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Messages - Teostra

Pages: 1 ... 12 13 [14] 15
Spam / Re: Rate the forum Display Picture And Signature Above you!
« on: January 25, 2015, 06:38:06 PM »
Avatar is low resolution. Signature is too large and uses a .gif, which is an inferior form of moving image. Also, said .gif appears, from the art style, to be from My Little Pony.

Total, 2/10, would not view again.

Feature Requests / Re: IC/OOC option on village boards
« on: January 20, 2015, 09:11:05 PM »
It's a really neat function. Only issue I see is when you're scrying, you don't have the option to what board you want to scry to. Don't know if that's gonna change at all, but just something to consider.

Naruto / Re: Your favorite Naruto villain and why
« on: January 20, 2015, 05:47:35 PM »
Zabuza. He was the only real Ninja. His only special skill was that he was very, very strong. He didn't rely on flashy moves. All his moves were designed around ninja kills.

Bijuu Arena / Re: Refusing a Bijuu Challenge.
« on: January 16, 2015, 06:51:42 AM »
Jeese, is this what it's like to be a jinchuriki? Everyone here seems to be acting like children. Why is it so difficult for people to just act civil towards each other? So someone's accepting a challenge but wants a third party to talk to the challenger and let them know because they're having a lover's spat (or acting like one). Sounds like having a bijuu is just a pain in the butt.

Bijuu Arena / Re: Tailed Beast Respawning
« on: January 15, 2015, 10:58:52 PM »
I just want to say that I've always thought the whole bijuu thing on SL was a pain in the butt and was probably the tipping point at where the whole RP aspect of it snowballed downhill because that's when everything began to become regulated.

But, what are we complaining about here? If you kill the host of the bijuu, the bijuu breaks free. I thought everyone agreed about that. If you really want to make it interesting, appoint someone as a game master for a fight if you're going to challenge someone for their bijuu. If you kill the host, the bijuu breaks free and you have to fight it too under control of the GM (probably going to be weaker than at full power, because it's been getting chakra-sucked the whole fight because that always happens). If you subdue it/seal it, then it's yours. I'm pretty sure a tailed beast is a rampaging monster and probably wouldn't run away, so the GM should make sure that doesn't happen. If you die during the fight or retreat, then no beast for you. But I guess now that GM has responsibility for it. And whoever wants to fight it next has to fight a full powered tailed beast.

But do people seriously get in single-file line waiting to attack the beasts/hosts? That's just silly.

Village Square / Re: Invention of the poke-dex, I mean Ninja-dex
« on: January 15, 2015, 10:37:31 PM »

This is the only electronic the device in the SL universe ever or for the next 3 years.
It is chakra powered and has no battery.
It's updated through unknown means.
Ninja-dex cannot be created by anyone and should be bought at Jiseigakure and one should rp buying one.
You can't have a super ninja dex that knows everyone, it should only known people in your village and if you are in war the other's village.

Guessing people forgot this chapter. Naruto has electronic stuff. In fact, after Itachi killed all the Uchiha, he was perched atop a transformer/telephone pole. There's likely plenty of other examples, but those are the two that stand out to me without having to look them up. So sorry, it's okay to have electronics in Naruto. Though a ninja-dex is a good idea, what happens to the people who had RP stories going on where they've already been keeping track of the different ninja in the different cities?
Though, this would be a good addition to it in a way because they could just flip it open and bam, that's the ninja you're looking at with some info.

Discussions / Re: Ban Techniques?
« on: January 15, 2015, 12:18:58 AM »
Shunshin is the one thing I hate above all else. Everybody treats it like a goddamn teleport, when its only fast speed movement. Hell I've never even truly thought of it as a fast speed movement, just an optic diversion during which you move in their blind angle.

I believe that a whole lot of people confuse shunshin with that thing the 4th hokage did. Technically, he was fast. But that teleportation he did was always a swap with a pre-placed/thrown kunai.

Discussions / Re: Ban Techniques?
« on: January 14, 2015, 05:33:39 PM »
Custom jutsu are frowned upon now-a-days? That really blows because Teo's whole moveset was basically custom in a way (but I don't RP anymore, because of all the drama that seems to be tied to RPing these days). Hell, back in the day, everyone had their own custom moves because that was back when there still wasn't a huge selection of moves to pick from in the actual series. And as long as the move wasn't some 'You're Already Dead no Jutsu' and was fair and had rules, it was accepted. If custom moves are really banned, then there's no way I'll ever come back because that's just a big fun limiter.

But back to the topic at hand, honestly, I think the only moves that should be banned (besides the kawarimi because it's cheap as hell. Hell, even clones can be pretty cheap if abused, especially with that body-flicker technique) are those truth-seeking balls. Unless people here now use say that they're the reborn sage of the six paths. Because I could swear that only people who can tap into the sage's powers (so people who are the reborn Indra, Asura, or people who have the ten-tails). Because at that point you're pretty much god-modding in the full aspect of it (because let's admit it, Naruto was basically a god at that point).

Game Related Discussions / Re: Character change as well.
« on: January 12, 2015, 05:56:05 PM »
Well if you count being even stronger as extreme, then yes it'd be different. If not, then well I did say similar principle, not identical. Tsunade gets her strength as explosive bursts, gate users more just beef up their physique overall when going into hachimon. Some differences, but similar principle still, former is less potent and safer, latter is more potent and far more dangerous.

