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Messages - Trev

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Village Square / Re: Finding Sanbi: A Tale of Stripping.
« on: July 25, 2015, 12:58:38 AM »
That's not how I see it, but oh well!!

I'm not too sure what an ok amount of time is. Perhaps 1 week is too little, but it should be some amount of time. I'm pretty sure it took the Nibi like 3-5 months to be sealed, and that was way too long for a biju to be out of play. So, it shouldn't be whenever the village feels like it either.

Not saying that will happen this time around, since according to my sources, it should be sealed tomorrow, should being the key word.

Village Square / Re: Finding Sanbi: A Tale of Stripping.
« on: July 25, 2015, 12:25:39 AM »
Time Limitations
The possessor has a week to decide between sealing the Bijū into someone and making them a Jinchūriki, or imprisoning the Bijū and using genjutsu to control them as a summon. <--- type of genjutsu is in debate at this time.

Should the Biju be Host-less
Should the Biju be sealed within something not a Jinchuriki, whomsoever is in possession of the tailed beast (for a prolonged period of one week or more) is entitled to assume duties of fighting for possession of the Biju. As such: Biju are not to be set free to roam; they must be sealed and delivered to the kage of their last Jinchuriki.

They do in fact have a week. Villages have gotten more before, but that' because nobody called them out on it.

Though I don't really stand anywhere in this particular topic, Riki even if the beast is taken from the village, very doubt able it's given to you. More than likely a tournament or some other site wide thing, idk.

You might be able to Kamui yourself out of someone elses Kamui, maybe. I doubt you can use ftg though or Obito trying to grab and kamui minato would be useless.

Village Square / Re: Dart vs Trev
« on: July 22, 2015, 03:22:20 AM »
Thank you. I appreciate it.

Since my ability will be limited, I won't be able to be active as a host. So, I do concede the match. Please post this.

I'd rather you win by my conceding than technicality.

Not all for not, since Dato wanted me to post his words.

Village Square / Re: Dāto Terumī vs. Trev
« on: July 21, 2015, 01:55:26 AM »
My last post was July 13th 11:46 pm according to the forum time, it is now July 21, 2015, 01:52:17 am. The host has not posted in the week time frame included in their rules, and thus the Hachibi will be stripped and given to me. Dato has not given me prior notification he would be absent.

Thus I request a mod lock this thread. If Dato returns soon and gives valid reason to me, I may choose  to reengage in the fight, but as of right now consider it over.

I'm not a user, so I don't see why people are asking me if I'm dead >>

@Kage It's possible. I believe they will do the last order their master gave them. However, if then, they'll just kind of be doing nothing. However, the new user can bring them under their control if they know where they are (Made easier if you human pathed or read the mind to gain the technique).

So they could potentially be used by the new user, if not they just kind of "go away" in a sense.

So the zombies wouldn't be inherited by the new user, even if they are just sitting in the coffins? Or does it kind of vary with how the technique is learned?

And we wanna know if you're dead or not so that we know whether to post your obituary in the Samurai Land Times.  8)

The new user would have to place new tags in them, or something to get them under their control, they don't inherently serve the new master. So they are not inherited.

I'm not a user, so I don't see why people are asking me if I'm dead >>

@Kage It's possible. I believe they will do the last order their master gave them. However, if then, they'll just kind of be doing nothing. However, the new user can bring them under their control if they know where they are (Made easier if you human pathed or read the mind to gain the technique).

So they could potentially be used by the new user, if not they just kind of "go away" in a sense.

I am quite dead, though I am an Edo Tensei.

So, I just want clarification. According to these rules, there's only a finite amount of people who can use ET. If all of these users 'die' or quit the game, then no one would be allowed to use the technique anymore (provided they don't 'teach' someone before that happens).
Even though there's finite slots available for ET, a new slot can be created if someone 'pirates' the ET technique. I'm not exactly sure what this means, because I can understand if someone copies the handsigns or whatever is needed to use it there is still the question of the actual scroll. But, why can't they just make their own scroll? (if it's a special scroll that can't be made, then who made the first six scrolls?)
It's all a bit confusing and silly, honestly. I know these rules are put in place to prevent OPness, but it's a bit nonsensical, don't you guys think?

