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Messages - czarguy

Pages: 1 2 3 [4] 5 6 ... 35
Spam / Coolest looking Curse Seal.
« on: February 21, 2008, 02:14:34 PM »
Ok so who has the coolest looking CS?

How about CS2?

My votes are:
CS-Kidomaru (Spirals)

Those two look badass

Shops or other instances / Re: New Weapon System
« on: February 20, 2008, 03:12:02 AM »
Then how do you come to the assumption that it's going to be implemented?! Read before you post.
It seemed Neji was supporting the idea,thus I assumed it would be implemnted in the future. I dont see why im getting smited for making a comment which I later fixed.

Feature Requests / Re: Informants
« on: February 20, 2008, 03:10:15 AM »
So players who have alot of gems just know all of the game secrets? i think not.

Shops or other instances / Re: New Weapon System
« on: February 19, 2008, 08:00:45 PM »
I see I didnt read through the first pages. :oops:

Shops or other instances / Re: New Weapon System
« on: February 19, 2008, 07:20:05 PM »
It sounded like it was going to be put in the game.

Shops or other instances / Re: New Weapon System
« on: February 19, 2008, 06:01:09 PM »
When will this be implemented?

New Features / Re: Item Forging
« on: February 19, 2008, 05:57:22 PM »
Has 3 recipes so far and I am very impressed with all of them

Item Forge Requests / Re: Items.
« on: February 17, 2008, 02:10:23 AM »
How is a trap bomb different from a spike bomb?
I meant like the bomb Tenten through at Kisame.

Item Forge Requests / Items.
« on: February 17, 2008, 02:00:21 AM »
Ok so I came up with a few that I thought would be cool.

Plasma Pill:A small pill which allows you to regenerate a small amount of blood (HP) each round.
Recipe:1 Soldier Pill, 1 Instant Ramen.
Cost:1000 gold and 1 gem.
Effect:Allows you to regenerate 4-15 HP each round for the next 5 rounds.

First Aid Kit:A complete ninja First Aid Kit, only used in emergencies.
Recipe:1 Soldier Pill, 1 Plasma Pill, 1 Cabbage, 1 Red Apple.
Cost:5000 gold and 3 gems.
Effect:Allows you to regenerate all of your HP during a battle.

Trap Bomb:A booby-trapped bomb, releases a flurry of kunai on explosion.
Recipe:1 Smoke Bomb, 5 Kunai.
Cost:500 gold.
Effect:Causes 15-30 damage on impact, plus another 10-15 damage a round for the next 2 rounds.

Wired Kunai:A kunai witha wire on it, used to immobilize enemies.
Recipe:1 Wire, 1 Kunai.
Cost:2000 gold.
Effect:Immobilizes your enemy for 1 turn.

Posioned Senbon:Senbon dipped in a deadly posion.
Recipe:2 Senbon, 1 Vile of Poison.
Cost:2 Gems.
Effect: Causes 2-10 damage on impact and 2-5 damage for the next 10 rounds.

I have other ideas, but I wanna see how people like these first.
Leave some feedback! 8)

Feature Requests / Re: Sakon and Ukon KG.
« on: February 14, 2008, 09:21:19 PM »
Eh? I made a repeat topic?!  :cry: Sowry.

Feature Requests / Re: Sakon and Ukon KG.
« on: February 14, 2008, 08:47:16 PM »
As I was reading online the two (Sakon and Ukon) are put together they were not born that way. While they are separated from each other during Kiba they exhibit these jutsus I have listed (except for the body regeneration for 1-4 HP I thought thatd make it more interesting). The evidence points to that they can use jutsus while separated and the combining of their bodies only increase their attack strength.

Feature Requests / Re: Kibaku Nendo Kekkei Genkai (Clay Jutsu)
« on: February 14, 2008, 08:18:49 PM »
Well there are to many bombs to make so i stuck to bunshins.
I mean think about it

Bird (Big Little Medium) 
Centipede (Big Little Medium)
Spider (Big Medium Little)

Theres just to many to make one jutsu list itd be to long.

Feature Requests / Sakon and Ukon KG.
« on: February 14, 2008, 07:59:34 PM »
Ok ive been researching and heres what I came up with.

Body Regeneration Technique (Sakon and Ukon Kekkei Genkai)-This would have a total of 2 resets. You would have a few special abilities, and they would get stronger at the second reset.

1st Reset:Intiate
You would have to activate the Body Regeneration Technique for these abilities to appear.

Special Ability #1 (No chakra cost):You regenerate a small amount of health every 2 rounds (1-4 Health). This ability lasts the rest of the gameday at no chakra cost. Regeneration increases at second reset.

Special Ability #2 (5 chakra):You plate different parts of your body in impenetrable armor using your Kekkei Genkai. You gain a 25 percent increase in defense and a 5 percent increase in attack until the special ability ends (50 rounds). Attack and Defense boosts increases at second reset.

2nd Reset:Master

Special Ability #3 (5 chakra):You invade your enemies body using your Kekkei Genkai. You begin to destroy the cells in their body. You would stay in your opponents body until he is dead.

Also maybe Curse Seal and Curse Seal Lvl. 2 could have some effect on the abilities?

Leave some feedback!  8)   

Feature Requests / Kibaku Nendo Kekkei Genkai (Clay Jutsu)
« on: February 14, 2008, 07:35:59 PM »
Ok guys, I promised crazyanbu id do this for him so here it goes.

Kibaku Nendo (Deidara’s Jutsu)-You are born a natural artist and use cay based attacks to demolish your enemies. This Kekkei Genkai has a total of 2 resets. You receive a custom jutsu list that is stronger than a normal jutsu list. The jutsus are very powerful unfortunately you only have a limited amount of clay, and once your out of clay you can’t use anymore jutsus, so be careful! 

1st Reset-Artists Apprentice (5 initial uses +1 for every level gained)
You have to activate Kibaku Nendo before your custom jutsu list will appear.

Nendo Bunshin (2 clay uses)-Using your skill as an artist you use a small amount of clay to create a clone of yourself! The clone would attack your enemy once a round for 5 rounds. You would also receive a 10 percent defense increase until the jutsu is done. Damage increases at second reset.

C1 Nendo Bunshin (5 clay uses)-Using your skill as an artist you use a small amount of clay to create a clone of yourself! You send the clone towards your enemy and detonate it, causing an explosion! Damage increases at second reset.

C2 Nendo Bunshin (7 clay uses)-Using your skill as an artist you use a medium amount of clay to create a clone of yourself! You send the clone towards your enemy and detonate it, causing an explosion! Damage increases at second reset.

C3 Nendo Bunshin (10 clay uses)-Using your skill as an artist you use a medium amount of clay to create a clone of yourself! You send the clone towards your enemy and detonate it, causing an explosion! Damage increases at second reset.

2nd Reset-Artist (10 initial uses +1 for every level gained)
You have to activate Kibaku Nendo before your custom jutsu list will appear.

C4 Nendo Bunshin (15 clay uses)-Using your skill as an artist you use a massive amount of clay to create a clone of yourself! You send the clone towards your enemy and detonate it, causing a massive explosion! 

Clay Bomb Suicide (17 clay uses)-You open a large mouth on your chest ingesting a large amount of clay, your body begins to implode and a massive explosion results covering a 10 mile radius! Because of the massive amount of power this attack uses you lose all but 1 HP.

Leave some feedback!  8)   

New Features / Re: Item Forging
« on: February 14, 2008, 02:22:23 PM »
I love this idea!
Although experimentation would be cool

Gold Bracelet+Silver Bracelet=Golver Bracelet!  :twisted:

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