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Messages - Keito Uzumaki

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Bijuu Arena / Re: The IC Hunt
« on: December 30, 2015, 03:07:44 AM »
I'd rather lay siege to Mugen Castle and be rping with just Trev and as many NPC's as he wants to control than say, attack Kiri and hope they don't decide to have 15 people join the rp again. If you can't see how one of those is vastly preferable to the other than you don't have the experience attacking villages that I do.

Very true, Easier to fight a ton of NPCs operated under one person than tons of actual players
Just wanted to chime in and say, that is because Trev is a boss when it comes to village raids. Oto, being a prime example of a village that can still stand even after dealing with Bocch or any other wanna-be. Meanwhile, others' choose the void tactic. >>;

Village Square / Re: Cut Down the Summoning Claims
« on: December 21, 2015, 10:24:41 PM »
Jeez, I can taste the salt with my own eyes.
I am pointing the finger at you Bocchiere.

You point your finger, but there are 3 more fingers pointing right back at you...

Anyways the Claimed List has always been terrible I don't know how old anyone's contact lenses have been but it was never a pretty scene for years. Especially with all you meat heads undoing each others edits like we actually care who has what. For the record before someone makes a comment about, "But your all over the claimed list" yea after being generously gifted all the techniques some of you have spent hours arguing to claim. >>; Either way, when it comes to summons; claiming to be the sole summoner of a species is plain stupid. Needless to say I respect no one who deems such a title as it is the species themselves to choose who they wish to interact with. It is simply up to the keyboard warrior to chose which species best suits them. But if there is to be a free claimed list, there should be a limit to how many species you claim to hold ties too. Because last I checked, no one here was Mother Earth and no one here deserves the respect of ALL animals, given they've done something to disrespect some species, either for food or souvenirs. Yea that shark tooth chain ain't gonna look nice among the sharks boyo.

I say, there should be a single animal within the species that holds the summoning scroll and either through a referral system from preexisting summoners or being chosen by the divine species is the only way to be able to sign such. The latter should involve some sort of physical 'test' to determine whether the species would want to be bothered with your summoning. Seriously though, you people walking around with summoning contract scrolls as if you're the only one who can write a few lines down on a piece of paper are hilarious. Might as well start saying claiming breeding scrolls at that point, and only allow certain individuals to be born with your bloodlines. >>;

Also to hell with the inactives! They are only cluttering up space, and should they truly wish to come back, undoing the edit isn't something you people don't already do....

Feature Requests / Double the Character Limit?
« on: December 08, 2015, 05:38:43 AM »
Probably mentioned before, not too sure really but I was wondering if we could maybe expand the character limit when posting on the boards? Now I already know how this could be abused, so instead of suggesting 1000, in which I would also be in favor for! I would just propose we double it to 600 characters. No worries if this doesn't seem like a big issue, but I figured I might as well suggest it and save some people the extra (c) which also takes away from the character count each time. Besides, in the RP aspect, 600 words can give a nice range for a single post without the need to use a continuation and In more extreme cases, there are those who can dish out text blocks with ease. Unless the regular standards are fine, I don't mind it either way. Would be a nice addition though. Could keep the OOC section to 300 while switching it up for RP? That could work too.

Bijuu Arena / Re: Requesting a leave of absence.
« on: December 06, 2015, 02:47:46 AM »
It's customary to serve everyone tacos when requesting something.... ;)

I got mine, so its been approved.  :smt028

Village Square / Re: Cleaning up the Claims List
« on: December 01, 2015, 09:33:03 PM »
Removing them from Claimed List doesn't remove them of existence. More so removes the idea that only one and one only can exist of whatever is being claimed, when it most cases it is not true. Even for something such as Edo Tensei, there was a lesser knock off created. As with life, there will always be an original and a replica. At this point, everyone's a replica so why do we care so much about the original? I agree some things are rather unique and unless passed down you won't attain them but most of the Claimed List is laughable...

