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Messages - Hitler-Chan

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Village Square / Re: Death to the Wondertwins! Part 2
« on: September 08, 2015, 06:42:46 AM »
point on hating Manane..

Uhm no. I am saying you are wrong. period. no agenda.

And look who I am defending? The love of my life? Yujo and I have a long history of trust, respect, understanding, and backing each other up that predates the selling of the brooklyn bridge.

This time though, I truly believe he is right. Don't make this about something it is not. At least don't include me in that hating on you agenda. I am not doing that. Of all the people involved with this thing? I should be supporting Kage. But this time, I think he jumped the gun cause he didn't know Yujo the character was acting. I think at first he thought Yujo was just character controlling Ichi's soul being in the Shinigami for real. When in fact that jutsu was not used at all, only play acted.

after that I dont' know.

But if liking and disliking someone was what moved me to give an opinion on something, my point is...i should be on Kage's side.

But I feel yujo did a legit rp here. and you should not get to suddenly stop trusting him when you rp'd you did all along even though numerous chances were given to act otherwise.

For real. When this lady is defending me, something magical has happened. I today will pray for the ability to repeat this type of magic. Unfortunately, I was made to reveal my trick to the public and now the magic has died. :/

Shame on you Ame people, now how are the children supposed to know the dazzle of The Colossally-Enourmous Yujo!

On the real though. Masane, Ichirou, Kage.

I asked that this remain civil, now there is cursing, calling names, and insults that simply aren't fitting for a post of this nature. Things like this are why people scheme to kill you all, then you are like, "WTF! No...It can't be, h-he lied to me? -sniffle-". Can't try and pull the, "Ya'll are just haters." When you merit the hate.

I really did like you guys OOC, but you plopped a pile of nonsense into my lap, and gave me one option.

So I ask that the arguments concerning this topic be closed until Masane attempts her counter. As it was said in the last topic, you all know, the one that was exactly like this, but locked by someone of higher power than Kage, who he dare not try and claim some nonsensical circle-jerk theory to, yeah that one...And once her post is made, I will either bring it up here (If another load of BS), or as warren said, if her post is legit, then you all won't hear about it, and these TWO topics can die.

Village Square / Re: Death to the Wondertwins! Part 2
« on: September 08, 2015, 04:18:23 AM »
This topic is a direct continuation of the previous issue discussed here:,8558.0.html

@kage I understand it's lore that's twisted... But they never questioned it... That's the main problem they were fine with it all the way until it backfired even though they knew it was impossible.... The fact that you didn't even call it into question until after he was supposedly sucking up Masane... Is sort of bias.... Now hold on before you get unto bash Bryan with a hammer moment I'm just giving my opinion as you know I've agreed with a few things with you before but in this case it's just honestly unfair to just say let's void it... If you or anyone.. Chooses to ignore rules or correct descriptions of techniques to further there gain but then be disappointed when it doesn't work out... Well that's honestly karma... Now for all I know you just didn't see it till then and then said something (completely understandable) but the 3 people who were rping had already agreed and proceed with the rp until true ties were shown can't just be ignored.... Look at what happened when a situation like this happened earlier (Neala and Eric) thought it was random the Rp continued... Only in this case it's worse because they knew the technique wasn't right and didn't voice it.
I didn't have the time to read up on the activities of the clan halls in the time period that this was happening. I could give details on the current workings of my life and other things that are going on in it, but then this would turn the topic into a soap opera and tumblr blog post.

I don't treat my village members as dogs and command their every move. I let them do as they please on their off-time. But I did have to step in and advise them of why this isn't going to work. By letting this fly, I would be acknowledging and allowing Yujo's claims of being able to do all this. And as a kage of the land, that grants him some privileges and support in the powers he displayed. This is why I void it. Yujo may have claimed that he did it as "smoke and mirrors" to win them over, but RP is RP. He gave no indication whatsoever of this being an illusion.

I just want to say my two cents on this part right here. You know, it's really hard to do proper 'sneaky' RP if people want every little detail being said. Basically, it's hard to pull the wool over someone's eyes when they're constantly demanding explanations for things so they can avoid it.

