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Messages - Sabumaru

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Council / Re: Council Election Volunteers, 3rd Cohort
« on: August 10, 2017, 12:21:59 AM »
Well.. I can be your last resort before you go to dropping a seat. Though a dropped a seat might actually be more reliable than me.

Council / Re: Council Election Volunteers, 3rd Cohort
« on: August 09, 2017, 05:53:04 AM »
I volunteer as tribute.
Seriously if you need a seventh, then I suppose the most reliable man around should do it.

But really seriously like why can't you just have 6?

But extremely seriously have you ever heard the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise?

Council / Re: Council Election Volunteers, 3rd Cohort
« on: August 08, 2017, 02:31:40 AM »
This council will now be called the Jedi Council.
All in favor of putting me in charge, say aye.

Council / Re: Council Election Volunteers, 3rd Cohort
« on: August 07, 2017, 03:28:26 AM »
I'm taking over this council.

Village Square / Re: A comprehensive guide to SL Roleplay.
« on: May 03, 2016, 06:15:28 AM »
Wow this is a lot of work. I'm impressed.
Sorry that I will never use it and doubt it will catch on. Not trying to be rude or anything. Just... Not that kinda place around here.

Village Square / Re: Does chakra really matter?
« on: April 05, 2016, 09:58:28 PM »
Like others have said, there are exploits to having basically unlimited chakra.

I’ll use Ryoji as an example.

He is an Uzumaki and an Uchiha, two clans that have notoriously high chakra reserves. At the same time he uses Jiongu which grants the user the chakra pools of each heart he assimilates. Each heart in his collection belonged to a previous tailed beast host while also being of a clan that boasted amazing chakra. Be it Uzumaki, Uchiha, or Otsutsuki.

On top of that he is the host of a tailed beast, albeit the weakest one in terms of chakra levels. Despite this, the special ability of the Zero tails is to create Dark chakra by feeding off negative emotion. Ryoji is linked the the Shinigami who can feed him negative emotion in almost limitless quantities, thus granting him limitless reserves of his Biju’s chakra.

That puts Ryoji’s chakra levels around 6x that of anyone base shinobi at minimum. It’s actually stupid how easy it is to exploit things like this. Needs a nerf, but won’t get one.

It’s just easier to forget about chakra entirely, or wait for the opponent to make a move where they quantify it and take advantage of those numbers.

This is just one of the many flaws of SL, and the Naruto-verse as a whole. Unfortunately there is no effective way to remedy this ailment.

Friggin' yes this is hilarious because we're definitely just a bunch of weirdos (no offense) who are finding the honestly easily exploitable tricks, the holes in logic, lore, and content before building characters with subsequent abilities. Then, RPing it because we can and other people will still fight us.

Game Related Discussions / Re: Making Apple feel welcome
« on: April 05, 2016, 08:55:03 PM »
Hey just wanted to say I'm super excited to play $1.99 for more turns and thanks for all the new in-game ads! Real quick though I was wondering if you new Apple guys could make a version of the game with a backdoor? Just for safety reasons, you know.

Village Square / Re: Does chakra really matter?
« on: April 05, 2016, 07:59:43 PM »
So yeah, chakra is a choice. Like it says right in the SL rules, you can pwn everyone with the Rasendori, and become the king of zones in a single post. Buuuut who will play with you at that point?

The amount of chakra you have should be dictated by you and only you, to a certain point. Obviously I'm not just going to use infinite chakra to create infinite amounts of water so I can be infinitely more powerful physically, because again that would let me pwn everyone and become the king of zones which is just no fun.

All in favor, do what ever you want I'm not a cop.

Bijuu Arena / Re: Ryoji Uchiha Vs Sabu Hōzuki
« on: April 05, 2016, 01:44:22 AM »
Sabu's plan seemed to have failed. But that was fine! Instead of making knives with chakra that was just absorbed, Sabu resorted to using the water he still controlled in Ryoji's eyes to crush them like grapes with sheer physical force. Specifically, with his pressurizing ability, he was able to put his opponent's eyes under greater pressure then they would have ever felt, and since Sabu could pressurize water nearly infinitely, no moniker would save Ryoji's eyes. It was also far too late at this point to use any of his eye's tricks, as the water would just absorb that chakra as it came out of the eyes since we're playing this horrendously lame absorption game. After it had edited out his eyes, the water would try and enter further into Ryoji. Moving his watery body without chakra was just one of the many things that made Sabu the best, which he was. This battle was quickly turning into an arrogance-fest behind the fourth wall, among other things, and despite Sabu knowing that he just couldn't stop.

