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Messages - Teostra

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Spam / I am a ninja.
« on: October 27, 2016, 05:49:32 AM »
I shall defeat you with my ninja powers. You can not win for I control over the most powerful element:

Rules/Foundation / Re: In-Character Hunt Omission Permanent? [discussion]
« on: October 11, 2016, 07:32:02 AM »
I think it would be great to have an IC hunt system in place. If I had gotten the 7 tails, I would have demanded any challenges to be IC only. Thankfully, the way bijuu are used now is so bad that I'm glad I dropped out of the competition. If they are to be OOC only and used as trophies, then I don't believe that they should even be used in convention RP. They might as well not exist in their current state when it comes to SL RP.

Village Square / Re: Editing posts in Bijuu fights
« on: October 10, 2016, 03:43:27 PM »
Considering that everyone is all SCREEEN SHOT THE WORLD, TRUST NO ONE...
...Not even yourself.

Spam / Re: Watch your language.
« on: October 07, 2016, 12:58:30 AM »
English and Polish. That's about it. A few words in Japanese too, since I live here.

Village Square / Re: Rinnegan, Sharingan, Hiraishin
« on: October 07, 2016, 12:57:36 AM »
All this stuff is the reason why I didn't bother contesting >_> Because I knew something like this would happen and nothing would get resolved. Well, at least this should mean that no one else should be able to pull those kinds of moves in the future.

Village Square / Re: Rinnegan, Sharingan, Hiraishin
« on: October 06, 2016, 08:37:44 AM »
Just for clarification, I did not agree with the action which is why I contacted the judge. Judge agreed with his actions and told me I could seek a separate judge, and I decided not to because it would have had to be a mutual agreement between myself and Ray. I got tired of contesting actions, which is why I just decided to let Ray win. I don't believe that it is a fair or even doable move, but I would rather just not have to put up with more like that. Considering the repost was pretty much the same thing as the initial post I had problems with, I decided not to deal with the headache of contesting it. Glad to know that what happened was bad on his end, so if it ever happens again it can just be written off as void.

Spam / Re: Christmas starting.....too early?
« on: October 06, 2016, 05:20:47 AM »

Put that cookie down, now!

Village Square / Re: Editing posts in Bijuu fights
« on: October 05, 2016, 01:16:40 AM »
I would only edit if I realized I made a small error right after posting. Otherwise, I agree that it's bad manners to change your post in that instance. At least not without letting your opponent know if you waited a while and they still haven't posted.

Village Square / Re: Sage Mode
« on: October 05, 2016, 01:13:00 AM »
Whoops. Wrong topic >_> Disregard.

Bijuu Arena / Re: Teostra vs Iburi Ray Fight for the 7 tails.
« on: October 05, 2016, 01:11:26 AM »
The sheer number of jellyfish that surrounded Teostra made a  makeshift testudo formation around him with their bells, leaving him enclosed in a bubble that closed him off from the outside world. Though he could track the movements of his opponents due to their thermal signatures, he could not see the chakra being formed because he was not a sensor or had one of those ocular techniques. This meant that he would not be able to see the Rockets heading for his position, savery for the flames generates by their propulsion  (if that's how they operated). But, he kept his hands on the ground to  continue summoning the jellyfish. Seeing that the number was doubling each second, theyou would quickly fill the area.

The chains ripped through the ground and wrapped around his arms and legs, but this just further solidified his contact with the ground. Seeing as they were connected to Ray, he wonder if he would be able to pull Ray through the ground if he yanked really hard. But, he would do something different. This was when the missiles impacted.

What happened next was a peculiar thing. If the missiles struck the bells of the jellyfish, they would actually harmlessly bounce off and get sent back to wherever they came from. This meant 15 would go towards the sky while 5 would head back towards Ray. If they exploded on or before impact, the resulting explosion would then be reflected outwards back towards their creator. This was due to the jellyfish's natural ability of self defense.

They were creatures that swam through the sky on a combination of their own power and wind currents. This meant that they were practically defenseless against almost any kind of attack, so they adapted over many many years. Their bells had the strange property of being able to reflect all kinds of chakra, which meant that their only way of getting it was through the birds and bugs they ate. Because Bakuton is a kind of chakra, it would be useless against this armada of jellies. And because more and more kept coming, fighting here would basically be like shining a laser pointer in a hall of broken mirrors.

