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Messages - Becquerel

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Village Square / Re: SL politics
« on: April 22, 2017, 06:05:06 AM »
Otogakure is a neutral village :) We have a few allies and trade routes set up. I know that we currently send wine to Osa's in Suna and get fish from Uzu in exchange for beef/rice. But I haven't really kept up much with the other villages unfortunately. I've been too busy lol

Village Square / Re: Instant Negation of Genjutsu
« on: March 12, 2017, 12:19:00 AM »
The fact that people break out of genjutsu in an instant probably has something to do with the fact that a split second could determine a win/loss. So that means that people probably lost things because they got caught in a genjutsu and then claimed said genjutsu was auto-hitting because they couldn't get out of it fast enough so genjutsu was pretty much dropped. That's what I believe, at least.

I don't think there's anything wrong with the technique. :o Sometimes you need it because of all the barriers that people have these days.

Feature Requests / Incremental increase in event odds for some events
« on: March 10, 2017, 12:38:50 AM »
Considering this game doesn't have as big of a player base as it did in the past, is there any way for some events to have an incremental increase in success rate for every failure?
This means for events like Curse Seal, Seven Start Tattoo, Rasengan (I've never gotten this event so I don't know how it works), every time you fail the event you'd have a 1% or 0.5% better chance of getting it next time. So if you only had a 10% chance of getting the Curse Seal and fail, next time you'll go into it with an 11% chance of success. Of course, the % rate could be tweaked depending on the actual rate of success for each event (I don't know what they are) so it's still considered fair. But it feels like the chance of failure is just sometimes too low for some of the events, which may have made sense when there was a bigger playerbase. But maybe more accessibility would be appreciated now. :)

Spam / Re: One Turn Stahmp
« on: March 10, 2017, 12:29:27 AM »
I agree. It's one of the worst events in my opinion. I've only gotten to the top of the cliff once and I think I didn't get much more than a few gems. The RNG in this game sometimes feels like things are impossible lol I don't think I've even gotten the cliff once in my last two resets.

Spam / Re: Favorite style of Pizza
« on: March 09, 2017, 07:28:36 AM »
I'm honestly the same way when it comes to pizza. But my favorite style of Pizza has to be greek style. The crust is nice and chewy with, depending on the pizzeria, a crispy outer edge. It's not as thick as a deep dish, but it's usually loaded with a lot of toppings so you have to use two hands to hold it. And call me the devil, but I eat my pizza with a fork and knife when I can because I like to keep my fingers clean (and because greek style pizza usually has a bit of an oily crust thanks to the olive oil).

As for toppings, I'm a meat guy but don't really like pepperonis. Maybe I haven't had good ones, but most of the time I feel like it just makes the pizza unnecessarily greasy (which combo'd with the greek style isn't good). Hamburger, onions, and peppers are great and I enjoy a good provolone cheese topping. But if I was going to pick a pizza right now, I'd go with a Neapolitan with added hamburger. Garlic and fresh tomatoes on a pizza are an amazing combo.

I don't really need any sides, because I could put down a whole 18" pizza by myself if I really wanted to. But if a place has good and special wings, I'll get those. Always have water for a drink too.

And I can't understand how people can enjoy mixing ranch with pizza. You ruin the sanctity of pizza at that point, especially if you just dump that stuff on the pie.

A small, loaded greek pizza.

- The crust

Spam / Favorite style of Pizza
« on: March 09, 2017, 06:26:04 AM »
So, what is your favorite kind of Pizza? We all know it's a super-food because it's the best and most healthy choice out there. It only gets healthier with more toppings as well. Speaking of toppings, once you pick your favorite style of pizza, let us know what your favorite toppings are as well. I know that 'favorite toppings' can be very broad because you might like a lot of stuff, but if you were going to get a pizza RIGHT NOW what would you order?

Also, everyone who is actively eating pizza when they post in this topic gets a free FTG and Edo Tensei claim lol

Council / Re: It is me again, guys. You're favorite redhead >_>
« on: March 09, 2017, 06:16:42 AM »
PPPS: That's a damn good pizza slice right above my post.  :shock:

I wholeheartedly disagree with that statement so much that I'm going to make a spam topic :P
It looks like a slice you'd get from the budget brand frozen pizza. Even Little Caesars puts it to shame lol

You raise some good points, Shadow. However I must demonstrate that the 2nd Hokage's Marker was visibly different from Yondaime's Marker. He was able to virtually instantly gain access to it despite the obvious difference in the seal layout's appearance. Whether it be pure aestetic, or indeed Tobirama was able to instantly deduce what he needed to do to gain access is another story.

So that should mean that it's easier to crack than you thought. Which, considering everyone in SL is super good with seals or super smart, means that anyone could hi-jack anyone's seals after glancing at them.

Village Square / Re: Six Paths of Pain question
« on: March 06, 2017, 05:10:11 AM »
Good thing I stay away from the competitive scene even though NPCs aren't allowed lol

Village Square / Six Paths of Pain question
« on: March 06, 2017, 02:27:34 AM »
Since Timothy brought up the paths and Rinnegan, how would the Six Paths even work in a 'competitive' fight? Since the rules are basically three moves per turn, how would one even use them since you have six players and can basically only move three at a time.

Council / Re: Election Time!
« on: March 03, 2017, 05:51:00 AM »
I guess I'll vote for Athos, Keito and Nekomaru.

Rules/Foundation / Re: IC Rules
« on: March 03, 2017, 01:13:49 AM »
I don't see why it shouldn't be possible. I don't think you would actually be able to 'kill' a tailed beast because it's nothing really more than a living energy being :o Or maybe that was kind of retconned. But even if you were able to 'kill' it, it should just kind of reform somewhere else.

Rules/Foundation / Re: Trying to 'fix' bijuu battles
« on: February 26, 2017, 12:22:43 AM »
I also wanted to say that if anyone else wants to do a test fight with me, I don't mind at all :) I can do more than one at the same time. Plus, having multiple people fighting would allow for variation.

Rules/Foundation / Re: Trying to 'fix' bijuu battles
« on: February 25, 2017, 03:35:52 AM »
Comparing this to COD is not really an argument. That'd be like comparing Madden to Final Fantasy. Many RPG games, which SL can technically be counted as an RPG, use some sort of variable system. Though it's not exactly dice rolling, there's still some sort of RNG involved. To be fair, even COD uses RNG to an extent...The guns all have a kind of cone of fire based around your crosshairs and may not shoot exactly at where you point at. You still have those chances to miss. If there wasn't that variation, then the game would just need two guns. A fast one, and a moderate one with a scope. But I know that no matter what I argue, I won't change your mind because you're set in your ways.

And Athos, this system wouldn't be as simple as rock/paper/scissors. A hit wouldn't necessarily equate to a loss, because it still would require wtiting ability. Nekomaru and I are working on a test fight where we're trying different options in regards to the system, so please check it out as we progress and leave your opinions based on it. And this would basically reduce the length of fights as well. The FFA took about 2 months, but a good portion of the time was spent arguing over things and dealing with a judge. Having a system like this might help reduce the time wasted during Bijuu battles.

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