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Messages - KayentaMoenkopi

Pages: 1 ... 145 146 [147] 148 149
Game Related Discussions / Re: So much DP and nothing to Spend it on!
« on: February 04, 2012, 02:57:10 AM »
@ Yumei

I really don't want the CHuunin to have KGs. We will see what other people say too.

@ Bocchiere...

I know you love to kill, but people might take it too seriously, cop an attitude and then what was supposed to be fun turn into this argument festival instead. I think the loss of one's character...potentially years of RP down the drain is a bit too serious for what I have in mind with this exam. Potentially, all the entrants but one will die. and that is a lot of people getting the red ring of death.

Game Related Discussions / Re: So much DP and nothing to Spend it on!
« on: February 04, 2012, 02:37:26 AM »
I can add an option on the entry form and make it a choice thing. ok?

Game Related Discussions / Re: So much DP and nothing to Spend it on!
« on: February 04, 2012, 02:20:52 AM »
Spamming away as we speak. lol
But answer my questions REnascence. they are in there.

Who can participate?

What restrictions placed on the CHuunin NPCS?


Game Related Discussions / Re: So much DP and nothing to Spend it on!
« on: February 04, 2012, 01:43:59 AM »
I wish to have all the details hammered out here before doing that Kage.

Everyone, please review the following text with which I propose to start the Jounin Exam Thread.


In the interest of spending up left over donated DP from the Chuunin Exams and general fun and or bragging rights, Jounin Exams will be hosted this season by Amagakure.

Since there is no village board for Amagakure, Ninja Central will serve as a general RP location for spectators and participants alike while the actual matches of the exam will be held in available zones.

There will be a two week 'get your act together' period in which registrations will be collected. To register one must fill out the registration form and send it to KayentaMoenkopi on SL AND reply to this thread on the forum saying you have completed a registration form.

All registrations need to be turned in by [insert date]. After applicants are assigned an opponent, notifications will be sent out at which time each paired match-up will have to set a date/time and place for their exam. Notify KayentaMoenkopi when these arrangements have been agreed upon so that a judge can be assigned to your exam.

Copy and paste the completed form below into a pm to KayentaMoenkopi on SL.

Anyone wishing to donate DP for awards to be given during this event can send them to KayentaMoenkopi. An accounting of ALL DP will be displayed on the forum. Currently there is 17,400 DP in the Jounin Exam Pool.


1] No God modding. You may not use powers you do not legitimately posses either through DK rank. resets or verifiable RP events/training.

2] No Auto-hitting. You may not post the successful completion of ANY action. This prevents your opponent from having the opportunity to use their abilities to prevent your action from succeeding.

3] No Character Control. You may not post an action or response of any kind for your opponent.

4] No Metagaming. Any information that you as the player knows is off limits for your character to act upon. For instance...if your opponent makes a bunshin, you had better have a valid explanation of how your character can tell it is not the real deal.

5] If you do not post it, it does not happen. Nothing will be assumed based upon the history of your character or standard definitions of your jutsu. It is your duty as an RP-er to leave nothing up to the imagination of your RP partner and those of the spectators.

6] Manners: Oh my yes. Do not OOC your match up with  a bunch of rude or insulting behavior. Disputes or concerns should be discussed in pms. If you and your opponent come to a stalemate concerning the validity of an action, take it to the judge and let he/she handle it. If the judge does not make a ruling that both parties find to be agreeable, then two other judges will come in to review the match and a ruling will be handed out. This will then be the final word upon the matter. Failure to comply with the accepted manner of behavior will see you disqualified.

7] Failure to show up for your scheduled match will result in disqualification unless arrangements to reschedule have been made. The person who did show will be paired up with another opponent. Only victory in a match will get you to a higher round in the exams.

8] DP will be awarded based upon the number of contestants. All first round contestants who complete a match will receive an award with the victor of each match gaining a larger DP award. For each progressive match the same scenario applies. Each round will have a larger award until the final victor who will receive the top tier amount. Examiner/judges will receive a DP award for each event they moderate regardless of the ease or difficulty of that particular match.