Like if I post that I threw some disks at the opponent and the opponent managed to dodge it. If I were then to post that they explode because they were proximity mines, the opponent would be up in a tizzy because I didn't state that they were mines in the first post. Or if I spew a cloud of smoke but neglect to state that it's really fine particulate glass shards mixed with oleoresin capsicum. The opponent might hold their breath or something, but when I then reveal what the smoke really was they'd be upset that it 'hurts' them.

Mainly, if someone's trying to do sneaky RP, then they should be able to be as sneaky as possible with their intentions. Only in the end should they be able to unmask their plan to show that they intended. Or if someone confronts them before they get to that point, then they'd be able to say "And I would have gotten away with it, too, if it hadn't been for you meddling ninja!" But in this case, it looks like no one really confronted him.

Though I don't agree with that whole "You're sealed away forever, I win" conclusion here. Sure, it's character death, but it's done so in a way where you take the player's ability away from them to bring their character back. And unless they're okay with that, I don't really think that's cool. Character death is an okay thing, I think they should be able to come back through gameplay.
Actually, you do have to state that these certain disks will explode. It's called retro-posting and is a godmodding situation, where you state that you did something in a previous post that never occurred. I actually do the whole exploding disk thing myself. But with shuriken that were marked with the Explosive Seal before they were thrown. And I make it a point to explicitly say what I'm doing in my post.

Now whether or not somebody is able to see the seals upon the shuriken is up in the air. Without a doujutsu to see that there's chakra on them, one can only infer that they're ordinary shuriken, because it would be hard to actually see the seals on them while they're spinning. But this becomes an issue where you have to evaluate whether or not your character has the means to actually see, avoid or counter the oncoming threat. Taking a hit means that they accept their limitations or inability to do so.

Alright champ *Ruffles Kage's hair* lets take a step back. It's already been established that his misconstruing the lore would have no effect on the outcome of the RP in the end. They accepted the RP Yujo laid out, they made a mistake. Did you even read the whole thread?

If you believe that your so involved with this RP, maybe you should have read the RP that was going on in your village for two days before it needed to be taken to the forum, and this could have been stopped long before. "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." Your silence is just as much acceptance as their's was.
Like I said before, I was busy. But we did agree to bring this to the forum on the day that I said to hold up the RP via PM (below). The thing is, he took a day and a half to post the topic and locked it, for what intentions is still ambiguous.

Take it to the forums then. Reputation won't be an issue if I'm representing them. I've been able to sway people in upholding my authority of voiding other custom things before used in my village.
---Original Message from 預言者, Uzumaki Yūjō(2015-09-06 05:47:24)---
The revival technique? Lel none of that other than the Shinigami pulling the soul out was legit. The auto-sealing? I never stated it to be an auto-sealing, but under the conditions that she placed herself in, I just find it unlikely that she can escape.

And no, you simply cannot void legit RP because you choose to, you are the Kage, not the GM, if you chose to take that ground, I have already copied the RP for this exact reason, and will fight you all on the forums.

So, Masane will give her response, if it's not sufficient, expect a forum post. But if you want to throw out hypothetical situations, who do you think the community will side with? The guy who only has gone for the Sanbi, or the Masane and her brother who have pissed more people off in the shortest amount of time possible.

I don't feel like arguing with you about it, either Masane posts, or we take it to the forums, I'll wait till the end of tomorrow before I begin the battle.
---Original Message from Uchiha Kage(2015-09-06 05:39:17)---
That's not the problem. I already said that the revival technique is a problem. They can very easily escape in the next post, since auto-sealing somebody instantly is equivalent to auto-hitting, no-matter the amount of mastery somebody claims to have.

If you want to make a forum topic about how your custom revival technique, that is more advantageous and useful than canon methods, then go ahead. Let's see how that goes with the community. Especially since Ichirou's method of being the Eight Tails' host was to first become revived by this RP.

But taking it to the forums will only draw-out and RP-lock all parties involved with this for the entire ordeal of the discussion of the topic, which can last for a long while. Especially with it involving the fate of a Tailed Beast and it's planned host. But that won't be a problem for me, since I can just hold the beast under a summoning contract and avoid that.

