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Messages - Trev

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Council / Re: Bijuu Council Question.
« on: February 16, 2017, 07:26:52 AM »
I'm fine with Neko.

Council / Re: Kayenta Replacement or Leave it Be?
« on: February 16, 2017, 04:26:19 AM »
To be fair, I think the council believed Kamui had his challenge in before you, so we'd have to give it to him, even if it would create far less chaos to give it to Shadow.

But the council needs to be a little better about policing themselves, Athos shouldn't have to bring up our ratio is wack.

But yeah, I'm with Dato and Shadow. Wait until the fights are over and decide. There is no council decision that needs to be made, so we have the leisure of time. If people want to be proactive, they can spread the word on SL a seat is open.

Only thing that would call for an election sooner rather than later would be if Kamui unleashes his proposed can of worms that he allegedly has. Although if you have evidence of tampering, idk why Athos reposting would halt that from being released. You either have evidence people cheating or you don't. Don't use it as a weapon to make someone post. If it's an ethical concern, and it violates some sort of rule, bring it here. In which case, we'll need to find another member before the vote. If you're not planning on releasing it, then we can wait everything out.

But yeah, it's unrelated, but I didn't want to comment on the fight thread. There is evidence of tampering or there isn't. Don't use it as a bargaining chip, that's messed up and unethical to both the fight and biju council. >>

Council / Re: Kayenta Replacement or Leave it Be?
« on: February 16, 2017, 03:54:59 AM »
I'll have to agree with Athos on this one. It doesn't matter if the biju is on Guru, and it doesn't matter that it happened after. It still breaks the rule. This doesn't mean you step down, but it means you, Shadow, or I do. However, we can hold off that conversation slightly. If I lose to Kaze once Keito decides, the ratio is fixed.

I also say we replace the member. If someone is up to it. I would say Athos, but unless Kamui loses to Shadow, the council is once again in violation. If we were to leave it empty, one person will have to abstain every single vote. The foundation of rules is already barely in place, and the last thing we need is a 3-3 tie that would destroy the council. And I don't believe in scrambling to find a member just to break a tie, that would be chaos.

So yeah, I say we fill it. I'd say Athos should go up, but I've already been chastised of bending biju rules (the judge rule) so I don't have a leg to stand on. So we either find someone to fill it, or keep it at six and one person abstains every vote. Or Athos could be let in, pending the the Reibi fight and my fight.

Just my opinion anyway

Council / Re: Requesting an Addition to the Bijuu Rules
« on: February 13, 2017, 11:35:49 PM »
As you know, I've always gone by there being 3 actions total, no matter what. It's like that way specifically with biju as summons and Edo Tensei, mine as well with everything else?

My main issue with every summon or clone or whatever getting three turns is that it is generally unfair. What if you're fighting an Aburame? Does each insect get an action? Or something less obscure, like someone using the animal path and spamming like five summons. Does each summon get like 3 actions each, so you're facing 15 just from summons? Or would you group all summons into the same 3 action limit? That too differs by player. I've seen people use multiple summons and have them all use only 3 actions, but I've seen the other way too. Or if you use a clone and a summon, do you get 9 actions?

So I just generally say no, as if you give an inch, people take a mile as the saying goes. As for a consensus, if one of the votes has an overwhelming majority, the community could go by that as a standard. But if it's somewhat close, I think it should just remain a preference

Council / Re: Biju Issues
« on: February 13, 2017, 10:07:08 AM »
I get that there are no "rules" for how to be a judge but if all the judge for a fight is going to do is break every disagreement down to a wash where no one wins or loses the fight is NEVER GOING TO END which makes me want to hit myself with something heavy. Because that means one of us will have to actually admit defeat and we both know that isn't going to happen.

Ok, I'll unlock the thread and we will let Keito settle what is going on.

You are welcome, I wish you weren't making it so hard to love you sometimes but I know I'm doing the same.