As for body swapping, yes, if you found some with the set you want you could get the abilities for yourself to use provided you learned their use after the takeover. Oro style erodes the body however, so lest there was some magic way to prevent that it'd be only a temporary reprieve. As for gene therapy, while new material can be introduced to some degree, completely removing some like say uchiha in this case would be difficult if not impossible, and that's without even beginning on what diseases and other other kind of complications it could cause for the body.

But if you do it using anime logic/magic, then it could be possible to swap the abilities. Trying to apply real-world things like nosocomial infections to a fictional world based around an anime doesn't make too much sense. Or if she could find someone to Frankenstein-up a body for her, that might work. She would just have to collect the pieces.

Game Related Discussions / Re: Character change as well.
« on: January 12, 2015, 05:43:38 PM »
But Gates is different from using chakra to boost your strenght. For example, Gai is physically strong already while Tsunade requires chakra to become that physically strong. Someone using Gates would extremely different from someone just boosting strength via chakra.

And regarding the topic, yeah, I only read the first page and it already seemed like it was just a whine-fest so I didn't wade through the next pages. Why can't she just basically RP where she changes her character's abilities? Whether through a body swap like Oro or some sort of genetic manipulation with the help of a third party?

Game Related Discussions / Re: Character change as well.
« on: January 12, 2015, 05:23:16 PM »
I thought that the gates never really used chakra. Morning peacock was just punching so fast that the air friction caused the punches to catch fire. The tiger attack was just another extremely fast punch that went so fast that it launched a wave of air pressure that exploded on contact. No chakra at all with those techniques. The only chakra involved was the chakra used to unlock the gates. And that 'chakra veil' that surrounds the gates user was just sweat evaporating due to his body temperature I think.

Village Square / Re: The power of the Kaguya Clan
« on: January 11, 2015, 04:43:33 PM »
All this talk of Cursed Seal-influenced Shikotsumyaku use makes me wonder what a true master of Senjutsu with Shikotsumyaku can do. Pretty scary when you think about it. The main drawback of the Cursed Seal, is that you're sacrificing your own chakra for the sealer's Senjutsu Chakra, and in effect, your body becomes distorted to the point of looking like an inhuman creature. More animalistic to be precise. This is really close to the same appearance and effect for those who have not mastered the handling of Senjutsu Chakra.

Though to that extent of speculation, Kabuto is the only example that we can draw from. But you'll have to keep in mind that he had a plethora of abilities absorbed within him. The most outstanding abilities when it came to his body was Sage Mode durability, Uzumaki vitality and Shikotsumyaku.

Once again, genetics play a role in granting strong abilities.

When was it ever stated that Cursed Seals gave you access to Sage chakra? I thought it just buffed up your chakra by giving you access to chakra that the owner stored within you because each curse seal had a little part of Oro sealed inside it too.
Just looked it up, and yeah, it seems to give you some of Oro's sage power. But it seems like it's more of a synthetic sage mode if anything. Because they seem to lack the chakra-absorbing ability of a sage like Naruto. I don't think it should be read literally, because they're obviously two different 'sage modes'.

Village Square / Re: The power of the Kaguya Clan
« on: January 11, 2015, 06:20:37 AM »
Maybe everyone's just looking into it too much. Why can't we agree that Kaguya can recover extremely fast? Think about it with manga-logic. I'm sure it's completely possible for Kimi to make an entire extra skeleton if he really wanted to (and think about how spooky that would be). If he's able to make an entire bone forest erupt from his body, he's likely to run out of fuel quickly. That combined with plot disease likely caused his death in the series. I like to think that they have an extremely fast-paced healing ability which can also extend to their organs if need be. But the thing is, they can probably only heal so much because they've got to run out of nutrients to build those bones eventually. So Kaguyas probably have to eat as much as a manga main character usually does in order to keep from exhausting their body's natural stores. Or you could go with the 'It just works' idea that can apply to a lot of Naruto's funky abilities like the Sharingan.

Events / Re: Orochimaru's Hideout
« on: January 11, 2015, 03:13:55 AM »
Oh, I completely forgot it was supposed to be abandoned. I guess I've just run into it so much, I've just stopped reading the fine print. So scrap the Oro idea then. But at least make it more Naruto-related with the enemies.

Events / Orochimaru's Hideout
« on: January 11, 2015, 12:11:53 AM »
My main gripe about this place, is that it seems rather pointless risk/reward doesn't seem worth it. On top of that, the enemies really feel as if they're unchanged from LotGD. Right now I encountered a0 Disembodied Spectre which lunges at you with ghostly powers. Doesn't really sound very Naruto/Ninja-y.
The enemies should be easy fixes. They could be something like, 'Failed Kaguya Experiment w/ Inside-Out Body' or 'Manda Clone w/ Deadly Venom' or 'Ninja Prisoner w/ Curse Seal' or some other suggestions.
And as for risk/reward, we all know there's plenty of instant deaths that can occur in the hideout but the enemies you encounter there are also extremely difficult. After completing the dungeon, this is my reward.
You finished the maze in 159 turns.
You find a treasure of 0 gold and 0 gems.
I know you're going to say 'Oh, you didn't make it out fast enough', but even when I had, it wasn't really that great of a reward. Would it be possible to make it a rare random encounter within the hideout to fight Orochimaru himself (doing so would be able to net you an Oro kill, maybe?) but he would be extremely buffed up (kind of like the chipmunk boss) so that it would be difficult to actually kill him and 'skipping' that Oro kill would actually be hard to achieve. Either that, or increase the amount of stuff that you can get from completing the dungeon by adding items to the things you can get by completing it.

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