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Messages - Garō, Ichirou

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Bijuu Arena / Re: The IC Hunt
« on: December 30, 2015, 08:45:41 AM »
That could work in an ideal world. But overtimes the host and hunter probably won't like each other. The espionage I had in mind ranged from perhaps making alt accounts as disguise, or trying to get intel from a friend in the village. Or you could kidnap members from a village, invade their mind for information, etc. Or you could just sit around the village, try to listen for intel.

There are many things you could do, and the scenario you propose could work. But it requires a certain level of cooperation not normally found. But it is certainly possible, opening the lines of communication between the two parties would make things smoother.

Yeah, I feel like one of the biggest issues that stand in the way of successful biju rules is people not being able to overcome their dislike of one another

Hunter's Guild / Re: | Rising Tides | Eastern Expedition [Redux]
« on: December 30, 2015, 08:42:11 AM »

The Machinist made his way toward the ship that was soon to set sail. He had caught word of an expedition to the east, and couldn't help but join up. He was sure that the spoils of the trip would be rich, whether in materialistic items or in knowledge. Either way he knew he would regret it if he didn't come along.

As he arrived at the port, he set the large bag that he was carrying down for a moment to make sure that his Bandanna was securely tightened before recovering the bag from the ground and throwing it over his shoulder, making his way to and onto the ship, looking for the one who was responsible for the start of this expedition. He spotted him leaning on the gunwhale, and made his way over to him. "Evening, should I call you captain?" he chuckled as he recovered a smoke from his pack, that was tucked away in his pocket. He grabbed a lighter from the other side, "You mind?" he respectfully asked, before lighting the smokery.

Bijuu Arena / Re: The IC Hunt
« on: December 30, 2015, 08:03:10 AM »
I just don't foresee those types of problem Eric, being a persistent thing. For one bringing a small army of players with your jinch leaves your village open to attack. But more importantly it requires much synchronization. The bodyguards have to be on and leave with the host the day they have to leave, every two weeks. That will be hard to accommodate due to life.

But I think my rules are a fine "start" point. Sure they need details filled in. You could add elements like a bodyguard limit, etc. But either way for IC hunts to be an option, it is my belief they must take place away from the village. Biju fights already have like a 15% chance of working out (made up stat), but adding a village fight lowers it vastly.

The second main problem is the finding out the biju. The host need to make it a little easier to be found, but the hunter needs to do more than "Look into my crystal globe, I see you!" I think exact details can be worked out, but espionage is a good option in various ways. It wouldn't be overly difficult.

And yes I expect people to hide in a fortress, but to say everyone will is not correct. I recall former host such as Athos and others going to open fields often, or I think even Bocc liked to inhabit zone four for an elemental advantage with the Yonbi, etc. Some will do it, some will not. But it's better than a village fight.

Anyway, agree or disagree at your whim Eric. I shall await others opinions. No sense in going back and forth on an issue if everyone else hates my "base" guidelines. If it gets some steam and approval and details start to get filled in, that will be the time to nitpick away at it (Which is needed to close loopholes)

And your tone was okay with me, I know no ill intent was directed at me.

Perhaps the host and challenger could actually work out an rp wherein the challenger does espionage work, and the host rps as NPCs, or gets other players involved in the rp that in one way provide the information to the challenger.

Like if they go the NPC route the Challenger could kidnap someone who was privy to the information and interrogate it out of them, you know?

Just an idea

Bijuu Arena / Re: The IC Hunt
« on: December 30, 2015, 01:07:55 AM »
I'd rather lay siege to Mugen Castle and be rping with just Trev and as many NPC's as he wants to control than say, attack Kiri and hope they don't decide to have 15 people join the rp again. If you can't see how one of those is vastly preferable to the other than you don't have the experience attacking villages that I do.

Very true, Easier to fight a ton of NPCs operated under one person than tons of actual players

Bijuu Arena / Re: The IC Hunt
« on: December 30, 2015, 12:23:08 AM »
For the record, I feel that the IC aspect should stay out. The beasts do not generally generate RP and that is not really their purpose for existing either, or at least most people do not act that way. If it were their purpose then both challengers and hunters would get along for the sake of RP progression. It's not about the RP, it's about the power, abilities, and (mostly) prestige. There is little denying it with the way most of the hunts have been conducted just this calendar year alone.