Voiding is the only thing that will come out of this. I for one will void this under my own authority of having rule over the land that you're currently in. Ichirou and Masane have already acknowledged my decision to go through with it after talking with them. You can save yourself some time, trouble and face if you simply accept the void.
---Original Message from 預言者, Uzumaki Yūjō(2015-09-06 05:25:31)---
I am sure they've told you that I am not here to kill them. Not even you really. So I am not interested in starting over or voiding it.

I'm not even up for compromise really since that would imply that I am wrong in doing what I did.

It comes down to this, Ichi/Masane trusted information I gave them OOC, and applied it IC. My character IC, if you read the RP, gave no reference to the OOC, and used deductive reasoning to justify his actions if any of that mattered, and at the end of the day, Ame and Uzu aren't on the best terms since the Keito debacle.

If she doesn't have a defense that is sufficient, but I am confident that she doesn't, then they are done.

If you have any other defense for them, be my guest, I will continue to remain civil with you.
---Original Message from Uchiha Kage(2015-09-06 05:11:05)---
The entire revival method conflicts with lore and is more over-powered than canon, and even non-canon, methods of revival. And the fact that a Tailed Beast is involved that will make the situation even more troublesome. But ultimately, it will be impossible to continue with the RP because of the change-up that would immediately happen if a repost or restart is granted, due to both of them already-knowing that you're coming with not-so-good intentions.
---Original Message from 預言者, Uzumaki Yūjō(2015-09-06 05:06:41)---
I'd prefer it didn't but we all know I have no issue with fighting on the forums.

I'll be civil as long as you are.

My case is out there in the post, what is yours?
---Original Message from Uchiha Kage(2015-09-06 04:58:25)---
It doesn't have to.
---Original Message from 預言者, Uzumaki Yūjō(2015-09-06 04:58:03)---
Is this going to have to escalate to a forum thing?

The community already came to a consensus of what was going to happen with this RP. You have no authority or a leg to stand on anymore. Once Masane's Ban has been lifted, she will post, and we will continue from there.

Village Square / Re: Death to the Wondertwins!
« on: September 08, 2015, 01:22:33 AM »
Okay so Masane gets to post her counter, and that's that, no need for further word war.

If she does good then this topic can be locked and forgotten, if not then what to do next can be discussed here again at such a time.

I'll lock it till then.

Village Square / Re: Death to the Wondertwins!
« on: September 08, 2015, 01:15:52 AM »
Pshh I'm confused on how she's gonna just suddenly realize the whole jutsu is a sham when she hasn't earlier and how shes going to go from totally trusting you to WOAH theres totally something fishy going on here let me stop these seals from sucking me up  when a second ago I thought thus was normal



Village Square / Re: Death to the Wondertwins!
« on: September 08, 2015, 01:15:21 AM »

My original objection was two fold. And basically undecided.
1] Why be fine with Yujo doing the unsealing, saying Ichi's souls was split, and part being in the Edo body while the rest was in Hell, the Shinigam's belly, up unto the point when he backstabs? With their extensive knowledge of Edo Tensei and such, it should have been objected to right there. But no, they still thought he was doing them a favor and so no peeps were made. So they are kind of stuck with it.

On the other hand...

2] Since he did it wrong, character controlling the soul issue with Ichi, then why should they have to stick with that outcome.


IF...Yujo was in fact not just making claims about Ichi's soul being split and in Hell, the Shinigami's belly...but was just blowing smoke at Masane and Ichi and waving flash mirrors around to fool them into thinking he was helping them...then bravo! Basically, he flaunts her very own jutsu in front of her, doing it wrong on purpose, with great side-show flare, and her character does not go wtf??? I say the RP is not voidable and must continue with the next person's turn.

As to the auto-hit of the sucking Masane into his seal. you do not have to void the rp to take care of that. Her next post merely counters his desired outcome with her action and what really is happening next.

As to the lying about the whole thing, OOC to the players and IC to their characters, that is what ninja do. We used to do it all the time in the clan wars, it is called subterfuge.

The question we have to ask though is this; If Yujo had stated that it "Could" have been Ichirou's soul as opposed to it "was" Ichirou's soul, would the outcome of this RP changed one bit? No, it would not have. With either choice I believe they would have continued with the RP no questions asked just like before and the sealing attempt would have occurred nonetheless. So to try and void the RP based on details that were misconstrued but in the end would have had zero affect on the outcome of the RP itself is just kinda silly to me.