Roger that. You can message Keito if ya want and explain the situation to him, since I don't think I misinterpreted him, since I tried to clarify with him over messages already and you can explain your grievances better than I can, If I didn't make a mistake. If not, I'll do so in the morning and he'll likely message you anyway. Just shoot me a small message of SL saying if you did or not.

As for this thread, I'll lock it so our compromise can be seen and recorded. Since there is no council member's opinion on here yet, this thread can be moved to spam I suppose?

Love you too homie, two stubborn people like us shouldn't be allowed to fight. >>

Council / Re: Biju Issues
« on: February 13, 2017, 09:33:01 AM »
I hear what you're saying but that isn't a judge decision that is an act of god. There is a laser beam coming at your face and you need to not be decapitated by it to get out of my barrier. Keito can decided I'm wrong and you absorb it or I'm right and it is coming at your face. That's what we are asking for when we ask for a judge decision, who is correct here? When I ask for a judge decision I'm not asking, "Hey can you completely ignore what's happening in this fight and just invent a scenario where nobody is winning or losing so nobody gets their feelings hurt by being told they lose?"

That is the opposite of why we ask for a judge we want a decision so the fight can end not go on forever. If that's what Keito thinks a judge decision is I hope he can admit he is wrong and make a real call. If that is indeed what is happening because it is a total copout and basically refusing to make a real decision.

And I apologize, if you told me that I didn't remember. So I am sorry and I will not make any further comments like that.

Well, I'm glad we are seeing the issue instead of just going at one another. If I have been inflammatory or annoying throughout this fight, I apologize. I really do, I try apparently unsuccessfully not to.

I can agree that Keito's decision is an odd one. Which is why I got feedback from him after via pm, cause like you, I thought it strange and wanted to get the situation straight. I didn't purposefully write my post to reverse the order of things, and then make your attack happen after. I wanted to make sure I do things right, cause I didn't want my head blown off for not understanding him, "points to photobucket link >>" (Which is exactly what you claimed happened xD)I was just going by what Keito said, which is why I took a day or two to not post, in case you had an issue. But you too may been confused by the ruling and if you didn't ask for clarification, I can see why you think I'm suddenly flipping the table.

I also expected an all or nothing from Keito. I expected to either have my head shot off, or inhaled it all up just like you and was fine with either. But there is no standard judge method and Keito seems to go with the forced compromise method. Not necessarily right or wrong, but I can see why you dislike it.

So if you want to go from here, and want to back of locking the thread and declaring the fight over. I'm willing to lock or delete this thread. Then Keito can clear everything up, and either say I misinterpreted it, or I was right. In which cause you can try to convince him to make an all or nothing ruling, which I'm not completely opposed to, even though is decision as his suits me fine. Up to you, I'll check back within an hour or so and will lock/ delete this if you agree.

Also thank you, apology accepted. It means more to me than you know.

Council / Re: Biju Issues
« on: February 13, 2017, 08:47:15 AM »
I'm going to explain this one time. I don't know why because even though you keep saying you could be wrong you never actually admit it.

Last we heard of my attack you were sucking it into your face inside my barrier and due to the absorption of your own chakra absorbing technique it was threatening to decapitate you in about one second by your own estimate, maybe two as you jumped back to try and buy even a single second more.

At the start of your post you are now outside the barrier and any explanation as to how you avoided decapitation is not there.

Do you see my problem? The fact that you paused time, erased my attack, walked out of the barrier, drew a new attack into existence and then unpaused time and blocked that instead? If you honestly think that is ok and aren't just arguing because you need to argue to not lose then I'm sorry but at some point you forgot how to zone fight and just started god modding.

You don't need a council decision because you can claim whatever you want. If you want to claim you killed me and took all my bijuu go ahead. Anyone whose sane is going to be able to read the fight and read what I just wrote and go, "Yeah that's common sense." Anyone who can't is a loon and you guys can have tea parties in Wonderland with all the bijuu for all I care.

I'd prefer if you'd lock this topic so I'm not tempted to respond to any of it anymore but if you need to petition people to join you in your fantasy for you to accept it then I can't stop you. If Keito needs to talk to me so he can break down why the fight is over to you then as mentioned I will do that. But the fight is done to me and there's nothing you or anyone else can say to convince me otherwise.