Now, with that done (just before Ryoji jumped away) and his enemy making seals, Sabu would return all the water in the air to his body at the speed of hydrogen bonding, not even because he sensed the technique or because he knew what it was if Ryoji started it, just because it was an obvious opening. Unbeknownst to Sabu, his simple logic that any good fighter would have just saved his life. "Common mashed potato-eyes, do something!" Sabu said before Hirashin-ing back to the kunai which had fell at the edge of closing the barrier to make his move, and coincidentally far from the death god. Sabu would have been honored to know the Shinigami was a fan, but not surprised. Like I was saying, the barrier was pretty small now considering this was the fifth post since it started and it only took seven to close. Although, unbeknownst to Sabu, this might not still be an advantage anymore.

Sabu, still all Sagely, drank his Hero Water to increase his chakra tenfold and used that chakra to alter his body to beyond inhuman levels. His muscles were bigger, faster, and more powerful than any man who had ever lived, as converting water to chakra and vice-versa was simple, Sabu turned into a bit of a hulking freak in an instant with his superhuman condition enhancing him to the level of a master. Blind old Ryoji would have surely sensed this, as the ground would be crushed into a crater under this newly-made thing. He was less human and more water golem now. But none of it mattered as he coated his body in Kenton and vanished, making the crater twice as big from his departure from that spot. Upon closer inspection, it would show the crater had two slashes in it that were over 10 feet deep. The sage mode and insane amount of chakra released and focused into the sword-body armor allowed Sabu's Kenton to reach exactly that far from his body, and he would just try and slice right through Ryoji and his clone.

"Hah!" Ryoji said confidently as he read that. "Now I can just absorb him! Like I've been doing this whole time! Truly I am a genius." But wait, dear readeryoji, and continue. It has been noted that fast enough users can cut chakra absorption techniques before they take effect to break them, but usually this took speeds impossible for man to reach, even with the Lightning Release Armor. But now Sabu our hero and Sabu our lord and savior (he made me write that) was far, far beyond that limit. He could cut anything, and the Shinigami was a thing, so he wouldn't be stopped by it reaching out to diddle his piddle and "seal his soul in hell" or whatever. Realistically, with his form and buffs allowing him to reach speeds around the hypersonic level, the death god himself would probably miss if he'd be trying to reach Sabu where he was, not where he was going. That was likely, as Sabu left an after-image that someone might be able to catch a glimpse of. Maybe the death god had sharingan! Well it wouldn't have helped him react in time. Maybe if Ryoji had a pair too! But alas, they were crushed grapes because he made no effort to deal with the water that had clearly invaded his eyes. He couldn't absorb the physical water like it was chakra, unless Sabu had converted it as such for him. Oh well, no Inanazazanagi-gi or Amaterasmisu or Susannano'o or whatever would save him from Super-Sabu at this point. Unless he could alter his physical makeup like Sabu could, Ryoji would never be able to keep up.

Seriously this fight has been pretty fun for me at least and Ryoji and I have been friendly to each other throughout it behind closed doors so don't read this and think of either of us as dicks. Well, you can, but know it's dickishness in good fun. I hope.

Bijuu Arena / Re: Ryoji Uchiha Vs Sabu Hōzuki
« on: April 01, 2016, 09:30:28 PM »
(Warning: this post may have secret links and hard-to-read content. Views discretion is advised.)

Sabu was the best Hōzuki, and in order to get to this point it took him years and years of training and work, all sorts of cool work like body-to-water and body of water stuff, but honestly all that happened off screen and you'll never see it. Myah!

In all seriousness, Sabu was the best everything. This guy who just kept trying to absorb Sabu's chakra had really not done a lot of cool things yet, just a big fireball and now a Sharingan genjutsu? But oh how the crazy prey on the less crazy. I'm getting ahead of myself and being rude, because Ryoji's done cool stuff right? I mean he's got at least one heart somewhere else, so let's go back and this time, maybe I'll show some respect. Maybe not.

Mankind began on this crazy rock when- I'm sorry? Too far back? Okay. Uhh... One two, skip a few... Ninety-nine, one hundred.. Okay! Firstly Sabu's all seeing-eyes could see the focus of chakra to his eyes a mile away, and then they started spinning, and just before the technique activated, Sabu liquefied his optic nerve and blinded himself until the technique passed. He would pretend like he was caught in the genjutsu though, stuck there right close to Ryoji, until at the very last second he'd duck under the blade with such ease he was laughing as he did it. He was still more than able to see everything with all the steam still in the air, it had only just started to rise. That steam was his body, you know.

