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Messages - Trev

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Bijuu Arena / Re: Running from a bijuu fight.
« on: July 17, 2015, 03:32:46 AM »

This was the kicker clause of it all: "So long both parties declare it plausible & understand the longevity/risk of the claim, it's considered eligible for use." As Shadow did not agree, you turn to your judge who is supposed to rule on it.

^de above.

@Kage Nobody is debating his use of hiraishin, there if he used it say in the field of battle, would have been ok. But he's
1. Using it to escape and end the battle
2. Using a mark Shadow would be unaware of and according to hiraishin rules
"Creation of the Hiraishin seals must be emoted, and take one turn. It is possible to create a large amount of Hiraishin seals during a time of peace to use later on, but it must be emoted regardless. The process isn't an exceptionally difficult one, and counts as one (1) action during a post. It is possible to create more than one seal at a time." 

If we take fleeing out of playing out of play here, he is breaking hiraishin rules, nevermind biju.

Also, I don't think this thread should decide it, that is the point of a judge. If the rules are the constitution, consider the judge a supreme court justice if you, in that that can interpret it as they see fit. I made a ruling, and Ichi as stated in his rules booted me. They've allegedly already found another judge, so someone is unspoken for.

Bijuu Arena / Re: Running from a bijuu fight.
« on: July 17, 2015, 01:52:15 AM »
Then my work here is done. Just like to say no hard feelings to you Ichi, you're still a great roleplayer. You just did what lots of us who have lost biju battles do, made a mistake with no repost.

With the two picking a new judge, that should decide how that battle goes. Thus the discussion here should shy away from Ichi and Shadow specifically and discuss this as a general amendment, with it having no weight on the fight.

Bijuu Arena / Re: Running from a bijuu fight.
« on: July 17, 2015, 01:45:22 AM »
So what are we going to do about this then? Are we going to strip someone of their Tailed Beast for a rule or agreement that doesn't exist?

Don't get entirely emotional on the subject. Use your head too. Otherwise this is no better than the Salem Witch Trials.

As for Raifudo saying that it was in the original rules, I don't really see it on the wiki page. But I may be mistaken. This is from 2011, so there will be many topics and revisions that'll need sorting through. Let me know when we find the "no running" rule though.

You can call me out for some bias for this being a matter concerning my village's affairs. But at the same time, I try to fight for what is fair in this topic and others, since it's common knowledge that if you want something to go with your own agenda here, then you gotta rail somebody against a wall until they stop talking or submit.

Don't you bring up the witch trials to someone who lives in Salem Kage!!! xD

Nobody is calling you biased Kage, you're fighting for what's fair. I just think what's fair is not fleeing anytime you wish with no effort. I don't agree that this thread should dictatce what happens. What needs to happen is Ichi needs to kick me or accept my ruling, else what's the point in a judge?

I assume he'll boot me, meaning the new judge will decide how this one particular fight goes, once over ya'll can edit the biju rules over this as you see fit.

Bijuu Arena / Re: Running from a bijuu fight.
« on: July 17, 2015, 01:39:29 AM »
Like Kage said, NO rules were broken. Shadow accepted his rules and it was not listed in there that someone had to die for the fight to end.  It is not Ichi's fault that Shadow never said that this was an issue. If this were real, no one is going to sit there and keep fighting if the situation calls for retreat.

I think Shadow should just come back to Ame and try again. This time make sure you don't make that same mistake. Would Itachi cry and say 'its not fair' if his target fled? No. He would regroup and try again making sure that the target has not the means to flee in the same manor.

I cannot believe that this topic has gone on this long. If you don't want them to run away, take measures that insure the target cannot simply flee.

Kage said no, but Trev, Shadow, Eric, Raifudo, and Kay all said yes. Spoiler one of these is the judge of the fight, which normally dictates how a decision goes. Also, the whole "if you don't want them to run away", take measures to stop them is pretty moot when the escape method is instant.

Like I've been saying, this issue is no big deal, you can't just use a space time jutsu to flee. The only reason it is, is because Ichi is out of repost, meaning this was it for him. Shadow was out too, it was literally next big mistake loses.

Bijuu Arena / Re: Running from a bijuu fight.
« on: July 17, 2015, 01:18:23 AM »
That's ridiculous, if anything it should be in your rules before hand, not something someone has to think about and figure out. The whole point of somebody taking time to make a whole page of rules is to list their preferences in a fight. It is not up to the challenger to question every single possible thing, you should have listed it as the host.

You're gonna have to boot me, no way you'll convince me a challenger who has spent weeks/months of time in the zone fighting, waiting for his challenge, and trying to know you have the biju IC has to simply restart cause the host can disappear at any second. If you hadn't reached the repost limit you and Shadow agreed upon, I'd say repost, but that's no the case.

@Kage, then he's going have to boot me for a horrendous decision on my part, judges usually get final say, that's the whole point of having them and the biju rules. They are to make decisions that often are not answered in the biju rules.