9] Late entrants will be put on a waiting list to be substituted into an exam on a first come first served basis. Do not expect to get your chance. Hell might freeze over one day and so too all entrants might just actually show up and this thing go off without a hitch. If you do get called up to stand into a second round or higher match, you will have to win a first round match against another wait listed entrant before being placed into the upper round event.

10] No second chances. If your opponent is able to get away with something during your match, you may not come back later and contest this. No one is going to point it out to you and say this is not a valid move. At this level of RP it is YOUR responsibility to know what is and what is not possible. So, if you do not catch a fast one that is pulled on you before the end of your match, too bad. These are Jounin Exams, not Academy Exams.

11] Who may enter? come on guys...are we excluding anyone? I think that Jinchuuiriki could participate providing they do not use the Bijuu or its additional benefits such as chakra pool. Loss by a Jinchuuriki will not result in loss of the Bijuu as this is not a Bijuu contest.

Question: Should the number of KGs per person be limited? If so under what criteria?

Question: How many affinities do the Chuunin NPCs get? Are there any other restrictions that need to be placed upon them?

Jounin Exam Application:

Each participant will be asked to demonstrate the following skills: strength in battle, leadership and intelligence with regard to strategy.

As such, each participant will have to create 3 NPC Chuunins with no KGs to take the place of a shinobi team they will be leading into battle. The Jounin participant will also join the battle and not just stand on the sidelines.

The details of this entry form will not be viewed by the general public in order to keep your sensitive information a secret. However, the details will be reviewed to guard against unfavorable powers and each contestant will be asked to modify themselves if something is found to be outside the generally accepted zone practices.

Time Zone:
Best days and times to RP:
Will you fight to the death?:
DK Rank:
RP Rank:
Village in game:
Village in RP:
KGs used in battle:
Special Weapons:
Custom Jutsu:

Chuunin 1:
Physical Description:
Special Weapons:
Custom Jutsu:

Chuunin 2:
Physical Description:
Special Weapons:
Custom Jutsu:

Chuunin 3:
Physical Description:
Special Weapons:
Custom Jutsu:

Game Related Discussions / Re: Test Server and the New Villages
« on: February 02, 2012, 10:42:07 AM »
Wow. I certainly have the time. Unfortunately I am quite without skills in doing anything of the sort. I am lucky to type a full sentence without a typo or spelling error.

Game Related Discussions / Re: So much DP and nothing to Spend it on!
« on: February 01, 2012, 05:26:00 PM »
An interesting notion, Zenaku. the question of Who may participate is still open for suggestion. That is the main thing that needs to be settled. I would think that if Jinchuuriki wished to participate, they would have to do so without access to any benefits of the bijuu including the extra chakra. That would seem fair to me since it would not be a challenge match. If they are not risking the bijuu then no benefits from its being?

What exclusions will we be making regarding who may enter?

Game Related Discussions / Re: So much DP and nothing to Spend it on!
« on: February 01, 2012, 10:37:15 AM »
Wonderful.  I will set you up with a pm tomorrow. I logged from SL and am for bed. Of course it is a curious thing about pms...they do go both ways...

*is already snoring on her way out for the day*

Game Related Discussions / Re: So much DP and nothing to Spend it on!
« on: February 01, 2012, 08:31:10 AM »
Yes please...we need to hash out some details.

First of all. I am going to attempt to pull a Jounin exam together.

Kage has suggested we use Amegakure as the hosting village due to its current neutrality.  I think that is good.  I suggest we take over Ninja Central as the RP location for Amegakure during this event so people can hang out and not interfere with the actual exams. Comments on current fights can be made in NC and all occ-ness if one feels that sort of thing is needful to express between the spectators.

Actual exams will take place in unoccupied fighting zones.

I should like the following. Please comment and feel free to provide ideas, opinions and suggestions. I prefer that all name calling be done behind my back ...but then I am old fashioned that way. :P

1] Jounins should demonstrate intelligence with respect to strategy and leadership in addition to fighting prowess. So...I think it would be good to have each applicant use three NPC Chuunins with no KGs as the team they are leading. I would like the applicant to submit their NPC teams on the registration application. Chuunins should be limited to how many affinities? 2? This will allow for approval or denial of the team before the match occurs. I don't feel the actual application should be put in the official thread because it would have spoilers about the NPC team each applicant is using. I should like to keep that information confidential.