There are many roads we can travel down that would explain why these two are in fact dead, and the Rp cannot be voided, but I will stick with just two.

The first being, they are trying to void and argue details that not only did they accept during the time of the RP, but are arguing them ONLY because they know it is their only way out, not that they know what the deal is.

The second being, that I indeed as Kayenta, and Rusaku and everyone who has read this RP and topic, I simply took these two on a show through the mystical world known as Ninja Magic. They were given so many opportunities to refute or argue things during the time, so many clues and hints that I placed before them, but not ever did they until it became an issue for them.

@ Warren, I didn't post as if she was sealed instantly, "Within the time span of less than 2 seconds would Masane find herself sucked inside of the inscriptions that made up the tattoos on his arm, and forever trapped within them. Considering the amount of trust she had in Yujo, one could doubt that there was much reaction to be had from her, which would make trust the factor that would seal their fate."

If she can do something that isn't a load of BS, I welcomed the Idea, but Kage jumped to the Void Wagon, but if she does make a post of straight meta-gaming nonsense, I will post it here and we will discuss the situation.

Village Square / Re: Death to the Wondertwins!
« on: September 07, 2015, 10:58:39 PM »
The bits about him being 'moments away from first breath since death', and the sealing attempt 'before any shenanigans', kinda imply he did tho. If it wasn't then what actually was it? Did clearly state mashing the whole soul into the corpse and some kinda light show/chakra flow.

All of those things were added for flair and to make it more believable, but at the end of the day, it all goes back to them not knowing that his soul could not have been within the shinigami.

Village Square / Death to the Wondertwins!
« on: September 07, 2015, 09:22:42 PM »
So, I have already informed some of you of the proceedings that were carried out within the Amegakure clan halls, but since Kage decided to try and Void the entire Rp, a forum post will be made to decide whether Ichirou and Masane are dead, due to the actions that I will explain next.


So, I befriend the duo (Ichi/Masane) OOC, through PM's in the hopes of being able to infiltrate Ame by using their trust. Keito, the leader of Uzushiogakure went to Ame in the hopes to make friends, they declined. Ame and Uzu are on bad terms because of this. (My IC reason to go and kill off some of the 'big hitters of Ame', in case we still need those) SO, I tell Ichi/Masane that I am coming to visit them, this was also OOC, they tell me to come. My first IC post in ame they let me in, and all three of our characters meet for the first time. It's actually explicitly stated that they have never met, in the RP, giving them no reason to trust me as they did.

Time progresses and it ends up being that IC I figured out that Ichi was an Edo and I said I would help revive him, of course this was a lie, but they hadn't caught it. We get down to it, and Masane releases the edo on her brother, he dies, and I take Masane's hand, who at this point has no reason not to trust me, has no sensory technique active, and I have already emoted that I have seals running up and down my forearms and palms. With her hand in mine, I seal her away with Uzumaki Sealing.

It stopped there because they involved Kage and he began threatening that he would void the RP on the grounds that he is the leader and can do that. Obviously I told him that was BS, but he went ahead and did it anyway. So here we are. Below this, I am going to post the ENTIRE Rp through screen shots, including their reasons for voiding the RP and such. And in case you don't want to read through five pages of screenshotted RP, scroll down to the final two screen shots. They will contain the most important info regarding this case.

(PS. One of the pictures is smaller for some reason, not too important though, would be happy to copy and paste that portion to you if you would like to read it, otherwise, here you go.)

Treat others as you wish them to treat you; if the hunters a meta-gaming prick themselves too, its just karma if they get treated similarly harshly. If they're the actually nice, behaving sort, then they might actually get in through the door instead.

That again is assuming that the host and their village will honor that. I refuse to believe people are capable of doing anything honorable, which is why we have rules.

So here's the point that you're currently contesting:

A challenger finally discovers the identity and location of a Jinchūriki. Said challenger then goes to location. Finds out that a village is in the way. One of two options presents itself: (logically and ICcly) Is the challenger strong enough to wipe out further completion and then fight the jinch? If not, then (s)he seeks entrance into the village like a *gasp!* ninja and seek out the Jinchūriki.