Village Square / Re: Cleaning up the Claims List
« on: December 01, 2015, 08:24:53 PM »

Village Square / Re: Completely Split the Bijuu List.
« on: December 01, 2015, 08:20:36 PM »
Everyone should just become Edo zombies. It solves everything. No more tailed beast hosting. No more character deaths. Unlimited chakra for real.

Probably the best idea as to date.

Totally going to point out you had the opportunity to be one not too long ago. xD

Although, if everyone we're edo zombies I'd be down too! It could be like Shinobi Legends Walking Dead! Watch out for the roaming Super Saiyans.

Village Square / Re: Completely Split the Bijuu List.
« on: November 30, 2015, 01:56:23 AM »
Ouch, this may be heading down a confusing path that even my own insanity may not be able to comprehend to say the least.

Although, to work with ya here I do have a thought that could work in relation to 'splitting the beasts' And that would be Yin/Yang parts of the beast as shown by Minato in his attempt to seal the Kurama into Naruto. I'm not entirely sure but does this mean that the whole time Naruto held the Kurama, only half the beast was truly in Naruto? I have no idea but in relation to that, Minato and Naruto were both able to perform their own tailed beasty mode thing so It could work. The specialty cases we have now can be put aside but for the future, should a host truly wish to split the nature of yin and yang tailed beast chakras I guess they can and have two hosts of the same beasts only on a lesser scale. The most epic tag team duo, given that in most cases the split would happen due to opposite heads so those who work in unison with their counterpart may be indestructible! Of course, someone will complain about something and something again. I mean hell, the thought of having more than one of the same jinchuriki is quite bizarre already though....

I honestly think the 3 cases that have already split should literally fight for the other half. >>; <<; >>; Squash the beefs and move on. I mean isn't that the point of holding a beast, to fight for it? I dunno I always thought of the beasts as title belts and kurama being the wwe championship belt xD More of like a pride thing if anything, because some of these ninjas know how to be a biju without having a biju.

Village Square / Re: to clarify a little more
« on: November 29, 2015, 12:29:32 AM »
Face it, we're all terrible at story telling and RPing through SL is the only means in which we think we've got a shot. Truly. xD

I'm only posting because that other active topic about stripping bijuu doesn't seem worth it by now. But seriously, can't we all just agree that this whole 'SL' is just a show? We are the screenwriters here, and terrible ones at that matter where we can't even find plausible solutions to situations, we just throw void paint to cover up the mess. I really don't think this topic, the one before or this whole predicament is healthy or even productive towards RP. If RP has to be dictated by forum posts and decisions and events afterwards then I certainly don't wish to be apart of whatever RP has become. At this point, its just like the law system and whoever has the best attorney and case wins, furthermore if you can keep the judge in your pocket well damn you'll surely win just about any disupte here. <<; >>; <<;

Why can't we be more optimistic in what happens? I really wish people would use the 1:6 die roll in instances like this. Leave it up to chance to let you slide through or pushed back, because this hearsay that just gets thrown around is sometimes ridiculous. And the whole idea of 'just void me' doesn't work out. Because then what is the point of RPing? Sure you write your own roleplays for fun, but I believe most of the idea of roleplaying here on SL is to interact with likeminded people to pan our stories you couldn't have typed on your own. If we can't even RP with one another peacefully then we certainly can't discuss peacefully as well. :P

I honestly suggest we all come together and brainstorm some sort of 'script' we could follow through the course of a few months and see how well we can improv from such. Have a generalized idea of what events are to go down in the shinobi world and how each nation and shinobi either helps or adds to the cause. From there we would have a general goal OOCly as story writters in what to do, instead of the usual macho-man mentality to just kill everyone because why not. Unless of course you guys are okay with the way things have been going on, because we just running in circles here.

Spam / Re: Happiness is a Warm Gut Pile!
« on: November 17, 2015, 03:31:51 AM »
Jerky time!