But as Uetto said, as much as I hate the biju and IC and all that stuff, this isn't one of those things that I am completely immovable on. If people want to jump back into those shark infested waters with a different suit to try to make it better then who am I to both complain and not doing anything to help with that?

1. Bring back the rule that the host must leave the village every two weeks for one day. This gives the hunter an opportune time to attack, and avoids getting a whole village involved (Never ends well) Heck the host can take bodyguards if they want, idc just leave the village. Perhaps like Kay's idea, a new personal village rank can be a jinch bodyguard? If the host wants they can even set up shop in a personal lair full of traps (Trev went to Mugen Castle) so they're not really losing any advantage...

If a host can set up in their own customized fortress, that completely defeats the purpose of having them leave the village. Like, truly, it does. And right in the beginning I want to make it clear that trying to find a middle ground between making "RP sense" and being "fair" is more trouble than it is worth. Just make it fair to begin with and forget about it making "RP sense".

2. The host is not allowed to hide their presence, no special seals that hide yours or biju chakra, nothing.

3. The way in which people finds biju is suppose to be hard, it needs to be more than sharingan or Byakugan, it needs to be hard. Ideally it shouldn't take any chakra skills, but rather some espionage. Ask around the village, use a technique like Orochimaru did during the chuunin exams and disguise yourself, be a damn ninja and find out info. Kidnap a village member and give em back in exchange for info, something.

Again, contradictory. If hosts cannot hide thier chakra in any fashion, they should very well be sensible by standard means. If chakra skills are not allowed to be used, then why not allow them to hide their presence then? Because if he/she goes out of the village on a regular basis (two weeks) that alone is a huge flag that something is up, especially when a large number of regular people don't even leave their own village that regularly. Not to mention "Yeah I'm attacking this guy, but not for the biju, he just happened to be there with his escort" is always a possible statement to be claimed.

Coincidental attacks right as the host is leaving the village are not unheard of, and are the easiest way around the silly espionage requirement, unless you are going to invalidate the capturing of the biju if it is done that way.

Perhaps if the Coincidental attack situation is used, then it could be treated as a simple zone and not directly a Biju battle, if that makes sense.

You do make a good point with the fortress, that's basically the same as sitting within the village, and can be made impenetrable to espionage in one way or another I imagine.

Bijuu Arena / Re: The IC Hunt
« on: December 29, 2015, 11:49:51 PM »
The only IC hunt that ever worked was really Bocc and myself, and that only worked cause we liked each other and I'm not overly difficult as many of SL can attest to.

Personally I would get rid of IC hunt, but if it must remain, here are the guidelines.

1. Bring back the rule that the host must leave the village every two weeks for one day. This gives the hunter an opportune time to attack, and avoids getting a whole village involved (Never ends well) Heck the host can take bodyguards if they want, idc just leave the village. Perhaps like Kay's idea, a new personal village rank can be a jinch bodyguard? If the host wants they can even set up shop in a personal lair full of traps (Trev went to Mugen Castle) so they're not really losing any advantage.

2. The host is not allowed to hide their presence, no special seals that hide yours or biju chakra, nothing.

3. The way in which people finds biju is suppose to be hard, it needs to be more than sharingan or Byakugan, it needs to be hard. Ideally it shouldn't take any chakra skills, but rather some espionage. Ask around the village, use a technique like Orochimaru did during the chuunin exams and disguise yourself, be a damn ninja and find out info. Kidnap a village member and give em back in exchange for info, something.

Half the problems with IC fights come from 2 and 3. Challenger says I used so and so technique to find you, host says I used so and so to hide and what you did was not legit, etc, etc.

I can definitely agree to this,

Village Square / The Wither of the Broken Isles
« on: December 29, 2015, 11:43:58 PM »
Chapter 1;

A large sailboat slid through the snakey waters of the deep blue, the calm of the day allowing the ride to be smooth, without many waves to toss and throw the ship and it's inhabitants about. The boat had been sailing for about a month now, and over the past few weeks much of the crew had been lost. A huge storm had ravaged a huge portion of the Ocean, and they had no way around it.

