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Messages - Garō, Ichirou

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Feature Requests / Re: Free Up the Zones?
« on: December 28, 2015, 09:29:28 PM »
I never saw a big reason in this cap. Perhaps cause i never witnessed to rumored old days.

I see the cap as a nuisance...i love to read roleplays , so i would enjoy reading it all.
However the same zones twice would be indeed boring. I like the idea of making them new zones. Why not be more specific?

Surely a plain can be located somewhere. What if we gave the forest names.  A forest may be near Konoha or Kiri. Or maybe have wastelands, then a ruin within. Both being two seperate zones. for the wasteland is the big scene. The ruin a more specific one.

Just some ideas. But i agree,  the  cap is nod needed  anymore...

I know that myself and I believe some other people went into a discussion about remaking the zones things like "Land of Fire, Wind, Earth, Lightning, and Water" instead of their more obscure titles, but I don't know exactly where that went.

But I do think renaming zones would be a better idea, and perhaps newly updated pictures for better scenery set up? I don't know I just enjoy detailed scenes to fight and rp within

Hunter's Guild / Re: Hero's Guild: Dungeons 101
« on: December 28, 2015, 09:26:53 PM »
Ichirou sniffed the air, his training with Sunauto had given him the gift of the Shikyaku no Jutsu, that combined with his recent... body changes. Meant that he was passively becoming more feral as the Gelel Stone infused itself with his DNA. "I can smell them." he informed the rest as his eyes adjusted, his wolf like night vision assisting him in seeing through the darkness. He drew his twin blades and ran the edges across one another, much like a butcher would do before slicing into their pigs.

"I can smell blood too. Maybe deer blood? Do these things eat deer? How'd it even get in here?" he questioned, though it was both possible that whatever was eating had gone out to collect the deer, or that whatever he was smelling just bore the similar scent. Either way he remained in formation, taking quiet steps as he walked alongside Athos. 

Village Square / And on to the next one.
« on: December 28, 2015, 08:24:19 AM »
It had been months since Ichirou had called upon Athos to help him in killing the first of several Gelel Abominations which hindered full access to his sacred power. But the time had finally come for the two of them to engage a second, which hopefully wasn't as powerful as the first they had found. In his studies on the subject Ichirou found that each 'successful' abomination subject bore specific qualities and abilities that varied from subject to subject, which Ichirou aptly dubbed 'curses'.

The last abomination they fought lived up to it's title, a pure brute with nothing but killing intent and the power to put Ichirou and Athos collectively on the ropes, barely escaping with their lives when all was said and done. However Ichirou hoped that this time things would be different, that they could some how be more prepared. But they really couldn't be.

The second abomination was much easier to track than the first, mostly because Ichirou was actually contacted in regards to it. Some high manor owning rich widow within some unnamed village in the Land of Lightning. And Ichirou had purchased a cheap room in the Inn to serve as a rendezvous point for himself and his companion. Provided that Athos was up to the challenge of fighting another Abomination, there had been a good passage of time since they fought the last but.. Hell Ichirou barely wanted to fight this one. But his goal was pure and he had to stick by it, otherwise these plagues would continue to roam the earth until someone else consumed their power or they consumed the world.

Ichirou wore his usual archery armor, but lacked his usual cowl that covered his head and upper shoulders, the cowl lay on the bed of the room, which Ichirou in his red tunic looked out of the window over the small village, he ran his hands through his slicked back white hair as he examined the poor quality of the town. There was a single mountain in the village, not too big not too small, that had this extravagantly large mansion carved out of the stone, by far the richest of the village lived there.

It seemed to be your usual nobles taking advantage of the poor situation in this village. A problem that Ichirou might dedicate his time to fixing once he and Athos had taken care of the pest that resided here.

Village Square / Re: Calling on an Old Friend..
« on: December 28, 2015, 08:15:46 AM »
Ichirou chuckled dryly, coughing a bit due to the remaining dust in the air. "Yeah the feeling is definitely mutual.." the two would travel from their fight to the outpost, it took hours. Without a doubt the men were exhausted upon their arrival. But the outpost were surprisingly ready for them, they had bore witness to the series of explosions, and assumed that someone had been fighting the monstrosity that had traveled near their town only days before. They were quick to provide the two with as much aide as they could, keeping them in their hospitals, having medical ninja come in from different villages. They even provided substantial amounts of food for the two.

