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Messages - Zojin

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Village Square / Re: Otogakure Tournament
« on: July 15, 2013, 08:11:20 PM »
Yep.  You can be from any village and still be able to pick the otogakure prize if no other winner picks it before you.

Village Square / Re: Otogakure Tournament
« on: July 10, 2013, 12:57:17 AM »
1 prize per village isn't particularly demanding in my opinion.  It's actually a lot less work to think of 1 prize per village versus using yumei's way and create 3 different ones per village.  This also gives the winners a chance to pick a prize that isn't from their village if they want.

Even if only 1 person from 3 different villages participate, that's already 3 grand prizes (1st, 2nd, and 3rd place)...which would be more than enough for most tourneys.  But systems like this is just a small detail in the larger scheme of things lol

Village Square / Re: Otogakure Tournament
« on: July 10, 2013, 12:08:05 AM »
I can help as a judge if needed.

Edit =

Oh and just as an idea for prizes (if we do want to go with other prizes besides DP), I think each village should be responsible for only creating one prize each.  In the end all prizes donated by the villages will be displayed out for the winners to receive. 

For example: if Konoha, Oto, and Kiri participate there will be a total of 3 prizes.  The tourney's 1st place winner gets first dibs on the set of prizes, then 2nd place gets to pick 1 of the remaining 2 prizes after him/her, then 3rd place gets whatever is left over.  Anyone past 3rd place doesn't get a prize.

Spam / Re: Zojin Graphics: One Stop Graphics Shop
« on: July 03, 2013, 06:41:08 AM »
Hm, overall I think it gets the point across.  There's not much else to do since I think the animation speaks for itself.  If you stick any more on it you might run into the problem of making the avi too busy.

Perhaps just to make it a little more interesting you can try adding a small border with some sort of static decal that'll contrast nicely with the fluidity of the animation behind it.

Village Square / Re: Official rules of Edo Tensei
« on: July 03, 2013, 12:03:57 AM »
Alright guys, lets just get this done.  What do you think so far?  I'm still compiling all the "combat" rules, though I think listed all of the "non-combat" rules.,7768.0.html

Also, lets make this the official Edo Tensei Discussion Thread or something instead of having people post in the thread I just made.

Village Square / Re: SL Official Edo Tensei Guidelines/Rules
« on: July 03, 2013, 12:01:45 AM »
Combat Rules:

- Only 3 Edo Tensei zombies may be summoned per battle
- Only 1 Edo Tensei zombie can be summoned per Jinchuriki Challenge
- 20% of chakra is used for each individual zombie summon and permanently lost for the duration that the zombie is active.  Summoning the maximum of 3 zombies equals a permanent 60% loss of the summoner's total chakra pool.  Only when an Edo is sealed or un-summoned is when the user can start recovering the lost 20% for that summon.
- Zombie Regeneration Periods
    - "Superficial Damage" (No recovery period)
      *minor scratches & bruises
    - "Minor Damage" (1 turn regeneration period)
      *broken limbs, cuts that would cause bleeding
    - "Moderate" (2 turn regeneration period)
      *Loss of a hand/foot/etc, getting run through by a sword, getting smashed by certain levels of taijutsu, etc.
    - "Serious" (3 turn regeneration period & forced immobilization)
      *Loss of a limb, serious run throughs with swords, 'knockout' blows such as hidden lotus, etc.
    - "Death" (4 turn regeneration period & forced immobilization)
      *Damage that would result in for-sure death had the zombie been "alive" a.k.a. chidori, getting beheaded, etc.
    - "Complete Annihilation" (5 turn regeneration period & forced immobilization)
      *Complete obliteration a.k.a dust release, burnt to ashes, ripped/blown apart, etc.
- As long as Edo Tensei is being used, the user can only use defensive moves.  And these defensive moves can't be used in the motions of an attack.
- 1:1 Ratio rule.  You can only summon as many Edo Tensei as there are opponents.  3 is the max.
- ET Zombies are not allowed to transfer their chakra to other beings
- ET Zombies are also not allowed to use "physical" clones such as Kage Bunshin, or any other variation of a solid bunshin.

Village Square / Re: SL Official Edo Tensei Guidelines/Rules
« on: July 03, 2013, 12:00:05 AM »
Non-Combat Rules:

- Alts & NPCs are not allowed to become Edo Tensei. No trading alts with a friend for Edo Tensei zombies.
- Edo Tensei Zombies are allowed to declare official Jinchuriki challenges but are not allowed to be a host.
- Teacher:Student rule.  "Teachers" are allowed to teach a single person Edo Tensei. Once done, neither teacher nor student can share the technique, unless one or the other dies.
    Current Teacher-Student Bonds:
      Kamui ----- Masane
      Warren ----- Keito
      Uchiha Ryoji

    Former/Deceased Users:
      - Tsuyo (Replaced by Rinn)
      - Trev (Replaced by Bocchiere)
      - Kamui (Replaced by Kyu Mizushima)
      - Ryuji (Gone)
      - Hazama (Replaced by Akasaka Rakudo)
      - Uchiha Rinn (Replaced by Manji)
      -Bocchiere (replaced by Kamui)
      - Manji (replaced by Masane)
      - Kyu (replaced by Warren)
      - Hazama (replaced by Keito)
      - Shinro (replaced by Ryoji)