Down in the Bilge, Ichirou was hard at work. Working the Bilge pump to drain the excess water out of the ship, the crew had been struggling to recover the ship over the past few days, most of the men were swallowed by the sea, and the damages to the ship were slowing their progress excessively. Sails had to be interchanged, ropes had to be restrung and other things of the like. Ichirou was no pirate, and didn't know much about repairing a ship or anything of the like, but working a bilge pump wasn't much of a problem.

Once the water had been cleared out, Ichirou made his way back to the upper deck, to check on the progress of things there. Looking over to one of the crewmen he called out, "Hey! O'hara around?" he asked, the man would nod in response, "Aye he's down in his quarters, Ichirou. He been lookin fer  ye." Ichirou would shake his head affirmatively and make his way down to the captains quarters, picking up toppled barrels of spices, gunpowder, and alcohol as he made his way. The ship had really been shaken up, they nearly got taken out several times throughout the storm, it was one quite the stressful time for this crew. Three sturdy knocks met the door to the Captain's chamber, "Captain? It's Ichirou." he called out through the thick wood, "Come on in, Ichirou." he heard the mans voice reply.

He would open the door and step into the room. Removing some of the bandages from his arm to wipe his face clean of mess. "You been lookin' for me? I was down in the bilge." the captain would nod,  "Glad to see you're helpin out, I knew I wouldn' regret brigin' ya' round." the man chuckled dryly, obviously trying to make light of a specifically horrid situation. "We're still a few days out from our destination. I'm surprised you of all people came along this journey. You know these isles are cursed, yet ye were foolish 'nough to hop 'board my vessel." he continued on, pausing to look over some of his maps, checking to see if they were even still on their proper course to the Broken Isles.

"Well im interested to see what's bringing about the curse of the Isles, perhaps even stop it." Ichirou replied as he took a seat opposing the captains chair at his desk.  "Mmm. Well lets hope we even make it to land, before we start worryin' 'bout fixin' curses and things of the like." O'hara paused for a moment, coughing a bit. "We lost our crows nest in the storm, so scouting is gon' be a bit more difficult for me men. You think you can take that up for us?" Ichirou would nod at O'hara's request, but not speaking as to let the captain finish. "Good to hear, then that's what we'll need to do first. Depending on what you can see from there will depend our next move. It's possible that we may need to drop anchor and wait for the stars to dance 'bout the sky to make sure our course is true." he continued on as he made his way from his quarters, motioning for Ichirou to follow as they made their way back to the deck of the ship. "Everything in order up here men?" he shouted out, looking around the deck at the shell of a crew that remained after the storm. "Aye cap'in. She's as good as she'll be till' we get some reel work done on 'er." his first mate replied in a depressed tone. Everyone was tired, they wanted to rest and eat real food. But there wasn't a lot of options for that at the moment.

The captain looked to Ichirou, and motioned to the broken crows nest. Ichirou would nod, running his chakra through his feet as he traveled up the mast to the broken tip, activating his byakugan as he looked out over the ocean. He had hoped perhaps he could get a glimpse of the Isles from here, but unfortunately they seemed to be at a loss. Nothing but ocean for the entirety of the 15km that Ichirou could see with his Byakugan. Deactivating his eyes he made his way back down the mast to the deck. "I hate to be the bearer, Captain. But we got nothing. Not for a long while. Just more of the deep blue." the captain sighed and stroked his beard as he though. "I hate to to do it but we've gotta drop anchor for now.. Go ahead boys lock her down." he snapped his fingers a few time and the men ran into the depths of the ship to drop the anchor as ordered.

Everyone aboard the ship fit your expectation of pirates, the captain was blackbeard-esque and all the men looked like shiphands, nothing particularly special about these individuals. And their only two destinations were the Black isles and the Shinobi world, obscurely off the coast. Not far from the land of whirpools. This was something that perplexed Ichirou, and another of the reasons that he came aboard their ship. Of course the curse of the broken isles was interesting all in it's own, but why would average pirates travel consistently to the isles like this? only time would tell, it seemed.

