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Messages - sploofmoof

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Village Square / Re: Enough is Enough.
« on: June 07, 2014, 09:38:07 AM »
Late to the party I am!

But I'll keep it simple.

Claiming a release like Ototon is dumb.  Even worse...signing some sort of contract that straight up breaks other techniques (human path in particular here) for the OOC reason of 'keeping it special' is even MORE dumb.

You guys are getting even MORE crazy with this claiming ridiculousness.

Village Square / Re: Matatabi/Nibi
« on: May 29, 2014, 05:37:06 AM »
I'm not lazy, I just have no opinion on what should happen with the Bijuu.  (Other than their removal from SL, but I'm not really pulling for that.)

Or rather my unprofessional opinion is "I don't care."

My professional reaction is "Hey follow those rules you have written out for just this situation!"

Naruto / Re: Naruto 676
« on: May 14, 2014, 09:53:51 PM »
I'm pretty ok with a blanket void on everything used in the Return of Madara arc. >>

I second that >.>

Village Square / Re: Akatsuki is abolishing summoning contracts
« on: May 05, 2014, 05:42:27 AM »
I believe that if we are allowed to summon toads without a contract and learn the sage mode, then all canon sage modes are to be learned the same way.  As it currently is there is inconsistency in the rules.  No toad contract but everyone summons toads.  There is a snake contract and only certain people can sign that.  So what are the real rules we're following in regards to canon summons? (There is also a slug contract I believe, but I lost track of that one a while ago)  Do we make a toad contract for someone to hold and effectively limit all canon sage modes?  Or do we abolish the snake contract and let snake sages roam as free as toad sages do?

Naruto / Re: Naruto 674
« on: April 23, 2014, 09:01:47 PM »
I'm more amused at how madara just popped an eye into his head like he's putting in contacts or something <.<

Naruto / Re: Naruto 673
« on: April 17, 2014, 01:43:41 AM »
I really don't see anyone taking on these new rules of the Rinnegan considering what has been recently revealed would mean no one on SL could have it.  Even worse would be trying to figure out who the two reincarnations would be if someone did follow these specific rules xD

Village Square / Re: I think a small update to Edo Tensei is required
« on: March 31, 2014, 09:57:47 AM »
I thought the rule was you could have as many zombies as you had opponents? (Up to a certain number which I can't remember)  At least the last time I checked that's what I thought was the general consensus.  So if you're attacking a village and one guy shows get one, if two shows get another until you reach the cap or run out of zombies at your disposal.

I don't really have a comment or opinion about the second rule brought up.

Naruto / Re: Naruto 670
« on: March 26, 2014, 08:15:00 PM »

True Senju Susanoo-equivalent when? This looks way too much like Madara's dual-faced Susanoo, while having qualities of Kurama's Yang chakra mode, while also wielding what looks like five tailed-beast balls. Just you wait. As soon as what this out-of-nowhere power-up is explained, every Senju and/or Uzumaki is going to claim it. (I'm tempted to myself to combine it with my own Susanoo Sage Mode to make some sort of Super Origin Sage Mode.)

Also, I hope Hagoromo expands upon what exactly happened to his brother, since his own kids and descendants are causing this much trouble in the world.

Looking at the legs of that sage mode thing though it does look like it's still some form of the nine tails transformation...unless his legs have extra joints in them. (Although it is technically just covered in chakra)  My guess is that this predecessor of Naruto's is just a carbon copy of him....and the brothers reincarnation is likely Sasuke. (Or madara but that's way less likely if you ask me.)

Spam / Re: A samehada related question
« on: February 10, 2014, 03:59:13 AM »
Weeelllll, it's hard to say really.  Since samehada is a sentient creature (at least sentient enough to have a preference to peoples chakra and leave it's current weilder for it, if given the chance to.) so it's hard to say if it's ability to consume chakra is innate and in it's body...or if it's controlled by it's personality (I'm hesitant to say that it has a brain...manga logic is weird.) and only happens when it wants it to.

But honestly I think we've put more thought into in these three posts than Kishimoto did so it's really anyone's guess as to how the darn sword operates xD

Naruto / Re: Naruto 662
« on: January 27, 2014, 04:05:23 AM »
Just made this.