- If Edo Tensei is pirated from someone (Ex, Human Path) the person who attains the knowledge takes the spot on the Teacher-Student list of the person they robbed it from.  They will then be bond to any "teacher" or "student" that the previous user was connected with.
- A former user who either had ET stolen from them or quit and had their position in the "Student-Teacher" list replaced can no longer perform ET until they get themselves onto the above list again.
- Edo Tensei zombies cannot perform Edo Tensei
- In order to use the Edo Tensei technique, a deceased rp player's DNA must be obtained and a living player must be sacrificed. Alts may not be used as sacrifices.
- To give a zombie an implant, something else must be traded off for it. Ex. I give a zombie a sharingan implant, but he loses the ability to use Mokuton, etc.
- Starting now (July 2, 2013), Edo Tensei users who summon a zombie then release or lose it will still have a constant 20% chakra drain until that freed ET Zombie is sealed away.
    Current "Freed" Zombies & Their Summoner:
      Manji ----- Bocchiere *freed before this rule was instated
      Rares ----- Trev *freed before this rule was instated

Village Square / SL Official Edo Tensei Guidelines/Rules
« on: July 02, 2013, 11:58:12 PM »
This thread is only to keep a listing of the Edo Tensei rules so far. 
Please do NOT post in this thread.
Discuss any concerns/opinions HERE.

|| Official Edo Tensei Guidelines ||

Current Edo Tensei Users (as of January 23, 2019):
1. Athos         (student)
2. Guruguru   (teacher)

3. Warren      (teacher)
4. Keitō         (student)

5. Tomi          (teacher)

Village Square / Re: Official rules of Edo Tensei
« on: July 02, 2013, 11:30:56 PM »
ET cannot perform Kage Bunshin (or other "solid" clone technique) and Splitting Technique.  They also cannot use techniques which transfers their chakra to another.

I think meeting in the middle at 20% is fair enough.  With a total of 3 active zombies, the user is down to 40% of their life force from the start.

Writing up the rules now.

Village Square / Re: Official rules of Edo Tensei
« on: July 02, 2013, 11:04:17 PM »
Making an updated list with everything we've discussed so far.  Can someone tell me which teacher is connected with which student?  This is what I understand so far:

Current Student-Teacher Bonds:
Tsuyo ----- Trev
Kamui ----- Kyu Mizushima
Shinro ----- Ryūji?
_____ ----- Hazama

Former/Deceased Users:
Bocchiere (Replaced by Tsuyo)

Trev, did you teach Hazama ET?

Also, I say that starting now, anyone who has had ET stolen from them or has died (quit) but then were revived will be unable to perform Edo Tensei.  Basically once a person is "replaced" by another in the above teacher-student list, the former user will not be able to perform ET until they get themselves on the list again.

Village Square / Re: Selling Bijuu
« on: June 11, 2013, 06:37:46 PM »
Little late on the bandwagon here, but I'll have to agree with having Yujo defend the bijuu until his account is officially sold.  If he is under the impression that his account is going to be sold before a formal challenge can be initiated and completed, then I believe his current Kage should be responsible for taking on the burden of the bijuu.

This means that if Yujo decides to continuously ignore Luka's challenges, then Luka can fairly challenge Tsuyo for it.  But from the looks of it, it seems that Yujo will be accepting the challenge after all~

But yeah, just to keep this conversation related to the actual topic at hand, can we make a "rule" against openly selling the Bijuu/Items for money?  I know that there isn't any failsafe way to prevent this (and if someone really wants the cash they can find a sneaky way of making deals), but can we at least make people less obvious about it?

Village Square / Re: Selling Bijuu
« on: June 10, 2013, 10:02:36 PM »
Quote from: Zenaku
Ok here's the skinny on this. No rule was made against selling a bijuu with an account because quite frankly it's near impossible to prove who the actual person controlling the account on the other end is. Sure it's a low move and frowned upon however if someone who is a current jinchuuriki sells their account as is then that's the end of the discussion. If Yujo sells his account the bijuu is tied to that account at the moment. That's all. It's just most people know how hard it is to obtain bijuu so they don't even think to do this. However, it's his right so long as he understands this won't be reversed.

It's no different than if someone gave a bijuu to someone else and then sold that person the account afterwards.


Edit: Just putting in Zenaku's input because I don't know if he made a mistake and posted in the locked thread or posted there on his own accord.
Let me know if you want me to merge these topics. :wink:

That would probably be best.  Though it would be nice to have the original thread unlocked since I also have my 2 cents I'd like to voice right after I get some clarification from Yujo himself on the issue.

Village Square / Re: Official rules of Edo Tensei
« on: June 06, 2013, 09:02:33 PM »
@Purps & Trev:
Yeah I can see where you guys are getting at.  Probably giving the damage sustained an exact % isn't the best idea.  How about this instead?