"I got'a give ye my apologies, Ichirou." the captain pulled Ichirou from his thoughts with words, causing him to turn his attention to the bearded man. "We've never hit a storm like that in our travels before, it makes me feel ashamed to have told ye I can get to the Isles faster than any other 'round." Ichirou waved a hand dismissively. Not to worry captain, I'm sure things will turn around for us." the two shared a small chuckle and made their way down into the kitchen of the ship, to eat whatever food had survived. To make sure that they would have the energy to maintain this massive ship over the next few days. Especially with a third of a crew. 

Night fell upon the ship. The beautiful blue of the Ocean turned to a terrifying darkness that descended deeper than any pit and seemed to be a gateway to hell itself. Most of the crew were sleeping. Excluding a few of the hands that sat below the deck, drinking and conversating about their friends lost to the storm. The captain himself had been drinking with them, before coming to join Ichirou on the deck.

Ichirou stood staring off into the darkness, lost in his thoughts until the sound of the captains boots brought him back to reality. "Everything alright, Captain?" he asked, turning to face the man. "I was about to ask you the same thing, Ichirou. Ye' ain't slept in a few days." Ichirou chuckled, "Nothing to be worried about, Captain. I don't really need sleep as much as you might imagine." he turned back out to the ocean, noticing the water as it seemed to stir. "You're quite the oddity, Ichirou. Ya'know I had something I was gonna ask you, Have you ever-" the mans words were halted as a loud crashing sound rang throughout the wood of the ship, followed by the terrified scream of the crewman below the deck, "What the hell?" the captain shouted as he ran down below the deck. Ichirou meanwhile chose to look over the side of the ship, to the source of the puncture. What he saw was not what he expected, A large tentacle retracted from the boat, throwing several of the crew out into the deep. Ichirou cursed under his breath as he turned to find the captain, only to find himself having to jump back to avoid being crushed by a second mighty tentacle. Within moments a third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, and finally eighth tentacle would seize the boat in their graps, snapping the wood of the ship and lashing at Ichirou. He jumped and darted around the tentacles, Gathering wind chakra into the tips of his fingers to formulate a wind blade, which he would unleash upon two of the tentacles, cleaving through them both and leaving an opening through which Ichirou could move through easily. "Captain?!" he shouted, though he figured that the man was dead, everyone else seemed to be.

This would soon be proven to me the more like point as the tentacles encircled the ship, crushing it to pieces within moments as Ichirou jumped from the boat, solidifying chakra in his feet to land upon the water as a solid surface, turning to face whatever it was that had brought the ship down. Though it didn't show itself, instead it receeded into the water, dragging the remains of the ship down with it, and Ichirou assumed any of the remaining crew that had lived. Well, they were all dead now.

Ichirou looked around, Ocean for miles. Activating his Byakugan he cursed under his breath, all he could do was run across the water, toward the direction that the ship had been traveling. Hoping that it was the proper direction, that he could make his way to the isles before he ran out of chakra. He used his Byakugan to watch for any incoming threats, hoping that nothing came at him that he couldn't handle.

But whatever this thing really was, he couldn't see coming.

A tentacle burst from the water beneath him, throwing him twirling high into the sky before catching him and slamming him back down into the water, where he blacked out from the force. the last thing he remembered was peering into the darkness of the deep ocean before consciousness escaped his mind. And only blackness ensued.

In his last moments he assumed he was to die here, alone in the ocean killed by some giant Octopus or something with octopus like appendages. But this was not the case. He awoke on a beach, coughing up water as his vision returned to him blurred, he coughed and coughed for at least 10 minutes consistently before he could finally breathe again. Gasping for air over an over as he blinked and looked around, trying to get a grip on the situation. He felt for his equipment pouches, but it was all for nothing. His equipment had been lost to the ocean. He cursed through gasps as he sat on his hands and knees as his vision gradually returned. Grey clouds blotted out the sun, casting a gloom upon the lands, the ocean was black as it left the beach, for several hundred feet before turning blue once again. "Pollution?" he asked himself as he stood up shakily. Huge rocky formations littered the island he was upon, and looking in the distance he would see the black water stretch over to other islands bearing the same physical attribute as the one he was on. "The Broken Isles..."

