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Messages - Hitler-Chan

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Village Square / Re: Strongest Shield?!
« on: September 02, 2015, 09:34:26 PM »
I have spoken in length about the ridiculousness of how this ability is used with various users of it. Since Zojin first claimed it. Which would spawn other controversy on how the multitude of other users, 'learned' to make their bodies this durable, unless she explicitly taught them, which to my understanding, she didn't. (I'll try and contact her)

In my instances of combating this, it has been used in one of two ways:

"My strongest shield body is so tanky that I don't have to dodge this (Insert Op technique)"

Or, "Supplementing my already strong body with all of these other buffs makes me invulnerable to almost anything, so, hahahahah!"

The latter of the two being the most prominent. But the issue with even saying that it isn't fair, is that many of us do the same thing for one stat or the other.

For example the infamous: 5th Gate, Sage mode, Raiton No Yoroi speed.

Or, Minds eye, Sharingan, Sage mode sensing.

They are all ubiquitously used in some way, shape, or form. Now I know, a few of you are going to claim that you don't claim some OP combo that makes you better than someone at something, don't.

The issue with this technique stems with the people who don't exactly know what it does, what it doesn't do, and why.

So instead of arguing about it's form in the Naruto universe, let us lay down the guidelines of the SL form?

No. My god. I mean, no, you're right, kind of, or something.

But no.

Adding new rules, making goddamn guidelines, that is NOT what SL is. Are we just going to make a guideline for everything that comes up? :/ It's everyone's solution!

"Oh, there is this once in a blue moon type thing going on right now, so let's make a whole move set, rules, and regulations for it!"

More edits have been made to already functioning guidelines over the past month and a half than almost EVER.

If Strongest Shield is getting a set of guidelines, we should start making guidelines on when and when you can't use Susanoo, or limitations to instantaneous Kamui.

Or how about we start regulating on how my breaths each person can take in a minute?

:/ Everything on this whole site is getting ridiculous. Ridiculously stupid.

Look, all I did was offer an Idea, whether it was right or wrong is irrelevant.

The fact that people don't understand how it works, and it's limits is it's issue, all I am suggesting is that the users of the technique lay out what they believe it does, and how it's application into a site like this is not strictly godmod, and if what they say in fact is, then an issue will spawn and we deal with it again with now more information to argue for or against.

Village Square / Re: Strongest Shield?!
« on: September 02, 2015, 09:18:41 PM »
I have spoken in length about the ridiculousness of how this ability is used with various users of it. Since Zojin first claimed it. Which would spawn other controversy on how the multitude of other users, 'learned' to make their bodies this durable, unless she explicitly taught them, which to my understanding, she didn't. (I'll try and contact her)

In my instances of combating this, it has been used in one of two ways:

"My strongest shield body is so tanky that I don't have to dodge this (Insert Op technique)"

Or, "Supplementing my already strong body with all of these other buffs makes me invulnerable to almost anything, so, hahahahah!"

The latter of the two being the most prominent. But the issue with even saying that it isn't fair, is that many of us do the same thing for one stat or the other.

For example the infamous: 5th Gate, Sage mode, Raiton No Yoroi speed.

Or, Minds eye, Sharingan, Sage mode sensing.

They are all ubiquitously used in some way, shape, or form. Now I know, a few of you are going to claim that you don't claim some OP combo that makes you better than someone at something, don't.

The issue with this technique stems with the people who don't exactly know what it does, what it doesn't do, and why.

So instead of arguing about it's form in the Naruto universe, let us lay down the guidelines of the SL form?

Village Square / Re: another kiri topic.
« on: September 02, 2015, 05:32:05 PM »
I must say, I have dealt with Kiri enough in the past several months to know that Dart was being reasonable and rather unbiased, even in the face of masane's rather 'loud' mouth. So I have a question, what the hell?! xD

Village Square / Re: Another Sanbi Post.
« on: September 01, 2015, 08:21:16 PM »
Appreciated. Locked!

Village Square / Re: Another Sanbi Post.
« on: September 01, 2015, 05:39:07 PM »
For the sake of those that actually had argued for a better solution, I will lock down this thread as long as the fight begins within a week from today. Sound fair to everyone?

Village Square / Re: Another Sanbi Post.
« on: September 01, 2015, 06:56:50 AM »
I say Deathstroke talks with Eiko, and if the fight does not start within a week or something, then Yujo gets his fight? Seems fair to me.

Well under those pretenses of course they are going to start tomorrow or something, just like every other topic I've started regarding the Sanbi. Everyone has seen it at this point, it takes several weeks and many arguments for anything regarding this particular beast to get done, and as soon as it's made, people are quick to jump to the solution I offered weeks in advance, but now that the risk of consequence is around, they move faster than bullets. It's ridiculous. 

Second, Kay, Eiko already accepted my challenge, so that tid bit doesn't even apply her about her rights. And if that is your argument, with the rights of being a host, comes the rules of being of being one, and I'm sure there are several stipulations regarding this instance that would apply.

Lastly, Deathstroke, you continue to attempt to slander me by speaking out ignorance, all the while I tried to be as cordial with you and Eiko as I have ever been on these forums. I had no issue with you until you started making asinine assumptions regarding myself and my intentions, and even tried to make friends with the guy who after I fought for months for a beast, tooth and nail, joins the site, and gets first crack at it, and then has the gall to stall the fight and give me the middle finger. The absurdity of it all is absolutely astonishing.