Village Square / Re: Shinobi Legends Profile Wikipedia
« on: November 16, 2015, 01:00:23 AM »
Gonna pitch a curve ball here.

What about the original and official Shinobi Legends Wiki? Any way we just use that to make it all official and what not hosted by the actual site and apply RP sections so players can create profiles and game-related topics and pages? I think that's also a nice idea to throw out there. Instead of just making a whole new wikia, making 3 total wikia's that are shinobi legends related. Needless to say it was already mentioned that by moving to a new one, those who aren't 'up with the times' might continually go to the former and be outdated with what is currently going on. The adoption thought sounds good, I think whoever is up for the task at hand to regulate and moderate the wikia to a community consensus should go ahead and try to get this going. We need a good sweep around here with the whole he said she said conspiracy theories.

Feature Requests / Re: Game Masters | Community picked
« on: November 09, 2015, 05:22:36 AM »
What if we took the difficulty out of it?

Make nominations? Advertise that on the MoTD...ask for people to volunteer and fill our a resume?

Then just leave it to the staff to decide.

How many would be enough? I like the number 7.

I have to agree with Kay's thoughts here.

Sounds good. Let the true community, that is SL, voice their opinion once approached with the subject.

Feature Requests / Re: Game Masters | Rp Mods
« on: November 03, 2015, 12:41:26 AM »
But what if the /game function can be appointed to a certain individual per village? And said person can be delegated to be GM(unofficially) of said area and able to conduct RP with those who wish in sad fashion. The ability to hide your name and narrate RP that doesn't deal with your own character is a game-changer for sure in the RP aspect of SL. Especially allowing the interaction of NPC's with the SL characters which I firmly believe we need more of. We could delegate specific NPCs and give them certain names to keep the task the same and have everyone familiar with who's who and whats what in terms of non player characters of SL. Because they are also important when it comes to RP and some people forget that. Especially with all these petty village invasions...*cough* *cough* xD

Feature Requests / Re: Village Change: Jiseigakure to Amegakure
« on: October 26, 2015, 11:00:07 PM »
I think  we have enough boards as is really. My own reason for proposing Uzushiogakure was because there were two Otogakure boards and I didn't think that was much productive for the site. Otherwise, creating too many village boards can be a problem once there is a scarcity on activity, site-wise.

Feature Requests / Re: Village Change: Jiseigakure to Amegakure
« on: October 26, 2015, 09:58:29 PM »
Jisei was always meant for random neutral nonsense, and its serving the purpose well, so I see no point in changing it.

I honestly liked the Ninja Central name, but given the naruto-series and what not it makes more sense to call that board such. In most mmorpgs though there is a central hub where all the noobs are safe from being pwned and what not as well as for opposing factions to meet together to kinda 'chillax' from most of the bickering and heated gameplay that goes on. With SL, Ninja Central or well Jisegakure is just that. Honestly I don't know how I'd feel with SL losing that xD Even if its filled with madness, it suits the need. Otherwise we'd see such in possibly Konoha or Kiri or Suna, but its safe to put such activity to Jise. Who knows? Maybe someone could seriously give Jisegakure a take over and get some active RP flowing, otherwise it still fits its central hub theme. Especially with a hall of fame, ichiraku's ramen and other shops.

If anything I would like to see maybe Amegakure vs Hoshigakure in which village does the site wish to see actively roaming in RP? YESSSS I've noticed the countless advocated for Hoshigakure but a contention could arise to see which village would the community wish to see more of? If Amegakure seems to take the popular vote over Hoshi we would see how our views stand and the same goes if Hoshigakure is voted to stay. Either way, that would seem like a more fair tradeoff than turning Jisegakure a land of neutrality and SL-ooc into Ame. Otherwise, whats to say that changing the name to Ame still won't stop the customs and norms that go on in Jisegakure(formerly Ninja Central)?

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