2] I would like time zones listed on the applications so that people will at least have the chance of being online at the same time as their opponent through the first round of fights. For later fights if time zone differences are a HUGE issue...maybe THAT match could end up here in a special RP thread for the exam?

3] Examiners/ referees/judges will be needed. *taps Kamui on the shoulder* "That offer to get involved still open?" All offers to serve the event in this capacity should be sent to 'she who doth cause the sun to shine' on SL. >.>

4] I like for the applicants that are paired up to set their own date and time to meet to fight. Save me having to Schedule the world. BUT once this is scheduled I would like a notification in order to get a judge lined up on the scene to attend.

5] DP awards would be made based on the number of participants with a base fee for all who enter and complete a fight win or lose. more to the winner and then for second round a larger DP award for winners only and so on until the big dog at the end gets the largest award. I also like to pay the judges a fee per match they judge as a small perk for their time and effort. This award is the same regardless of the amount of headache involved.

6] No shows to a scheduled fight are auto disqualified and the one who shows wins by default.

7] Judges can be contested. In such a case two other judges would come to confer. Their final ruling is that. The end of it.  ANY BS will result in disqualification for both  participants unless one is behaving and it is clearly only the other who is being an idiot mouthy rude argumentative poor sport deserving of a good spanking and being sent to bed without supper!

8] The Exams are only open for....WHO? Can resets enter? Can those ranked higher than jounins either by DK or RP?

9] Once registrations close a waited list will be kept to serve as replacements on a first come first serve basis in the event the original contestant can or doesn't show. Should this occur in an secondary or higher round...I would like to have the alternate applicants go through a round one match before entering the upper round.

And anything else that needs to be done....

when do we start?

The offical Jounin Exam thread will have to be spammed to all clan heads and villages and anywhere that such things can be promoted.

Feature Requests / Re: Actual GMs, please.
« on: January 31, 2012, 07:44:54 AM »
I remember that when I first came to SL Suna was dead.

I was this nut in the desert RPing my fingers off and never asked a soul for permission to exist nor to start a story. I have never asked and I never will.

It earned me the hatred of a few of the veterans of that era for some acad to rattle on endlessly into the night. Long weeks of the snitty comment being leveled at me and the odd remark about spamming up the village...but I also noticed no one else was doing a thing.

So of course I continued to just do as I pleased and eventually people began to interact with me instead of nip and harp at my every action. It was then that I began to have fun and it hasn't stopped since.

Times get rough, I have my good memories and my bad same as anyone else, but overall there is too much here to enjoy to just up and leave.

The whole point of this is ANYONE can do as much. You just have to want it bad enough.

Game Related Discussions / Re: So much DP and nothing to Spend it on!
« on: January 24, 2012, 08:28:46 PM »
That is astounding. Those kind of things would be really appreciated and make the event worth even more. Some people just don't need that miser Reimu over there...

I am not gonna talk about resetting KGs. You guys have at that one on your own. IF I want new powers, I just create an alt.  I nearly have fits every time I see a new avatar or name, am horrified by the meat market  and hate change in general when it comes to identity.

Feature Requests / Re: Actual GMs, please.
« on: January 24, 2012, 08:21:21 PM »
Always votes for Asadi.

At any rate, as people who were on SLS can tell you, I hate a rule heavy site.

I am against post deletion save by mods for breaking site rules.

Not that long ago we, the RPers, were the intruders in the public village settings and told to go find a 'room' zone, to duke it out in as fighting was not allowed. I had more that one lengthy RP posting wall called spam and TOLD to can it.

I like the helpful sprite thing.

you know a lot of times if someone has something to react to, they will engage in RP. But it is no fun posting alone or in a world that is very black and white.

Sometimes you have to paint a picture before others can see what is there.

And on a personal note, it would SERIOUSLY undermine my fun as a GM, if I was given any sort of authority.

I prefer to think of a GM/DM as a guide. and would hate to see them just become another moderator.

