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Messages - Trev

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Village Square / Re: Zone Fighting Power Levels
« on: July 29, 2016, 01:37:12 AM »
14, maybe 15.

Spam / Re: Columbus Foundation
« on: July 13, 2016, 11:43:08 PM »
USS Constitution. Only reason I know is there is a small plaque dedicated to it in marblehead MA that reads as "huzzah for old ironsides!"

Council / Re: Why is immediate corruption being supported?
« on: June 29, 2016, 02:06:29 AM »
Only council members should be allowed to post in their topics. Else it just turns into a giant shouting match like everything else. Council was elected to perform a duty, if you don't have faith in them to discuss among themselves, don't participate in anything biju related. We don't need council threads getting opinions from the peanut gallery and have any unnecessary post.

If the council wants to allow one post from each side involved, fair enough to them. Or if they want to invite public discussion, once again on them. As I see it, their threads should be view able to us, but we should not be allowed to comment. Else there is no point in having one remotely. Obviously if something is very wrong with a decision, you should be allowed to make a thread to discuss it with other site members, but not directly interject yourself in their thread unless asked.

Also if your issue is with Kamui as mod, take it up with Neji. This is a dictatorship, run by Neji. And one of his enforcers is Kamui. He deemed it fit to make him a mod, he can do whatever he damn well pleases, fair or not. You have no rights here. If you have a problem take it to the big man himself, as he is the only one who could possibly stop it. And if he doesn't, or doesn't issue a warning to Kamui, it means he didn't care or saw you in the wrong.

Also, publicly bashing a mod on most forums gets you banned or account suspended, I don't know if you're new to forums.

That said, I don't believe Kamui should have started taking shots against you, for a largely unstated rule. However, some of you kept posting when asked to stopped and are further antagonizing it. You have no rights here, you can be banned at any mods discretion, if they so choose. Close this thread, be smart, and take it up with the site owner, or higher tier mod if applicable if you're so mad. This isn't a decision for the community. If you're just looking to talk about it with no results, move it to spam. 

Village Square / Re: Biju Council Elections #1
« on: June 07, 2016, 07:49:58 PM »
I can agree to be an alternative should something happen. That's if everybody wants me. I'm slowly not dying anymore, so I should be more active.

Village Square / Re: Should the Gedo Mazo be a challenge-able beast?
« on: June 05, 2016, 01:00:09 AM »
The vote according to what I counted is 7-8 in favor of it not being challengable.

However, two votes could possibly be counted towards the yes, provided the Reibi is not taken off. Also Kage seemed to vote yes as well, but his also included some rule which people disputed, so it's not a firm yes.

Village Square / Re: Should the Gedo Mazo be a challenge-able beast?
« on: June 03, 2016, 04:32:06 AM »
No need to be sorry. But I just see that situation doing nothing but split the universe again and thus making two mazo's in play, one by you claiming that you had enough votes and stripping him when he won't defend it. And him saying not enough of the community voted to say yes, and his side ignoring the strip.

Guess we'll agree to disagree, and you must do what you deem best. Just wanted to voice my opinion and stance.

Off topic, but everyone can you please be kind? I swear SL needs the mods to hand out bans and mutes way more often, and be over zealous with their jobs before you people learn anything. You can all reread you comments before posting, you'll all bright people and know what is being antagonistic or not. I credited earlier sl being awful as most of us were in our youth, but it seems like nobody has shown growth. Just please be kind, it isn't hard to have a civil forum discussion about a text based naruto game. Anyway sorry for going off topic, I love you all, please all try to be the best you can be, I know you can all do better.

Village Square / Re: Should the Gedo Mazo be a challenge-able beast?
« on: June 03, 2016, 02:12:37 AM »
I get that idea as anything less than say a 60/40, maybe even 75/25 decision will not make Warren relent. Winning by too close of a vote, will not be enough to make Warren relent and defend his beast. There needs to be a bigger majority, as if there are more he is more likely to comply, else look in extremely poor taste. And at the end of the day, if he rejects it no matter what, you will want more people to void his claim of the mazo, then support it so you can be the legitimate one.

A dead locked vote, or winning by one or two votes will not accomplish anything other than half of the people saying the mazo needs to be defended and you have it, and the other half saying Warren has it and does not need to defend it. It just splits the SL universe, again and accomplished little.

