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Messages - Raifudo Oppa

Pages: 1 ... 138 139 [140]
Events / Re: Gallant Jiraya's Information Network
« on: January 13, 2008, 06:06:25 AM »
._. Don't revive dead topics.

im hardly ever on as it is...

so i dont really pay attention to what is dead and what is still new =/

Events / Re: Changing Race
« on: January 13, 2008, 06:05:39 AM »
Hmm.....I still like your idea Gyu. Let me piggie-back my revised idea off of yours.  So instead of it being one can not change their race until getting a kekkei genkai or reset, let's say it can only be done in increments of 5 or 10.  Therefore the race specific modules that Neji has in place don't have to be changed. 
By implementing the five to ten increment rule for villages, the battle lines for a war would be drawn and would make it much harder for shinobis to change sides in the middle of a war and one would be showing loyalty to their village by remaining it for at least 5 DKs depending on your title, (the less experienced you are 'academy student, genin, jounin, hunter nin' you must stay with your race for 5 DKs anything higher requires 10 DKs).   

How the 'War' is made:
A war in essence is made by the number of people in each race/village.  There will be a set amount of lost PVP's that a race can take, if that amount is reached then there will be a declaration for war between the races. 

Determining a Winner:
When war is declared, the race with the most PVP victories against their opponents in a one month span wins.  The one month time frame is used so that wars don't happen each week, but instead are a long event or should I say mission (since so many people have been asking for missions). To add a little of spirit to the war, I would like a timer of how many days are left for the war.   

Benefits to Winning War:
In a clan vs clan war, nothing is truly accomplished and we have seen both clans believe that they ended up winning the war because there was no clear cut winner. By using a PVP counter we will have a concise winner.  The winning race would get the benefit of all its members receiving a 'Spoils of War Buff'. 
In contrast the losing organization would get the negative buff, "Art of Discord".  Neither buff is really powerful, it is more of a pride thing to be honest.  Although both buffs last 40 rounds. 

There are no captains of an race/village, no treaties, if two villages don't want to go to war, then I would advise them not to PVP each other, or eventually they will reach the PVP ceiling for a declaration of war.  That includes villages in the anime that may be allies (Fire and Sand). 

Although it would be a good idea to have a special hideout or place where village members can strategize a plan to win a war, it would in essence be just another place for possible spoilers, or another room for mods to have to check in to make sure nothing is be done wrong, in other words it would be adding to the moderators hassle.  To solve this problem, it would be better for members of each village to establish an off-line forum for members of their respective village and discuss plans to win the war.   

There will be no visible counter of how many PVPs a race/village has while in a war, this only adds to the suspense of who is ahead in PVPs. 

Finally, the winning race/village in a war will have it posted in the 'Daily News Area'. 

****Please keep in mind that in order to break the increment rule, as Gyu stated in previous posts, one would have to pay an substantial price in order to change their forehead protector.  :roll:

In paying for your forehead protector to jump ship to another race/village, there is a wildcard.  Very much like the person who works on your sword or armor, he might be able to do a fantastic job on your forehead protector or his work might be well.......crappy ;) 
If it is crappy (which is possible) you would still gain access to your new race but only temporarily before the paint starts to run off your forehead protector.  Which would bring about a one way trip to the graveyard, when you run into the ANBU (of any village).

For those that might want to complain that paying so much gold and gems, for something that could be made shoddy: 
Why would you give so much money to a stranger? 
Why switch races when you know its a deadly gamble?
Other have paid 100 gems for access to hidden places, why cry over 30 gems?  :roll:

hmm its a good idea..but if you are going to die for sure at some point and spend 30 gems for something temporarily..why do it?

its a good idea but still...

Conventions / Re: Anime Expo
« on: January 12, 2008, 03:05:20 AM »
omg i went there x]

it was aweshome x]

Events / Re: Gallant Jiraya's Information Network
« on: January 12, 2008, 02:29:32 AM »
You meet Jiraya in the forest and he tells you he's been workin really hard to gather information.

 first option: Contribute with some info = this would be an Akimichi Riddler revised

 Second option:
Try to extract some info out of him =
                     20% * Jiraya realizes what are your intentions  and hits you with a rasengan while pick pocketin your wallet (you lose up to 3 ff and all your gold)

                     25% *You try to get Jiraya drunk but  overdo it  and he passes out after trowin up at you (lose some  charm)

                     25% *You try to get Jiraya drunk but you end up drunk somehow (lose 1 ff but gain boose bonus)

                     20% *Jiraya realizes what are your intentions and turns you into a frog (you lose all your ff and ft)
                     10% *You  get Jiraya drunk and he let slip the following sentence (random puzzle information on sst,esst, cs, cs2, rasengan, secret jutsus):
                          Ex.: If you are lookin for a star you have to steal it from its galaxy, but be careful to touch it or you might get burned (sst)

 Third option: chat with him =

                     25% *Jiraya says he wont waste his time with someone so flat chested and leaves (lose some charm)

                     15% *Jiraya lends you a frog for safety and go search for a better source ( 20 turns of random frog summon)
                     15% *jiraya teaches you how to better use your chackra ( gain specialty point)
                     25% *Jyraya hits you with Gogyou Kaiin (gain up to 5 ff)
                     20% *Jiraya takes you to a bar where you end up  paying the bill (loses x gold)

 Fourth option: flee this place =
                      90% *run away safely

                      10% *Jiraya think that you might be a spy and attacks you

hmm no bro not good to me =/

and also your riddle isnt that hard to find out -_-

if you want a riddle ask me...

its basically what i do in life..riddles and paradox's...

Forum Applications / Re: hmm...
« on: January 12, 2008, 02:07:33 AM »
There is only one forum for Shinobilegends, and you picked the right one =).

There is no pattern to when applications can sent in to be a moderator or a gamemaster.

All you need to do is, play the game, talk in the general places at least, be friendly, and be acquainted with the rules. There are more things you can do though.

When the staff thinks it is the time to have new staff members, Neji, the administrator, probably will let us know by stating it on the forums and/or in the game MOTD.

thank you for your time ace ^-^

it is greatly appreciated

that really helped me out alot

Shinobi Legends Language Board / Hola mis amigos!
« on: January 12, 2008, 01:57:47 AM »
hey peeps i know spanish ^-^
im 17 and i've been talking it for about 16 years already =]

if you ever need me to translatr anything im right here for ya!

los miro al rato!

Forum Applications / hmm...
« on: January 12, 2008, 01:41:08 AM »
i dont want to sound spammish but im a bit questionable...

is there some sort of pattern on when mods and gamemasters and such are picked?

im a bit confused on that factor...perhaps the fact that im alot more busier than before and i do not visit the forums all that much...

but can anyone please tell me?

i couldn't find another forum where this could belong so i decided to put it here..

well in any matter thank you for your time!


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