio is outdated, and from there she could make-up whatever she wants and when it suits her. You'll surely have to accept that too, right?

But even then, she did state that her Sharingan was active 24 days ago. She's been in a constant RP state since then. In fact, we're still RPing that this is the same day, over the course of two months, that I've been having these meetings. Ichirou, Masane and others have also been a part of that day, and have even been present in these meetings as well. She never once stated that her Sharingan was deactivated since that time 24 days ago.

(25d2h) <||||> Uchiha Kage looked over to address Masane, "If you could, please take a look at the sealing pattern on the table behind me. More specifically, it's chakra signature. I've already collected samples of it myself, but having a sensor like you give a few looks at it would be nice." He then turned to [c]
(25d2h) <||||> Uchiha Kage [c] speak to the second visitor of the day, "An alliance with Iwagakure I presume, correct?" A hand would come upon his chin to slightly rub at it, "Elaborate on what the agreements and conditions would be, if you could." he asked.
(24d13h) <||||> Uchiha 爆弾 Masane {She nodded and moved over to the table. Her Sharingan analyzed the pattered as well as the chakra it contained. After a few moments she pulled a blank scoll from under her cloak and unrolled it on the table. Inside was a brush and a small vial of ink. Masane began ( c )
(24d13h) <||||> Uchiha 爆弾 Masane to copy the patteren onto the scroll as she familiarized heself with the chakra. There was no doubt that it was the same as the one that attacked a while back. If need be she would be able to find the assailant rather easily, provided said person was not hiding behind some ( c )
(24d13h) <||||> Uchiha 爆弾 Masane sort of chakra hiding barrier. After copying the seal, Masane would allow the ink to dry. Her ever active eternal Mangekyō would study the chakra signature as she waited for Kage to finish his meeting.}

For one, I emoted that I had 'tattoos' on my arms and hands, from my initial post, so all of that nonsense about you being so gracious and giving me the 'Benefit-of-the-doubt' is just plain hilarious, so stop, cause this is super serious.

"As he came near, he tried to walk as calmly as possible, even raising his hands into the air and inadvertently displaying the myriad of tattoos that ran up an down his forearms and palms..." an excerpt, if you want to see the full post, Kayenta posted the entire RP for reference here on this topic.

Okay, so even if we accept that she has her sharingan active at every moment in time ever, and if your claim is true that the majority of people with sharingan claim to always have it active as well, then...Why is the activation of the sharingan emoted in most to all fights? Because you don't trust the opponent not to exploit the fact that you didn't have it active. So again, your claims fall short.

Village Square / Re: Death to the Wondertwins!
« on: September 12, 2015, 09:33:00 PM »
Let's talk, now that Masane has posted her defense, so that we may end this debacle, once and for all.

(20m32s) <||||> Uchiha 爆弾 Masane It was never stated that Masane trusted this man. In fact she had a rather solid reason for not trusting him. The man wore Uzumaki clothing which meant that he was more than likely from Uzushiogakure. She should have known something was wrong sooner, However Masane was blinded by her goal to revive her brother. Her ever active Sharingan stared at the event in their eternal state as they so often were. Her eyes were on the man knelt before her, her hand on top of his. She found it odd that he would try to interlock their fingers. This was completely unnecessary for what she was doing so she did not let it happen. She was sure to keep her her hand were it was. The girl was able to funnel her chakra into him with the contact that they already had. Her eyes narrowed and in that moment she realized that this man was indeed an enemy. With the activation of the seal, Masane would know immediately what Yujo was trying to do. She was an Uzumaki and rather versed in the ways of Fuinjutsu. With the added effects of her Sharingan, she would be able to react in time to save herself from a rather grim fate .Masane reacted by using the Landmine fist (technique. losion_Release:_Landmine_Fist). The seal would have been destroyed rendering it useless. As for Yujo, it was unlikely that he would be able to avoid certain death at such a close range. Since it was never stated that the seal would disrupt her chakra flow, and the technique Yujo was using took closer to seven seconds instead of less than two, it was safe to say that she would have time to react properly. Yujo's left arm, most of his upper torso and quite possibly his head (considering he was kneeling down and she herself was standing up) would have been obliterated in the blast. She was careful to try and keep the blast centered on her target but unfortunately, Ichirou's body was close enough to be damaged but not severely. As the blast would go off, Masane would take her left hand and place it on her brother's body and without waiting to see the effects of her attack Masane would take her left hand and place it on her brother's body and without waiting to see the effects of her attack Masane would Hiraishin to Kage taking the body with her