Village Square / Re: Should the Gedo Mazo be a challenge-able beast?
« on: June 02, 2016, 06:43:28 PM »
While I agree with you Bocc, gotta know when to hold em, and when to fold em. Based off the opinions discussed today and the vote count, things slowly seem to be shifting in your direction. Alas, the timing is not right just yet. Not enough support is had, not enough to make Warren defend the mazo.

When and if public opinion shifts further, I will change my stance as I think it should be defended. Until then, I keep my vote a no to put this thread in the grave quicker. Timing is just not there, but if it ever gets there, consider my vote reversed.

Village Square / Re: Biju Council Elections #1
« on: June 02, 2016, 05:17:42 AM »
I vote for me  :oops:

I vote no. Only reason why the Reibi is even challengeable is because I put it in the "biju system" Before it had traveled around mostly as an item. For most of it's time the Tsuchikage Hide had it. However, it was not bound by the normal biju rules. If Hide felt like defending it, he would. If not, he wouldn't. Completely on his whim.

When I attained the beast, I offered to place it under the realm of the biju rules so people would see it as legitimate. Before, a large percentage of SL ignored it as a scapegoat to getting your own "biju". It was not taken in because it was seen as a biju, but because I offered and nobody cared to say no. Basically the reibi was it's own independent kingdom, and when I took it, I offered the biju rules to vassalize it, no longer making it independent.

My point? Reibi only came under circulation because I offered, and the community accepted. This will not happen in this circumstance.

While I detest hoarding an item so nobody can get it. Precedence has shown us your opinion will not will this one out Bocc. I believe the mazo should be challengable. I also believe the same with some items (say the seven swords). Time and time again, this has been shot down by the community. It will be no different this time. 

The mazo will only become part of the system, should the owner (warren or someone in the future) offer to place it in the rules, or the community overwhelmingly agrees it should be so. Not by a vote or two in favor, a large majority as your asking someone to defend an "item" they had not previously. This would require many more in favor than against, as only a large majority can possibly force Warren to equivocate, else he look extremely poor.

Considering the vote is mostly tied, and previous discussions about making people defend things has turned south, this is not a winnable argument for you at this time, regardless of your well use of logic as to why it should be.

I should be an SL lawyer >>

Village Square / Re: Village Items
« on: April 05, 2016, 11:26:26 PM »
I don't think certain items should only be tied to a village, as some have quite different rp origins. Like the 5 treasures in Kumo for Instance. Otogakure went through many lengthy rp's to acquire all five. They were even weapons for the Sound Five at one point. They were later traded for the Sanbi, but the "Kumo" treasures were not always Kumo's.

I think a recall a similar story where some sound ninja crafted Zabuza's blade to bring it into SL world, don't know how accurate that is.

But I'm of the opinion no "village" items to be permitted.

Village Square / Re: Limbo: Border Jail. Fair with Rules? Voided?
« on: March 28, 2016, 10:45:57 PM »
When I fought Bocc in Oto for the Yonbi, I let him use it as a long range shinra tensei. So as Warren suggest, that might be fine for some people.

But as it stands in the other topic, Limbo would have to be nerfed so much, it's no limbo anymore.

So make it like a long range shinra tensei, or leave it alone in the banned list imo.

Village Square / Re: Rules for Sage Mode?
« on: March 05, 2016, 09:24:22 PM »
It's kinda a nerf. Being a raging killer who attacks allies would run you into problems.

But I should have said rule, more than nerf, as this topics is about rules.

If the starting rule for Senninka was you have to be a homicidal maniac like Jugo, for some of the greater benefits later, I think people would be fine with it. I would anyway.

Village Square / Re: Rules for Sage Mode?
« on: March 05, 2016, 09:14:34 PM »
I use to do the whole rage things years back, but I went on an rp with Kay to ryuuchi cave (Jugo clan origins)  and did an rp to seal my emotions.

I mean if the community wanted that as a nerf, I wouldn't be opposed to saying you can't do loopholes to emotions or looking grotesque.

Village Square / Re: Appeal of wiki admin rights against Bocchiere
« on: March 05, 2016, 09:11:39 PM »
I assume if Yumei asked, you'd step down, less you prove you're a twat.

I don't really have faith in Kiri giving out the swords, some have literally been sealed for years. I could care less if one guy has all seven, just get them to an owner. But as with most topics, Kiri is going to do what Kiri wants. Anti-Kiri will do the same. You all despise each other, so there will be no compromise ever.

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