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Messages - Trev

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Village Square / Re: Cut Down the Summoning Claims
« on: December 21, 2015, 08:01:12 AM »
Yeah, I was Gozu, don't recall adding that to the claimed list. But if you make a free summon section, feel free to add Baku there. Anyway, that's the best compromise I can think of without rattling feathers that would cut down the claimed list, if only minimally.

Village Square / Re: Cut Down the Summoning Claims
« on: December 21, 2015, 07:55:25 AM »
Nah, keep all the cannon claims, if people don't want to give them up, they shouldn't have to. I agree with getting rid of old users, no reason to clutter up the claimed list.

Perhaps, start a new section for freebe summons? I know there is a section for free claimed techniques, add summons to that. This gives the option of people giving up their claims should they so choose.

Example, add the tapir (Danzo's Baku) summon and if Bocc is up to it, cause I am, add sharks there too.

That way the people who don't want to give up cannon summons don't have to, but the people that want to (people like you) can. Best compromise.

Pretty much making the multiverse thing.

I agree. Make your own rules and have people opt in. I already have a fair idea of who will be in this "verse". I say go for it. No harm in trying it out, if it works you rp with people who have the same set of rules. If it fails, you're right back where you started.

SL started off split, time to go back

Village Square / Re: Claimed Tug of Wars
« on: October 17, 2015, 06:40:58 PM »
People don't follow Yumei's wiki, cause he's not there to ban you  for being a child and messing with the claimed list >>

Village Square / Re: Claimed Tug of Wars
« on: October 17, 2015, 03:28:34 AM »
Pull a dc and have a multiverse.

Two separate dimensions of rp. Or maybe more than two. Form different cliques and rp within your clique. SL will never get along cause you all hate each other (don't say you don't, it's fairly obvious with your language and belittlement)

Everyone just goes there separate ways and 2 things will happen.
1. Rp will get even smaller (quantity of people wise) but you'll be happier
2. You'll all hate it and finally compromise

That or make your own forum and take your buddies along.

Oh ps, stop using the wiki. It use to be a great community tool, when it had a moderator that stopped such things that are currently happening, but Yumei ain't around.

Bijuu Arena / Re: Further Questions: New Rules vs No Rules
« on: October 13, 2015, 07:05:23 AM »
Scrap the whole pointless "community". Multiple biju will exist and anarchy will reign supreme. The people that hate biju will love it, until someone rps in their village claiming to be the kage and has followers, thus making multiple universes and you can't tell them no.

SL is either gonna have a general rule set, or you're gonna have a DC pre crisis thing going on with multiple universes. No middle ground

Bijuu Arena / Re: Gyūki's Possession
« on: October 05, 2015, 07:58:06 AM »
You're all awful. Would have stayed longer and fought Madara if I knew this laughing stock of an issue would take place #TeamTrev

Bijuu Arena / Re: Uchiha Madara vs Trev
« on: September 03, 2015, 06:20:13 AM »
I give up

Or just let the site die cause you all suck.

Get rid of the tailed best, people will fight over items, village land, IC titles, etc. And cause the same arguments.

You guys claim nobody follows the rules, so strip them. Site has been long headed towards a split of people that follow certain rules while other people follow a different set. Stop trying to get along, and let the community split and anarchy reign and there be no standard rp, community, or continuity.

There will be multiple people that claim to be the sage of six paths, multiple people with the same tailed beast, etc. You all wanted freedom from rules that nobody follows, well here it is. Let's not pretend SL rp is legit and just let it go.

Bijuu Arena / Re: Uchiha Madara vs Trev
« on: August 25, 2015, 05:33:35 AM »
I accept the rules above.

It would seem this zetsu creature have some sort of mental ability to tell the future, as shortly after his mental note to his creator, the Yondaime Otokage would show up within the far edges of the meadow, slowly making his way towards the jinch. Obviously due to the nature of the landscape, Madara would easily be able to see the man in the distance approaching him.

The Yondaime as he proceeded towards the Uchiha, would tighten the melody gauntlet around his arm further, ensuring it ready for use. A loud jingle could be heard with every step he took, as a plethora of kunai with varying seals jostled from his belt with each passing step. It would be obvious the man was quite armed.

Eventually the Otokage would stop about 25 meters from the man, his eyes staring intently at the target, though obviously careful not to make eye contact without his sharingan active. If Madara was perceptive in the sage arts, he may notice the constant flow of natural energy moving into the man's body, even while moving. A compliment of his Yasei heritage and Sage Transformation abilities. If Madara also had good enough vision, he could also see the cracks on the Otokage's face, and pale skin, signifying he was an Edo Tensei.