I, as Kayenta did, removed the continuations, so that the post looked cleaner. If you think I have altered the post in anyway that would benefit my own purpose, I assure you, someone from Ame with the access to the RP will notify us all.

Moving on, if you took the moment to read her post out, you will notice several discrepancies; For instance: "In fact she had a rather solid reason for not trusting him. The man wore Uzumaki clothing which meant that he was more than likely from Uzushiogakure." This here, is obvious, and deliberate Meta-game. During the entire RP, she never once even looked at Yujo with a doubt in her mind, never once even taking notice of his robes until just when it became relevant. In fact, look here.

(8d) <||||> Uchiha 爆弾 Masane Masane detected Yujo as he drew closer to her home. She stood up and moved to the door just in time to see her brother come up. He had been missing for a long time but she would get to that later. The door opened and she stood there, still in her ninja gear. She had not taken ( c )
(8d) <||||> Uchiha 爆弾 Masane the time to unwind. She had been trying to locate Amegakures would be assailent. It was clear from the dark circles under her eyes that she had not slept in a while. "Hey guys, come in." she mumbled as she moved back into her living room in order to ( c )
(8d) <||||> Uchiha 爆弾 Masane make a thrid attempt to find her target. It was beginning to seem as if the mad would never show himself. As she stared into the crystal ball she spoke. "What brings you guys here?"

This was the first post were Yujo and Masane met, you can see for yourself. There are tons of other bits in her posts that would prove that she completely trusted Yujo till her trust was broken, like, "For this ( c )
(6d17h) <||||> Uchiha 爆弾 Masane the wonder twins would owe a debt. She began to wonder what she would be made to do. It was times like this that she wished she was not a female."

This was Masane's inner dialogue, and if this don't prove she trusts Yujo, I honestly don't know what will.

Again I will digress from this point and move onto another point, "Her ever active Sharingan stared at the event in their eternal state as they so often were." If you could find in the RP where she ever stated to have had the Sharingan active, would honestly surprise me. Even in her Wikia, it states nothing about her Sharingan being active at all times. So I am disputing this claim as well.

Look, at this point we could go on for ages, talking about how her post was full of Meta-game, and attempts to make some Revisionists History. At the end of the day, nobody defending their position can explain why not she does not trust Yujo now, when a multitude of times in the RP she expressed in one way, shape or form, her trust for Yujo. I find that due to this, the entirety of her post is Null and the actions taken in my last post of the RP where the two were sealed should now come into fruition.

Bijuu Arena / Re: Poll: Biju Rules
« on: September 11, 2015, 01:30:09 AM »
So are any other people who have already voted, like myself, having trouble seeing the tally of votes and number of people who have voted too? Is something wrong with the poll, or is this just another joy of using google chrome?

Eric intentionally guarded voters/non-voters from seeing the results. For what reason, I don't remember, but if you skim through the thread, he posted his explanation.

Bijuu Arena / Re: Poll: Biju Rules
« on: September 10, 2015, 03:53:44 PM »
We have nine votes unaccounted for, which will be voided if the individuals do not post their vote and give an opinion as to why they cast that vote. This is to avoid any stuffing of the poll boxes.

Why would they be voided just because they don't want to post an opinion? Their vote counts too. No one has to post their reasoning. The only reason why some have is to sway the swing voters one way or another or another. To simply discard their vote because they didn't post a reason is asinine.

More and more I find myself agreeing with this guy. Something is terribly wrong...