*insert big picture here*

That is interesting, but Hashirama does say that he's giving Sasuke his chakra, not his DNA as Madara used.  I'm also curious if Edo Tensei actually consist of the resurrected souls DNA, since the body isn't really theirs.

Though it would be interesting to see if that's enough to trigger it.

Guess we'll see in the next few chapters xD

Village Square / Re: Magic Ears
« on: December 20, 2013, 09:31:14 PM »
Eh, I prefer not to have my opinion counted as a vote as it was not intended to do so.

Village Square / Re: Magic Ears
« on: December 20, 2013, 12:58:09 AM »

You know it's legit because it comes from our new grand poobah.

Village Square / Re: Stripping of the One-Tails
« on: December 20, 2013, 12:32:22 AM »
Eh, I have one question for Yoshiro.  Do you have proof of your challenge to Anika?  If I recall (by the old rules of bijuu challenges) you had to formally ask for a challenge, with a time and date and whatnot.

The claim that this happened months ago seems a little too convenient for me (as any unsaved messages would be gone), as I knew Anika and it's not likely that she would just straight up ignore a Bijuu challenge from anyone without a good reason to do so.

I find it odd that you didn't make an issue out of her 'ignoring' your challenge for months but suddenly when she's gone and cannot refute your point, you NOW show up and claim you had a pending challenge.

I'm not saying you're lying, but I'm saying it's very suspicious.

Village Square / Re: Stripping of the One-Tails
« on: December 19, 2013, 10:48:46 AM »
I offered to Zojin to RP the bijuu going on a rampage when Anika left, but she said she had other plans.  I haven't heard much from her since then, however.

Village Square / Re: Magic Ears
« on: December 19, 2013, 12:12:38 AM »
There hearing is the most ridiculous part of this whole joke. Serious it is completely unlegit. Let me try and explain why.

As Trev as shown us, yes there is a passive Ototon skill which increases the users hearing, and ability to hear, and filter the sounds possibly. However, he also stated it wasn't to the extent people had once abused.

Now lets look at the actual situation here. Rakudo walks into the village, Yujo is in the center of the village, easily a good few kilometers away. Now, how does Yujo being able to hear everything with in that radius of himself make an sense at all people? Really?
First of all, lets think for a moment, as Rakudo pointed out what would happen if he did listen to all of that all the time. How would he even have a normal conversation as he was at the time? 'Oh sorry, I can't hear you over the other thousand or so voices in my head guys.' So yeah, Rakudo would be spot on with the effects of what happens in that case. Also I like how Nathan tries to appeal to Superman here... really dude? Really? That's laughable.
'But wait! He can filter through, and just focus on Rakudo's voice!' Okay, makes sense... if he had a reason to focus on Rakudo, which he didn't. I'm pretty sure the barrier theory of why that might have alerted him to Rakudo has pretty much been shown to be stupid, even then in Yujo's post he acknowledged no reasoning as to why he heard, just he magically did. Perhaps Yujo filters through all the thousands of conversation at all points? Checks if there is anything worth hearing going on? That's complete rubbish too, the amount of processing power to do that would far exceed his tiny brain, and even if he could, what's the chances he would catch one little comment spoken far far away, with the crowds of the village all around him?
And lets not forget at the distances spoken hear, that sound which actually take a finite time to travel, so when Yujo heard this, Rakudo would have moved from the location at which he spoke it, doubtfully much, but still would have moved.

So there is a few reasons why the super hearing claims are complete and utter crap. I won't even start on the rest because once this is thrown out, there is no need to complete the others.

Everything Kaito said.

Hearing everything around you super clear is all well and good, but being able to suddenly pick someone out because they are headed for you?  Meta-gaming pure and simple.  Maybe if Rakudo had yelled above the crowd to stand out it would make sense to focus on his voice, but all he did was talk to himself at a normal volume.

Hell, even if you could sense the Hachibi's chakra and go "oh shit, what's that chakra?  I better focus my attention in that direction."  It would take longer than what Yujo posted to find Rakudo, and then he would have missed what he had said entirely.

Honestly, I'm not even looking at what Kirk or Rakudo did in the posts because I can't get over how we're just letting this auditory thing slide.

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