Bijuu Arena / Re: Running from a bijuu fight.
« on: July 17, 2015, 01:09:22 AM »
So if this allowed, you're basically saying a host can use FTG or Kamui to flee pretty much at any point? Mine as well not even fight them anymore. Unless you metagame  and do a anti space-time barrier first post.

Bijuu Arena / Re: Running from a bijuu fight.
« on: July 17, 2015, 12:53:48 AM »
So if I win a biju, and have an IC deathmatch, I can Kamui to leave on my first or second post?

I agree that normally he should be allowed to repost, but if you guys aren't allowing repost or only one a fight and he used it, then that's it.

Bijuu Arena / Re: Runner
« on: July 17, 2015, 12:05:48 AM »
I shall not explain more Ichi, my mind is made up on this matter. If you are allotted no more repost as Shadow says, you must forfeit the Yonbi (And live)

The only other option after looking through your rules, is you are allowed to boot me as judge if you see fit and seek another opinion. You may choose to go this route if you wish, however being this is a "death match" know that the other judge may not let you live, should he side with Shadow. It is a gamble that you may take if you want

Bijuu Arena / Re: Runner
« on: July 16, 2015, 11:56:01 PM »
What I'm saying if you can't just use a space time jutsu to run away. If this were allowed, nobody with a teleportation jutsu would lose. Example being Dato and my fight currently. At one point, Dato goes to his Kamui dimension, using your logic, he could have just stayed there and I would have no chance at the biju. But instead, he simply preps there and comes back as he can't use that to escape.

I'm not saying you can't escape, but not through a method that is instant and gives your opponent no counter. If you had run away through normal means, such as distracting shadow and running by foot or other means a considerable distance away I'd have MAYBE accepted it.

It is just simply not fair to biju challengers for their opponent to leave instantly after spending lots of time on the zone fight/ waiting for a challenge/ finding you have the beast in rp.

Bijuu Arena / Re: Runner
« on: July 16, 2015, 11:46:23 PM »
If asked to make a ruling I'd personally say

1. Depending on the repost rules you guys have, he repost.

2. If there are none/ none remaining, it's a forfeit. I know the match is 1v1 death match, but if it were up to this judge's ruling, Ichi would only lose the biju and nothing more.

Bijuu Arena / Re: Runner
« on: July 16, 2015, 11:36:36 PM »
Not allowed per se. Else Anyone with Kamui could run away instantly.

In my experience, the only time someone is allowed to run away like this is if they fled by normal means before hand.

Example " Ichi causes a great diversion and runs/ flies away from Shadow. Ichi gets to a huge distance away "Pretty much already gone" then uses space time to retreat. The only time I've ever really seen ftg used to escape in a situation like this is when the runner had already evaded his opponent through other means.

For fairness sake, you cannot just ftg or Kamui away, especially for a biju fight. You'd never lose it.

Bijuu Arena / Re: inactivity grace period.
« on: July 16, 2015, 07:04:22 PM »
I can see both sides here. Two weeks is a good number, as it allows for life to happen and not be sucked in to the game.

However, the issue arises when a host sits around for 13 days, and only attends to biju matters on day 14, such as being active, responding to challenges, etc.

Having it at one week at least makes sure a host is on a minimum of 4 times a month, rather than 2

Could also meet in the middle at 10 days, but meh.

Pretty much comes down to this

If you think Minds Eyes is enough to find Isa and he denied Riku then the solution is strip or force him to accept the fight.

Inactivity. This host as been inactive many times, and is known to get on and post when he is near being stripped. In fact he's already been gone for another 8 days. If you believe past transgressions are enough, strip him

If you don't think the inactivity has been to big/ don't think people have found a legit way to find out he is a host to challenge him, no strip.

My opinion: Isa has gotten to many breaks with his inactivity. Strip him, give it to Xia or Dart to give away (or keep). They get one week to seal it in someone (ONE WEEK, not what you guys with the Nibi that took months). Then people may pursue the new host as they seek. Also Isa too may choose to attempt to regain the beast from the new host just like everyone else. Should he win it back, perhaps he'll be a bit more active after having been stripped once.

I disagree and argue that the Edo Tensei scroll is only used to perform the technique and not learn it. It's not like the kinjutsu scroll Naruto learned Shadow Clones from.

Village Square / Re: Question.
« on: July 14, 2015, 05:31:58 AM »
I think we actually had a lengthy debate about this somewhere, the answer most gave is that you can absorb senjutsu and not natural energy.

Senjutsu is natural energy and chakra mixed, so while it had natural energy making it up, it is inherently a new thing and not governed by the same rules.

Example would be Pain's preta path. Even that was able to absorb a sage enhanced rasenshuriken, but when it grabbed naruto and he got more natural energy, it then turned to stone.

Pure natural energy=no

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