- Limit Edo Tensei to only 3 summonings per battle
- Only one Edo Summoning can be used per bijuu battle
- 15% of chakra should be the cost for each summoning and permanently lost for the duration that the Edo is active.  So summoning the max of 3 zombies equals a loss of 45% of the summoner's total chakra pool.  Only when an Edo is sealed or un-summoned is when the user can start recovering the lost 15% for that summon.
- If an Edo summoning is sealed or captured, the user takes on some of the damage the Edo Tensei received.  It's up to the integrity of the summoner to decide how much damage is transfered back.
- As long as Edo Tensei is being used, the user can only use defensive moves.  And these defensive moves can't be used in the motions of an attack.
- Alts & NPCs are not allowed to become Edo Tensei. You also can't trade alts with a friend for Edo Tensei zombies.  (If you can't trade sharingan eyes with friends anymore for the EMS you shouldn't be able to to trade Alts with friends to create mutual Edo Tensei.)
- 1:1 Ratio rule.  You can only summon as many Edo Tensei as there are opponents.  3 is the max.
- Teacher-Student rule.

I do like the idea of sustaining damage since it'll force the summoners to not use their Edo Tensei haphazardly and also force the summoners to put in more thought about how to use their zombies.  Yes you can technically have an indestructible juggernaut who can reform after getting blasted in the face with a bijuu ball (exaggeration), but that won't come without some sort of repercussion.

Village Square / Re: Official rules of Edo Tensei
« on: June 06, 2013, 08:43:42 PM »
I can agree to most of those rules except "If an Edo summoning is sealed or captured, the user takes on 25% of the damage the Edo Tensei received." I don't really know how that would work, care to explain? I personally don't think one should take damage if there Edo is sealed, as Rakudo said, it's odd.

I don't know how it would work  :oops:

Also, no ratio rule or teacher-student?

Basically once an Edo Tensei is sealed away, some of the damage it sustained is transfered back to the summoner.  Similar to the workings of the Yamanaka Valentine jutsu.  Honor code on how much damage exactly is transfered.  It sounds like a wonky rule since it's not canon, but I think it's necessary for the balance of the RP.  As I said to Rakudo, we'll have to make slight alterations to the Narutoverse to accommodate it for the SL world.

Also, I was under the impression that some people were still discussing the teacher-student and ratio rule.  I read back a few pages but didn't see an exact for sure ruling on either of those ideas.  I can also throw in my input on those if requested o.o;

Village Square / Re: Official rules of Edo Tensei
« on: June 06, 2013, 08:21:57 PM »
There really isn't any direct weakness to Edo Tensei in combat. The only weakness the jutsu has is the prep work, you need to kill someone or get the DNA of someone who has been killed, and get a living body to sacrifice to summon them back.  Unless we want to make up things that don't exist canonically there really isn't a way to limit the jutsu. It seems there is already a limit on the zombies, no? 6 of them? And the 1:1 ratio makes it so you can only summon as many as people you are fighting.

Right there.  I think that's a problem, don't you?  I'm all for a balanced system in which strengths are coupled with appropriate weaknesses.  Naruto was never written by Kishimoto to be RP'ed, thus the creation of these kinds of weaknessless techniques.  The ONLY reason why Edo Tensei was stopped, was due to plot armor quite frankly.  And honestly, nobody is ever going to allow their character to get trapped as did Kabuto.  This is why we need to make weaknesses for jutsu even though that may mean we deviate from the canon.  The prep-work is hardly a weakness at all.  Again, it's another "fake weakness".

@ Kamui:
This makes me wonder who else thinks I'm Purple lol.  My suggestion to this is rather than altering the percentage of chakra summoning costs, to merely say that once an Edo Tensei is summoned, the user permanently looses that percentage of charka for the duration the Edo is active.  This completely cuts out the loophole of pre-summoning Edo Tensei outside of battle, have them chill (or never un-summon them again), then fight with them a few days later after the summoner is completely recovered.  This also strikes out the loopholes of summoning then popping a chakra pill to be at 100% again, or having a zombie transfer chakra back to the user.

I'm okay with most of Pete's rules save for the "only one Edo may attack per post", which I agree with Rakudo about.  That runs into the issue of what to do if you are able to summon 3 but yet only be allowed to attack/defend with one?  Unless that rules changes to only attack with 1 Edo but the rest have to be defensive.

My suggestion~ (Slight edit from the rules just stated)

- Limit Edo Tensei to only 3 summonings per battle
- Only one Edo Summoning can be used per bijuu battle
- 15% of chakra should be the cost for each summoning and permanently lost for the duration that the Edo is active.  So summoning the max of 3 zombies equals a loss of 45% of the summoner's total chakra pool.  Only when an Edo is sealed or un-summoned is when the user can start recovering the lost 15% for that summon.
- If an Edo summoning is sealed or captured, the user takes on 25% of the damage the Edo Tensei received.
- As long as Edo Tensei is being used, the user can only use defensive moves.  And these defensive moves can't be used in the motions of an attack.
- Alts & NPCs are not allowed to become Edo Tensei. You also can't trade alts with a friend for Edo Tensei zombies.  (If you can't trade sharingan eyes with friends anymore for the EMS you shouldn't be able to to trade Alts with friends to create mutual Edo Tensei.)

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