As for the chains, Teostra used his Kekkei Genkai to lower the temperature of the chains that were in contact with his body. Pulling any and all heat out of them should freeze them to the point where they easily shatter, regardless of if they were made of chakra or not. He still continued to hold that hand seal, waiting for the opportune time to use his next jutsu.

Still summoning jellies
Still jutsu on standby
Heat siphon on chains

Jellies: Natural reflection

Bijuu Arena / Re: Teostra vs Iburi Ray Fight for the 7 tails.
« on: October 03, 2016, 01:35:49 PM »
The pitch black barrier faded away and Teostra was a bit surprised that his opponent didn't go for some sort of sneak attack, but, it wasn't bad. At least he wasn't the kind to just hide out underground and try an assault from there. He was also surprised to see a creature like that summoned and wasn't too sure what to make of it. Almost looked like a dragon with stubby arms and without wings. Well, two could play at that game. For the time being, the Amu Ra Zoruku enhancement faded away. He contemplated utilizing it once more once it was more favorable. No need to waste chakra that wasn't being used properly after all.

It'd been years since he had last summoned them, so he wondered if they would even respond to his call. He scratched an exposed portion of his cheek with the thumb of his claw, bloodying it, before slamming his claw onto the ground accompanied by a "Kuchiyose no Jutsu!" This was then followed by a flurry of popping noises as small tufts of clouds filled the air only to reveal a swarm of jellyfish filling the air around him. Each no bigger than a basketball, but there had to be at least fifty. And, as he kept his hand on the ground, more and more would come, doubling every second.

They delicately swam through the air, their tentacles lazily being drug below as they surrounded him. The mass of jellies obscuring Ray's ability to see Teostra while he kept track of his and the T-Rex's thermal signatures. Their stingers were strong enough to catch and kill birds, but would not do much more than irritate and sting humans. Against targets like these two, they wouldn't seem to be very useful. But their numbers added to their utility and Teo did a short string of handsigns with his opposite hand as he prepared beside the pool of lava.

Summon Jellies
Standby jutsu

Bijuu Arena / Re: Teostra vs Iburi Ray Fight for the 7 tails.
« on: October 02, 2016, 04:48:18 PM »
Teostra responded quickly to the incoming attack as he swiped downwards with both of his claws in a large arc as he called out, "Berudo Gurabirei" The path his claws took left behind a deep blackness that hung in the air for some time, its gravitational force extinguishing the concussive shockwave and any debris that was headed for him. The flames may have wrapped around it, but that didn't cause him any concern. What did concern him was what his opponent would do next, considering he dove into the ground.

The jell was indeed damaged by being at ground zero of the blast zone. It wasn't destroyed, but it was surely out of commission as it was scattered across the area in small globules. The fate of the manticore did not matter, as it was already burning up from the flames. Regardless, these losses were not disheartening as life could be brought into them as easily as they were ruined. After the jell was ruined, the Amu Ra Zoruku enhancement returned to his claws.

The Borutsu Gurabirei also continued to move forward, carving through the ground and not seeming to be hindered by the explosion either as it simply absorbed whatever contacted it into its powerful gravitational pull. So after the explosion passed him, Teo was now standing in the crater on a lone piece of earth protected by his gravity barrier beside the earlier made lava pit as he waited for his opponent to resurface. He expected his opponent to go after his legs, but maybe he'd expect wrong.

Berudo Gurabirei
Amu Ra Zoruku (return)

Manticore: Out of commission

Jell: Out of commission

Bijuu Arena / Re: Teostra vs Iburi Ray Fight for the 7 tails.
« on: October 02, 2016, 02:15:08 AM »
Ray might have been surprised to see that his attempt to siphon the chakra from the jutsu through his smoke would be unsuccessful. This was due to the fact that Teo's chakra was not like the chakra ninja normally used, as the people from his clan all utilize a different kind of chakra. This made it impossible for his chakra to be absorbed, but also impossible for him to absorb chakra. It seemed like the Jell net would capture the man as the Amu Ra Zoruku enhancement gave it the ability to capture and hold Ray even if he tried to turn into smoke again. The miniature black hole continued towards its target, with the intent to suck the two of them into its center and subject both Ray and the Jell's net to extreme crushing forces.