By the end of the week, they were as good as they'd be after a fight like that. and they were free to go on there way once again. [End]

Village Square / Re: Calling on an Old Friend..
« on: December 28, 2015, 08:06:59 AM »
As the tore the rock from his body Ichirou was quick to cast it to the side and place both of his hands to the wound, soaking them in blood as the green energy channeled through his veins, sealing the wound and providing some minor healing. "That's the best I could do, Athos." he said as he stood up, offering his hand to Athos to aid him, "You think you can walk? at least a little? there's a trade post not far from here.. maybe we'll make it without dying."he chuckled, trying to lighten the mood at least a little bit. At least they had won, right? What more could be asked fighting something like that. Ichirou prayed he would never come across that thing again. 

Village Square / Re: Calling on an Old Friend..
« on: December 28, 2015, 07:48:11 AM »
"Son of a... ATHOS?!"He called out once more, looking for his friend. Deciding that perhaps he had been thrown into unconsciousness by the blast Ichirou began digging in a separate pouch on his belt, luckily finding half of a chakra pill buried in there, and being careful to avoid getting stabbed once more, ingesting the pill he did his best to search around the area, but the dust was too thick. He could barely see 5 feet in front of him.

A minute or two passed and he had enough chakra to sustain his Byakugan, at least for a few minutes. Long enough to locate his injured friend, and the stone that was not far from him. Ichirou cursed under his breath and made the trek as fast as he could, falling to his knees as he reach the broken athos, stone wedged in his side. "Athos... Thank god you're still alive... We got this.. you're gonna be okay..." he panted as he fumbled for the stone, picking it up and clutching it in his palm for a moment as it was absorbed into his bloodstream, restoring a hefty portion of his Gelel energy. "Okay.. So.. This isn't exactly Iryo Ninjutsu, so don't expect to be dandy when i'm done, but I get this stone out of you, and get you on your feet. Alive." he panted as he scooted on his knees to the side of Athos that had been pierced. The burns upon his back singing but Ichirou focused his Gelel energy as to not heal himself, he could live with this for a bit, Athos was in real danger.

The added boost of the new stone also meant that Ichirou's energy pool would restore faster, so he would be able to repair himself before too long. But for now he has the problem of this stone. He winced in pain as he gripped the stone with both hands. "You got a little strength left buddy? I could use some help getting this out of you.." he requested as he looked up at Athos, his byakugan deactivated by this point. 

Village Square / Re: Calling on an Old Friend..
« on: December 28, 2015, 07:32:19 AM »

The explosion was massive, the ground itself rose an fell like a wave through the ocean as dust darkened the sky once more, ash rained down upon everything as the tremendous cloud of dust covered the area, visibility was next to none. the canyon had been annihilated, all that was left was flat land, burnt to a desert by the force released from the stone. Athos had flown past Ichirou in his escape, barely making it out of the range of the blast itself though the wave of force that followed behind it would have undoubtedly thrown him amidst the rubble,

Ichirou had barely made it out. a Huge burn now covered the entirety of his right arm and shoulder blade. And not having enough time to recover Gelel energy his regeneration had yet to take care of it. His chakra was next to none, his vision was next to none. There was no doubt they had won, but jesus if it didn't take a toll on Ichirou. Probably Athos too. Ichirou pulled himself from the ground, using a nearby rock for leverage. Reaching into a pouch on his waist to recover a pill container, only to be stabbed in the hand by broken glass.

Cringing in pain he found a vitality pill that had survived the impact. And consumed it before using his teeth to pull out the shard of glass. He rested for a few moments, waiting for the effects of the consumable to set in, finally having it in him to walk on his own, though barely. "Athos!?" he called out, unknown if Athos was anywhere near him. He had no idea how far he'd been thrown from the blast. But he did know one thing, after the release of the chakra stored in the false stone, comes the recollection. when the stone would revert to it's pure state before being placed within an unsuitable vessel, and would be safe to be absorbed by Ichirou.

If only he could find it, he'd be good to go. But where was it?