"You look deep in thought." The Yondaime would stoically say, as his hands moved to his waist. The Yondaime would continue to study the figure, not feeling like taking the first move just yet.

Village Square / Re: Let's make an SL religion
« on: August 20, 2015, 07:39:48 AM »
Nah, the deity will offer no get out of jail free cards, even Jashin's loyal subject Hidan is still in the dirt after all!!!

Though I'm glad to see the other villages how different high above figures, makes for interesting rp. Could also evolve into something like the Greek Cities had, where each village has their patron god, goddess, spirit, or whatever.

I also certainly am not going to force anyone to join should they not wish too!!!

I did kill a bunch of wolves, I have not forgotten! Inari uses foxes, but Oto don't really got those, so why not wolves. As you said there is always atonement. Or perhaps even divine punishment for my sins against Oto's patron protector!!!

But I do think I'll include the whip in some form, perhaps instead of power ups, I'll create divine weapons, items, and such. I too will have to keep thinking about such things, background, and lore.

Village Square / Let's make an SL religion
« on: August 20, 2015, 05:56:28 AM »
So I've been thinking about way to add depth to our little SL universe lately. Religion came to mind right away and has been for awhile. There seems to be lack of them around, and why do jashinist get all the fun?

This idea as been floating through my mind for awhile, so why not try to implement a patron god/goddess for Otogakure?

My thought was to either use directly or indirectly the shinto deity of Inari Okami. Perhaps not directly as to not offend anyone of the Shinto religion.

Inari Okami (or deity to be named) long ago dwelt within what is now the Land of Sound or rice patties. The enchantments placed upon the land come from this deity and is a reason for Otogakure's great agriculture (playing off Inari being a kami of rice). People of the Sound keep making offerings and the deity keeps giving Oto it's bountiful harvest.

Inari is also known to take the forms of several species. Most prominently is the fox, which I shall not be using. However, it can also form the snake and dragon. The snake being tied to Otogakure via the manga, and dragon via sl rp of Shinro. This would help explain Otogakure's fascination with these creatures and deem them "holy". Perhaps I could swap the fox with wolves, since SL rp has had many wolves in Otogakure.

I wanted to have some sort of player benefit like Jashin gives to his followers. Of course I didn't want it to be too strong of a thing like Jashin gives, just something to make it interesting. Some legends of Inari offer tales of a whip that can burn crops. So I was thinking followers of the religion get a whip that can produce fire chakra or something. I was looking to add some other power up, but am stumped as to what.

So I posted this here to get feedback and ideas from others, so this could be made a thing that could be implemented in Otogakure and give some religious diversity to the land.

Apologies to anyone of the Shinto faith if they find this offensive or inaccurate in anyway, not my intent.

Village Square / Re: Limbo: Border Jail
« on: August 19, 2015, 06:15:50 AM »
Amend rules 1 & 3.

Your amendment to rule 3 seems fair to me. Beq raises a good point, but I don't it too be much of an issue. Mostly cause if you're using to technique it's probably to kill and a serious rp (Big assumption by me I guess). So if one were to try the whole be ambiguous with the distance thing to abuse it, two things would likely happen.

1. A judge if called would likely call bs on you, and void said action.
2. Your opponent if clever enough and aware, could what I call "detail abuse" you which people on this game are fond of and say the clone is not near you.

So the amendment for 3 is fine by me.

I think you amend advantage one to also include other sensing methods such as the generic chakra sensing technique. Seems most people's issue is with the sensing, so you fix that and maybe, just maybe, you get the ok.

Though at a certain point you have to think, is nerfing it worth it? When nerfing a jutsu transforms it into a shell of its former self, and barely like the cannon technique you are trying to implement, it sometimes is better to leave it alone imo. In the words of Jud from Pet Sematary "Sometimes dead is better" (Bonus points for me since it's also an Edo Tensei Joke >.>)

Village Square / Re: Limbo: Border Jail
« on: August 19, 2015, 01:37:15 AM »
I think you'll have trouble getting this to go, but your rules seems "reasonable". Though I argue advantage #3 is too much to my liking.

Village Square / Re: Uchiha Massacre
« on: August 16, 2015, 10:55:00 PM »
I personally don't incorporate anything from the canon series timeline. Not even the sage of six paths. I just accept the nine biju as being there. I do this, cause SL has pretty much said ten tails = void, so I don't acknowledge it as existing.

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