Bijuu Arena / Re: Poll: Biju Rules
« on: September 10, 2015, 03:23:26 AM »
I vote for Amend.

No IC Hunts and make all of the challenges OOC.
It's simple, easy, and everyone gets a chance.

Of course, Bijuu are difficult to obtain but they should be easy to find.

Generally, everyone wants to use examples from the Naruto series to their benefit but then when another is used against them, they pull the "SL is not Naruto" card. You can't have your cake and eat it too. >.>

That's a blatant lie. I work at a bakery, so I could actually have my cake, and then eat more cake that also belongs to me, so I am eating my cake while having it at the same time. Get rekt M8.

Except it's the companies Cake, so...It's more like, having someone else's cake, and eating it too. Just makes you the dick.

"Happy Birthday! Time for cake honey! :D What's that? Now who ate the cake?!" You see where this is going.

Village Square / Re: Trek to the East [Setup]
« on: September 09, 2015, 07:31:14 PM »
Unless someone withdraws or more are needed.

You can give him my spot if it's not already given away.

No, No, I already gave him my spot. >_>

Bijuu Arena / Re: Poll: Biju Rules
« on: September 09, 2015, 07:10:47 PM »
I voted for amend the rules. I think it would be easy to just get rid of the IC hunt part. It is pretty obvious from what I've seen lately that the IC hunt aspect is the part giving the most problems. If you want to do a completely IC rp to find the host than you can do that but then you've got no bijuu rules protecting you because you are no longer doing a challenge.

You challenge someone, you guys agree on the preferences, extra rules, fight, and then it's done. You can put whatever you choose to put on the line if you want a deathmatch but this weird "I'm hunting you you have to let me find you IC." rp is just unwieldy and I think it has to go.

Yeah, back to the Old Rules. Bijuu challenges, ALL OOC. We all know there were 100 million billion less problems with those old rules.

I think it was just meant to say it is important to make sure all 9 know. That way no ones going to come in with "No one told me about blah blah blah so I don't have to blah blah blah." after rules have already been changed. I think we determined that all the hosts but Gitsune have a forum account though, right?


I would think that such a thing would take a bigger consensus from the community than going by just what the majority among 9 people say.

That as well ^

1) Amend the rules (broad, can be further discussed, but Dato and myself for example have brought up some potential alterations)

2) Abolish the rules (why bother with an inactivity strip again?)

3) Abolish the entire system and the beasts.

Pretty sure those were the three main options.

1 for me. But until each and every current Jinck has voted, I would not say any ruling or amendment or abolishing of anything can be established, written or destroyed.

Village Square / Re: Death to the Wondertwins! Part 2
« on: September 08, 2015, 07:01:59 AM »
If it's not one thing, it's another it seems.  :-? Let me go on the record saying that I do not approve of the title of the thread.  :cry:

Moving on though to more pressing matters:

OOC lying is not meta gaming. It is a war tatic that had been around sense the beginning of SL.

You newer players may do well in takin up a history lesson on the subject of clan wars and such...

It is a general tactic to not be entirely truthful in OOC situations, but  from where I sit, it doesn't seem like the main crux of the problem.

The main crux of the problem seems to be that a seemingly  nonsensical situation (portion of a soul being in Shinigami and Edo Tensei?) has turned sour and is now entirely being called into question. If things would have went on without a hitch, and someone questioned Ichirou's method of revival, a case could be made that he should not have been brought back to life from the get-go.

But we haven't gotten to that stage. The stage we are at is a little further back where the future takes a most unexpected turn; rather than being revived, Ichirou's Edo is released, and both Masane and Ichirou are subsequently motioned to be sealed into the palms of Yujo. It is at this juncture that treachary inspires questioning.

Akin to Trev's Epheremeal usage against Bocchiere, generally when tricks of this nature are used, elaboration that it is a trick has become a relative norm, and failure to do so tends to revert to reposts and voids (since you can claim that you did it post-action without having actually prepped it) so in the case of a randomly exploding kunai supposedly tagged the previous turned with a special technique formula, I would have to call bs on that alone.