Village Square / Re: Calling on an Old Friend..
« on: December 28, 2015, 07:08:28 AM »
In the Fury of Athos' punches, the stone attempting to absorb Ichirou's attack, and Ichirou'd debilitated state, there was no way for him to tell if Athos' attack was actually working. That is until a loud screech was emitted, not from the beast, but from the stone.

a shockwave would release that would blow Athos away, as well as much of energy of the attack. It seemed as though things were starting to end as the body of the mongrel descended into the pit that had been formed. That was until all of Ichirou's energy plummeted down the hole behind him. as if drawn directly to him.

The pit would emit a deep green light for a few moments, before subsiding. And then a sound could be heard, followed by the heavy crashing as the mongrel landed on the ground in front of Athos, his sword missing but his body and the exposed stone in tact. Ichirou couldn't believe his eyes, they.. they had lost? Was this it? The two of them barely possessed the strength to continue, and if this attack had failed they were as good as dead. No question about it.

Ichirou pulled himself from the dirt and began to run at the fastest pace he could, which was nothing more than a slow jog. Now in his normal state, he was able to activate his Byakugan though even with it active he could barely see. He focused with all his might on the stone, Was it really still there? Fully functional?

The beast raised it's hand as it's eyes focused on Athos, it clutched it's hand into a fist as the pure amount of chakra gathering in his knuckles could be felt. "Athos!" Ichirou called out as he stumbled, panting and doing his best to keep it together. Then the fist would drop. Faster than attack the beast had thrown thus far, and with enough force to crush a building.

However it didn't connect, instead.. it stopped mere centimeters before his face, the hefty size of the beasts fist blocking out the view of the rest of it's body from this position. Ichirou stopped in place. he looked worried.. but then his worry turned to fear. "RUN! GET THE HELL OUT OF THERE NOW!" he shouted as he turned around. God he hoped Athos could make it out. Ichirou did his best to run, but he wasn't even sure that he could make it.. He saw the slightest crack form in the beasts stone just before he shouted, and he knew that they had won. He knew that the stone would release all the energy pent up inside of it now.

But even though they had won, this wasn't over. Would their lives still be claimed? Even by this defeated opponent..

Feature Requests / New child board?
« on: December 28, 2015, 06:51:03 AM »
So it seems as time goes on the Shinobi legends Forum is becoming more of a place where Rp is conducted, I personally love rping on here and I see that Jay, Iburi, and Eric have also taken up to posting rp episodes here in the village square.

So this got me thinking that perhaps another child board could be made, simply for the storing of Rp episodes; such as the one that Athos and I are conducting now entitled 'Calling on an Old friend'

I don't know if it's absolutely necessary, just an idea so that topics pertaining to issues or discussions about things on the site don't get cluttered up with rps that are being conducted here on the forum, so people can easily navigate their way through things.

Village Square / Re: Calling on an Old Friend..
« on: December 28, 2015, 06:36:58 AM »
Under these circumstances, it was all or nothing for these two. Ichirou didn't have time for an elaborate charge, no he would have to throw everything together at once. He'd be surprised if this in itself didn't kill him. The beast laughed as Athos ran at him, delivering three slashes at the air with his blade, creating devastating wind blades that would carve the earth an athos if precaution was not taken.

However, luck seemed to be on their side. Each step the monster took was slow now, very slow. The ground shattered beneath it's feet but it seemed the outrageous mass of energy that resided within it hadn't had enough time to fully adjust, and was instead weighing him down like a boulder. At least that's what it seemed.

Ichirou clapped his palms together. a green flame like energy bursting from the center of his palms. Every vein in his body lit up like a christmas light, the bright green glow attracting the eyes of the mongrel as Ichirou prepared his attack, "More?! Come on then! I'm as hungry as i've ever been! You beaten down rodents! You're nothing!" he shouted as the air around him seem to fluctuate simply from his rage.

Ichirou would spread his palms apart slowly, the resulting accumulation of all his remaining power taking the form of a Bright green spear betwixt his palms as he extended his arms as far as they went, once that was complete he would drop his arms, panting. His Gelel transformation began to recede from his body starting from his hands and feet, and the glowing spear spun in a circle, hovering in the air in front of him.

He gripped it with his hand, which was normal now. A smoldering emerging as the pure energy burned his skin. He cringed but cocked his arm back, taking aim before using the final strength of his Gelel Transformation to cast the spear forward in a burst of force. The spear traveled fast, shattering the sound barrier as it did. Quietly it moved, and the only sound that coul be heard by Athos was the laughing of the mongrel and Ichirou's shout "Now's our chance! The last chance!" he shouted as he fell to his knees. Panting and returned to his normal state.

