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Messages - Ѕhadow

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Rules/Foundation / Re: Can the summons Biju rules be looked at?
« on: May 11, 2017, 10:32:46 AM »
Concerning those who are into getting bijuu; most already have infinite chakra.

Infinite chakra minus 1/4 of a chakra tax is still infinite. >>

Rules/Foundation / Re: IC Rules 2 (discussion)
« on: May 11, 2017, 01:14:37 AM »

Additionally, thinking of Dart here, I can see that some limitations on what sort of RPs can happen is a necessary measure, albeit, banning doing any sort of battles in villages means that biju + village battles will never again be a thing, which might be for the best. It also means though that the RP has to be structured around the host leaving the village with the hunter in a position to engage them, which may be a bit out of character for some characters. Still, better some OOC there than OOC fights between players.


I disagree! D:<

And this post totally shouldn't be counted as official nor is it just to keep my post count up. >>

Only if I'm the strongest end-game evil person.

Naruto / Re: Boruto Chapter 12
« on: May 04, 2017, 11:19:58 AM »
They are the vain political leaders of their respective country. Much like the president, they have no part in combat or combat training.

Rules/Foundation / Re: Limiting Bijuu Ownership (Vote)
« on: May 03, 2017, 04:12:24 AM »
Nay. I vote for #4

Rules/Foundation / Re: Kurama and a request
« on: May 02, 2017, 04:10:18 AM »
Sure. :P

Rules/Foundation / Re: All Cards on the Table
« on: May 01, 2017, 11:21:14 AM »
Hm...go fish.

Rules/Foundation / Re: Limiting Bijuu Ownership (Discussion)
« on: April 30, 2017, 06:59:17 AM »
There will always be more players than Bijuu to share, so the idea of having a player simply getting some of the Bijuu's chakra like Kinkaku & Ginkaku

We don't need 20 or more pseudo jinks running around. It's bad enough with 10 of them, including the 0 tails. Allowing the splitting of their chakra is a terrible idea. Even in the slightest. If I remember correctly it was a resounding no from the community. 18 ban vs 1 no or something. It needs to stay that way.

and learning their special Jutsu like how Gaara can still manipulate sand, is a good idea. Bijuu can keep their status as trophies without limiting others from gaining their powers and chakra to improve their RP.

If a host masters a bijuu and then proceeds to lose it they will retain the traits that the beast granted them. I have Lava release from the Yonbi and Tomi has ink and so on. Only when mastered.

Those involved in bijuu have the most knowledge of bijuu. Makes sense to have them as a judge over someone who has little to no involvement in bijuu.

It's like if Trump, who has no political experience was made president! xD Crazy, right?! Oh wait.....

Rules/Foundation / Re: Vote me as president of the council!
« on: April 28, 2017, 05:52:53 AM »
You've been absent for how many years and expect us to accept you with open arms? Do not take what I say as a personal attack. Anyone who would attempt this same move would no doubt get this very response from me.

From what I see in your most recent post you don't trust the SL community at all. Yet as I just stated in the first sentence...You've been gone for how long and expect us to trust you all of a sudden? Explain the sense of that to me.

1) How active are the council members?
--Currently as active as they need to be. Athos has 90% of bijuu and for the most part no council participation has been needed.

2) How many of them are/were involved with Bijuu? In other words, are all of them voting without their own agenda?
--I hope all of them. Those who aren't/weren't involved in bijuu have no place on a council that dictates how bijuu matters are handled. As it stands it was voted to have more non-jinks than jinks to keep corruption at bay.

3) Are there any measures being put in to ensure that no one player is monopolizing the Bijuu?
--You mean Athos? There's been a lot of votes and discussions regarding the number of bijuu a single person can have. It always ended the same. They can have however many they can manage. If it's all 9 then that's the nature of it.


I'm not trying to dismiss your involvement in big parts of early SL's structure. You've just been gone for a long time. It would've been better to edge yourself back into the scene rather than hop back on and start a topic to make you the leader.

"If everything is fine as is, I have no intention of ruining it nor taking over."
Everything is fine as is.

"I'm not even sure how many of the rules/systems that I help created are still in use today, and how much of it has been changed to fit the agenda of whomever that holds the most influence in today's RP."

Again just strengthening my points. You want to lead a system you seem to have no current knowledge of and distrust for whatever reason. There was no one person that shoved their rules onto others. There has been headbutting equal to that of real life politics over the years. Nothing here is as corrupt as you seem to want to believe.

This and no other is the root from
which a tyrant springs; when he
first appears he is a protector.

Village Square / Re: Yata Mirror
« on: April 15, 2017, 03:44:17 PM »
Everyone knows the Yata Mirror works like this.

Council / Re: Motion for Warning
« on: April 06, 2017, 04:08:10 AM »
I'm still wondering why it was implemented. It's 100% useless.

Sure let's create a rule that we haven't needed for 10 years.

All hosts now have to state which gender they are. Boom, it's that easy.

If the quota for bijuu on the council has been filled then there's a few things you can do:

Choose to challenge someone on the council for their bijuu. (If they only have one) This will keep the balance.


Pick which one is more important to you personally.

Spam / Re: See You Space Cowboy
« on: April 02, 2017, 06:33:19 PM »
Those first few years back in Oto when we were all noobs together were some of the best times on this site. You're also the only person who I think uses >> more than me.

Take care Trev, I'll be sure to hit you up at least a few times outside of SL to see how things are going. <3

Council / Re: Clarification of Bijuu Rules
« on: March 27, 2017, 12:32:24 AM »
I say apply the same rule.

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