If it ends up the "council" makes a "decision" and awards you the bijuu from our fight that's fine with me, I have the Nine Tails, that wasn't on the line in our fight and after a while you're going to quit again and give those bijuu away, you're going to give them away or trade them to others who I am willing to fight and I'll get them all back that way.

Again I'd prefer we just stop talking about it and go our separate ways claiming whatever we think is right, if you can't accept that than I cannot stop you from carrying on with this.

And I'll attempt to explain my side one more time.

Yeah, I could be wrong, and all you had to do was say I misinterpreted Keito, have him say so and the fight is yours. Instead, you chose to lock the thread and just declare yourself the winner.

Yes, I'm aware that last we were, was your beam launching at me and I claimed to absorb it, while you claimed my tech didn't work. Keito stepped in as judge, and basically chose a compromise. Instead of negating both post, or choosing, he chose a middle ground. My Inhaling Maw disrupt the beam cause I put a hole in the barrier. I don't get to absorb as much chakra, or be airborne. But I get to be free.

On your side, I'm allowed to escape, but instead of just saying I'm right, he lets parts of your post go. Ie the light beam shoots at me after instead of being absorbed, and you get to be right on my heels and do your Hyuugan strike.

So either I'm misinterpreting Keito, which I tried to clear up with him before I posted cause I knew this would happen. So I either misinterpreted it, you're right and I lost, which I don't have a problem with. Or you just don't like Keito's decision. In which case you could have talked with him about it. So it's one of those, and if it's on me, go ahead and claim the win. I just had an issue with you locking the thread, claiming a win and basically telling me to sort it out with Keito, when you have the problem with it.

The point of this thread was to get a continuum of SL going. Of course, we both can pull a Hachibi from a few years ago, and both claim to have six biju. But that would create confusion of who people would challenge (Dart for example with the Sanbi). And I doubt everyone wants that. But if they do, I don't have an issue with each going our separate ways.

I'm not even attempting to get the council to give me the biju. I just want the council to acknowledge there is no winner, and you don't get to walk away claiming everything from me and create two separate timelines. So that's up for them to decide, but it pretty much comes down to whether I misinterpreted Keito, or you just don't like his decision.  If I'm wrong, you'll hear no more from me and the biju are yours. If I'm right, you can choose to post, or leave the fight since you're done with me. Or do it now since you just plan on waiting me out no matter what and the fight is over for you no matter what. You do you.

Also cut it out with calling me or implying that I'm insane, a loon, or having lost my mind. I'm pretty sure I've told you I suffer from mental health issues and it's a real low blow and I really don't appreciate it. So if you don't know, now you do. Now stop, it's not funny.

Council / Re: Biju Issues
« on: February 13, 2017, 07:05:24 AM »
With his hasty escape he would also have to worry about the incoming beam ontop of the Gentle Fist bearing Kaze. Given Kaze's own powerups I'm not denying he would have the speed to catch up to Trev, yet the idea that Trev remained idle in the barrier cannot be thought of. So in his own chase, I'll allow the attempt of Eight Trigrams 361 Palms to continue on a fleeing Trev. Perhaps if the Yondaime can only fend off the beam chasing him that Kaze would prevail or he would focus on Kaze and let the beam zap him. Or he can fend off both if possible. Again trying to restrict char controlling or forced hits so as to leave the matchup to the fighters not the judge

"TL;DR Trev barely escapes the Photon Barrier while a jacked up Kaze chases after him within miliseconds and unleashes his Hyuugan fury. For you both to be in Sage mode is an understatement since that would relatively even or cancel itself out in terms of power buffs but thats beside this decision. Although the intro to Gates and Lightning Release does affect speed. Which is why I would give Kaze an advantage in terms of who's controlling the battle field at this given moment since Trev hadn't much of a retaliation only an escape plan, meanwhile Kaze is on full assault."