You're thinking about it way too much man. A new slot isn't created, you take that spot. Say I pirate it from Takeo, he would lose it, and I would gain it. Thus the new chain would be


Takeo would no longer have it. Like I said, in my opinion the scroll is only used to perform the technique, it's not all that special. Besides Masane and maybe a select few others, most people choose to pirate it via the human path or mind reading technique. Which is a bit more than copying as you're actually messing with the persons mind.

Yes it is a tad bit silly, but the community wanted rules a few years ago. It was rules or the technique banned.

If the community wants to get rid of the rules, then go for it, but don't complain when everyone has ET like Hiraishin now.

The rules do not make a lick of sense rp wise, but that's not the point, the point to to make Edo less op and make it so less people have it. It doesn't make sense that someone forgets learning a jutsu canon wise, but canon wise, an Edo use is also allowed to summon as many zombies as he wishes, such is not the case in SL.

The Student teacher rule came as a result of a 29 page discussion on Edo Tensei (Which many of the people in this thread were apart of) It should not be banned, as Edo Tensei has been limited and represents one of the few times this community got together and got something done, which is grand.

The rule first applied applied to Boccheire and myself. While Bocc was alive, I couldn't teach, and while I was alive, he couldn't teach. That is the essence of the student-teacher rule. Though it got complicated when people tried to steal the technique without killing the user. Thus amendments were made, notably if you steal the info, you replace the user you stole it from, and they lose it. This rule was made to limit the amount of users and has been very successful.

If you count Shinro as keeping it after being inactive, there can only be six possible users, if you cut him out, four. This is how it's been, and how it's worked.

So right now, as follows
Warren may only teach Edo Tensei if Keito dies
Keito may only teach if Warren dies
Kamui may teach is Masane dies
Masane may teach is Kamui dies.

This is if nobody get ET pirated.

Could just rename it Edo Tensei bonds or something instead of student teacher. That way the title is more accurate

Edo Tensei, along with the first Edo scroll that was written in the Edo Tensei organization, are treasures that I dare not throw away. After witnessing how much my ninpou was sullied with rules and restrictions, I refuse to allow my name to be in that list.

I was going to take a 1-2 month break, so I told Zojin to make me MIA while I'm gone. Now, I heard Zojin was gone, so I couldn't ask her to put me back in that list. But I don't think I want to be included now that I read the new changes

Edo Tensei is a broken ninpou, but I won't be god-modding while I use it. And hell yes I'll still be using it, no matter what you children say otherwise.

Do whatever ya wish, peace out old man.

@Eric, Do it up.

It is ridiculous in theory, but if any other use leaves and come back, they won't have Edo, promise. Shinro is just slightly different being that he hasn't taught anyone, so when he left no one was free to replace him.

@Masane I have never said there were multiple scrolls? There is only one scroll in use for Edo Tensei and it is used to perform the jutsu (Though not necessary) Like I said, I personally think you should have to read Tsuyo's mind to know everything about Edo, as the scroll is mostly useless. But if others in the community think you can learn it from the scroll, then mine as well add you.

Bijuu Arena / Re: Running from a bijuu fight.
« on: July 17, 2015, 03:43:01 AM »
We do have another Judge. However on this Hiraishin thing,

Shadow was present within the village during the time that Keito initiated an attack on the village, during that time myself, Masane, and Kage ( Ican't remember if there were more) took chase, I utilized Hiraishin during that rp to transport  and explained how It was performed, which is in fact the same mark that i'm moving to right now.

You can't use an old mark for a new fight. If you were to continue fighting in the village, then yes, you could. But that rule is there to prevent people from simply going "I'm about to be killed, but I have so and so seal in another village, so bye." You can see this is especially problematic when used on a biju fight on the forum, disconnected from the main site. So this is not viable in my opinion.

Anyway, if you got another judge, that solves the individual fight, as I said early this topic should just be about general fleeing now and not Shadow and Ichi now.

I don't think there are two different scrolls to be honest. But if people are fine with Masane learning it that way, I say add her.

@Kay and Eric. I don't believe Shinro gets added back. Once you go MIA, you lose Edo. Else you have awkward circumstances, such as what if Kyu came back? He for sure would not be added back. Or Tsuyo (If he wasn't dead) You can see my point.

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