Game Related Discussions / Re: So much DP and nothing to Spend it on!
« on: January 23, 2012, 05:52:18 PM »
Mhm...and now who feels warm and fuzzy all the way down to her toes?

Me me me me, oh yes that would be me...

She puts on her go-go boots and shimmies on out for some fun elsewhere.

Game Related Discussions / Re: So much DP and nothing to Spend it on!
« on: January 23, 2012, 05:39:09 PM »

She puts on her charming demeanor and tucks a wisp of hair back behind her left ear. "You know Reimu, if we do a jounin exam there could be a need for more contributions." She smiles sweetly somehow managing not to burst out laughing.

Feature Requests / Re: Actual GMs, please.
« on: January 23, 2012, 05:13:35 PM »
There are a lot of  good points here.

As for being a GM, with the powers that I have been granted, they stand as the ability to post without my name being attached to the talk line. Period. They did not come with the ability to delete posts of other people, handle petitions or to look into areas that are otherwise closed to the general public other than the Moderator Grotto. Meaning I can't peek into dwellings, read PMs or have huge portions of text displayed all on one page rather than having to back page several times to read the whole event. And this works wonderfully for my purposes.

I lean more toward the DnD definition of a GM, personally. I see this position as someone who narrates or leads others through an RP adventure of sorts. It has been something I have been doing since coming here. I would start an RP and, whoever showed up, would then lead the players through the event. I especially enjoyed things where the players came up against NPCs I would generate to act as the antagonists. Back then the only people who died were the NPCs and we all seemed to have fun throughout.

I do not see the GM as a true participant in the event where it is GM against the players in a struggle to see who will win. I believe it is the responsibility of the GM to ensure that all participating players of an event get a chance to shine and enjoy themselves. It is not GM against the players where the GM attempts to win and kill everyone.

Should GMs have the ability/ right to discipline other players: delete posts or use a ban hammer to mute a particularly offensive and combative participant in an OOC wall?

I am uncertain. I understand how it would be nice when that bad thing happens and ruins all the fun causing people to walk away from the RP or log out that it could be useful. On the other hand, I am uncertain that it is necessary for anyone but full fledged Moderators to carry the ban hammer and text deletion function. I would rather see the GMs as the 'in the field moderator' and leave the disciplinary actions to the official mods.

I too have been called in over the years to read an rp or zone fight and give an opinion on the actions of others. It is something I personally find irritating when this involves seasoned vets because I feel at this stage of the game each person should have the wherewithal to behave themselves and act like they know something. And because they do know a thing or too? I find the seasoned veteran much more resistant to the ruling of others due to years of investiture in their character's make up and sometimes the presence of  ego, for after all "I am no noob" is a regular reaction to the criticism received. It is much easier to moderate new players because they stand at a position knowing they need guidance on how game play works here.

I strongly feel that people of diverse character origins, Vampires, Demons, Mikos and the like, should basically be left alone. And this is not to pick on any one person, this is just an instance that I recall...probably not with enough accuracy either. But, how is it any more fanciful to have a demon running around...since the Oni do exist in Japanese folk lore from which Naruto derives an overwhelming amount of basis...than to have an warrior have his consciousness placed into a mechanical body over and over again after each 'body' has been destroyed?

Provided that such 'other-worldy' constructs are played within the general RP guidelines of combat [no all powerful moves that can never be avoided] I do not see the harm in having them here. We have been playing with them for ages and it saddens me to see these old accounts vilified. Such actions exclude a large number of our members from RP participation. I am totally against exclusion.

Additionally. I do not think that the GMs should be the village Kages. They have enough to do running the village, or the SHOULD have enough to do running the village. And as stated before, these positions are subject to change. A GM should be a person who will continue to RP as a GM regardless of their own character's role in the realm. And it is also true that sometimes idiots are made Kages and everyone hates them. Not a good bio for a GM.

Game Related Discussions / Re: So much DP and nothing to Spend it on!
« on: January 23, 2012, 04:26:47 PM »
You want it back Reimu? Sure...
So how much of your original donation went to fund the Chuunin payoff?

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