Even though his post claims I escaped the barrier. How do I react to a photon beam inside the barrier, when I escaped it and am outside? Keito's ruling does say that. I will admit, it is somewhat confusing, which is why I bothered to get private confirmation.

Yeah, I'm the ridiculous one, when you've just been verbally abusive this entire match and continue to do so

Yeah, I want to avoid losing so bad I let another judge overturn Shadow's decision, when you wouldn't let me do it for Jay

Yeah, I'm so nonsensical, that you're allowed to repost and then in another post claim I don't allow reposting, so I can't do it conveniently after you have already done it.

I wanted a mud wrestling match so bad, that I haven't bothered you in about 12+ days, and I start a thread cause you don't like what the judge said, then just lock a biju match thread.  When you could have easily just asked Keito instead of just declaring yourself the winner and locking the thread.

No, you unlock the thread and ask Keito, or wait for a council decision.

Anyway, I won't be responding unless asked a question, as neither of us feel like going back and forth for a full night any more.

Council / Biju Issues
« on: February 13, 2017, 06:23:32 AM »
So, Idk if anyone else besides Kamui noticed. But in my fight with Athos (Kaze) he pretty much just claimed me dead, and locked the thread so I couldn't respond. Even though a mod is basically telling him he shouldn't do that. So yeah, he's claiming me dead, and locked the thread so I nor Keito could speak. So he's attempting to claim the win, the biju, and my IC life and the only outlet I have is this thread.

I just did what the judge allowed, as his ruling on the forum confused me, so I asked him for confirmation, cause I knew this would happen

Let me know if the link doesn't work. So instead of leaving the thread open and asking Keito for confirmation as he should have, he just decides to call me dead and lock the thread.

So basically I'm asking the council and everyone else to not acknowledge the fight as over. And Idk what to really do from here >>

Bijuu Arena / Re: Kaze Daizaemon vs Trev: Multi-Bijuu Melee
« on: February 13, 2017, 03:08:37 AM »
Was finally free of the accursed light barrier, having escaped through the relatively small hole that his inhaling maw technique had created. It was nice to have his full arsenal of jutsu's back, and not have his chakra absorbed, as his Edo Tensei body rapidly regenerated some much need chakra. The lack of inhibiting space-time ninjutsu was also nice. However, things had no gone fully according to plan, as the Yondaime was situated somewhat outside the barrier, and not air borne.  With his sage sensing picking up the behemoth just behind him. Not having the time to do much of anything, the Yondaime would go to old reliable and spawn his susanoo with yata mirror and all the fixings, although it lacked a weapon and was about the size of Itachi's as per usual for the Yondaime. The entity was spawned so the face of the susanoo and shield would face the onslaught of what was to come. The resulting susanoo would block the photon beam which would shoot at him after he had escaped (confirmed with Keito) and the strikes from Kaze.

As stated many times over, Itachi could spawn a susanoo before lightning struck him and lightning traveled at about 220,000 miles per hour and a susanoo manifesting was faster than that. So considering the speed of his defense, the Yondaime would survive. Although even if he didn't spawn it, it was arguable Kaze's attack was futile anyway, as the armor of sticky gold could stop the Hyuugan strikes, and the steel armor around the Yondaime which was still around him since he failed to assimilate the light. Although they wouldn't be settling said argument today.

So Kaze would likely crash into the Yata Mirror, considering he didn't know it was the Yata Mirror, and he had the boons of hercules sage mode, lightning armor, and the second gate. So if Kaze didn't think he could break through it, then he probably didn't think he could break through susanoo in general. Combined with the speed he was going, it would make it incredibly hard to pull out of the attack. So Kaze would realize the error probably around the first few strikes. Of course, the Yondaime won't be one to tell Kaze what he was going to do, but either Kaze would somehow stop his attack, or futility strike the mirror. But what was certain was that they would both be out of the barrier and close to each other.