The spear would connect with the chest of the monstrosity. who released a loud grunt as if unexpecting the force behind the spear. The explosion that followed was humongous. The light emitted was so bright that it could nearly blind, and the shockwave cracked the entirety of the remaining rockfaces. The explosion erupted in a cylindrical fashion, toward heaven and hell. Carving a deep hole in the ground and splitting the dark clouds that the mongrel had summoned to the area, it was only moments before the red energy would emerge from the beast, whom was suspended in air over the hole created by the blast.

Luckily, Ichirou's calculations had been off, Athos would not have to run through the force of his attack to make his own, as the strenuous amount of power it took for the false stone to absorb such a pure attack, it had actually crafted a veritable tunnel directly to Athos' target, whom was frozen in time as the stone worked it's magic, a mindless vessel waiting to be filled.

It was now or never, this could be it for the mongrel, or for two Old Friends...

Village Square / Re: Calling on an Old Friend..
« on: December 28, 2015, 06:17:15 AM »
Ichirou had made his way to Athos' side quickly, abandoning his bow in the process. he caught the Senju bean and ingested it immediately, feeling the restorative powers that lied within. He then watched as Athos utilized his Hachimon, quite a clever idea and perhaps could bode the best results they had seen so far.

Unfortunately it was merely one piece of the puzzle, they needed more. As the tiger of air pressure made it's attack, the mongrel spoke. It's voice rumbling for miles as the first words they would hear would leave it's lips. "Pathetic."It roared as the tiger made contact, the explosion setting off prematurely as the beast simply raised it's hand with intense force, shattering the attempted move and sliding back but a mere few feet.

The level of strength that it had reached now was ridiculous, it was safe to say that Ichirou had yet to see something this strong so close. But he had to do this, he had to think.

The idea of a non chakra attack was good in concept.. but it seemed to be lacking in the fact that the beast so easily cast this aside. But then it came to him. "Athos! I have an idea, but we need to regroup." he shouted before darting off into the darkness, the beast seemed to just be toying with them now, full of itself and sure that it wasn't facing anything life threatening today. Ichirou would once again take shelter behind tons of rubble, far and deep into the canyon and away from the mongrel. Assuming Athos would follow him he would immediately communicate his plan, "Okay, So we couldn't take it down with two chakra based techniques, so overloading it is out of the question, however.. I know for sure you can perform the Asa Kujaku right? If i'm right and I seriously hope I am, If I use everything i've got left I should be able to hit him with an attack that will force him to use the elongated version of his consumption that we just witnessed. If you use    Asa Kujaku in that moment to strike the gem, we could perhaps break it, and cut off his power for good. However there are two down sides to this. The first is that you will have to literally travel directly through the detonation of energy to reach him while he consumes my attack, the second is that if you don't get out of there fast enough, the resulting explosion that will come from him may consume you. If you're willing to try this, i'm willing to try this. But I don't want to see you die. That things got ridiculous amounts of our chakra in it plus whatever it had before, if the stone breaking results in an outward release of all of that energy, it could be catastrophic to anyone caught inside." Ichirou's face was as grim as it could be in this form, and his tone was deadly serious.

The beast, whom had been standing still up until this moment released yet another shout at his opponents. "You can't hide! I can smell the stench of your weakness from here." He swung his blade as he shouted, releasing a shockwave that would cut deep into the earth, and travel directly to Ichirou and Athos' location with intense speed. It seemed that he had gained the ability to track them now, too.

Village Square / Re: Calling on an Old Friend..
« on: December 28, 2015, 05:55:30 AM »
The beast caught eye of Athos, but did not move. In fact, it smiled as his attack formed before it's eyes. Steam leaving it's maw as it hung open like a dog.

Ichirou had indeed taken position, leaping to a high ledge along the rockface and drawing his bow, an arrow of Gelel energy gathering as he drew it back, the energy condensing in a manner similar to a bijudama, causing small cracks to begin to form and pebbles to float up in the area around Ichirou as he continued to condense the energy, waiting for the right moment to release the bow and taking aim at the exact location where the stone would emerge.

the beast would raise it's blade, pointing it toward Athos, as if challenging him. As if it knew something that the duo did not. Exactly what was it planning? surely it could feel the energy gathering around it at such high levels. Yet it bore no fear, it braced for nothing, but instead began walking at a gentle pace toward Athos.