Hey speaking of that, we gotta figure out what happened when the steam "would wash over his body unimpeded by the dark chakra". Being of his body, and thanks to Ryoji not moving, Sabu was in pretty close range to the water that would wash over his body and his very open, spinning Sharingan eyes. The mucous membrane would lap up the liquid almost too easily, and as that water seamlessly made it's way into Ryoji's eyes as he filled them with chakra, they would absorb that chakra and convert it immediately into Kenton. Normally, Kenton couldn't be created without being connected to the body, but that water was Sabu's body. Thanks to the rest of his body's close proximity (he could reach Ryoji's head with his sword from where he was standing/ducking) he could make his infamous Kekkai Tōta inside the eyeballs of his opponent, far away from the chakra absorbing coat.

This had been Sabu's plan since the fireball, he had only needed to be close enough to his opponent to make it happen. Now that he was, he could (and, obviously, did) in a second rip the insides of his opponents to shreds. If this wire mess even had a brain it would be turned to ground beef, and the hearts would be all slashed in half before he could finish his sword's swing. There was no point trying to absorb the blades with a new technique, as they would slash through any forming chakra like butter. Sabu knew he probably had one heart left, but this trick should have killed the rest and since that last heart was stuck outside the barrier, Sabu was extremely curious to see what would happen. Should it try and break through the ground or walls of the barrier it would have all it's chakra absorbed. But would this now hollow man die without it returning to him? Time would tell as the barrier closed in on the duo, Sabu's sight coming back after the eyes and body were destroyed. Unless, of course, Ryoji could undo his actions with the Sharingan. But he couldn't because they were ruined.

Happy April Fools. This post is real though. Seriously look for the secret links.

Village Square / Re: The Biju Rules (Pre-Presentation Poke)
« on: March 29, 2016, 06:46:52 AM »
Well okay. Thanks for clearing that up.

Village Square / Re: Does chakra really matter?
« on: March 29, 2016, 06:13:12 AM »
I don't see it has playing a big role myself. Unless you are aiming yo rp a character that way. For example if I created a genin character and wanted to stay as closer to canon genin  as I could.

Really it doesn't matter at this point though. It has simply became the SL style of fighting. Some don't like it but really I do t see ikt changing.

For me it kinda makes things more fun.

In my opinion, this has partially become a metagame. For example as to what I mean by that, the Pokemon metagame involves picking any Pokemon you want, from any game, and having them be lvl100 with a choice moveset, nature, stats, everything.
This is the same, you get to choose your KG, and even make up abilities (like Kenton) to explore every combative option that the universe in which we play will allow. Chakra pretty quickly fell out because it's a fairly considerable "limit" when it comes to the things that I personally throw around at least.
And also, how do you measure some of these techniques? My fight with Ryoji I did this crazy pressure-based move. What's the chakra cost there? Well, it could be argued to cost a ridiculous amount and also almost none at all, and I don't want to go into the details but I could easily argue both.
Buuuut why? Why get into that kind of a debate? I think it subtracts from the challenge of beating Ryoji with intelligence, techniques and plans that matter more than "well u spent 2 much nrg so ur ded lol".

But like you said, if I wanted to play a genin then I would limit myself with what I could do, for plot's or character's sake.

EDIT: By the way, if you want to play the Pokemon metagame, it does exist. I can link it to anyone who wants it I don't think I'm just allowed to link other sites. Maybe I'm wrong.

Village Square / Re: The Biju Rules (Pre-Presentation Poke)
« on: March 29, 2016, 06:03:51 AM »
I think you guys should make them public already.  :P

Still not super impressed with the fact that there was a "hidden bijū rules discussion" at all. I get it to a point because discussions can get out of hand, but you could have at least steadily invited people. This whole process feels insulting to me personally, like my opinions are invalid because other people can't always be nice. This felt condescending, and extremely disrespectful.
Just my two cents.

Village Square / Re: Does chakra really matter?
« on: March 29, 2016, 01:06:33 AM »
In a similar way to the story, it is a plot device for most people. In the metagame, these massive fights have no limit. In RP, it is a fun tool to tell a story.

Village Square / Re: Limbo: Border Jail. Fair with Rules? Voided?
« on: March 28, 2016, 06:57:45 AM »

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