From there, and only there, would a fight 1v1 be *forced* despite the parameters of being in the village. At that point, I would say the Jinchūriki would recognize that the threat the challenger poses to his/her beloved village and takes the fight elsewhere. (S)He also demands the village to NOT interfere in the fight until a victor has emerged, one way or the other. If it is the Jinchūriki, then yes, parade around with the corpse and revel in your victory. If it's the challenger, well, you better learn how to get the hell of dodge if you're still trapped in the village.

That is how the situation pans out. Just like how it does for Itachi and Kisame canonically. They couldn't overpower the Leaf Jōnin and got the hell out while they still could. *Gasp!* Then they came back for another shot that was opportunistic to them!

I'm not trying to be an asshole; definitely very sarcastic, but none of that is impossible to comprehend.

That's the ideology that I'm proposing. Simple as that.

You cannot fight a village for a Jinchūriki, then don't incite the village to attack. By all means, you think you're all powerful and want to take on the entire village AND fight for the beastie afterwards, then go for it.

If not, then you infiltrate the location. Make friendlies if you can. Pinpoint, corner, threaten the Jinchūriki. That's when it's on the jinch to accept the match without involving anyone else as per their preferences.

Done and done.

OOC fights are even simpler. Just duke it out and continue on your merry way.

By the way, Riku, I meant that it is entirely up to the host whether the situation be IC or OOC.

I personally like the points you are making but it comes down to something sounding good on paper, but in practice is going to cause more controversy than the second amendment of the constitution.

If those kinds of IC hunts aren't regulated, then who is to say a village isn't going to have a bias against someone who has the intention to search out one of their bijuu, even if IC they have no knowledge of it. I mean, I completely understand that a village will defend their villagers no matter what, but to accomplish that, I wouldn't doubt they aren't prepared to meta-game without any remorse.

Other than that, I have little issue with what you are dishing out.

I'm definitely an advocate for simply voiding out the bijū and their affairs. Reason being the community has difficulty in implementing proper RP protocol in pursuit of the beasts and it drastically increases hostilities to the point it affects OOC and out of game emotions.

If they are to remain in-game, then I would say nix all the rules except the following:

1) Don't be a dick.
2) Be active. (Post at least once every two weeks)
3) Promote RP activity by making it IC hunt.
4) Be a damn ninja.
5) Be honorable and respectful to one another.
6) Cannot iterate enough: Don't be an asshat.
7) Don't meta-game or god-mod.

I will have to disagree on this one. There is way too much that is either undefinable or simply subjective.

1, 4-7 are my fixation for that. Some of them are zoning protocols that a judge could fix up (with the removal of challenges judges might go away as well) but things like "be a ninja" are pretty subjective when the ninja in the Naruto series went from needing stealth to mostly needing power. Zetzu is probably the biggest exception, but he is definitely the exception and not the rule on that one.

Unless there is a judge, GM, or presider to decide things, I do not see how IC biju fights will possibly improve. Rather, I see them getting worse (which is pretty possible) if there is no judge or other such presider who can settle arguments and disagreements that will inevitable pop up in hardcore, biju related RP.

The IC hunt portion often is the problem when there are problems regarding biju fights under the current rules. I dont' get why there is still such a push to keep 'em.

Wow, Eric. You really need a lengthy explanation to understand what it means to actually work with someone and not tear them down, bully, harrass, and verbally abuse someone when you're trying to either defend or hunt a bijū. Seriously? That's exactly what 1, 5, and 6 are completely about. Just simplified.

Of course "judges" could be brought in by the two involved in the bijū RP but they aren't necessary and shouldn't be such a hard rule to follow that one just has to have one in order to do anything bijū related.

4 and 7 has to do with obvious malfunction that occurs with the IC hunt. People want to just stroll up to a village and be like "Hey, I'm here for your Jinchūriki but don't fight me. I just wanna fight him/her. Kthanxbai." No. That doesn't work. The village will protect. As it was already deemed in the other ridiculous thread attempting to combat that theory. Be a ninja and get your opponent to 1v1 if that's your agenda. But if you piss off the village, then expect retribution as well. It's all for the RP of the story,and people want to just jump to the end result.