Providing that Ichirou understands the nature of the attack (xD) and it traveled at the mongrel in the form of a beam, the crystal would reveal itself and the massive absorption would begin. The area around the mongrel cracking and stone flying abruptly around the place as the massive intake of energy began,

Now it was Ichirou's turn, with the beast hopefully distracted with absorbing the massive amount of Biju chakra, he felt his Gelel Arrow had more than enough power to finish this, or at least he hoped. He release the draw string, the bright green arrow darting forward that a bullet, and then.. boom. A collective explosion of Energies as the arrow hit it's mark. It was noticeable that not only Ichirou's energy expanded, but so did Athos', as if forced to. And then.. "Wait.. is that.." Ichirou muttered as he peered at the explosion that seemed to last a life time.

Like a shark breaching the water, the Red gelel energy would erupt from the explosion, along the outside of Ichirou's an Athos' energy, consuming it like a parasite before receding down into the beast once again "Shit." Ichirou grimaced as a huge cloud of dust burst forth from the now energy-less area that was the ground zero of their attacks.  The beast roared, the sound alone cracking the ground and walls around them, forcing Ichirou to once again abandon his location to avoid a rockslide.

The smoke cleared abruptly, as if blow away from the center. The beast stood, alive and well. Larger than before, he stood at 11 feet now, his appendages and face twisted into malicious evil, his teeth replaced with jagged fangs, and his jaw wide, billowing smoke. The red Energy that shown from beneath his skin now encumbered his entire body, almost like a Biju cloak, it seemed alive, squirming around inside of it's vessel, muscle spasms occurring randomly throughout it's figure.

"Okay.. New plan.."

Feature Requests / Re: Clan Link Option
« on: December 28, 2015, 05:43:42 AM »
it could seriously break this site wide open for RP opportunities and locations to make things happen.

Village Square / Re: Calling on an Old Friend..
« on: December 28, 2015, 05:32:35 AM »
Ichirou nodded, releasing the item seal on his wrist guard to spawn his bow, gripping it in his left hand. The mongrel patrolled the area, walking with a casual yet aggressive pace as he continued to close in on their position. "On your cue Athos."Ichirou spoke out in a hushed tone.

His goal for this sneak attack was twofold, first and foremost it was an attempt to bring the bastard down, secondly it served to test the extent of this things ability. Ichirou hoped that Athos attack -which he assumed would be Biju related one way or another- would cause the stone to have to focus in order to absorb all of the energy from the attack, he hoped that this would allow his attack to break through and make contact with the stone, instead of being absorbed as well.

Village Square / Re: Calling on an Old Friend..
« on: December 28, 2015, 05:08:12 AM »
Ichirou would arrive next to Athos in a shunshin flash, huffing a bit. "Damn thing knocked the wind out of me, but listen. I figured out how it's doing it. The stone of gelel is originally introduced into the body via the blood, at least in the old experiments. If the subject is accepted by the stone, the liquid fuses with their blood and becomes part of their being, their DNA. However if it is rejected, it takes the form of a stone within the experiments body. That's what he's using to absorb the attacks. The stone seems to conduct any energy it comes into contact with and store it within it's host. I believe it gives him a strength and durability boost while it's store inside him, but once the payload is released he is returned to his already ridiculously powerful state." Ichirou grabbed Athos and bolted as the Beasts sword was flung at them, crashing into and through the rock while Ichirou landed safely behind a large piece of rubble. The beast apparently didn't have a means of sensory detection, which was a good thing for them, that meant they had time to strategize.

The beast began searching for the duo, who were now positioned some 1,500 meters away from him. He smashed through stone and shouted angrily as his search was inconclusive. But every moment that passed was a moment wasted as he progressively got closer to the two of them."This is just a hypothesis, but I think if we can get him to draw the stone out to absorb an attack, we can attack the stone directly. Which will hopefully kill him, or at least weaken him significantly. But there may or may not be more to his abilities than what we've been shown. From what I can tell he's actually determining what is and isn't worth absorbing. what will give him the most beneficial amount of power to use against, which explains why he absorbed your bijudama. and if he's got the power of the stone I imagine he knew my laser would be a consistant source of energy, and wanted to see how long i'd keep it up." he paused for a moment to sigh, "Well, any thoughts?

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