Either way, what Kaze would do wouldn't stop the Yondaime. Kaze was near him and very dangerous, thus the Yondaime would turn his body (while keeping the susanoo in place) and as he was turning, a loud whistle would escape from the Yondaime's lips which was started before he even started turning. As soon as Kaze heard the whistle, he would be trapped in a genjutsu. Kaze would find himself immobilized, as ropes held his body in place, not able to break free regardless of his impressive strength and he would find his conscious fading away, putting him out for the fight. The genjutus also fed the men hallucinations, and he would find himself in a redish world, not able to see the Yondaime, or his beetle as his body parts melted away. The Yondaime didn't think he could break the man mentally, but the illusion effects would disguise the Yondaime's actions.

Since Kaze was pretty freakin close to him, combined with the speed of sound (340 meters per second) Kaze was likely caught. So unless the man was deaf this entire time, could rupture his eardrums in miliseconds, or had some secret Ototon, he would likely be caught. From there it would be up to Kaze to break out. The Nanabi wouldn't be an option since he had not mastered the beast. His summon would also be caught in the genjutsu, since only a specific type of bug in the anime is immune to genjutsu. Also since his beetle was more of a summon than some random insect, and there is no wiki page describing it's genjutsu immunity, it too would be caught and thus unable to break Kaze out, not to mention it was sentient enough to talk. With no outside help, it would fall solely on Kaze to free himself. Since both were in Sage Mode, he couldn't use his senjutsu to overpower the Yondaime. Thus it was Kaze who seemingly no genjutsu at his disposal (according to wiki, may be wrong) or even if he did, would have to overpower a man well versed in genjutsu, being an Uchiha and all that. The Yondaime was quite confident his genjutsu would be greater, not having much faith in the Hyuugan bloodline.  To add further dismay, this genjutsu is particularly hard to get out of. It trapped both Itachi and sasuke, genjutsu masters, and required them to use sharingan genjutsu on each other to cancel it out. Kaze lacked a partner and genjutsu. While the Yondaime lacked a flute, being an Otokage and master of Ototon, would allow the whistle to work as a substittue.

Even if the man did find a way to escape, he would still be stuck for at least some amount of time. In that time, the Yondiame would complete his turn, lift up his arm and blow a huge amount of Dokuton "smoke" into Kaze's face. Naturally he allowed this poision to pass through his susanoo, but his susanoo would still block any outside source. Said Dokuton would work to erode the man's chakra network, killing him within a short amount of time, and would spell doom for the man. Thus Kaze was faced with a near instantaneous defense, faster than lightning, followed by a sound genjutsu which is the speed of...sound and then a second or two later, blasted with Dokuton. That was quite a bit to deal with, but Kaze seldom disappointed.

1. Susanoo
2. Demonic Flute: Phantom Sound Chains (whistle variant)
3. Dokuton through hollow air tube
All Sage enhanced

Bijuu Arena / Re: Kaze Daizaemon vs Trev: Multi-Bijuu Melee
« on: January 31, 2017, 02:06:49 AM »
The Yondaime would be quite annoyed that for some reason his technique had failed, and in doing so left him with only one option to break through this barrier once and for all. Luckily for him, this next move would not only free him for this bothersome light construct but also protect him from the beam that was to follow. The Yondaime would place his hand down upon the instant that his technique did not work. This would come before the blast as if Kaze could have an inner monolog with himself about the nature of his technique not working, the Yondaime could surely come to the same conclusion, albeit faster as he would know his technique would fail before Kaze.

However, that didn't stop the beam that was to follow, luckily for the Yondaime he had a brief second to sense the technique and react. His sharingan and sage sensing would naturally see the barrier in front of him condense with chakra. This vast difference in chakra in one specific part in front of the barrier, aimed only at him... well it wasn't overly difficult to piece together what the next result would be. As the barrier collected energy for the briefest of second before shooting out at him, the Yondaime would jump backward slightly, if only to buy himself an extra second, not that he needed it.