He wiped his mouth clean of excess as he began taking steps towards a nearby cave, hoping to find some shelter from the seemingly impending rain. Whatever took that ship down, whatever took him down. Brought him here on purpose, there was more to all of this. And determination to discover the answers filled Ichirou's body as he stumbled to his destination. Collapsing in the mouth of the cave and leaning against the cold stone as the rain began to pelt the sand of the beaches.

Bijuu Arena / Re: The IC Hunt
« on: December 29, 2015, 08:16:35 PM »
I think a big issue that lies in the IC hunts is the fact that Villages themselves are so riddled with defense due to the fear of clan attacks that The host can nuzzle up nice and cozy in the village walls and really not have to worry about anything, (I know cause i've done it).

It would require a clan attack to draw out the Biju from a Village with it's OP defenses, So perhaps that's something that rules could be made for? i.e The biju cannot remain within their village for a period of forever, and have to actually come out into a zone or just state leaving their village, Or; we nerf the defenses that can be established around villages.

Another thing is that with chakra suppression techniques a host could literally just camp and avoid 90% probability of getting found. Unless someone really dedicated themselves to the hunt, which i'm not saying wouldn't be a good thing or isn't plausible, but with bouncy activity super extensive rps tend to go nowhere unless they're completed fast. If they take days, they usually fall off. Or so it seems

Feature Requests / Re: Free Up the Zones?
« on: December 29, 2015, 08:09:24 PM »
... The desert for instance...we have the western wastelands that just entering can taint your body with corruption, the sand seas, the salt flats, and the coastal regions all within wind country. Some could take on names of border lands that are fairly popular...goodness, Rain Country Maybe could finally have a home?

I'm with Warren, that's getting too specific on the zones. If zones are repurposed they should stay fairly generalized. We don't want people literally claiming zones as a specific area with defenses and such that nobody else can use at all without permission like the village squares.

I could agree on that, while I do want the zones unlocked or repurposed I do not agree with loading them up as areas that are already locked down with defenses, that removes the purpose of unlocking the zones in the first place I feel

Feature Requests / Re: New child board?
« on: December 29, 2015, 07:36:08 AM »

Feature Requests / Re: Group RP
« on: December 29, 2015, 04:29:52 AM »
How about Group PMs?

Oh, that would be a great idea as well. A reply and reply all would of course need to be included as well so side-conversations can take place and so that everyone does not get hammered by responses.

That's a very good mention, it would be tedious to get bombarded with every individuals response, especially if they didn't pertain to the group conversation

Feature Requests / Re: Group RP
« on: December 29, 2015, 03:48:17 AM »

Feature Requests / Re: Group RP
« on: December 29, 2015, 03:13:24 AM »
yes, I know. I Would like to see that option for settings with respect to spectators stay the same.


Feature Requests / Re: Free Up the Zones?
« on: December 28, 2015, 11:59:48 PM »,8420.msg220615.html#msg220615

^ I posted that months ago about a few ideas (mushed into one) that I thought people would like.

As for space. Neji posted the server upgrade:,8753.msg227545.html#new

Basically space isn't an issue. :P These would be text archives anyways. While a lot of them will add up it's much better on space than say pictures.

@Bec - after Kage there are no more zones.

I just commented on that old post that has been moved to a new post just to share my ideas on it

Feature Requests / Re: Group RP
« on: December 28, 2015, 11:59:18 PM »
Actually the invitational zones already allow for spectators and give you the option of allowing them to post or not, which is already a private group rp zone.

It lets you pick basic set ups for the zone, so I think it would be a cool modification for the zone to be given typed descriptions by the zone creator.

Also if the time limit on private zones could be removed they would be much more pratical, I don't know how many times Madara and I had to make like 5 zones to continue our fight because the time would run out, not even due to inactivity, just long fights.

I think this would bring the private zones more attention and simultaneously add the new zones that everyone wants by simply allowing them to make the zone whatever way they chose by providing the description, and this seems to require the least amount of work,

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