Same thing for meta and goddin' out. Don't pull OOC info as your main source of information, especially bogus buddy-buddy PMs. No, actually RP like you mean it and acquire the info IC. Even if that takes a spell, if you're here for the RP then enjoy the damn RP. If you cannot handle such a simple task, then why are you RPing to begin with? Goddin' out is self-explanatory.

But of course! Like Warren said, if you wanna just fight someone for the bijū without involving IC RP and they are cool with that, then there ya go. It's truly 100% up to the the host on what they want to do and with whom they want to do it with.

I agree with most of what you say, except for the last bit where you said, "It's truly 100% up to the the host on what they want to do and with whom they want to do it with."

This tid bit right here would open up 10 thousand doors of BS just waiting to be explored. The Hosts should only have at most 50% power when dealing with how the bijuu should be dealt with. These bijuu are privileges that come with obligations, and when either is taken advantage of, consequences and rules that govern how situations like those will be dealt with are necessary, or we'll have hosts pulling all sorts of nonsense out of their asses.

This mindset spawned from that, "Preferences" list being misconstrued and twisted into, "This is my bijuu, and the rules that govern it, list", a fine example of giving someone an inch, and them taking a mile and 3/4's. >_>

Now I won't explain what the word Preferences means, but I will say that it should only be that. And in the case that the Host/Hunter cannot agree on a solution, then a set of rules should be written to govern that contingency. 

It's really a simple solution when you wipe away the bullshit, and consider that fairness for both the Hunter, and Hunted.

Tl;Dr: Make fair challenges/hunts for host/hunted.

Keep the biju, drop the rules save for activity and allowing people to find you.

I'd agree with that guy ^

I believe it's these all-sensing, all-seeing, selectively-blocking barriers that pretty much have no flaw to them that ruins the IC-hunt portion. Granted, by village has giant guards that can roll you up like a blunt and fire you off into the distance on their giant crossbows. But that's only if you do something really destructive to alert them. And I have a rain-sensing system too, but I don't really abuse it at all. The gate policy is pretty much open for anyone to pass through, so long as they don't blatantly try to draw attention to themselves.

It's when you make people go through tons of hoops is when it can get irritating. If you doubt your abilities to go sneak your way into a village with sensible defenses, then maybe hunting a Tailed Beast isn't for you. It's not a bad thing. It just means that you'll have to learn to work with what you have.

It's this part that gives me pause about the whole damn thing. But who's to say, that not every single person is gonna fair and civil, and not meta-game at all! >_> Logic does, and by virtue of the history of peoples actions we have definitive proof that this method will simply be abused as well.

During Shukaku time anyway, athos. Before I got stripped of Gyuki for equally BS reasons I had to put down a friggin endless list of people.

As for you yujo, rusaku, who even are you anymore? I guess this is how people complaining of people changing names feel like.

Either way, your point is kinda moot because as has been proven many many times over by now, the rules don't work. They're already followed so little if at all, falsely when they are, that they might as well not exist at all.

And for once I kinda agree with kirk too, as impossibly rare as that is. Like seriously, I do not recall a single time in the past where any problem whatsoever ever got to even the scale of the most minor disputes that have happened since the making of the current rules. Not a single one.

Oh I agree that the rules suck, and people abuse em, but to make all of the RP needed to nab a bijuu IC would just plain be unfair to everyone but the 9 that have them.

so RP for it.

And in the far off land of Amegakure, a lone Kaguya rises from her mausoleum calling out one name...

No, because people and villages will make it impossible to even get past the front gates, and we all know that to be a fact, at this point if you refute that, you are a completely dumb.

There is not a village on this site I can not infiltrate. To think there is is just means you doubt yourself to much. Plus it does make it more of a challenge and more fun

To be honest if we go to all strict IC with no rules ill probably go hunting. We might even see war again at SL. Big war.

I dare ya. I double dare ya...No no. I triple Dog Dare ya to go and attack a village right now. Go bro, dared ya.

so RP for it.

And in the far off land of Amegakure, a lone Kaguya rises from her mausoleum calling out one name...

No, because people and villages will make it impossible to even get past the front gates, and we all know that to be a fact, at this point if you refute that, you are a completely dumb.

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