The next result would be what the Yondaime would have used regardless of the photon beam or not, for it was the only move in his arsenal left to escape. It just so happened to also provide him reprieve from being turned into Cell. Even before the Yondaime jumped backward slightly, he opened his mouth and a suction vortex began to be powered by his mouth. This would be a technique stemming from his Dark Release abilities. Such ability, now sage enhanced covered a huge radius and would not only stop the beam mid-flight, but the Yondaime would also absorb the chakra from said beam. The physical form of the barrier in front of him would also dissipate as the chakra was sucked out, causing the solid barrier to transform and funnel into the Yondaime. This technique in it's base form was strong enough to stop a rasengan blow, disperse and absorb an ink beast, completely dissipate a lightning cutter, and absorb 50+ big ball rasengan. With Sage Mode, the radius and power of the suction increased. Allowing it to stop the beam, and absorb the beam and a large portion of the barrier within 3 seconds, as the base typically take 5-7.

It was highly doubtful that the barrier could stop the Yondaime from sucking in to absorb chakra, especially if something such as lightning release chakra mode was not affected. By the end of the short time span, the Yondiame would shunshin out of the barrier, which now had a giant hole, comparable to a large mansion. The large size of the hole, the speed of the Yondaime, and the small distance from the hole would ensure the Otokage's escape even if Kaze tried to shut it. As soon as he was out of the confines, and well aware of the speed demon behind him, the Yondaime's booster would soar to life as he went airborne once more in a diagonal direction.

By the time Kaze had escaped the barrier since he was an unspecified distance when the beam started, the Yondaime would already be half a football field away, and facing the hole he had escape waiting for Kaze, if he should choose to leave. As the Yondaime flew, his chakra levels would begin to regenerate without being inhibited by the barrier, and the physical exertion of using Dark Release Slash would no over with. With him regenerating chakra all fight, and now just absorbing a hefty amount of chakra from Kaze's jutsu to reduce what was taken, the Yondiame was reaching peak performance levels.

1. Dark Release: Inhaling Maw
2. Shunshin
3. Jet boosters
Everything Sage Enhanced.

Bijuu Arena / Re: Kaze Daizaemon vs Trev: Multi-Bijuu Melee
« on: January 24, 2017, 09:27:58 PM »
Since we last left the Yondaime Otokage and his various attempts to stay alive….dead….not deader? Several unfortunate events had occurred, including his failure to kill Kaze and his subsequent entrapment in this annoying light substance. The Yondaime would notice some immediate effects of the barrier, taking note of the intricate seals adorning the light barrier. He would notice his body’s chakra depleting, while also some techs failing him such as when his just boosters flickered. Before the Yondaime made his free fall, he also happened to notice his sharingan and steel from using the assimilate all creation technique were intact, meaning not all jutsu were rendered null.

As for how much time the Yondaime had left, while it is true he was not 100% he was not as wounded as his opponent may think. Considering when a biju summon is gone, the summoner regains chakra back, his edo regeneration rate and the time since he last summed the beast, meant a fair amount of that 25% came back. The clay bomb is almost negligible since Deidara was barely exhausted by it at all, same with susanoo and Madara/Itachi, although he did have a point regarding the Dark Release Slash. Basically, the Yondaime wasn’t going to kick the bucket, and with his edo regeneration reducing the chakra absorption, he wasn’t on death’s bed immediately. 

As the Yondaime started to fall, he was well aware of the giant, and how could he not be with the man’s annoying yelling. Unfortunately for Kaze, the Yondaime would opt to not fight him like a “man” and he would be left in disappointment. Considering space time ninjutsu was not inhibited, the Yondaime would disappear in a purple flash, to were his kunai landed, some 750 meters away. While the barrier absorbed chakra, seemingly only external chakra, it would be rather difficult to stop him from teleporting. As long as the Yondaime had a hiraishin mark, and chakra, he could teleport.

This was only a temporary solution however, seeing as the barrier was 1000 meters in radius, but for now the Yondaime had created a huge distance between the two, and left the giant airborne. Holding a single kata, the Yondaime utilized the body flicker technique to travel the remaining 250 meters for him to reach where the barrier ended. Seeing as the body flicker tech is a body enhancement (talked about with Athos through pm) the barrier could do little to it just like with dojutsu. While 250 meters was a fair distance, the fastest standard human could cover such a distance in less than 30 seconds, so a shinobi using sage mode enhanced speed and the body flicker… needless to say he would be there quickly.