And yet, as Murc put it, had there not been a betrayal at all, I think it is safe to assume that Ichirou would breathe life, Masane would be thrilled to have her brother back, and Yujo would be asking for payment. It's a matter of misinformation that begs the question of how the illusion was created in the first place. If it were genjutsu I am fairly sure that the two would have noticed something amiss and acted; it would be character control to assume that they wouldn't.

However, I doubt it is genjutsu:

... Though there was an issue here, Yujo had just met these people, why would an Uzumaki make such sacrifice for someone not sharing his blood? Correct answer happened to be, he wasn't. If anyone knew Yujo personally it would not have gone down this way, but the so called wonder twins did not. The tattoos on his hands that rested within Masanes came to life in the form of the Uzumaki Sealing technique, and when the technique was used at such close range, by a user of such mastery, there was no escape to be had. Within the time span of less than 2 seconds would Masane find herself sucked inside of the inscriptions that made up the tattoos on his arm, and forever trapped within them. Considering the amount of trust she had in Yujo, one could doubt that there was much reaction to be had from her, which would make trust the factor that would seal their fate. Once completed, Yujo would simply use another seal to capture Ichirou before any shenanigans were to be had, if any. If all went successfully, he would sealed Masane sealed within his right palm, and ichi in his left.

All of it seems to be real as far as jutsu goes, meaning that the only deception was the ultimate goal of what was going to be done with all of that jutsu before. It is not typed as smoke and mirrors (an illusion) it is typed as reality (the spilling of the souls, the summoning of shinigami, etc.). Him saying that it surely was Ichirou's soul does make a difference in meaning. Could suggests that it might not be (which is the reality if all is to be believed here) but surely strongely implies that it does.

Kage's main disagreements stem there, that being his reasoning for declaring a void. His likely justification for having the power to do such being that:

A) This is not a biju fight or anything of that sort, so the following has some bearing in the manner.

B) The village in-game rules, according to the wikia, are that mainstream RPers who RP within Amegakure must abide by the decisions made by higher-ups, and that if issues concerning said decision come up they are to bring it to their (his) attention directly (which I presume wasn't done based on Kage's first post on the topic mentioning his reasons for unlocking the original topic).

I am unsure of how Kage would have reacted had there not been any betrayal involved, but based on his post in the original topic:,8558.msg223892.html#msg223892


... Here's what irks me about the RP. Yujo takes liberties in adjusting the lore to his own needs so he can use an OP revival technique that outmatches Edo Tensei and Rinne Tensei...

He is likely to have objected even if it had been a success. The "change in lore" does not become smoke and mirrors at all from what has been posted. At no point does he go, "Haha, none of that really took place, you fools got fooled". From what has been brought here to the forum, everything he did happened, and trust and deception ultimately brought about the downfall of the twins.

I thus have to object to the notion that, "People lie all the time on here, totally legit strategy" when not even after betraying them he bothered to make mention that it was all a visual trick, to falsify his earlier statements and assertions.

Tell me, would anyone of you continue in an Rp where someone says, "Muhuhahah. I can't believe these idiots haven't seen through my deception...HAHAH. Fools!" I think someone pointed out the term, "Soft-Metagame" where someone tries to change the outcome of an Rp with OOC knowledge.

Seriously. There is no way to just hint at being deceptive, without someone catching on, and meta-gaming super hard so that they won't die.

But that is beside the point.

As it has been stated a million and a half times, they made no effort to refute anything in that post when they had ample opportunity, until they knew they were screwed. They blindly accepted all of my claims, thus making all of my claims the truth of what happened.

If I said, "King Kong gyrates his hips in a helicopter motion, and slaps you to death with the resulting dong attack." And you don't refute it till after you realize it's a giant dong and you actually die from the attack, then that's your fault. If you don't read into the details of an Rp then I'm sorry for your loss, and hope you learn to read the rp's concerning your life with more attention.

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