Village Square / Re: Another Sanbi Post.
« on: September 01, 2015, 06:40:06 AM »
I think several people have stated that you should be skipped. Shall I open up a poll?

Village Square / Re: Another Sanbi Post.
« on: September 01, 2015, 05:40:09 AM »
For one. Why is it that nothing actually gets done on this site without someone hounding them? I mean, geez.

Second, I don't think a single soul here will doubt that if she was given the choice to fight you now, or me now, she'd fight me, for various reasons, some of which you've pointed out. So I don't think at all that your 'compromise' is even fair at this point. As you two have had ample time to commence and now that there is risk that she has to fight me now, and you get skipped, you two have no issue at all starting this thing up right here and now.

It's been nearly a month, you had your shot, you both had the opportunities, now I believe it's time to move down the list.

Village Square / Re: Another Sanbi Post.
« on: September 01, 2015, 04:10:02 AM »
I implore all of you to look above at Screenshots, at the point where I specifically told Death that his match did not have to be held up by the Rp he was doing. I tried to be cordial this whole way through, and as patient as possible, but it's quite clear to me that Death/Eiko had every opportunity to begin the match, and simply CHOSE not to because they either thought that it wasn't important, or that it was just okay to wait. It's even obvious that this beast isn't even important to death, it's just a bit ridiculous at this point at the amount of BS I am expected to take. (Maybe it's Karma :D)

Village Square / Re: Another Sanbi Post.
« on: September 01, 2015, 12:30:56 AM »
If I can do something about it let me know.

I challenged Eiko before her challenge preferences were made so I was already in Iwa when I found out the rules.

I told Yujo that, to my understanding, he would have to wait for me to finish my rp in Iwa because I have to hunt Eiko down IC before the fight begins.

If I can do that rp at the same time as the one in Iwa, or just start the fight with Eiko, I will. I did not think I could though.

I can't say I understand Yujo's self-imposed torture over this subject. I asked why it matters how long he waits since he can just do other rp instead and he told me this is the only thing on the site that matters to him, so he is unsurprisingly impatient as he apparently has nothing else here that interests him in the mean time. I don't honestly know what he's doing here then but that's not really the point.

I told Yujo I was more interested in fighting Eiko than him due to the vast difference in power between them, and because the melee battle she proposed is interesting to me. So I am hoping there is something we can do here that will still allow me to challenge Eiko.

A few things: I told you that you could do them both at the same time, weeks ago (I will dig up the Pms if they still exist) and you did nothing about it at all, so taking the stance of ignorance now, simply doesn't suffice.

I asked you to just hand over the spot to me, so that I could battle her while you did your thing in Iwa, and you declined that offer as well.

And I haven't the foggiest idea what you are talking about when you said, unsurprisingly impatient, as I have waited 22 days for you two to begin fighting, on top of the 2 months I worked to strip Isa and get this ball rolling, so please get off of your high horse dude and reevaluate that judgment.

There is no clear justifiable excuse that I was made to wait this long, and frankly, giving Deathstroke the fight after waiting this long, after being told that he was wrong about not having to wait for the Rp in Iwa to be finished would just be heresy.

Village Square / Another Sanbi Post.
« on: August 31, 2015, 07:49:04 PM »
So, Today marks the 22nd day since the end of the current 3-tailed Jincks grace period, without a commencement of any battle between the Jinck, and the first challenger.

I was told from the first challenger that he will not begin any sort of Rp with her until the RP in Iwagakure is finished, which by now has been going on for more than a month, and continues onward.

Now, I have been patient for over 3 weeks for this thing to just start, and frankly I think it is quite unfair to make someone wait for a village wide RP to finish before a bijuu battle is to start. Due to this, I am now making a push to remove the first challenger from his spot, and allow the Bijuu to be rightfully fought for.

If any of you think I am in the wrong for this, leave your constructive opinions here, same goes if agree with my stance.

Village Square / Re: Let's make an SL religion
« on: August 20, 2015, 02:51:17 PM »
If this comes to pass, I see Konoha fighting with Suna over the Giza Strip, I uh mean that forest between the two. ;D

Allahu Akbar!

Character Profiles / Re: Character Profile for the Eastern Expedition
« on: August 19, 2015, 10:23:08 PM »
Kekkei Genkai:
Uchiha/Sage Mode/Hyoton

Kekkei Tōta:
Jinton (Dust Release)

Kagura Shingan

Elemental Affinities:
Doton (Adequate), Futon (Master), Suiton (Adept), Katon (Sub-par), Raiton (Adept)

Taijutsu or Genjutsu:

Fuinjutsu, Medical, or Juinjutsu:

Jiongu (Earth Grudge Fear)

Signature Jutsu:
Zankūkyokuha, Makyō Hyōshō

Chakra Aspects:
Chakra capacity (Largest in the group through Justifiable Means)

~ Overall Fighting Style ~
Close Range, Hyper Aggressive.

Village Square / Re: Limbo: Border Jail
« on: August 19, 2015, 08:47:38 PM »
Funny you'd say that when it was us two who went to the moon together, lol.

I know xD But your two names are not generally attributed to each other.

Village Square / Re: Limbo: Border Jail
« on: August 19, 2015, 08:36:09 PM »
I am of a mind where if you want to use a technique that is generally banned for some reason or another, just find a group of people who accept it, and RP with them. Like how some people still use Truth-Seeking Balls, because people around them don't care enough to ban it. Most people arguing for and against it here will never RP together xD Like Warren and Rusaku for example; When will that ever happen?

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