Once at the location, the Yondaime simply placed his palm on the barrier, and utilized the assimilate all creation technique once again. The Yondaime’s steel skin would turn into the photon substance (in solid form, so I don’t just float away or something). Since this was a body enhancement tech, there was little the barrier could do. If the Yondaime could have his sharingan, steel skin, and body flick, surely he could do this. Even if it did somehow affect it, the barrier does not absorb things instantly, as noted by it taking out the poison quickly (Not instantly) and his jets flickering before dying out. Thus all the Yondaime needed was a small part of his body to absorb the substance. If this is the case, the rest of his body would turn normal (as to not have multiple elements absorbed and be unfair) Either way, all or some of his body would take on the new element.

With this absorbed, the Yondaime could now with seemingly manipulate any substance that he was made out of at will. As one can guess, this now extended to the barrier. Rather than have an all out control war of who controls the barrier, the Yondaime would just cause a small part of the barrier to rip open, as he casually shunshined out and attempted to put further distance on the man, while starting to regain his chakra. His Sage enhanced body flick would ensure that the Yondaime was putting a large amount of distance between his opponent and him.

1. Hiraishin
2. Body flick
3. Assimilate All Creation

Council / Re: Council Members as Judges, Pt. 2
« on: January 20, 2017, 04:08:04 AM »
Yeah, I apologize to the community and specifically Genesis, Athos, Shadow, Kamui, Jay, and Dart. Due to my negligence, I have caused a delay in the respective fights and I am very sorry.

However, it is my opinion that anyone can be used as a judge. I thought my decisions were unbiased, so I don't really see a reason why a council member couldn't be a judge. And it's not like I actively sought to be the judge, I was asked as everyone felt comfortable with me, so I accepted.

So that's my two cents, and I'm not saying just so I can remain, judge, I've already stepped down to be in compliance with the rules, and won't be getting back in even if this thread approves so.

That is true people can just flip-flop their opinions for whatever suits them. For instance if I had the Nine Tails and was a Sage Mode user, but then got stripped because I couldn't follow simple rules, I'd have no reason not to say you shouldn't be able to combine them at all, since getting that banned would only help me. Even if I had planned to do the same thing when I had the bijuu. Of course I would never personally do that since I'm actually good at zone fighting and don't need to resort to that sort of thing. I could see how someone less confident in their skills might though, in this hypothetical scenario we are detailing. 

Nerfing Rinnegan similarly would simply be a fairness thing since if we think stacking Sage Mode and Bijuu Mode is too much well once you master the bijuu you get to claim a chakra mode now apparently and most people say they are as strong as Sage Mode. So it would just let you have Rinnegan and Sage Mode effectively which sounds just as OP to me.

If you want to discuss setting out multipliers for other things you should make a topic and discuss it.

We could just get rid of biju chakra modes in general and leave it to the standard red biju cloaks >> But that is perhaps another topic.

But yeah, I'll shush up and let others file in. My final opinion is that there needs to be a rule stated to match the manga so it is clear for everyone, and I'm neutral about whether rinnegan users can or cannot. I'll let everyone else decide that.

I personally don't really believe in the multipliers, as it just makes things messy. I just generally go with a pecking order of what things are better than what. Easier than quantifying it. But other people like to use it and sage mode being x 3 is a common thing players like to say.

As for my vote on the current matter. I would say add it to the rules. It's shown you can't do both in the manga, and a rule needs to be added as it is not common knowledge. I wouldn't even know if Bocc didn't tell me about it a few years ago. You need mastery, or your biju has to be pretty pissed off at your opponent.

I don't agree that the rule should be applied to Rinnegan users, as they don't have evidence to support such a claim. But I'm also all for nerfing, so I won't exactly fight such a decision particularly hard >>

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