The manticore must have been grazed by the flames despite its effort to dodge, but this was alright. The thing felt no pain and would be able to move until it was reduced to nothing. If the Borutsu Gurabirei was somehow avoided, its last action would be to dive for Ray to slam into him with the intent to spread the fire to the one who made it.

Teostra on the other hand clapped his claws together as he observed this and called out, "Shudoruk!" For a second, his body was engulfed in flames. Immediately afterwards, these flames seemed to solidify into a silver armor that covered him. Teo's speed wasn't the best, but this armor enhanced it to the point where it would be comparable to Ray's enhanced speed. Then, with his claws already together, he did a string of handsigns as he waited to see what would happen next.

Standby jutsu

Manticore: Tackle after Borutsu Gurabirei

Jell: Amu Ra Zoruku enhanced capture

Bijuu Arena / Re: Teostra vs Iburi Ray Fight for the 7 tails.
« on: October 01, 2016, 09:40:40 AM »
Teostra was indeed struck by the ocular technique, but the manticore took a nose dive to avoid it spreading to its body as Teo lept up and back. This dive allowed it to pick up some speed as it banked inwards to bring it closer to Ray. The black flame would quickly spread across his body as he was now in a kind of free-fall for a short distance. It was then when Teo aimed his right claw towards his opponent and called out, "Jigenton: Borutsu Gurabirei!"

But, the only thing that seemed to happen at Teo's location was an explosion. This was the earlier earth armor being blasted from his body, taking the Amaterasu with it hopefully as Teo landed below. At the same time, the Jell was at it again with another attack. This time, it launched a large glob of its body towards Ray which spread out to give it a net-like look. The whole thing was coated in that faint aura that was on its arms earlier.

But from the front-left and at a slightly closer range, Teo's attack was fired from the mouth of the manticore the moment it was cast. A large, clear sphere containing a small black one lurched towards the opponent. The sphere was the size of a house, but the smaller one within was not much bigger than a basketball. Though, it carved a path through whatever touched this outer sphere as whatever entered it was sucked into the center. This outer sphere acted much like the event horizon of a black hole.

Doruk shedding
Jigenton: Borutsu Gurabirei (transferred)

Jell: Net lauch

Manticore: Aerial maneuver

Bijuu Arena / Re: Teostra vs Iburi Ray Fight for the 7 tails.
« on: October 01, 2016, 08:22:33 AM »
The jutsu seemed to be a miss when the nearest clone just kind of burst into smoke, causing the beam to go right through it. Though, the beam struck the ground below and pierced through only to be followed by a slight explosion and eruption of lava from the impact point. Now, there was a big crater full of the stuff hidden within the smoke cloud. The manticore wasn't defenseless as more clones rapidly tried to approach him. It responded by swinging its tail towards them, firing off a barrage of piercing spines that would cause them to burst a little earlier than they might have intended.

Teostra did indeed inhale some of the vapor, but its effect would likely not be as Ray intended. In his past, he had access to an extremely powerful poison ability that he later created a way to extract in order to no longer bear its burden. Because of this, he was immediately able to detect that something was occurring based on the effects he would be feeling. His response to this was subconscious, much like one's immune system. His body temperature rapidly began to increase up until it reached the point where the poisonous vapor was denatured and rendered inert. By this time, he would have broken free from the border of smoke on the back of the manticore a short distance from Ray's location.

At the same time, the Jell's arms were blasted away from the explosive punch. But, this was rather ineffective considering the jelly-like consistency that made up its body. It just recoiled the remainder of the tendrils after finding out what it needed to know. It synced its movements up with Teo's as Teo did a strange string of handsigns utilizing the claws, each arm doing a different one. The left finished before the right as he called out, "Amu Ra Zoruku!" His claws became covered in a faint purple aura before it vanished from sight. As the Jell lashed out again with newly formed arms, the purple aura appeared on them just before they would be meant to wrap around Ray. Teo then held the sign with his right claw, in preparation as he kept his eyes on his opponent and watched his next move.

Body Temp Increase
Amu Ra Zoruku (transferred)
Jutsu on standby

Jell: Arm wrap again

Manticore: Tail stingers

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